270076 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ^�pµ' /( �'+/.�C PINK - FINANCE COUI�CII / / �� I U CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �t� i BLUE - MAYOR �� -, Council Resolution , - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: 1 . On April 19, 1977, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , adopted Resolution No. 1175, giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in the initial prin- cipal amount not to exceed $5,U00,000 to finance construction of the Radisson Hotel parking ramp in Block A; 2. The City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Resolution No. 268996 on May 3, 1977 giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 to finance construction of the Radisson Hotel parking ramp in Block A; 3. On November 1 , 1977, the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Special Resolution No. 1270 which creates the financing ne�hod needed for the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to secure this bond issue; 4. On November 1 , 1977 , the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul adopted Sup- plementary Resolution No. 1271 which authorized the sale of the bonds in the amount of $5,000,000; 5. Bond counsel for the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul give final approval to the issuance of revenue bond� for approximately $5,000,000 to finance construction of t6e Rad�sson Hotel parking ramp in Block A; 6. Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, provides that any issue of revenue bonds authorized by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shall be issued only with the consent of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution adopted in accordance with law; 7. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , has requested that the City Council give its requisite consent pursuant to said law to facilitate the issuance of said revenue bonds by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , subject to final approval of the details of said issue by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed b}• Council Secretary �Y-�_� � By � Approved by Mayor: Date _ Appro Mayor for Submis on t ouncil gy BY f \NHITE - CITY CLERK � �1 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� Council �/.����� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. `� � �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 8. It is estimated that the initial principal amount of said bonds will be approxi- mately $5,000,000 and that the net interest cost applicable to said issue will not exceed 8�, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul , that in accordance with Laws of Minnesota 1976, Chapter 234, the City Council hereby consents to the issuance of the aforesaid revenue bonds for the pqrposes described in the aforesaid Port Authority aesolution No. 1271 in the initial principal amount of approximately $5,000,000 at a net interest cost of not to exceed 8%, the exact details of which, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to maturities, interest rates, discount, redemptiQn, and for the issuance of additional bonds, are to be determined by the Port Authority, pursutat to resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds (including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority, found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for which the afore- said bonds are issued. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas NaS�s � Ho��Z� [n Favor Hunt y Levine (J __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedes NQV � 7 �97� Form Approved by City At±orney Adop y Council� Date — ertifie �ed b cil �ecret y BY B�� Ap ro by Mavor: e (1V���'77 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .�.,�� ;:,�� ,� 77 ������u.,��_� ������ 2 � 19 � . � � � �� � 7� � 7 � S P E C I A L M E E T I N G N 0 T I C E 0 F T H E C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Thursday, November 17th, 1977 9:30 A.M. City Council Chambers SUBJECT MATTER: � 1. Authorization of proposed Port Authority revenue bond to finance Block A Parking Ramp construction. 2. Authorization of execution of contract for galleria structural costs in Block A between City and Port Authority. 