270057 WHI7E - CITV CLERK �}' /�,���� PINK - FINANCE � COUnCII ��° e �i� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR - � , Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has reviewed and approved the submission of the Shade Tree Program Application-1978 to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for state financial assistance under the Shade Tree Program (Minnesota Laws 1977 Chapter 90). THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Mayor is hereby authorized to submit said application and is authorized to accept such grant and to execute all necessary agreements with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture in order to implement the said program. - Code #33121 . COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza �- in Favor Hunt N ,S'�� Levine � __ Against �� Roedler Sylvester , Te o Adopt by Council: Date N�V a �977• For Approved by C y rtified Pas y C n ' Secretary BY �. a � �QV � Appr ve y Mayor for S is ion to Coun 1 App • by IVlayor. t — By BY ' �:',��_��;s:��� ,';v''J 1 � 1977 SHADE TREE PROGRAM Sanitation � Personnel TITLE HOURS RATE AMOUNT 1 Forestry Supervisor IT 2,080 12.06 25,084.80 18 Groundsmen 24,960 8.91 222,393.60 7 Power Clam Operators 14,560 11.02 160,451.20 1 Park Foreman 2,080 11.41 23,732.80 5 Forestry Supervisor T 10,400 11.41 118,664.00 8 Tree Trimmer I 16,640 8.84 147,097.60 10 Tree Trimner II 20,8Q0 9.58 199,264.00 15 Truck Drivers 31,200 10.27 320,424.00 14 Park Aide TT 15,600 3.76 58,656.00 � Arborist TV 2,080 13.75 28,600.00 3 Arborist I 5,200 9.46 49,192.00 30 Sanitarian Aides 20,800 6.68 138,944.00 6 Crew Leaders 12 480 9.58 119 558.40 � 118_ 9.01 ,61z,06 .40 :t . . .�:.":�.:_y.�." . 1978 Grant Application ; ,�`� s��� SHADE TREE PROGRAM SANITATION EQUIPMENT USE 1 Car 14,953 miles @ $ 0.14 per mile $ 2,093.42 13 Pickup Trucks 132,421 " " 0.14 " " 18,538.94 4 Pickup Trucks (4x4� 45,490 " " 0.14 " " 6,368.60 12 Tandem Trucks 24,096 hours " 11.50 " hour 277,104.00 6 Clams 12,048 " " 11.50 " " 138,552.00 3 Dump Trucks 5,904 " " 6.80 " " 40,147.20 3 Stumpers 5,424 " " 12.70 " " 68,884.80 6 Aerials 12,048 " " 11.80 " " 142,166.40 24 Saws 48,192 " " 2.50 " " 120,480.00 2 Generators 502 days " 8.00 " day 4,016.00 TOTAL COST $818,351.36 1978 Grant Application S�HADE TREE PROGRAM SANTTATION OUTSTDE CONTRACTS Contractual Tree Removal - Public Property Asplundh Tree Expert Company $ 378,016 St. Paul Tree Contractors 479,526 $�3�,5�'f Removal Costs to be Contracted 7,828 trees @ $162.00 per tree 1,268,136 $2,125,678 Contractual Tree Removal - Private Property Asp lundh Tree Expert Comparly $ 815,628 St. Paul Tree Contractors 885,278 � 1, 00.906 Removal Costs to be Contracted 16,021 trees @ $183.00 per tree $2,931;843 4,632�749 Total Contractual Services $6,758,427 1978 Grant Application � SHADE TREE PROGRAM SANITATION MTSCELLANEOUS Refuse Disposal $100,000.00 Paint and Paint Supplies 1 992.85 � Property Damage Claims 10,625.62 Saw Chain 2,530.OU Rope 1,582.40 � Shovels, Axes, Axe Handles 381.94 Safety Supplies (OSHA requirements� 2,569.20 119,682.01 � � � i I ; I � � 1978 Grant Application � i I ; I i . I � i i � SHADE TREE PROGRAM REPCANTING Eligibility Trees removed from public property, 1977 $ 18,000.00 Personnel 1 Arborist II 2,080 hours @ $8.33 per hour $17,326.40 3 Arborist I 5,200 hours @ $9.46 per hour $49,192.00 2 Sanitarian Aides 3,120 hours @ $6.68 per hour $20,841.60 87,360.00 Outside Contracts: Trees to be contracted - 21,873 @ $130.00 each 2,843,490.00 Total Cost $2,948,850.00 1978 Grant Application , , � � � � lst � �� 2nd � � � � � • 3rd � �� Adopted � � � . Yeas Nays � BUTLER HOZZA � � ������ � LEVINE . �J ROEDLER TEDESCO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) . . . a6►����� . . f:,: . • ,. �^I��NESOTI� DEP!',RT�'E�dT OF AGRICULTURE • . .a. ` , o� Stiade Tree f'rograr� � • �� � �_ G00 t3remer Bui 1 di nq � � � ,� St. Paul , P�!;•a 551 Q1 ,,r � � .