270069 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIL F•�±��9,�/��� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PALTL � BLUE . -MAYOR � . Flle NO. Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Eugene Stackhart, 751 Baya�d was assessed $21 .50 as a Delinquent Refuse Assessment, WHEREAS, The property at 405 Goodrich that was assessed did not receive the refuse collection service, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That Eugene Stackhart be refunded $21 .50 fran the Solid Waste Coliection Fund. mkb COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Pub11C WoPks Hoz�� in Favor Hunt �� D __ Against BY � ' Roedler Daniel J. Dun d, Direct r (JFS/RRA� Sylvester Tedesco �1jQE� � 5 ��77 Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted b ncil: Date Ce � ied Pas y Co c� Secretary BY By � Approve Mavor. Date !�Q� � * ���� Appr v d by Mayor for b ssion to Council \ By B � �=���,:,'.���.: �'. .. .' 2 ,:. 1?77 _ OM Ol: 22/1975 " Rev. : g/8/76 EXPL�ia.'I'SON U�' ALiMTPIIST�"�TIVE URDERS, ��� RFSOI�tJ`r'IQNS, AND ORDINANCES Date: October 27, 1977 � ^ ; TO: MAYOR GE�RGE LATIMER R� _�, ! :'� � � FR: Roger Ariderson, Publ ic Wbrks (298-55�5) NO�V . "�� MAY�' O� KE: Refund of Delinquent Refuse Assessment. ACTION REQUESTED; To approve the refund of a Del inquent Refuse Assessment charge on the property tax statanent of a oamer who did ' not receive such service. - J� _ PURPOSE PyND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Property at 405 Goodrich was . . asaessed $21.50 for Refuse Coll�c- tion Service. The wrong property was assessed. Th� customer re- � � questing th� service has b�e� located ' ' and billed. ATTACHMEP3TS: Council Resolution. J�3/1tRA/mkb