01-293A�.�.� � - ��r �� >>, �o d �
OF �IN,Y� f�1JL, M
Presented by
Referred To
1 A Resolution in Support of Cleaning Up Coal-Fired Plants
Pow �Y
2 WI�REAS, Minnesota generates 68 percent o£the state's electriciiy by biuning co �
3 WHEREAS, coal-fired power plants are the largest industriai source of air pollution in Minnesota, emitting
4 • 40 percent of Minnesota's total smog-forming nitrogen oxides emissions per yeaz, which is the
5 emission equivalent of over 4 million cazs;
6 • 78 percent of Minnesota's total sulfur dioxide emissions per yeaz, which contribute to parkiculate
7 pollution associated with premature deaths and acid rain;
8 • 38 percent of Minnesota's total cazbon dioxide emissions per year, which contribute to climate
9 change;
10 • 30 percent ofMinnesota's total mercury emissions, which damage neurological systems, especially
11 in children; and
12 WHEREAS, particulate air pollution is responsible for an estnnated 249 premature deaths in Minnesota each yeaz;
13 is responsible for an estimated 5,820 asthma attacks in Minnesota each year; is responsible for 135 premature deaths
14 in the Twin Cities each year; and is especially hannful to vulnerabie groups of persons, such as children, the elderly,
15 and others who suffer form lung and heart disease; and
16 W�IEREAS, ozone air poliution is responsible for an estimated 3,300 respiratory emergency room visits and is
17 responsible for an estimated 120,000 asthma attacks in Minnesota each yeaz, and'as especially harmfiil to wlnerable
18 groups of persons, such as children, the elderly, and others who suffer from lung disease; and
19 WHEREAS, most oider coal-burning power plants are exempt from meeting the pollution control standazds that
20 new plants must meet under the Clean Air Act and are pemutted to emit nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide pollution
21 at rates 5 to 10 times greater than that of new plants; and
22 WHEREAS, air poilution from coal-fired power piants can travel great distances, adversely impacting the health
23 of both local residents and residents in neighboring states; and
24 WIIEREAS, extensive reliance on coal-fired power plants represents intolerable health and environmental costs to
25 society; and
26 WHEREAS, Xcel Energy (formerly Northern States Power Company) announced plans last year to convert two
27 boilers at its Black Dog power plant from coal to natural gas, greatly reducing the amount ofharmful emissions and
28 increasing genera6on capacity; and are undertal:ing feasibility studies to do the same at the Riverside plant in
29 Minneapolis and the High Bridge plant in Saint Paul;
Councii File # e i_ a,q3
Green Sheet # lae G 3 t{
� a aa
30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul calls on Xcel Energy and its regulators to
1 complete the feasibility study of converting the High Bridge plant from coal to natural gas and aggressively
2 undertake a repowering project at High Bridge to reduce the environmental and public health ixnpacts that coal
3 burning presents to the community; and p�-ry91
4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul calls on Governor Ventura, the Minnesota Legislature,
5 Senator Wellstone, Senator Dayton, and Representaxive McCollum to:
6 • Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation that will ensure that pollution from coal-fired
7 Qe„a,.�.,ra plants, including nitrogen o�de, sulfur dioxide, cazbon dioxide, and mercury, is draznatically
8 reduced;
Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation requiring all power plants, old and new, to
meet the modern emission standazds for nitrogen o�des and sulfur dioxides met by new plants
Take a lead role in developing incentives for all sectors of the economy to utilize cleaner fuels for
Provide disincentives for continued reliance on coal technologies; and
15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul takes formal notice of recent studies, including Death,
16 Disease and Dirty Power: Mortality and Health Damage Due to Air Pollution from Power Plants (October, 2000),
17 which demonstrate the serious public health impacts of fine particulate matter pollution from coal-fired power
18 plants.