3. Approval of sublease of parking facility in Block A between TNID, Inc. , and City. � . ' � �"�:�'' '� ncil President. � � r � FiUJSiPJG A�JD REDEV���PMEiJT AUTHO�ITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, II�INPJFSOTA .� �- , ��� REi'ORT TO THE COMh�IlSSIONERS DATE November 17, 1977 - R EG�R D I N G DISPOSITION PARCELS NUMB�R A-2, A-4 AND A-3 - DOWNTOWN C0�4NNITY DEVELO+'�iF.TiT PROGRAM DTSTRICT 17 (DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, MINN. R-?.0 INCLUDED) STATL2IENT OF THE Cf?AIRl�iAN Being duly authorized by the Board of Commissioners to conduct this Public Hearing, the � hearing is now open. This is a Public Hearing called on the proposed disposition of cer- tain parcels in the Downto�an Community Development Program District 17, �ahich includes the Downto«n Urban Reaeo�al Project, Minn. R-20, by the Hou�ing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. Notice of the time, place and purpose of this hearing was published in the ST. PAUL PION�ER PR�SS and DISPATCH on Novemb2r 5, 1977. � The affidavit of the publication of the Notice of Public 'Hearing ���ill be made a part of these proceedings. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority proposes to sell the following properties in its Do��jitown Com�-nunity Development Program Distr.ict 17, which includes the Downtown Urban Re- nc...al Project, Minn R-20: � PARCEL SQUARE PURCHASE NUPiBER ADDP.ESS PURCHASER FEET PRiCE A-2 North�aest corner St. Paul Joint Venture, 30,423 $177,975.00 of Plinnesota St. a Minnesota Partnership, & E. Sixth St. consisting of Capital Hospitality Corporation A-4 Northeast corner and SPli �lotel Company 20,556 $120, 253•00 of Cedar St . & E. Sixtti St. The redeveloper proposes to purchase the air rights and redevelop it by constructing a 16-story hotel. The hotcl �oill contain 2�0 sleeping rooms, plus numerous meeting rooms, restaurant facilities, a ballroom and outdoor roofdec.lc recreation facilities. A unique -1- -2- �,.^.�--� . feature of the hotel development will be its atrium court, one plane of cahich will serve as solar collection surface to supplement domestic energy requirements. PARCEL SQUAFE PURCHA: NUTiBER ADDRESS PU?�CHASER FEET PRICE E-3 Air Rights to the Oxford Properties U.S. LTD, 37,473 $219,217.� no-�'��ierly portion an Alberta, Canada corporation of �he block bounded by Seventh, Minnesota, Cedar & Sixth Sts. The redeveloper proposes to purchase the air rights and redevelop it by constructing a three story building along Seventh St, and a three to six story building along Cedar St. for retail and com�-nercial functions. Is there anyone �aho wislies to be heard on these sales? If not, t'�2 Chair will dec?are this public hearing adjourned. "CAN4RY - OEPAi�T�1EN7 �.)1 1 Y (j'j�'� �L�l l�l 1 1 L1 l3 � •� . • ". � _ '_ BLISE -MAYOR + jr� File. N O. '. '�.=`,� .i..� , � `.% . . �,ou�cil �Zesol�tion �; � � �� -� ;: �; , � �,� Pcesented By R�...�.�.s�..l� . ����i..:°- �"�—��..� � Referred To Committee; � � ✓-f . Ont of Committee B at //�� Y tJrfERFAS: - 1. On A�ril i9, 1977, t�� Part Authority of the C�ty of 5aint Pau'i , ada�ted Reso7ut�on Pfo. 1175, giving pr�liminary approva7 to the issuanee of rever�ue bonds in the initial principal amoant not to �xceed $S,OOO,OOQ to finance co;�struction of thz Radisson � Hot�l parking ramp in 8lock 7-A; � � .` . _ _ 2. laws of MinnesoLa 1976, Chapter Z34, provides ti�at any issue of revenue bonds � � authorizect by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , shalt be issued only with . � the consent of tne Ci ty Counc�'1 of the Ci�y of Sai�t Paul, by resol uti on_ adopted i n . accordance with 1a�; � - . 3. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, has r�quested that the City � � Cottncil give its requisitz consent pursuan� to said law to facilit�te the is$uance of said revenue bonds by the Part Autharity of the C�ty vf Sairit Pau7 , subjec� ta f�na� approval af the details of said issue by the Port Authar9ty of the City af Sai�t Paul; 4. It is estimated ti�at the init�ai princ��al ar.rount of said bonds will be not r,;orz than �5,000,0OO.