269338 WH17E - CITV CLERK
- u il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To . Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
ratifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed prope�ty and as
shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review,
dated June 14, 1977, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made
a part -hereof by reference:
6/14/77 28-77-B 637 Marshall Avenue James W. Heyne
(three units)
BOARD ACTION: Granted Waiver of payment of fees required under Vacant I
Building Registration Ordinance, so long as reasonable
progress is made toward rehabilitation.
� Property Description: Swift' s Subdivision - Ex alley, Lot 21, Block 3.
6/14/77 31-'77-H 439 N. Fairview MERJGD Properties
(six units) by David Ries
BOARD ACTION: Granted Extension of Time to August 16, 1977, to remove
combustibles in boiler room, install fustats in the
electrical service panel, remove extension cord wiring,
scrape lead paint and remove loose chips of said paint,
and convert windows in Apt. #p6 to allow use as emergency
exit; also, granted Extension of Time to November 16, 1977,
to complete remaining items designated in Survey Letter
of 5/16/77.
Property Description: Union Park, Lot 37.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
��. In Favor
Hunt •
Levine v __ Against BY
S ylvester
JUL 5 1977 Form Ap by City Attorney •
Adopted by uncil: Date �
Certif . Yassed b uncil S cretary � By 5 /��i`�.
Appro- d y iVlayor: Date t9� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
PuB�isH�o JUL 16 1977
, E`X � �� /3 �T a
� � -5- 6/14/77 - Meetin� No. 130
28-77-B 637 Marshall .Ave. James ti�i. Heyne
�. (three units)
. SU�JECT: Rec{uest Waiver of Vacant Building Registration fees hecause
- re�ia�ilitation is in progress and fees are financial hardship.
APPEARANCE: James W. Heyne
- PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Heyne said he and his wife lived next door to the
_ property at 637 Marshall , the two properties being separated by a vacant
� lot owned by HRA which the Hey�.es also hoped to purchase . He was doing
some work on his own home, had done some landscaping on the vacant lot,
_ and had started work on the vacant structure, hoping to make ' it present-
able on the outside . He intended to restore it to its original architec-
tural character eventually. He had bought it from HRA on contract for
_ deed at a time when it had been scheduled for demolition. To completely
rehabilit-ate it would require between $25,000 and $30 ,000 , which his bank
had told him would not be worthwhile in that neighborhaod at the present
time. Mr. Heyne said his own resources were tied up and he could afford
only to. do a little at a time, but payment of registration fees would
make it even more difficult .
Chairman �Iozniak recalled that this type of situation was discussed at the
previous Board meeting, and he understood that where rehabilitation work
was in progress , no fees would be charged.
Steve Roy said this held true where building permits had been taken out,
� but none had been issued on this property.
b37 b�arshall Ave . -6- 6/14/77 - Meeting No. 130
� ��t��
PROCEEDINGS: (continued) Chairman �Vozniak said he did not think that
� s oul e t e sole criteria in deciding who shauld or should not pay
the fees .
Mr. Heyne said he was not yet at the point of doing any work that
rec{uired a building permit .
Mrs . Peake felt that this type of work could continue indefinitely, while
the purpose of the ordinance in charging fees was to get people to move
as rapidly as possible to clean up old delapidated buildings or tear
them down.
Mr. Heyne related that he was working through the Minnesota Housing
Finance Agency with Western State Bank to obtain a $15,OQ0 loan to do
the plumbing and electrical work. HoweVer, as that bank had never ,lent
money on a property that was not owner-occupied, the loan had not been
approved as yet.
Chairman Wozniak expressed his view that this tppe of renovation of inner
city property should be encouraged.
. BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved to waive the the payment of fees
c arge un er the Vacant Building Registration ordinance on this pxoperty
so long as reasonable prvgress is being made toward its rehabilitation.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 1 (Peake) Abstentions - 0
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____�..�,., _ _ APPF.LLANT
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6/14/77 - Meeting No: 130 • ,
Cassette Tape No. 142
Tuesday, June 14, 1977
City Council Committee Room 7Q7
City Hall and Court House
1: 30 p.m.
MEMBE RS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman
Ronald Glassman
David Heider
Estyr Bradley Peake
James Voigt
AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Diuision of
Housing and Building Code Enforcement :
Frank Staffenson
Steve Roy
Doug Schwab
Jerry Kern
Wallace Holmstrom
Fire Prevention Bureau:
Dan Norrgran
Jim Tucker
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. �, Mrs. Paul Sprosty, Ag�aelZants
Scott Tilsen, Appellant
Joseph Stein, Appellant
Clarence A. Lindeke, Appellant
J. W. Heyne, Appellant
Leo Kukacka, Appellant
Ray Weber
David Ries , Appellant
Raymond Farrell, Appellant
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness, Appeals Baard Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 1: 45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of May 10, 1977, were approved as mailed
out to the members .