Requested by Department o£
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY� —� = i .—� -
Approved bv Mavor: Date
Form Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� S
Adopted by Council: Date A �\� ��n�
O �-�1013
A�.�.� � - ��r �� >>, �o d �
OF �IN,Y� f�1JL, M
Presented by
Referred To
1 A Resolution in Support of Cleaning Up Coal-Fired Plants
Pow �Y
2 WI�REAS, Minnesota generates 68 percent o£the state's electriciiy by biuning co �
3 WHEREAS, coal-fired power plants are the largest industriai source of air pollution in Minnesota, emitting
4 • 40 percent of Minnesota's total smog-forming nitrogen oxides emissions per yeaz, which is the
5 emission equivalent of over 4 million cazs;
6 • 78 percent of Minnesota's total sulfur dioxide emissions per yeaz, which contribute to parkiculate
7 pollution associated with premature deaths and acid rain;
8 • 38 percent of Minnesota's total cazbon dioxide emissions per year, which contribute to climate
9 change;
10 • 30 percent ofMinnesota's total mercury emissions, which damage neurological systems, especially
11 in children; and
12 WHEREAS, particulate air pollution is responsible for an estnnated 249 premature deaths in Minnesota each yeaz;
13 is responsible for an estimated 5,820 asthma attacks in Minnesota each year; is responsible for 135 premature deaths
14 in the Twin Cities each year; and is especially hannful to vulnerabie groups of persons, such as children, the elderly,
15 and others who suffer form lung and heart disease; and
16 W�IEREAS, ozone air poliution is responsible for an estimated 3,300 respiratory emergency room visits and is
17 responsible for an estimated 120,000 asthma attacks in Minnesota each yeaz, and'as especially harmfiil to wlnerable
18 groups of persons, such as children, the elderly, and others who suffer from lung disease; and
19 WHEREAS, most oider coal-burning power plants are exempt from meeting the pollution control standazds that
20 new plants must meet under the Clean Air Act and are pemutted to emit nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide pollution
21 at rates 5 to 10 times greater than that of new plants; and
22 WHEREAS, air poilution from coal-fired power piants can travel great distances, adversely impacting the health
23 of both local residents and residents in neighboring states; and
24 WIIEREAS, extensive reliance on coal-fired power plants represents intolerable health and environmental costs to
25 society; and
26 WHEREAS, Xcel Energy (formerly Northern States Power Company) announced plans last year to convert two
27 boilers at its Black Dog power plant from coal to natural gas, greatly reducing the amount ofharmful emissions and
28 increasing genera6on capacity; and are undertal:ing feasibility studies to do the same at the Riverside plant in
29 Minneapolis and the High Bridge plant in Saint Paul;
Councii File # e i_ a,q3
Green Sheet # lae G 3 t{
� a aa
30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul calls on Xcel Energy and its regulators to
1 complete the feasibility study of converting the High Bridge plant from coal to natural gas and aggressively
2 undertake a repowering project at High Bridge to reduce the environmental and public health ixnpacts that coal
3 burning presents to the community; and p�-ry91
4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul calls on Governor Ventura, the Minnesota Legislature,
5 Senator Wellstone, Senator Dayton, and Representaxive McCollum to:
6 • Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation that will ensure that pollution from coal-fired
7 Qe„a,.�.,ra plants, including nitrogen o�de, sulfur dioxide, cazbon dioxide, and mercury, is draznatically
8 reduced;
Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation requiring all power plants, old and new, to
meet the modern emission standazds for nitrogen o�des and sulfur dioxides met by new plants
Take a lead role in developing incentives for all sectors of the economy to utilize cleaner fuels for
Provide disincentives for continued reliance on coal technologies; and
15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul takes formal notice of recent studies, including Death,
16 Disease and Dirty Power: Mortality and Health Damage Due to Air Pollution from Power Plants (October, 2000),
17 which demonstrate the serious public health impacts of fine particulate matter pollution from coal-fired power
18 plants.