�J4 and the net interest cost appticable to said issue will not exceed 8%, no�N, tnerefare, be it RESOLlIED, by the city council of �Lhe City of Saint Pau1, that in �ccordance with Laws of t4innesota 1976, Ch����r �34, t�e City Council hereby consents to the �ssuance of ti�e aforesaid revenu� bonds for the purpases described �n the aforesaid Port Au�hority � P.esolution �o. 1175 in tne initial principa'E am��nt of not to exceed $5,C00,000.4t} at a nzt interest cost of not to exceed ��, tc�e exact detaiis of wnicn, including, b�t not limited to, provisions re'iating to naturities, interest rates, i�'�SCflui7t, redem�tion, and far the issuance of add�tfonai bonc#s, are .to be �etermined by the Par�t Authorit�: p�rsuant t.o resolution adopted by the Port Authority, and t�e Gity Counctl hereby : authorizes the issuance oF an;� ad�Ztional ban�s (including refunding bonds) by th+e Port Authority, found by the �ort Author�ty to be necessary for carrying aut the purposes for •�rhich the afaresaid bonds are iss�ed. � � ' "'._--^�-��L'L � ' . - . � � . ' `���v.;.y� ,�. S j. `v i^i ! 4.�i -..���. • � _ - , � � . . . r"11 f`-.�^ . . . _ .. �..1.... COUNCILMEN �. �=:,,a °- {'�.��:::��i� ` • E Request� y�-De�partment qf: ' t Yeas Nays � .-� �!;,.; �______.— a • But�@T .,. � _ �'� � (� i�.17 HOZZB IR Favor �� ' �� r Hunt , O � �-"; ____...-- r_, �cPTS. . : Levine Against 'By�. �'�"' _ Roedler � �, . _------- . . Sylvester �_:''`' _ �..• - -------- Tedesco Pq��'� � i��7 i Form Approve�by-E-ity-Attorne Adopted by� Council: Date . , t $y f„�+I�'FY�� ' /ri • i r <1.:,u.:i.- Certified Passed by Council Secretary ,� �� . - �4�}�'( b ���� Approved hy Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by �layor: Date sy gy . -_ _y � PO � T - , . io► UTHORITIf . OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ��'��,�� Memorandurtt To: Board of Commissioners DATE: October 28, 1977 Meeting November 1 , 1977 r,-� FROM: E. A. ��'af�t�� �,'\___,- ,<�`'�' . , SUBJECT: RADISSON PARKING RAMP FINANCING 1. RESOLUTION N0. 1270 SPECIAL BOND RESOLUTION In order to issue revenue bonds for a project in which the initial revenues are insufficient to amortize said bonds, it has been necessary to structure a new Basic Financing Resoluiton. Customarily, we finance most projects under Resolution No. 876 which requires the project to produce sufficient revenues to amortize the debt. Resolution No. 1270 is structured to provide for debt service coverage from balances in the Accumulated Net Revenue Fund. By adoption of Resolu- tion No. 1270 the Port Authority commits itself to the following conditians for this current bond issue or any succeeding issues guaranteed on a limited basis by the Accumulated Net Revenue Fund: A. ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE FUND BALANCES The Port Authority agrees not to issue any revenue bonds under this Resolution unless the income generated and transferred to the Accumu- lated Net Revenue Fund in the year preceding any such issuance is equal to 125% of any bonds outstanding or proposed to be issued. Example: New Issue Debt Service---$400,000 Amount of Transfer Required---$500,000 B. OPERATING FUND BALANCES Currently Operating Funds are generated from unrestricted income, tax levies and transfers from the Accumulated Net Revenue Fund, a substantial amount of which is generated by Resoluiton No. 8T6. No provision is currently made for maintaining an Operating Fund balance and, in the event flow-through revenues were insufficient for operations, the Operating Budget would be impacted and result in substantially reduced activities by the Authority. This is of concern to the rating bureaus and, accordingly, Resolution No. 1270 8oard of Commissioners October 2�, 1977 Page -2- �rovides that a rninimum balance be maintai�ed in the Qp�rating Fund . equ�l to the current year' s op�ratin� budget. Therefore, this resolu- tion provides that $649,77�.00 be transferred to t�e Operating and . Administrative Fund. This years b�dget is pro�osed at $649,775.00. � In practice this would, to�ether with other unrestricted income, provide for three years of operating funds in the event no flo�-through revenues were available for the Accumulated Net RevenuA Fund. C. DEBT SE�IIICE P,ESERVE FUiJDIi'JC The Resolution requires a fully funded Debt Service Reserve be funded upon issuance of the bonds. The reserves can be