270077 WHITE - CITV CLERK . ^��^ �4,� PINK - FINANCE COURCIl � % j CANARV - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL � �BLUE� ' - MAVOR F1Ie NO. � y uncil Resolution �-- � Presented By �L1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� 1. On Novemhar 1, 1977, the Port Authority of the C-ity of Saint Paul (AUthority) adopted its Resolutions No. 1270 and 1271 approving the issuanc� of Revenue Bonds in the initial princigal aunount of $5,000,000 to finance the construction of a municipal parking ramp for Block A,� City of 8aint Paul, a�s a pnrt of the over�ll development and redevelopment plan for the City of Saint Paul. 2. Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council of the City of Saint Pau1 (Council) has approved the issuance of these Revenue Bonds by resolution in accordance with said law. 3. Under the provisions of an Agreement between the Authority with TMD, Inc. (TMD) , a Minnesota cQrporation, which Agreement pro- vides that TMD will lease said faciliti�s and construct said parking rampt Saint Paul soint Venture (soint Venture) which Agreement pro- vides that Joint Venture will construcf the Radisson Plaza Hotel over a portion of said parking rampt and Oxford Properties, II.S. Ltd (Oxford) , which Agreement provides th at Oxford will construct certain facilities over other portions of the parking ramp, said parties by reason of these Agreements have agreed to reimburse the Authority for any Extra Development Cbsts incurred by the Authority in designing and constructing the parking ramp to accommodate the facilities to be constructed on top of the parking ramp. 4. The City of Saint Paul intends to construct a public galleria over a partion of the parkiny ramp and has requested that the Port Author ity include structural support within the parking COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor ^ Hunt �` �` Levine __ Against BY '����� � ���� Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �� �5 7 By Approved by 1�layor: Date Appro by Mayor for Submi sion to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ���y�-� � GANARV - DEPARTMENT ',J/ � BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. �� • � `� � . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. ramp to accommodate the public open space over a portion of the ramp, which structural support will result in additional construction costs on the part of the Authority for which the City of Saint Paul agrees to be responsible. 5. The Lxtra Development Costs are estimated to be $171,000, all as is more fully set forth in the form of the proposed Agreement between the Authority and the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which is on file with the City Clerk. � 6 . It is necessary and in accordance with the overnll plans of the City of �a�int P�ul, the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Authority for the City of Saint Faul to apprqve and execute said Agreement in substantially the fortn on file in the off ice of the Clerk and authorize the appropriate officers of th� City of Saint Paul to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Council NO1+T, THEREFOR�, BE IT RESOLVED by ttie City Council of the City of Saint Paul that in accordance with vnrious resolutions hereafter adopted by the City Council and the aboQe finding�, the City Council hereby approves in substantially the form on file in the office of the City Clerk the Agreement between the Authority and the City of Saint Paul, whereby the City af Saint Paul is obligated to reim- burse the Authority for app�oximately $171,000 as the hxtra Develop- ment Costs incurred by the Authority in the development of the parking r�mp in a manner to accommodate the City's project and that the authorized officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to execute said Agreements and to take all other steps necessary for COU[VC[LMEN . Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor - Le ine __ A ainst gy�L '�CC����� C�_ ��� Roedler g Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary t�u,d.Q.�.- �l �S �7 B, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approv b Mayor for Sub ' n to Cg,uncil By BY - N'HITE - CITV CLERI( 1 . �����►-yj1'i PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � � • � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. carrying out the purposes for which said Agreement provides. COU[VCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Ec nomic Devel nt Ho�� In Favor _ Hunt f�' �� Levine �__ Against BY `"� ' � Roedler Sylvester Tede Adopte y Counci Date NOV � 7 �gr� Form Approved by City Attorney C ified d by o Sec�tary B �� �`� � �Qt,� 2,1 �977 Appr d by Mayor for Subm' i to Council Ap o d by ;Nayor: D � t By BY , ;�:s��, s.��,1 Z � 1977 �`:�sL:�,.!v ,,�� tiOTICE OF SPECIAL r�ETING Or TN:E CC:•��1ISSIv��1ZS OF i:{E iiOUSI:v� ia:ii; �I?�VELGP.`cid:t AL�i(t�ti�� OF TirE j CITY OF SAINT PA°JL, MIIV�'ESQTA j i .i0: �.�SALIE L. BiTTi,ER DAVID ?i. HOZZA �U3Y Hui�T LEO�RD IJ. I,EVINE �'A!1',ICK J. ROEDLER VICTOR J. TEDESCO � ROBERT SYLVES;ER I3otice is hereby given that a Spacial Mezting of the Cor�missioners of the Housing and Re�e?relog:ne*:t Authori*yo uf tre Ci_ty af Sai�t Pau�, Minneso�a wi.11 be held at 9:30 a.m, on Thursday, Nove�ber 1?, 1977, in +�h� Council Chambers on the Thi:d Floor of the Gity HaII at IS West ��llogo Boulevard, to consider the following actions in connection �v�*_h t�owntown Block A Parking Ramp/Radisson/Oxford Develop�ent, Coc�uni�y Deve2og�ent District 17: ` 1. Authorization af execut�on of cantract for sa�.e af , ground r�_ghts to Block A ta �he Port Aut::ority. 2. A�thorization of �xecutian of contract for air rights to southern half of Block A to 3oin� Venture, 3. Approval of 3upplemental Agreeme�t h�twee� Port Authority, HRA, the Join� Venture and Tyi�. '_ . �'/�' � � � � .��° � �i � _, -��L.� Chai . an � NovPmber 10, 1977 _ �. ; SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL riEETING OF THE CONfi�1ISSI0NEi,S OF THE HOUSIiJG AN� REDEVELOPP'�NT AUTFiORITY OF THE ! ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I I T0: ROSALIE L. BUTLER DAVID H. HOZZA RUBY HUNT LEONARD W. LEVINE PATRICK J. ROEDLER VICTOR J. TEDESCO ' ROBERT SYI.VESTE'. In addition to the items contained in the November Z0, 1977 Natice of Special Meeting, the HRA Board will conduct a public hearing at the Special Meeting of Plovember 17, 1977, at 9:30 a.:n. , regarding the F ; �and sales in Block A, District 17, to Joint Uenture and Oxford Properties. � • � J� �� % - � � i ,'___ �• �;, r . , ' � �^;l_��' �=` _�E_;� Ch' ir n November 15, 1977 - . '< ,: � _ ;