269339 WH17E - CITV CLERK � ��+E�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I N�T PAU L Council . � CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO• BLUE � - MAVOR. � o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To ` Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has placed a moratorium, as imposed by the Minnesota State Legislature, on any further building on Highway 35E and, WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota wi11 therefore not be using land purchased and bei�ig held for 35E for quite some time; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council encourages �he Minnesota State Highway Department to lease to The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, a Minnesota religious corporation, a portion o£ the land as agreed upon by the Highway Department aad The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, as lying within the b�.ock bounded by 5th S�Creet, Smith - Avenue, 6th Street and Pleasant Avenue, said block lying Wes�Cerlq across Smith Avenue from the Catholic Youth Center, 150 North Smith Avenue, a facility operated by The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapo].ia, £or the purpose of providing offstreet parking for the Catholic Youth Center and until such time as the State makes use of said land again. COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler �,�-in� In Favor Hunt J Levine __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Adopted by Cou . Da.te JU�- 5' 1977 Form ed by City Attorney � Certified assed b uncil S cr ary . B Appr ve Mavor: Date • UL 7 197T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou il gy By PUBLiSHED JUL 1 6 �9�7