capitalized in the bon� issue, d�posited in cash from Accum:alated ��let Revenues, o,r substituted by cash or security deposits in a sufficient amount equal to the maximum ;�rincipal and interest due in a�y year during the amortization �eriod of the bonds. � In th� case of the Radisson are will be r�quired to fund the De�t Serv�ce Reserve at the tim� of bond delivzry in t�ie amount of �39b,562.50. D. SI�KIP�G FU�J�� The feasi�ility study and tM� Radisson 4am� Pro Forma Operatinc� State- ment projects a possible short-fall (as indicated on the attached). Accordingly, the resolutiori �ro•�ides that �he Port Auth�rity on �ecen- ber 31 of ea�h year will fully fu�d th� Sinkin� Fund account to assure adequate money is on hand to pay Debt S�rvice. For 1979, ttje first year in which this �vill be req;�ired, v�e must f�;nd ort or before December 31 , 1978 from Accumulated Net Revenues $130,203.33, v��hich together with 15 months of interest capitalized in the bond issue, will be sufficient to pay Debt Service through December 31 , 1979. The �roj�ctions indicate that incoms fr�m the �roject should be adequate in th� year 1980 to generate an amount sufficient to pay operating costs and Debt S�rvice. SU��IM�RY By adoption of Resolutior fao. 1270 the P�rt l�uthorit,y commits itself to the transfer of the following sums: To 4perating Fund $ 649,775.00 On D��ember 31 , 1977 To DQbt Servi�e Reserve Fund ;s9o,562.50 On Gelivery To Radisson Sinking Fund 130,208.33 On Decemb�r 31 , 1978 TOTAL �1 ,176,545.8�3 Less Advanc� Funds already approved 200,000.00 To be A�propriated to the Radisson Son:i Fund as indicated � 975,545.d8 Board of Cor�nissioners ����� � October 28, 1977 �� =� .= . � Page -3- . Any income derived from Sinking Funds, Reserve Funds, or the balances . maintained in the Operating and Administrative Fund, m�y be transferred at any time, if such funds are in excess of the required minimum balances, to the Accumulated Net Revenue Fund. 2. RESOLUTION N0. 1271 SUPPLE�IENTAL BOiVD RESOLUTION The Supplemental Bond P,esolution authorizes the issuance of a bond issue of $5,000,000, ��hich proceeds Nrill be expended approximately as follows: Acquisition and construction $4,368,000 Capitalized interest 390,625 Miscellan�ous expenses and contingency allowance � 71 ,875 Legal ex�enses and other costs of issuance (estimated) 56,000 Underwriter's discount 112,500 TOTAL $5,000,000 A�option of the Supplem?ntal Bond Resolution authorizes executi�n of the fol- lowing documents: q, TMD, Inc. Lease and Sh�rt Form Lease Tt�D is a shell corporation caith capital ofi $1 ,000 which has been create� specifically to lease and construct th` parking ramp for the Port Authority and in turn sublease th� completed facility to the City of St. Paul . The terms of the lease impose no responsibility on TiND other than the requirements for construction 4vhich requires that a construction contract be entered into and the facility be constructed in accordance with plans and specificati�ns approved by the Port Authority of the City of St. Paul and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. . B. Sublease to City of St. Pau1 and Short Form Sublease Adoption af the resolution authorizes the Port Au�t;�nrity to execute an acceptance of the assignment of the sublease from TMD, Inc. to the City of St. Paul . The conditions of th� sublease provide for the City of St. Paul to contract for operations of the parking ram� facility and assur�e certain liabilities normally required to be assumed by the Lessee. T�e subleasz provides that the City shall pay for ope�atin� costs and the miscellaneous overhead costs including insurance, and otner iter�s not directly related to staffing and shall dedu�t these costs from the gross revnnues collected fram ramp operatio�s. All net revenues are payable to the Port Authority for debt servire and any surplus revenues generated nay flow directly through the Sinking Funds to the Accumulated Net Revenue Fund. � Board of Commissioners ������ October 28, 1977 Fz. . , . , Page -4- The 5ublease also provides for payment to the Parking Administrator`s office from revenues produced by the parking facility af $12,000.00 . per year. The sublease also provides that the Por� Authority may at its