269341 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 26g�41 PINK - FINANGE � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL f BLUE - MAYOR . F11C NO. Council Resolution - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following: FROM: General Government Accounts Miscellaneous Contingent Reserve A Gerieral 09060-530-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $7� 2��. 8 T0: Unemployment Compensation 09004-430-000 $7� To provide funds in addition to 1977 budget appropriation of $222,000.00 to pay unemployment compensation. Approved: Appraved: � dget Dir ctor . Director �i��� Finance and Management Service�' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: H�A� � Finance and Management Services Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against BY , Roedler Sylvester � JUL 7 1977 Form A ved by C�y Attocney Adopted ouncil: Date Ce ied Vas Cou i cretary � ' �U�. � 2 �977 A roved by Mayor for Sub si to Coun ' Appro e iVlayor Dat . By BY PUBLISHED ,�U�. 1 6 �971 - QM Ol: 12/19?5 ; ;_ ` Rsv. : �/8/7fi � EXI�LALIATIOl�t E3E ADMT.l�tISTR�T2VE ORIl�ERS,'' � RESOLII TON$, AND ORDINANCES �'°'r''` , � c �.� " _ �� ,� . <;I�&�= Jutie 17, 1977 0. , ���f,�� �9�?. C�� RT7�,,j,�- %TO: MAY(3R_GEt�RG�' LATTMER � `F�t:'. Arnie ;Mickeis.ert RE: A�di��onal fufrk�s for Un�roeplc►ysie�.t`Carmpens�tioa . � � ,� �� � ��"�-� .�.` ;�.�.� �.�f�'� '�� �.. A�rn.v ��s�� _ . -�,� _..._ : . . .. To �irciari'd� acldit�ox��ti:.fu�di�g for autf,einploy?�ueat .costs for the last si�;m�the a�f 19T: :,. . .'• ; . , ; . .,. , : . � �: . , : ; .., , , ., �.PEII�'C?SE ANI3: .RP����3NALJ: E�R THIS ACTIOI�: To pag b�.11fng ,rec.eivec� fr�i�a t�i.e Miacme�ata Depa�f�enent of �iaymeat 3e��viaes �� t abdve ,period, . . ._ , _: . .,.. . ...,, � � . .;; .�..�.�. � .;��_ . �. i �.:; ��.. - �ouRt of bill�ng $147,258.12 �ala�ce in b,udget a�progriation ' - ' . 09004 ' Z2�022.14 . '�,ddi�i�naal Ama�unt.Needed $ ;ATTAC�iMEN3'SKz . _..., , , . , . ; Admin�s�rative Order . M,emo $o..Dic�. Schroed�r';frc�tt 1�.W.- Trudeau. : * Memo �o Arnfe. Mickelsen;.from R.�1. Hor�i.sberger , , . ; >. < � � , , - ; ; . ` - �,� �r . ' ` � � ' , ���� 3� CITY C» SAtNT PAtJL DEPARTMENT OF FtNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DNtS{ON OF ACCOUNTthIG ; PSE MOR ANDUM To: Richard Schroeder � f,� �� From: Robert W. Trudeau '�`�' • ��� . Date: May 19, 1977 Re: Unemployment Compensatio�e and CETA (Comprehensive Employment Training Act) Attached per your request. I taZked to R. Thorpe this morning and he will have Herrick contact me re. possibility of recavering costs exceeding our charges to CETA; he sounded optimistic, Will keep you posted. Thorpe advised we should "hold" the Unemployment Compensation bi].1 until possibility of recovery is determined as payment maq go from Feds to Unemployment Compensation Eund rather than through us, . Thorpe also advised me that approximately 7/1/76, the CETA maney was running out and about that same date the Feds were strongly recoa�mending one (1) year CETA employment as opposed to our policy of two (2) years. This grobab].y explains "high" 2nd 1/2 of 1976 unemployment costs. R�dT/ts cc: B. Carlson � - A. Mickelsen � �. Thorpe 109 City Hal(, Saint Paul Minnesota55102 � • , . � � � � ' _�i�� .� � � � � � I _- ���' � � � I�1l. :� - • ■ • - - �111I8�1�111111■ 1 I�1 111�■ ' ■�1111��1�111111■ • ;�� �I■ C,��I�1 1111 I�II11i1■ I I�1 ■I■ 111�1�1 IIN 1�111111� � i . i���� : . er���e�������n��i�e�tn■ � � ���n em�n���n�m���111111� � �l I�11111��111111��IIIIII�I�1111 11■ � i�llllll�l�llllll��IIIIII■I�illlll■ � � �w�!� , ��11C.0 __ .l�111111�1�111111■l�llllll■ � � �I lO� . - � I��IIII�I�IIIIII�I�111111■ � �i ir�, F .�����n�i�a�n�■�i��un�■ �i i■ nm�i��n��r�i��������i�������s �i ■ ���u�i�u�����i����n��i�������■ i ►�������������i�������!����■ � i . . ■������:����!���E- . ��e��e��■ � �i i�����n i������i�n�n��i��n�u � �i ������ j �����ie�����►����■ � �i - , i��:���i�� , ��!�����i . ,�� � - OI � ����II� l��N I ,G� !�� I!!III1I1■ � � ■IIIIN I��10 �1 I�I�IIII � �� .i����� ����n����� ��n�e��nn■ • --�1� ��l�' � ����� - IG`i- �� I�111111� - . . � : . ��I � !�! : .: �!�IN� . !�!_ _ , lF� . ;�[+�. - '��?' -TI�.�! l - r . �: ��.1�� . ,� • �n�! • � - �E-��l��illl� - - .����6"�1 � �!'�!�IIII�I�IIIUI� • Ililllllirl �II ■I�111111 I�111111 ���� ■w� �i�n� �w� � • i . i����������n��� i�����n��Hmn� � ■������������n���a� ■►����v■ ■����u���u���� ����� ����,v■ � �����������u��� ������ ����■ � ► i�����n�i��u ■i��� i��m� �� �a��i� �a ■ � ��� � i�� ���� � � ��� �������� ■i � ��� � ��� i � i� �u � �� � i�u� ���i� � . �,. . ., ,�s�3�1 C(TY QF SatNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAG�MENT SERVICES DlVISlQN �F ACCOUNTING ' 2�fE MORAN DUM T0: Arnie Mickelsen FR: R. A, Horrisberger, S� DATE; June 6, 1977 ' RE: Unemployment Comp - 6/30/76 - 12/31/76 The above claim should be paid in the usual manner. The CETA directives state that the State of Minnesota Division o� Employment aad Security will either credit or reimburse us for unemployment claims which have been charged to us on CETA employees after January 1, 1976, � R.AA/mt C� G� �-� �3�,vU--�; O� ���--02. y 109 City Hal{, Saint Paul Minnesota 551Q2