� (612) 296-8580 � � SH/'�DE TREC PROGRA�! APPLICATIOi� - 1�78 I. 'lame of City/Cou�ty �oplyinq and the Population (1�70 Census) . A�plicant �1,ty of Sa1nt Paul County Ramsey Population 309,866 II. 'lame, Title, Address and Qusiness Phone for: PRQrrAP� t1Fu�;,GER - Person to !�}�om inqui ries about the �ro�ram shoul d be di recte�+. I�dame Judi tfi A. Barr Ti tle Shade Tree Coordinator Audress _ 368 Lowry Annex ZIP 55102 Business Phone 612 - 298-_.,�§,�Q�_ FISCAL /��E��T - Person to ��hor� grant dishursernents should bc ►�ailed. ;�arne Elisabeth L. Atchison Title Accountant 1'.ddress 545 City Hall ZIP 55102 Qusiness !'hone 612 - 298 - 4828 III. Tree Inventory - Estimate t`ie numher of trees on Put�lic and Private lands. . .. � _ - . EL!•S (?AK ` , �?T�iER (s�ecifu type) :M.� Puhl i� ' F 58 701 7 993 kA y �� 43 500 i e s f ed sE e i e`s �. _ . .. ,. c � , �5 �c� vr1 i P �. .. ��r ,1 � �. . _ . r . ;�' . � , . S�r , , � z.,,; , f. � � Private � 22,582* . ,: Y3 . Not available Not available , ,. M � �. . _ . . r;,,� . :. � , . .� � # �� � �4 �„�.: �- 7Q��,AL�; 81 ,283 ��.�r� ��'��`� �' _ 7,993 �,,� ; �;,a � 43,500 �� ��-����� :� � �-� T� , , � � ,- ;� .�` �= :- � : . ��� p `�a�;., �y *M g;�' . � e +�%4��s. �.:.: .. " .,.. °� :.�, „ ",�, �.;,. ..: ... ' 3�3`, �r���' ,... � , � Y . "� �����'�'�'�Y�,����'"'€aalx��'a�"'i�.�;.���s� ;<.#€:Y ��€ x'�'' *C :`+ixt�'a�$x����"a!��� +r`,"��y�,� m Il�. i� comp ete description, of our sanitat�on.and.replantino proaram mus� �e �rovide . '� ` Bot��si�dPs of that fiomi must�2ie�co�rnileted and;mailec�. tvith `_; " � -`� on the� form��attache8.�� ,: your� appl i cati on ,:: Al l a p i cants must submi t a control E�ro�rar� to �e el i g�bl e°�'v•' for state reinburser�nt. � �``� '� � � .; ° >.',M .,' � � ,�.�� �:. � � <°�, �. � " 'sl �'� '�' i� t3r <�r 4 ��"� ?e >z��' � ; z - '' � �.:�"€. w`n ''t. � . . =r{ >r _ : ., ..: .. : + . . . - V. Givz tne Total Ariounts 6ud eted for the items indicated, regardless of the source�o =� fundi ng. �udget only ;for,"EQI; P.lENT USE" (SEE STATE P.ILQ'�:l'�i��CES FOR Ct1UIPt;EP�T), t���`� �� EQ�=IPt^EF;T PURG1/'.SE. , . �;�'�.,#- } �.��` , � PROGRh(� �LOGET F�R THE PERI OU J�'JUARY 1 TNP,U DECE('�EI', 31 , 1978: ,��„',� ` - t��,:. -��'� �.. � SIV�ITATIO�� f:EPLA;�iTI��� ,:, _w����.,:� . • ` . . . . µ r.�`.. 5��. ` Personnel . . 1 ,612,062.40 87,360.00 "� ' ' ""�>�*:. �'�� ,.. _ . .__w: ,�.,�.:. .,. .: � � ��; Enui pir.ent Use . � 818,351 .36 _ �:�,�� � , .. •� Oqty � . .. :: �,. � » . . . ' -_ :. ..... .. ... ,_� . . .. , ..,. „ .. ..e_.,.�., ..._.� .. ..... .. ,*� . n.�, ..y�,b:.r�}� �,. � Qutside Contracts 6,758,427.00 < 2,843�490.00 � • � - , _ „ _ _,. .,._ _:: ... _. �,� � . _ - t '�.f.. Y�'_''s',�r, � In-Y.ind Contributions.'-., 1 �r �`�." ` � _ ,�- � � �� �� �. _. .. . �. • _ , . , ��'� 1 , (citi�s with less than �- ,,� � � 1,000 ponul ati on) : _, ... . .:.._ _ : .. 4 :u �,»�t�.�� F �x� . �: .-. _ . _.�.. �.�.,>,� . : ; .. .�; . . ,�,. ;;- ,.a°�'�;" �'; i+iscellaneous - � ;_- - - . 