option operate the facility until completion of the project and may operate the facility in the event of a default by the City of St. � Paul , which would be occasioned in the event no operator could be found to operate the ramp. The Port Authority will have the right ta review any contracts for operation entered into by the City of St. Paul and the right to require that the rates charged be competitive with similar facilities in downtown St. Paul . The Authority pledges that it wi11 cooperate with the Parking Commission and the Parking Admini- strator and provide the offices with an opportunity for review and com- ment on operations and improvements to the project. C. HRA Land Purchase Agreement Adoption of the Supplemental Bond Resolution also authorizes execution. of the land purchase agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for Block A. Purchase price of the land is $172,473.60, which amount is fundpd in the bond issue. D. Supplenental Agreement-Port Authority-HRA-St. Pau1 Joint Venture and TMD, Inc, The Supplemental Agreement sets forth the obligations of the parties in their respective roles. This includes the responsibilities of the parties in their individual roles as participants in the project. It covers the construction of the hotel , the provision for sky-ways, and the construction of the project by the Authority as required by the lease. E. Port Authority Oxford Propzrties Agreement This agreement contains provisions related ta construction by Oxford of various facilities on top of the parking ramp and provides that in the event the Port Authority's cost of construction in the ramp exceeds the costs ex�erienced by Oxfiord due to the structural method that Oxford will reimburse the Port Authority for its extra project costs. F. Port Authority-City of St. Paul Agreement 7his agreement is similar in nature to the Oxford Agreement wherein the City will incur costs for structural support to accommodate certain public open space in the development, and wherein. the City agrees that it will pay the Port Authority a sum equal to such additional costs. These funds are to be advanc�d by the Port Authority and are estimated to be �171 ,000.00. . The agreement has the effect of requiring the City to repay the Port Authority for the funds advanced at such time as it receives the proceeds from the sale of the pr000sed tax increment bond issue. . d�' ��r"'j�a . Board of Commissioners �°`� ' `-� '� October 28, 1977 Page -5- 3. C0:4STRUCTI�'d COSTS The costs of the Construction of the facility as bid by McGough Cons±ruction Con�pany are as follo��vs: General Construction $3,894,400 Architectural and engineering fiees 271 ,600 � Builder's risk 5,000 Performance bond 20,500 SAC charge 5,000 TOTAL $4,196,500 The architectural fees shown above include 5� to Bergstedt, Wahlberg, Berquist anci Rohkohl and a 2% construction management fee to Contract Service Associat�s, which is a part of the Carlson Com�anies. � The Port Autharity has through its consulting engine�rs, Toltz, King, Duvall , Anderson & Associates, thoroughly evaluated the co�- struction bids, the soil borings and tests, and f�els that the bid is appropriate. The bond issue provides a call feature which wi11 permit the Authority to call approximately $350,Q00 in bonds in 1981 in the event construction costs are 1ow�r t�han the not to exceed price bid by McGough Construction. Ti�ere are certain factors, such as shor- ing and the nurnber of caissons, th� costs of which cannot be accurately determined at this tim2. A s�fficient contingency 1�as been incorpor� ated in the bid to take care of the proi�lem �f there are undetermined faults in the su�soil structure. Each of th� agreements provides for reimbursement of extra project , costs to th� Por� Authority if the above ramp construction costs are less than the structural supports required in th� ramp. In the event that the ab�ve ramp costs exceed the Port Authority' s structural ramp costs they 4�ould be considered a vrash and nothing would be paid to th2 above ram� ]ev�l developers. The Port Authcrit;� will provide for construction cost audits and review so that costs of the construction of the ramp are properly auditable. The uni� prices of material and the volumes