Requested by Department o£
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY� —� = i .—� -
Approved bv Mavor: Date
Form Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� S
Adopted by Council: Date A �\� ��n�
O �-�1013
A�.�.� � - ��r �� >>, �o d �
OF �IN,Y� f�1JL, M
Presented by
Referred To
1 A Resolution in Support of Cleaning Up Coal-Fired Plants
Pow �Y
2 WI�REAS, Minnesota generates 68 percent o£the state's electriciiy by biuning co �
3 WHEREAS, coal-fired power plants are the largest industriai source of air pollution in Minnesota, emitting
4 • 40 percent of Minnesota's total smog-forming nitrogen oxides emissions per yeaz, which is the
5 emission equivalent of over 4 million cazs;
6 • 78 percent of Minnesota's total sulfur dioxide emissions per yeaz, which contribute to parkiculate
7 pollution associated with premature deaths and acid rain;
8 • 38 percent of Minnesota's total cazbon dioxide emissions per year, which contribute to climate
9 change;
10 • 30 percent ofMinnesota's total mercury emissions, which damage neurological systems, especially
11 in children; and
12 WHEREAS, particulate air pollution is responsible for an estnnated 249 premature deaths in Minnesota each yeaz;
13 is responsible for an estimated 5,820 asthma attacks in Minnesota each year; is responsible for 135 premature deaths
14 in the Twin Cities each year; and is especially hannful to vulnerabie groups of persons, such as children, the elderly,
15 and others who suffer form lung and heart disease; and
16 W�IEREAS, ozone air poliution is responsible for an estimated 3,300 respiratory emergency room visits and is
17 responsible for an estimated 120,000 asthma attacks in Minnesota each yeaz, and'as especially harmfiil to wlnerable
18 groups of persons, such as children, the elderly, and others who suffer from lung disease; and
19 WHEREAS, most oider coal-burning power plants are exempt from meeting the pollution control standazds that
20 new plants must meet under the Clean Air Act and are pemutted to emit nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide pollution
21 at rates 5 to 10 times greater than that of new plants; and
22 WHEREAS, air poilution from coal-fired power piants can travel great distances, adversely impacting the health
23 of both local residents and residents in neighboring states; and
24 WIIEREAS, extensive reliance on coal-fired power plants represents intolerable health and environmental costs to
25 society; and
26 WHEREAS, Xcel Energy (formerly Northern States Power Company) announced plans last year to convert two
27 boilers at its Black Dog power plant from coal to natural gas, greatly reducing the amount ofharmful emissions and
28 increasing genera6on capacity; and are undertal:ing feasibility studies to do the same at the Riverside plant in
29 Minneapolis and the High Bridge plant in Saint Paul;
Councii File # e i_ a,q3
Green Sheet # lae G 3 t{
� a aa
30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul calls on Xcel Energy and its regulators to
1 complete the feasibility study of converting the High Bridge plant from coal to natural gas and aggressively
2 undertake a repowering project at High Bridge to reduce the environmental and public health ixnpacts that coal
3 burning presents to the community; and p�-ry91
4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul calls on Governor Ventura, the Minnesota Legislature,
5 Senator Wellstone, Senator Dayton, and Representaxive McCollum to:
6 • Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation that will ensure that pollution from coal-fired
7 Qe„a,.�.,ra plants, including nitrogen o�de, sulfur dioxide, cazbon dioxide, and mercury, is draznatically
8 reduced;
Work together to forge federal and/or state legislation requiring all power plants, old and new, to
meet the modern emission standazds for nitrogen o�des and sulfur dioxides met by new plants
Take a lead role in developing incentives for all sectors of the economy to utilize cleaner fuels for
Provide disincentives for continued reliance on coal technologies; and
15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul takes formal notice of recent studies, including Death,
16 Disease and Dirty Power: Mortality and Health Damage Due to Air Pollution from Power Plants (October, 2000),
17 which demonstrate the serious public health impacts of fine particulate matter pollution from coal-fired power
18 plants.
Requested by Department o£
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY� —� = i .—� -
Approved bv Mavor: Date
Form Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� S
Adopted by Council: Date A �\� ��n�
O �-�1013