270084 WHI7E - CI TV CLERK ����^ � . . PIN1( - FINANCE ' 1 �) CANARV �DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COURCll r1 �LUE � - MAYOR Flle NO• f � � Council Resolution Presented By .c� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A.n Administrative Resolution establishing new titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish new class titles of Community Development Grant Assistant I, Community Development Grant Assistant II, Community Development Grant Assistant IIi, and. Community Development Grant Assistant IV, and Class Specifications for said titles; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civi1 Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof, und.er the heading "Professional-Administrative" Group, by inserting the following titles in the grades indicated: Community Development Grant Assistant I Grade 5 Community Development Grant Assistant II Crade 9 C.ommunity Development Grant Assistant III Grade 13 Community Development Grant Assistant IV Grade 20 ; � and be it -1- COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form pro d by City orn Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlayor: Date Approved y Ma r or Submiss' n to Council By BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK ^�^�.�� � PINK - FINANCE 1 �� �� CANARV # DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L COIlIICll � I�€ '� s .BLUE. .,� MAVOR � F11E NO• ` � � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _2_ FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class 5pecifications for the new titles of Community Development Grant Assistant I, Community Development Grant Assistant II, Community Development Grant Assistant III, and Community Development Grant Assistant IV. Appr ove d: , airman Civil Service Commis 'on � COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays p��' PERSON EL OFFICE Hozza In Favor --� Hunt y Levine _�_ Against BY �� Roedler Sylvester Tede �Q� � 7 �977 For Approv d by Ci At y Adopt y Council: Date rtified Pas e Counci ta � B � By Ap ov by Mayor. te + '�,� Sg�Z Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �,..,„r±' ':h ��°��� Z � �"'77 . �� ...�._.�..... •�4 . . M � ����?�� Title of class: COI�1lJNITY DEVELOPI�NT GRANT ASSISTANT I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs entry level professional work assisting in the administration and monitoring of the funding of community development projects such as Community Development Block Grant projects, Capital Improvement Budget projects, Housing Rehabil- itation and Redevelopment projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative supervision of a unit or division head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in insuring that program activities comply with federal regulations. Assists in reviewing community development project contracts. Assists in designing procedures for reporting project activities and project progress status. Assists in reviewing and evaluating reports submitted on community develop- ment funded projects. Assists with the collection of data as required by state and federal agencies. Assists in compiling the annual performance report. Assists in providing city departments and other agencies with technical assistance in preparing project reports and documents. Assists in writing and negotiating contracts and budget. Assists in reviewing agency and department financial statements and records to insure compliance with pertinent rules and regulations. Assists in resolving program implementation differences and conflicts between citizen groups, agencies and departments. Writes reports and recommendations. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES General knowledge of city administrative procedures. Working ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public and other departmental personnel. Working ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature. General knowledge of federal regulations governing community development and other federal programs. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation. .Title of class: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT ASSISTANT II DESCRIPTION OF WORK ' General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work in the adminis- tration and monitoring of the funding of community development projects such as Community Development Block Grant projects, Capital Improvement Budget projects, Housing Rehabilitation and Redevelopment projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of a unit or division head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise general technical and administrative supervision over clerical workers or para-professional staff for short term project assignments. