270030 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ►-y E" PINK - FIIVA�NCE COUI�CIl 'y,/ CANARV - DEPARTM T G I TY OF A T PAU L -�7 �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• - 'l 'o e Presented By Referred To Com tt e: ate Out of Committee By ' Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 402 , Laws of Minnesota for 1977, ap�roved the 2nd day of June, 1977, entitled: "An act relating to Ramsey county and the city of Saint Paul; providing for construc- tion of necessary highway improvements; apportioning costs; prescribing certain limitations; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 435, Section 1. 0209, as amended. " a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act; FINALLY RESOLVED, that at such time as the current planning for Como Park and Como Zoo is completed, that the City Council maintains the right to approach the State Legislature to request the realignment of Lexington if the planning and the area residents so recommend. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Request�d by Department of: Butler Hozza —� In Favor Hunt /l Levine V __ Against BY — Roedler Sylveste Te o NOV 3 1977� Form Approved by City Attor ey Adop by� Council: Date — rtified Pas� y C cil Secretary By ✓ 4 � oy7 � Approved."by Mayor for Submission to Councii Appr � Mayor: Date _ ���►�► ���-a By BY ' — PUBLiSHE� �J U�/ 1 G 1977 � \ -_ . v�/�/vw, �'(�' � `� _i��;Mn/W _ _ ."�.: /��� 1 � �' _ Q� I , , ' -1 �'I � '- - � � � �,�,p LB flj t = ,� ,c 3I1 J S �II � � J D � nl �( � I 0� ` � ��' \�/ \I/ � _, /�\ /�\ IR ��,�� i, � I, JOAN ANDERSON GROWE, Secretary of State of the State of I;, . � � �^� Minnesota, do hereby certify that the annexed is a full, trae and - correct photocopy of -ACts- FIOUSe Fi l e 938, bei ng Chapter 402, Laws of M�nnesota f'or 1977 , as I` Approved on June 2 , 1977, and fi1ed in this _ � - Office on June 2 , 1977. . . . . . . . . � : , � � _ _ f � � =� �� 3 � � �'� as the same appears o f record in this office, and of the whole thereof. � In Testimony Whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in St. Paul, this - 20tfi day of_ June � A. D. 19�� 2 � I CRETARY OF STATE - '� n m a •� � n � q� � � a nMMM �.'WVWW�/'✓vVW�/'�^�'�/W�MM/� ��� � ` , . CER'I'IFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING I30UY (Pi�rsuani to T'Iinnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF A9INNESOTA County of �MSEY � TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF I�IINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL (name o governmental unit) DOES HEREBY CER'T1FY, tl�at in compliance ���ith the pro�-isions of Laws, 19 , Chapier 402 requiring approval by a t majority vote of the go��erning body of caid ]ocal go��crnmental unit before it becomes effective, the CITY COUNCI�__ __ (designate go�erning body) at a meeting dtily h�?3d on the 3� day of November __ _ , 19 �� , by resolution COU�NCIL FILE N0. 270030 c�id approve said La���s, 19�� , ChaPter 402 (If other than resolution,speciEy) by a �rnajority vote of all of the members thereof (A�•es � ; Noes � ; Absent or not voting � ) and the follo�ti�ng additional steps, if any, rcc�uu- � , ed by statute or charter were taken: Pr�blished in the St. Paul offieial newspaper on November 12, 1977. A copy of the resolt�tion is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. E� .� �. G ' Sibned•� ��?-�.,. ,�;.�� ./J . -;�T e 'City Clerk� (Officia] dcsignation of ofGcer) (This fonn prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Alinnesota Statutes 645.U21) . � , *If extraordinary majorily u required by the special law insert fraction or perceniage here. ����rv�c Nov i $�g�� _ $��f��r'''��� � ;-`� �LE�'.�' �� � , � , ' • CITY OF SAII�TT �'AUL a � � � 3 � ` �l•�r ��, O<' n s �. li'� '�i Rose Mix ' � l �� ^'•� Albert B. Olsoo '.". �::.:�(>�,i City Clerk ¢nd ?. � __�,-- � Council Recordcr Council Secretary �'�, ' h� b.v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS �86 City Hall St.Paul,Dliienesota 55102 � Phone�98-42's1 November 1�+, 1977 Secretary of State �tate of Ninnesota Dear I:ad�m: � Attaciied for filing in your off:ice is a Certiiicate of Approval of the City of St. Paul for Cliap�er �02, Laws of Iriinnesota for 1977. Will you pl�ase �;irie star.ip the copy of the certificate and return it to 'che undersigned. Very tru]..y yours, City Clerk attach. ABO�cw � , � � REC�1V�� � . �"� � �• . � ;� � � Nov ��t��7 ' (.