of these units 4vi11 b� carefully recorded by Toltz, King, Duvall , Anderson & Assoc. , the Port Authority's consul�ing engineers, and sufficient contingency funds have been provided in the issue for this service. T�e St. Paul Building and Construction Trades Council have approved a pre-job agreement providing for a `no strike` clause on the construction of the parking rar�p. Board of Commissioners �;;������ October 28, t977 Page -6- 4. UNDERWRITING AGREEMENT � Approval of Resolution No. 1271 also� authorizes execution of an Under- writing Agrement with the Twin City syndicate headed by Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. The bond amortization schedule on which the underwriting �is based is for 30 years with interest only payable through 1981 and the . principal balance amortized from 1982 through 2007. The net coupon rate on the bonds is % and Standard & Poors have rated the issue 'A' . 5. OFFICIAL STATEMENT Adoption of Resolution No. 1271 also approves the Official Statement, a copy of which is available for review. 6. RECOP4MEfVDATIOid The consultants re�ort and the projected proforma indicate that this parking facility should be self-su�porting within a short time after completion. The significant transfer of funds required of the Port Authority to make this �ruject possible are in effect funds being trans- ferred to other accounts on which the interest will still inure. to the benefit of the Port Authority. As a result, the short fiall should not exceed that projected on the attached 5-year projection. The project is . vital to the redevelopment of do�Nntown St. Paul and a large amount of construction and development of hotel , retail and office space is eon- tinye�t on construction �f this ramp. ' Staff recommends approval of Special 2esolution No. 1270 and Supplemental Revenu2 Bond Resolution No. 1271 . � EAK:jmo Attach. � � . , _ .d - . . U � ' ' ' . 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N � N `� � ,N�, � � r-i r-1 ri � .� r-i t/?� • i/?� i/} ' � , r-t M �`"> . . . {1�- i/� . . • . � . � . - � • . .� . . � . ' _ . � � � - ' U ' � � . � � f-1 .N �U G� U; � W � - - - T".., tii .N +� 7 � . � � A - o s� � u� ca c� . z N U H N �U � � ' cn � � tn a S�-t N c,�i o .� � W tn ' N U Rf � ?C O U •� v � r.?�j � ' H t7 � � -c � r'--�-t •rt W w •.-t � ..� •rt �t-� ri �l 2 u� •.i 3-t �U e�i ►a ,q i�-r cn o . [7--7; -t� -l� .+C � � [W � .-1 � U U � N . � � ?� _� -r-� H a tr� -�1 a v� .ac H � cn � .� w � o �a -a o o � x �s -�.� � -.� x v a �, �, _ . . a � C] z x H w � � t-� i� m E-t- z o c� � . Phone 224-9445 • E�ccw�no,�o �� a. • �@�`o�si�r4�p`, �O . Y� • I� �� !p_. •, :\Rp . o � /SL:�=•.:_C10` � I�uildi�g and Con�$r�u�tion Trat�es �so<<..,e.t•�o�y��� 9'`, .` � �o�nci� �HOUSTftIAI 11 hia i n LABOR TEMPLE� 4�ff�{�l�@R#�.�i1iF STREET SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � October 27 , 1977 AFFILIATED UNIONS • . ASBECTOS WORKERS NO. 34 BOILER MAKERS NO. 647 BRICKLAYERS NO. 1 BRICKLAYERS. MASONS & PLASTERERS NO. 9 CASINET MAKERS& MILLMEN H°• '252 P�`ir. Gene Kraut � � CARPENTERS NO. 87 port Authority CARPENTERS NO. 957 Clt}I of Saint L"aUl . CEMENTMASONSN0. 560 �,f,innesota Building ELEGTRICAL WORKERS Saint Paul j'fin. 55101 NO. 11d � ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS No. 9 GENERAL DRIVERS NO. 1ZO DGar r�ir. KTaUt : GLAZIERS No. 1324 HODCARRIERS& LABORERS The Saint Paul Building and Construction Trades No. �32 Council' s Executive Board has .adopted the No-strike- IRON WORKERS NO. 512 LA7HERS No. 483 No Lock-out Pre-j ob Agreement and Declaration of LINOLEUM WORKERS NO. 596 MARBLE&STONESHOPMEN Policy for the construction of the Port Authority' s No. s� • public parking ramp on Block-A, copy of which is MILLWRIGHTS NO. 548 OPERATING ENGINEERS enclosed. No. 49 PAINTERS NO. 61 pILE DRIVERS NO. 1847 PIPEFITTERS NO. 455 .Sl(1C lyi � PLASTERERS NO. 2O P�uMSeRS No. 34 � �. Q �_ Roo�eRS No. 96 �'���� SHEET METAL WORKERS R IC� D C. RAD:%lAN� rva �s Secretary SIGN PAINTERS NO. 88O SPRINKLER FI7TERS NO. 417 ' _ TERRAZZO WORKERS NO. 5 � � TERRAZZO WORKERS HELPERS r5 � No. 107 . t TILE LRYERS NO. 18 • �� - j TILE LAYER HELPER5 NO. 34 �.� ~ - ' . , -;� i .�"��"'�i°' _. . _ � _ . 