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Initiates program budget amendments when required including the preparation of the necessary council resolutions and administrative orders. Assists in insuring that program activities comply with appropriate federal regulations. Assists in development of informational material for the general public. Makes presentations to citizen groups, city council, departments, etc. Reviews community development project contracts. Designs procedures for reporting project activities and project progress status. Reviews and evaluates reports submitted on community development funded proj ects. Coordinates the collection of data as required by state and federal agencies. Compiles the annual performance report. Provides city departments and other agencies with technical assistance in preparing project reports and documents. Writes and negotiates contracts and budgets. , Reviews agency and department financial statements and records to insure compliance with pertinent rules and regulations. Assists in resolving program implementation differences and conflicts between citizen groups, agencies and departments. Acts as the liaison between local and federal agencies. Provides technical information regarding pertinent legislation. Writes reports and recommendations. Prepares the annual �ommunity Development application for funding. Coordinates the Community Development Records Management System. Conducts research and performs analyses on various program matters. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of city administrative procedures. Working ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the general public and other departmental personnel. Working ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature. Working knowledge of federal regulations governing the Community Develop- ment Program. Some knowledge of accounting and budgeting procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and two y,ears' experience as a Community Development Grant Assistant I or equivalent. a ������ A`.,. , , Title of class: � ` COI�IlNUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT ASSISTANT III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in the administration and monitoring of the funding of community development projects such as Community Development Block Grant projects, Capital Improvement Budget projects, Housing Rehabilitation and Redevelopment projects; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative direc- tion of a unit or division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit technical and administra- tive supervision over clerical and para-professional workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises inter and intra departmental coordination of approved projects. Develops information material and documents for the general public regard- ing funding sources and the use of the same. Maintains required records substantiating federal compliance. Insures federal compliance in various program areas. Designs and reviews community development project activities and project progress status. Reviews and evaluates reports submitted on community development funded projects. Provides city departments and other agencies with technical assistance in preparing project reports and documents. Writes and negotiates contracts and budgets. Reviews agency and department financial statements and records to insure compliance with pertinent rules and regulations. Resolves program implementation differences and conflicts between citizen groups, agencies and departments. Writes reports and recommendations. Coordinates the Community Development Block Grant Environmental Review Process. Assists in the development of the Mayor's recommendations for all aspects o£ the Community Development Block Grant Program. Prepares various council resolutions and administrative. orders to initiate approval of and changes to the Community Development Program. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Detailed knowledge of City administrative procedures. Some knowledge of accounting and budgeting procedures. Working ability to communicate both orally and in writing. � Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with the genex;il public and other departmental personnel. Working ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature. Detailed knowledge of the federal regulations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and four years' experience in community develupment or federal program project administration, at least two years of which must have been as a Community Development Grant Assistant II or E;quivalent. R- Title of class: COI�Il�IUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT ASSISTANT IV DESCRIPTlQN OF WORK Gener� �Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible and difficult supe��visory professional work in the administration and monitoring of 't}ie funding of community development projects such as Community Development Block Grant projects, Capital Improvement Budget projects, Housing Rehabilitation and Redevelopment projects; supervises the management of the office of Community Development; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a division technical and admin- istrative supervision over clerical, para-professional and professional workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORNIED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the coordination of Community development projects. Insures federal compliance in various program areas. Reviews community development project activities and project progress status reports. Reviews and evaluates reports submitted on community development funded projects. Provides city departments and other agencies with technical assistance in preparing project reports and documents. Writes reports and recommendations. Supervises the Community Development Block Grant Environmental Review Process. Develops policy recommendations governing program activities. Develops recommendations for all aspects of the Community Development Block Grant Program. Monitors and coordinates the activities of the division. Manages the preparation, negotiation, and implementation of monitoring systems with operating and funding agencies. Assists in long-range policy and program planning, identifying needs, and developing program proposals. Develops monitoring, status, and evaluation reports. Establishes and maintains close communication with city department heads and administrators; serves as liaison to private agencies and neigh- borhood groups and committees; attends meetings and addresses groups. Coordinates and monitors individual projects; evaluates project effectiveness and provides technical assistance to project directors. Manages the administrative affairs of the division. Directs the assignment and work of the division's clerical and para- professional staff. � . , . � CObIl�IUNITY DEVELOP6IENT GRANT ASSISTANT IV , (continued) � k,, ����� KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES � , v �. Considerable knowledge of city budgeting and administrative procedures. Considerable knowledge of program development and administration. Considerable knowledge of community resources relating to program areas. T'horough knowledge of communication methods. Considerable ability to plan and direct the work of subordinates. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with public officials, agency heads, and community groups. Considerable ability to analyze and synthesize information. Considerable ability to develop, prepare, and present reports and recommendations. Marked ability to communicate both verbally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and two years' experience as a Community Development Grant Assistant III or equivalent. _. _ _._.,_:_� . . ; �., � �� , � , . � deta�h this m�morandu�at frr�m the .. . ��� � � �-�� � � � � � �ti th�t ttris tnformation will be olvt al: i 2/1+��5 � ,' :< ie to� tMe Clty �ttociL . F� . � Rev. i� 9/8/7b - = C3N O�' ADM�NISTRATIVE Q,RD�RS, � , ,� : L�T?IDN� �ND O�t1'��1ANCFS . . „ , � � q. 3 �� ' ' . . - . . .. �",,�� . • ;�.. . ,�,< � . . . . . . . . . .. ���t� ,� }-� . . . � . . . . . . . .. . � � . ,nx�,��y,�X �„ � .. . : � � � . . .. . .�3i�,�����'�`^'� y -r� . , .. .. . . . . � . . � �'�'�;x o0.� {. x , . . .. . . . .. . � . . � DS�ID: ►S+Bj�C i: � : , �� ��. . ��, ` �'.n Yi� �!.� . w �^� ��';}+�-� _ '� t ��� i . . . k:. �"� . � . �' ... . � .. � . _ JsJ G3 .r.�.i +� . .. . .. T�: �vIA - L.A,?IMER �_ �:.� ._. �:'-�," . ;: FRc Pere ; ce , , , >�, : . ; _ ` R�: Re sal. � t .r submi.s sion to tlie City Gouacil . � _ �Y � ;� . . �... �� � � . �. A� o�y' � � . . . . . . ' . . . .. . .. - . . ,. . � . . . . . .. . _ . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . �. ., . . .. . . .. � � ' � � . . . . . � � . � . � . . . - .. - � . . � .. ; , W e re comme�d your a.pp roval and �s�bm3.s d�ca af.�hi s R.e eoTuta:�► ''. ACT�ON ���3U��TED= to`th�e City Cot,�cil. .,, . ��w�+�� � � �� �. . � ' . .. � � �his Resa],ution esi�bU.s�eai the �kitles snd sp�cifications for the �ia�a��rebe� �lov� i�c '�he gr�+es �- dic�atedc ' . Cos�tr�ctwuty Developmeat�Grast Assi,staat I Professionaa:-A�iiis�i,e��*a�tve � Grade -�5 Cv�rnuaaty Developt�eat Gra�t Aa sistant II P�ofae aioasl-Ad�e�ativ's �i=a�t�e �� • .Cd�i`iy� Development Grant 1►�ssista.nt ItI v Profes�i.o�-�.e�'�tive �::; t�cs�u�s l;� . Co�n�i,tp Deztel0prneat Gra.�.t Aers�istant IV Proiesaioais;l.-A��ill►�A�Pe �x �G'rra►d�e �� �he eai�r�y ranges for Grades 5, 9, 13 and 24 are sha�m below: � " ' : . � C'xrade 5 _ ; ` ; , . ,, . , : A B C D • E F C'� 10-yr. 15�yr. : bs-wee�.y 478.50 4qZ.50 516.50 543.50 5'T0.00 598. 50 628.40 64?.Ob 665.50 a�1y� 12,489 12,985 I3,48I ].4, I$5 , 14,87? 15, 62I 16,39� 16,88? .T7,�F"� PURPO�E A1�TD R,A�IQNALE �'t?R THIS.AGTION: . �Grade 9 •. : � bi-weekly 537. 50 559.50 582.00 6I I.00 641. 50 674.O:U 707.�fl 728��Ja 7�.50 =aa��ua�l.y 14#:�9 14,603 15, 190 1:5,94? 16,743 17,541 18,�bfi 19,oo�. 19,5b2 ' Grade �3 . � 1�-weelcly >605.50 629, 50 655.00 688.00 ?2I. 50 ?38�0� 'Tgb.�0 $29.08 843.00 as��,].y i5,804 16,430 17,096 17,957 18,$31 1�,?84 Z0;789 21,4Q2 '�2,042 Grad'e Z4 ' � . . bi-w�ekly ?2?..50 75?.00 ?87.00 826.50 867.5@ 91�. 50 9�'►6.50 985. �� ].014.50 �ua�ly 1$,988 Iq,758 2fl, 541 21, 572 2Z,;b4Z 23, 7q4 2�4',9b� 25, ?Z2 26,4'�8 • A'�T�4CH�riENTS; _ - ' : ' �,e s+a�ii�tioa and copy far the CY�4y Cle rk.� � ,;