119,682.01 � ' �' � TCTALS 9,308,522.77 2,948,850.00 �y . .a ..:.. . . .��. . . �.���� ,< - - VII.-=i'�ffix a`true and.�orrect _copy of th`e"-authorizin�.,resolutit�n =o# your.g�verning .. ` - -body relating to `you"r sani�afion`and reforestatfiort-Qrograms andfiud�jet:-- -- �V� -...a,�:-- , �� � � _: � � .��::���' _ See Council Resolution Attached � `� � ***** These applications should be sent to: R"innesota t�partr�ent of A�riculture, SEiade ****° Tree Program, GOQ Brer.ier Quildinq, St. Paul , !�innesota, 55101 . THEY i'UST QE P�ST- i iAf:nED id0 LATER THI',��� iJUVE(•1QEf? 15, 1975. - ' Contract Number � � , AGREEt4E��T � By nnd Between the MIfdNESOTA DEPART�IENT OF AGRICULTURE (Hereinafter "department") and The Clty of Saint Paul (Hereinafter "grantee") !•:tICREAS, '1inn. Stat. � 18.023 �rovides funds on certain conditions for nrants to local units of governm�nt for shade tree sanitation progranu on public and private lands and for reforestation on �ublic lands, and , WHEREAS, grantee is properly authorized to apply for sucli grants, to finance its share of its costs, and represents that costs of 1ts sanitation oro�ram for �97$ _ +�ill be 91308,.�22.77. and costs of its reforestation program for ��_ t•rill be � �„���; ;dOt•1 THEREFQRE, department and grantee in consideration of the respective prom9ses contained '" herein agree as follo�•rs: � . 1. Subject to legislative appropriations and demand, department shall pay arantee � _(7�) of the cost of grantee's sanitation p w gram not to exceed S 2. Sul�ject to legislative appropriations and demands, department shall pay grantee ninety percent (90�) of the cost of the first fiftv (50) trees alanted under the grantee's reforestation program, if grantee qualifies for such payment under Fiinn. Stat. � 18.023, subd. 3a (c). 3. Sub�ect to legislative appropriations and demand, department shall pa,v grantee (�) of ti�e cost of the grantQe's reforestation program on public lands, not to exceed S 4.' Grantee shall su�mit quarterly requests for payment Lo department setting forth all information � required 'ny department. - _ 5. Grantee shall fully canply �vith Mi�n. Stat. § 18.023 (1976) and all rules promulgated pursuant �°�"� ... .. . . . . � thereto. and shall maintain uusin¢ss records in conformance witt� ycnerally accepted accounting and auditin� ° ��f ,. , ; ,_. .. ��: ._. . : .. , •„�.- . .. . :_. :. _. : . � .;, ..�r::�. ' .::.�: ::.. ,-, .. �.. .-. �1i-:,� a ��..�y.�.�et '��.�'�'� �'. ����. :_ . .: .- ' •.. � . ..a ' .:. . principles to fully�eviden�e its costs and expenses and allow departrtient fult access thereto: F,ny ,.�. � , � < �� a f�r an activit.y not in com liance �rith such s�id statute and rules stia11 be ineli ihle forx�v t{�'� cost incurre._. p 9 " . . . , � � . . .. .. ;�� ....9s���'.x:.. �������. reimbursement. Grantee agrees to return all funds arhich have been paid to arantee by denartment for anj► ��� ,� ,: costs incurred in violation of the terms of this agreement of the said statute anG rules. 6. Grantee represents that none of its officers or ert�loyees has any financial interest in �this contract or proceeds payable thereunder. 7. Tnis agreement sh�il cover the period to Ihl NITNESS of this aqreement, department and grantee fiave caused it to be executed this day of , 1977. ' ;�"_,.; �: STRTE USE O�JLY: APPLICN�TS SIGNATURES: � . ;� .�.;, �=` , : ��� �: tiy. ` . QY� # '� r for: Cort�n ssioner o gr cu ture Mdy01" - - - �t `: �� Title: . > . , approved as to.form and execution � e xecut ve cer ,�� � �. � this d�y of . 