270032 WH17E - C�TV CLERK COURCII . �°����'" PINK - FINANCE TT � t � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G.I TY OF . SA I NT PA V L - ' � BLUE - MAYOR File �� NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICEIVSE COMNiITTEE 7��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates and hours indicated on the application, be and the same are hereby granted. Immaculate Heart of Mary 1550 6ummit �ingo - 1 pd. Appn. 19163 New St. Therese Church 1926 Norfolk Bingo - 1 pd. Appn. 191?6 Rene�w St. Dfatthew's Mens Club 507 Hall Bingo - 1 pd. Appn. 19210 Renew s COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: —Bct��r � � Hozza In Favor Hunt Roedler «-- Against BY Sylve sco ��7? Ado d by Council• Date _ NOV 3 Form Approved by City Attorney ertified a� by Cou .'1 ecret2�ry BY A p ved by 17avor: Da '\ o� 4�77 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY PLB�:V:;�� ;��;'r' 1 � 1977