270083 WHI7E — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE TT COUIICII ��' /{�(�e [��(({j CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I T . OF A I NT PA V L File NO. �^' 9 • �'�/✓ BLUE — MAVOR � T �' � C ci Res lution Presented By ' � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A resolution regarding the City' s Committee on Intergovernmental Relations WHEREAS, �there is an existing and ongoing need to coordinate the City' s relationships with other governmental bodies, including but not limited to the County, the School Board, the Metropblitan Council, the State Legislature and the rest of state government, Congress and the federal government; and WHEREAS, the City has no formal, duly recognized structure to insure on-going, coordinated relationships between and among these organizations and tl�e City; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a committee to be known as the City' s Committee on Intergovernmental Relations is hereby created; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the City Charter, the Ma.yor shall appoint the following members to the Committee: Chairman of the City Counci:l' s Legislation Committee Chairman of the City Council' s Finance Committee President of the City Council TYie Mayor Head of the Council Research Bureau Executive Assistant to the Mayor Six Department Heads Budget Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City At±orney Adopted byr Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma��or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E — CITV CLERK COUI1C11 �' /P pi p�l� PINK — FINANCE ` � BLUERy — MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL jS �a ����' File N 0. �- � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. City Clerk City Attorney Representatives from: Civic Center Authority Port Authority Water Board and such others as may be appointed from time to time by the Mayor; and, be it FURTHE R RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the City Council' s Legislation Committee and the Executive Assistant to the Mayor shall be Co-Chairmen of the Committee; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Committee shall have a steering committee to deal with matters between meetings. This steering coc�nittee shall consist of the Chairman of the City Council' s Legislation Committee, the Executive Assistant to the Mayor, the head of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, and a representative from the Budget Director' s Office. COUNCILI'1EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays r ozza [n Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Te o NOV � � q�`�7 Form Ap rov d by City Attorney Ado b�� Council: Date — ` � I B ertified Pas e y Council Secretary App o d by Mavor. < �g���Tt977 _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By /� BY �'�pl.'�lal. +'� � `� � ° � �� '/�_ � � �� � '0 0 �3 � � � - 'l� � A r�solution reg�rding the �ity' s r ���� Corn�:,ittep�on Intergovernmental p.elations . , , �, � 1t'he.reas j there is an exisi�n�g and ongaing need to coordinate the City ' s relationshi�s with other governmental bodies , incl.mding but no� limited to the County, t�ie SchaQl� Board, the Metrot�olitan Council , the State Iegislature and the rest of s�ate government , Congress �nd the federal government, and � tiVhereas the City has no forma�, ��� duely recognized structure to insure on-�oing, coardinated relationships between and ame�g these organizations and the City, :vo therefore, ue� it resolved, thet a Committee to be known as the Citys Co_:�-�ittee On Interg�vernmental j���Z Relatio�� ; is hereby formeu and Further be it resolyed�, that as in �t'Gcordance with the City Charter, �ne :�iayor shall appoint the fQllowing members to the Committee : Chairman of the City Council ' s Legislation Committee Chairme of the City Council ' s Finance Cammittee Presid�t of the City Council i� or x Departmen� :-ie d\ �"Q� � ���^ � � r S�cc.�� Budget Director �- �,�� � t� City Clerk �x�.t�...c , �� ,� `��,� .��}.� Cit Attorne r ��� --! � Y y Representatives from Civic Center Authority Port l�uthority �Vater Board and such others as may be appointed fram time-to--cime by ,� the Mayor� and Further bet it resolti-ed, that the Committe shal3. be co—chairr33. by the C rman of the City Couricil ' s Leoislatian Committee a d the �'�xecutive Assis�ant �o the biayor, and Finally be it resolved, that the committee sha1� have a� steering committee to deal with matters during the interum between meetings consisting of the Ch�rman af the City Council` s Legislation Connittee , the Ex c tive Assistant to the Mayor, the head af the Department of Plann ng and , Economic Development and someone from the �Budget Directors Office. �'�� ��T�' a�' �AI�TT PAUL ,� t, �.., � Y��� . .�`:�.__�� OFITICE OF THI�' CIT� COIII\TCZL s t=_ ,,, �`,��. � � ' ;� �„� :,� ,� . !,� 1.�i1 �-"a.'y�'-I � . F�.� .. . � . � . _ ��� � Saptember 23, 1977 C3AVID H. H.��";ZA Couucil�an ;i �' �. ✓ }� ���� � c,,, �� � � T0: �yor Geo ge Latimer � City Coun�l Members . ! , FROM: David H. Eozza, , r� V� Chairman, Legislatiarn Co it ee RE: Intergovernmental Relations Management Process From the experience of the last legislative sessionx it is very apparent that St. Paul can do better� in managing its relations with other governmental bodies. After much discussion on how this might be done best, it has been decided to recomnend to the riayor and City Council that a structure similar to the Joint Debt Advisory Co�ittee be set up, with a fairly large number of people on the main body and a smaller number of people on the steering com.mittee. Na new s�aff would be required. Rather, existing staff would be given specif ic _ assignments as the need arises. � �.. . The proposed main steering committee (let's call it the AdvisQry � Committee on Interoovernmental Relations or ACIR) could consist of the Mayor, the Councii President, the Chairman of the Legislation Conmittee, �✓v�-¢-K the six department heads, the Budget Director, the heads of the CCA, Water Board and the Port Authority, the City Clerk, the City Attorney � t and probably a f ew others, especially the Division heads from the 6th �_"' _`���{. Depart�ent. � The Steering Con�ittee,whose responsibility would be to see that decisions are imple�ented between meetings of the na�n conmittee�wauld consist of the Executive Assistant to the r�.yor, the Chairman of the ` Legislation Co�ittee, the head of the 6th Department and someane from the Budget Directar's Office. Please give this proposal your consideration, and if the generai � concept meets with your approval, steps will be taken to further ref ine - and implement the mechanism. I will schedule this matter for discussioa at a meeting of the City Council in the near future. . ` DHH:ls ' . � .i"ti . � 4� � cc: Kathryn Ackland Chief Steve Conroy James 0'Learp Philig Byrne Richard Schroeder Gene Ranieri John Connelly William Carlson Steve Wellington Legislative Aides Thomas Kelley Dana Young � Alison Eckstein Chief Richard Rowan Joe Hannish Ken Ford � Daniel Dunford Peg Q'Keefe : James Bellus P.�ter Hames - Tnomas Gleason Gerald Isaacs rfary Ann Hecht Rose Mix _ ' William Patton Mark Vaught Janice Rettman . Al1an-Block Jon Kranz Alice Murphy Gary Stout Harriet Lansing . CITY HALL SEVE:�r"TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, h1i�NESOT�1 55102 bI2/Z33�6�ib ��O