270070 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �7 COUI�CIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I�NT PA V L ������ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, tha.t upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000, to: Metropolitan Transit Commission, the sum of $100.00 in full settlement of its claim for dama.ges sustained February 12, 1975, as more particu- larly set out in a communication to the City Council on Ma.rch 4, 1975. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nay-s Requested by Department of: �` � In Favor Hozza � Hunt �— __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco NOV 1 J �9�] Form Appr d b City t r y Adopted ouncil: Date Cer ied Pass d ou .il Secr�tary BY � �- ��� j ! �g7� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appr by Mayon te � By BY t s n:•,.^� F,;`1't Z � '9�� �1�:Se-EJ1�s..v ,vii`S `) 1 `�� ' � , �". �.7 m a �G S P E C I A L M E E T I N G N 0 T I C E 0 F T H E C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Thursday, November 17th, 1977 9:30 A.M. City Council Chambers SUBJECT MATTER: 1. Authorization of proposed Port Authority revenue bond to finance Block A Parking Ramp construction. 2. Authorization of execution of contract for galleria structural costs in Block A between City and Port Authority. 3. Approval of sublease of parking facility in Block A between TNID, Inc. , and City. . ��.: ' ��, � . t��--L, , � cil President. � c O • -L- � � . feature of the hotel development will be its atrium court, one plane of cahich will serve as solar collection surface to supplement domestic energy requirements. PARCEL SQUAFE PURCE NUPiBER ADDRESS PU2CHASER FEET PRI( E-3 Air Rights to the Oxford Propert.ies U.S. LTD, 37,473 $219,21; no_-'•�ierly portion an Alberta, Canada corporation of �he block bounded by Seventh, Minnesota, Cedar & Sixth Sts. The redeveloper proposes to purchase the air rights and redevelop it by constructing a three story building along Seventh St, and a three to six story building along Cedar St. for retail and com,-nercial functions. Is there anyone who wisl�es to be heard on these sales? If not, t5e Chair will de�lare this public hearing adjourned. p'- - - - - - - - � - - --- - - —. • • •�- v� � � v� vr'���vl � l1VL� IL'111Y1Y1_JUifa �T�_ r'I r . RE�ORT TO THE CQMi;�itSSlONERS DATE November 17, 1977 - R EG�1 R D I i11 G DISPOSITION PARCELS NUMB�R A-2, A-4 AND A-3 - DOWNTO�JN CO�NNITY DEVELO"ciF.�i'r PROGRAM DTSTRICT 17 (DO�+INTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, MINN. R-20 IIvCLUDED) STATLt1ENT OF THE Ct.AIRAIAIV Being duly authorized by the Board of Commissioners to conduct this Public Hearing, the ' hearing is now open. This is a Public Hearing called on the proposed dispositi�n of cer- tain parcels in the Downto�an Community Davelopment Program District 17, which includes the Downto��n Urban Reaewal Pro3ect, Minn. R-20, by the Hou�ing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. Notice of the time, place and purpose of this hearing was published in the ST. PAUL PION�ER PR�SS and DISPATCH on Novembar 5, 1977. - The affidavit of the publication of the Notice of Public 'Haaring �rill be made a part of these proceedings. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority proposes to sell the following properties in its Do�-ntown Community Development Program Distr.ict 17, which includes the Downtown Urban Re- n�_..�al Project, Minn R-20: � ' PA.�CEL SQU�IRE PURCHASE NU1�iBEP. ADDP.ESS PURCHASER . FE�T PRTCE A-2 North�aest corner St. Paul Joint Venture, 30,423 $177,975.00 of rlinnesota St. a Minnesota Partnership, & E. Sixth St. consisting of Capital Hospitality Corporation A-4 Northeast corner and SPH Hotel Company 20,556 $120, 253•00 of Cedar St. & E. Sixtti St. Ttic redeveloper proposes to purcl�rise the atr rigtits and redeve.lop it by constructing a 16-story tiotel. The hotel will contain 2�0 slee�ing rooms, plus n��merous meeting rooms, restaurant f.acilities,. a ballroom and outdoor roofdeck recrEation facilitics. A uniq«e , -1- I ---�..,.. ���'��.�1� - -a �1TY p� �ti s � �i w - �' o • ..ofa:a.:. � Yio�auaonr� ' �'°�°�" ' C ITY OF SAi NT PAUL d _ a v��, ^O ro.r OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY HARRIET LANSING M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Members of the City Council FROM: Edward P. Starr Assistant City Attorney DATE: November 7, 1977 RE: Claim against the City of Saint Paul by Metropolitan Transit Commission Claimant, Metropoli�an Transit Commission, requests contribution for monies paid to Mrs. Ellen Ortmier by MTC arising out of an accident where she claim injury on Februa.ry 12, 1975, on Randolph at Hamline where a thick build up of ice with holes and ruts caused the bus to bump and jar as it entered the westbound bus stop on Randolph. This office approves the settlement of this claim in the amount of $100.00 EPS:paw attach. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121