19 _ . _ _ �=< <�' < . ' ._ ' ����4. WARREN SPAt1��AUS dY� ' `? i : Attorney General C1 ty Cl erk Title: '� ay; e or ecretary pec a s stan ' Itttorney General _ -- - .-- -- _ - aPPrnved: __ � _ ` s",p�r�vcd: . . � =.r----= - Department o � n s rat on Department o nance �-- Trn.No. Ar.aou��hD. Oryanization F,V, Rpulsifloh No. Ve�tlw Numb�� Type Tsrms Source 5.Act. Task 5.Task A40 L3LS0 ti Cost,Job or Client Cotle Amount Suitix Object Sanitation O1 71 $END Re f re a n TYPE OF TRANSACTION � � Entered by A40 A41 Dat• umO�r Entered by qa4 A45 A46 n°�� Number • r , " o $HADE TREE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAt+1 FOR 1978 S�NITATION & REFORESTATION �;?�����;� CITY: S�jnt pc�ul COUNTY: Ram�+3t TREE INSPECTOR: (,1oyd Burkholder ADDRESS . 1224 N. Lexinqton Ave. St. Paul , MN. 55103 TELEPHQi��E . 612 - 488 - 6302 Please answer the following questions regardina your shade tree disease control proaram. Your responses must be complete. This form is subject to approval by Program staff. ** Attach additional sheets if necessary or write on the back. I. Shade Tree Disease Control Area. (This is the area in which you have � � decided to control Dutch elr�;disease and oak wilt disease. Plzase describe it using street names of geagraphic landmarks. If possible, � include a map of the area.) � The entire City of Saint Paul has been designated as the control area for the 1978 program. The City boundaries on the north, south, east, - � and west are the control area boundaries. � II. Description of your sanitation program. . a. How often and ��hen do you plan on inspecting the trees? See Attached Sheet b. Do you plan on trimming trees this year? How much trimminq do : you plan on doing? i ' Due to �the tremendous incidence of Dutch elm disease in St. Paul, tree trim- ming crews have been diverted to tree removal. Tree trimming is done on�y When the trees r sent a hazar$ d n er, or i mer ency s$�tuationa. III. b�hat are your po�cies for remov�fig �r�es on pu�iiic p�operty. � � � ' a. tJhat is your time "limit for removing �trees? � • Diseased trees on public property are remove�d es soon as possible on ublic ].ands ' • �' �i. is your �ree removal done by a pr3vate contractor or your city cre��us? (If both, �•�hat percentage does the city crew remove? List your contractors.) � Both City creWS and contractors are used in the. removal of diseased treee ! on public property. City crews can remove' approximate�y 7,000 trees per year. The balance of the trees removed by the contractors is besed on � - . � the to�tal number o�- losses. This is-expected,�o be about 30,000 t,rees in � - -. 1978. The 23,004, trees Which will hav� to be removed by coatractors will - be bid competitively in spring of 1978• : - �- , , c. l,lhat chemicals are you using in your program? How often do you _ use them? Vapam is being uaed as part of the program for root - graft control. Boulevard trees growing withia 40 Peet of diseased trees will be in�ected. A limited experimental program using Lignasan BLP � and Arbotech is being conducted on approximately ,100 trees in paxks and -, - along selected parkways. Both chemicals are being use8 on a yearJ,y �. basis. . - - • d. What type of tax fund is the tree removal paid from? - The Shade Tree Disease Control Program is being funded out of Special= • Revenue funds. This includes a combination of local, State, and federal funds. e. Indi cate any addi ti onal sani tati on acti vi ti es that �,►i 11 be - performed. The disposal of Wood Waste at the Pig's E�re Wood Recycling Center will be an additional activity under our sanitation program. � . � IV. l�l�at are your policies for removing diseased trees on private lands? a. What is your tirie lir�it for removing diseased trees? Diseased trees are removed as quickly as possible on private property. 