2 � ����% r i � I . _ � t , , � _._. ; _ _ t , , ' PRf-J4B AGREFMENT - PORT AUTHORITY'S PUBLIC PARKING RAMP, BLOCK A. �"7 �. •?�~ � The Saint Paul Building and Construction Trades Council, by th s ' � Agreement, intends to provide close cooperation between �the Council and the Saint Paul ��ort Authority foz� the express purposes of completing the cons�ruction of the Pubiic Parking Ramp on $Iack A without de].ays or work stoppages. Tn as much as it is the speci�ic intent of all parties that there shall be NO STRIKES or LOCKOU�'S, the following shail be included in the 3ob specifications, and shall be adhered to by all parties : 1. In the event of a strike or .i.ockeut in the BuiJ.ding Industry, the construction of the Port .Au•t;hor�t�ft s Parking RGmp shall not be halteca, but wi�..t continue u�ith the understanding that all settle- ments made betw�en a�y affil�.:.�tied local union of the Saint Paul Building and Co-��•c.ruction Tru��s Council and Employer Groups shall be made retro-active to the day of the strike. 2. In all �urisdictional dispute, the Rules and Procedures of the P3an for Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction Industry shall govern all parties, incl.uding sub-contractors, whether or not they or their associations are presently sig�ators . to the Plan. 3. A Pre-job Conference will be held between� Representatives of the Affiliated Unions of the Building Trades Council and Representatives . of the General, Mechanical, and Flectrical Contractors. These Contractors shall attempt, through pre assignment conferences with Business Aepresentatives, to clear up all work assignments �n which there is thought to be a difference of opinion. 4. The Owner, or General Contractor, agrees that he will not assign or sub-contract in whole or in part, any work coming under the 3urisdiction of the Building Trades to any sub-contractor who does not have a Collective Bargaining Agreement with a Building Trades Council Affiliated Union. 5. In the event of a dispute or grievance other than 3urisdictional affecting the project, the Business Representatives of the Crafts shall submit such grievances to the Employer Represen�ative on the site who sha2.J. havE the authority to enforce the settlement af such grievances and if ,e-ttlements are not reached in this manner grievance procedures prescribed in the applieable Local Agreement shall be foll.owed. This Declaration of Folicy is made to insure that the work on this pro�e�t may px•oceed without stoppage, slow�downs, or interrp�tions, and that the constructicn of this pro3ect may be a credit to the Civic Resnonsibility of the Building. Industry. It is al�a our ob�ective, through the DECLARATION OF POLYCY, to promotc� :he development of the area and to create a climate in which other projc�-cs utilizing the ski.�.Is of the Buildinc� Trades' Unions and their :��mbers can he underz�keno It is recognized by all parties that harmonious labor-�T�:�agemEnt relations are the result of respon- sible conduct by the Bu:::�d�.r..g Trades Unions and the Contractors empluying Building Trades;rFn, and it is our mutual desire to promote these relatiQnships on i h�i.� �roject as an expression of responsibilitv and good faith toward tlic Gommunity and the Industry. ' Ado ted b the Saint Paul ld ' nd truction Trades Council on October 27 , 1977 . �g� � Secretary i ar . a ma a�n. - _�.,� : . i T :v� -.�b t .�.� �*v� . •�'�. k x.r"` *�,��. ^t��a, �.+�r t 1i t ,� _ "; ��s � ��.� � �> ro� �-�R fi� ��� f..:�" "s�� ,� t ��':��a�.�r �,�� �� �-�w G ��� r f 7'� �s+x t �.. '� � � .�'* �"-�'.. ..�' r M..�y�` b % -';t r ' ;�� �F: `�,: # ..�E .- ����."'6.. �r� ��� ��� i,�� � � x � �'" x 1.� .e F 'f.} � �l ,� '� r.-,. �t'���z , y qJ'�1 t � �. n� � �`-����' � �a�� ��" ��'�>��€'� R' % � � • _ _ �� �,'�`�q � �. +���� �v*_ � � : .{, , . �.. � .. ` ; h.- ! �. y� 2 Z � .7� '. � �q,����aa� � � � ���.�: . ...�� �� � �Yv �,t ;r ��S'$ '7+� "'t s a � . 3 F �T t �"` '�� �� � � � � a�F_ r � � � �: ��' . � fi ��. � ��„ �, :�t r, i�� 1 N . . . '-?.. � x .� ��* � �'�"�� k � - �� :•�r �� . �- � �� �" .L �_h: � �'� � -����� £ 5'� 7 _ � , t !:e r i t�� Y ��"� :� {JcF ¢F � 7 . �i, fi i �y - 9 y � y }. �; � 4��' --p � .0 � � �. . . . ' � �.; : � rf � � � - ~�� �, . ^i/ 4�. 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