` 439 � . Fairvietis -9- 6/14/77 - Meeting No. 13Q
CASE '� .
31- 77-H 439 N. Fairview MERJGD Properties
(six units) by David Ries
SUBJECT: Request ��iaiver of St. Paul Legislative Code requirements
pertaining to light and ventilation in Apts . #5 and #6 , as designated
in Survey Letter of 5/16/77, so as to obtain Certificate of Occupancy,
because Appellant feels they are "unjustified" ; a�sa, request Extensions
of Time, 60 additional days on corrections ordered �ompleted by Aug. 16 ,
1977, and 1Z0 additional days on those ordered done by November 16, 1977,
because more time is needed.
APPEARA��tCE : David Ries
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Ries explained that he was appealing the requirement
for larger window areas in the two apartments. Sin�e there is great
loss of heat through windows , he felt that in this day of energy shortage
it would be wasteful to use more heat than was necessary. In one af
the apartments , the window area was short by 8 sq. ft. and in the other,
by 5 sc{. ft. , which he felt was minimal.
Frank Staffensonsaid the violation called was on the shortage of natural
light and ventilation, but the main purpose in cal.iing it was that
Apt. #6 had just one exit and that led right past the boiler room, a
high potential fire area, and he felt there was a s�rong need f or an
alternate escape route . This could be provided by installing a different
type of window or by converting the present ones in such a way to open
outward on hinges . He said the windows lead right out to the ground
level and were about 32 ft. off the floor. The apartments were not
classified as "cellar oceupancies" because they were more than 500
above grade level.
- Mr. Ries said he could very e asily convert the windows ta p rovide an
emergency exit. He stated that he iaas also rec{uesting more time to
correct the other deficiencies . He said it would �ake about $15 ,000
: to camplete everything and he wanted tQ have the work done alI at one
time , but it would take time to arrange a loan of that size .
Mr. Staffenson mentioned some items that should be taken care of with-
out delay--particularly the problem of lead paint recently discovered.
Some of the electrical work needed attentian, especially the matter
. of overfusing which could be easily corrected with fustats at a cos�
of about $10 , although a rewiring job would be preferable . There was
a problem with the use of extension cords and tenants should be discouraged
from this practice . Combustibles should be removed from the hoiler room,
one-hour fire-rated materials should be installed around the boiler.
There was an egress through the boiler room and an improper flue vent.
Al1 these matters could be taken care of at little expense an d in a
short time .
Mr. Ries said he would remove the combustibles in the boiler area,
remove the extension cords , have the lead paint scraped and the Ioose
chips removed, put in fustats , and have the �,tindaw� in Apt. #6 hinged
to make them suitable for use as an emergency exit by August 16, 1977.
On the remaining items , he felt he could be done by November 16, 1977 .
� 439 N. Fairview -10- 6/14/77 - Meeti Q
� BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved that a Waiver of the light and
ventilation requirements of the St. Paul � Legislative Code be granted
for Apartments #5 and #6 . He further moved to grant an Extension of
Time to August 16, 1977, for the removal of combustibles from the
boiler room, the installation of fustats , the removal of extension cord
�iring, the scraping of the lead paint area and removal of any loose
paint chips , and the conversion of windows in Apt. #6 to make them
suitable for use as an emergency exit. For the remaining items on
the Survey Letter of 5/16/77, Chairman Wozniak moved to grant an
Extension of Time to November 16, 1977, for completian of the wark.
Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDE RED,
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0
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6/14/77 - A7eeting No: I30 y
Cassette Tape No . 142 �
Tuesday, June 14, 1977
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1: 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman
Ronald Glassman
. David Heider
Estyr Bradley Peake
James Voigt
AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of
Housing and Building Code Enforcement :
� Frank Staffenson '
. - Steve Roy
Doug Schwab
Jerry Kern �
Wallace Holmstrom
Fire Prevention Bureau:
: Dan Norrgran
Jim Tucker
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. $ Mrs. PauT Sprosty, Appellants
Scott Tilsen, Appellant
Joseph Stein, Appellant
Clarence A. Lindeke , Appellant
J. W. Heyne , Appellant
� Leo Kukacka, Appellant
Ray Weber
David Ries, Appellant
Raymond Farrell, Appellant
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness , Appeals Board Secretary
The meeting �vas called to order at 1: 45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of May 10, 1977, were approved as mailed.
out ta the members.