5. Is a city crew or contractor available for n��ivate use? How often are they requested? The City of Saint Paul pays for tree removal on private property. Private contractors are hired by the City and assigned to remove private trees. c. Do you use chemi cal s on these trees? (�Jl�a� k i nd and under what conditions?) No chemicals are used by the City on trees located on private property. , d. Do you have a subsidy program for private tree removal? (Please describe the policies that you are usine.) Private residential property is 100°� eubsidized by the City. Trees located on property other than residential is the responeibility of the property owner and the City does not subsidize these properties. �'. 4�1�ere are you disposinq of your trees? a. If you are burning the logs state ��here th� site is and . the burning permit number. No wood is being burned et this tiaoe and we do not anticipate burning aqy wood waste during 1978. b. If you are burying the logs, state �vhere the dump is. _ No. wood was� is being trucked to a landfill area at this time. � � c: If the logs are being utilized, state the company using - " the wood and the product produced. Northland Pulp, Inc. is currently operating the Wood Recycling Center _ which ie located at Pig's E`ye Leke, and �ointly osaned by the City of Saint � Paul and Minneap olie. Northlsnd is marketing the wood chi s and hog fuel REPLANTING POLICIES produced at the facility to Hoerner�laldorf and NSP. a. List the numi�er and species of trees to be replanted. Approximately 35 apecies of trees are being planted on the public boule- - vards in St. Paul. These species are noted on the attached eheet. , b. List the nurseries where you are buying your�trees. � The nurseries which will aupply trees for the City vP Saint Paul will be � ' determined as part of the competitive bidding process. Ttie nurseries Will be lected the �uccessf dder. Bidding for the Spring, 1978 season ci�L°s�wh���°�o ���tl�'r���ilting. The contractor for the tree planting pro�ject will be selected as part of ' the competitive bidding process. The contractor is responsible for sup- " � � plying, planting, and maintaining the trees. � � d. .Hoi�r many trees do you anticipate� replanting? � Approximate�y 25,000 new trees will be plsnted during 1978 at a cost oP � ' $3,000,000. The planting of the trees on the boulevards is being done Without direct cost to the property awner. These trees are 2 to 2� inch balled and burlapped� stock with a one-year guarantee by the contractor. � r II. Description of your sanitation program. a. How often and when do you plan on inspecting the trees? The St. Paul control area is 55.4 square miles and has been divided into five districts of approximately 11 square miles per district. A survey crew will be assigned to each of these districts to detect trees suspected of Dutch elm disease and to find actual or potential breeding sites of elm bark beetles. Trees will be inspected at least three times during the spring and summer months for signs of Dutch elm disease. 1 