� ��., � _ _'�TE ;: .�1. /{,. n�' �;�C�'FT � � .. < ��,,i�'` � �W �LC���' �,� , � � � � � �� �� � ��s , �r • � � � �3 �� i � 1 H.F.No. 938 CHAPTER No. ��- \ ��� ' � �� i .. - . 2 relating to Ramsey county and the city of gaint . _ 3 Paul ; praviding for construction ofi necessary 4 highway impr�vements; apportioninc costs= � 5 orPSCrib�ng c�rtain limitations: amendinc� Laws b 1974, Chapter u35, Section 1 . 0209, as amended. 7 8 BE IT Er+1ACT�p gY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STqTE OF MIN�FSQTA : 9 Section 1 . Laws 197ur Chapter u35, Sectian 1 , ��(�9, as 10- amended by Laws 1975, Chaater u�6r Section 5, i $ ac�endeci to 31 read; � _ 1Z S�c. 1 , 0�'09 (HIGH4tiAYS.� —fb} Subd�v9sion 1 . EPOwER 70 --------------..... 13 AP��ROPRIATE FOR SAINT PAUL STREETS.] —f� (a) - 14 �r^pRt�PRIATIOP�.) �amsev county shalt annuaily aavro�riate tQ � 1S the city of Saint Paul an amount of money to assist in the 16 canstru�tion, irrprove►rent and maintenance ot roads and 17 streets, and b�id�es thereon, inside the limit�s of tha ciiy 18 of Saint Pau1 where the roads and streets, and bria�es � 19 thereon, connect with, and a�e extensions of , �oads ir the 20 county outs{de of the city � but leadinq into the citv. In 21 no year sha11 the arraunt aaproprjated be less tnan 22 $1 � 300, 000. The r��oneys so 3ooro�riated shali be patd to the Z3 city of St . paul in two eoual arrounts� one to be paid hy � . , � s * � H.F.No. 938 1 June 15, and one by No�Pmber 15 0� each year. z f�2� (b) tCITY TO CONTROL EXPENpZTURE.� Moneys so .,___._. 3 anprocriated sha11 be sPent under the direct {on ot the city. 4 fb� Subd. 2. [DUTY TO APPROPRIATE FOR MUNICIPA� - 5 STREETS.I—ff� (a) [FORMU�A. FOH APPROPKIATION.� Ramsey - b county sha11 a�aroariate—�6AT9$$ �100, 000 annuallY and oay 7 it to the munici�atities in the countyr outside the city of 8 £�—{��v� Saint Paul � to aid the municiFalities �n the _._.__.._.��, 9 construction and maintenance of municiaat reads, streets or 10 bridges, approcriate traftic controt devices and tightins�, __r____.,._...__._._._.r_...-----_._.___...___------___..____�.. 11 and Ehis aRpropriation sha11 be apportioned in the fotlow�ng 12 manne� s 23 �f�4} ti ) 70 percent to be prorated te the .._.�.. :4 municipalltiPs in praportion �s the number of m11es Of t^oadS s� inside, and maintained exclusivety bv each municipality 16 �ears to the total number of miles of roads inside the 17 counky and rraintained exctusi �+ely bv atl the municip�tities� � 18 and 19• f5� (2) 30 percent the+�eof to the �runicipatities, ZO proportionatelvi accordinv to the asses�ed v�1u?fion �f a11 . �1 ProF:=:�*v for taxation in the municipalites� and sn�f1 he 22 Smenz 'an municipal roads� Streeks� or k�ridges by the 23 geve;-i.ng bodv of each municipalitv. . 24 T�2} (b) (CERTIFICAT�. I On or befo�e March 15 of each ----- � 2S vearr th� county engineer shall cer�tity the actual nu^:�er ofi 26 miles of t�oads ins�ae and maintai �ed exclusively bv th� 27 �unic{nalities outside the city of—�±;—faa�r� Saint Paui . � 26 The m{ leage so certified shali not include undevetene� 29 roahs, eaen thou�h the piat thereof may have be�n filed for 30 record, 31 (c) ( � ) In Rams�y ccuntv, tFe governfnc� bodv ofi a city, 32 viitage or town therein mav authorize the countv to 2 � . .; . .0 • . , H.F.No. g38 1 c�nstruct and maintain any or all�of its hic�hwavs withaut 2 advertising for bids. • 3 (2) The construction that is -referred to in the abcve U para4raAh is an1Y to be performed as vart of a maintenance S Job , and, the cost of the construction shatl not exceea b 52, SOQ for a proJect . 7 fd} Subd. 3. [IEXINGTON AVENUEf OI.D TRUNK HIGHwAY N0. �_..___..._-- 8 l0.� (a) That eart of Lexington avenue in Ramsey countv from ___� 9 l.arpenteur avenue to the northerlv houndary of �ountY ra�d '� 10 and that part of county reac! E from Lexington avenua ta 11 trunk hi �hway marked No, 51 , are a part of the countY 12 state—aid syskem ot highwayc. Minnesota Statutes• Section = 13 161 . Q82, appi �es to this section ofi highway, - 14 (b? Notw7thstandin4 any taw or rule to the contrary, �w�������r��r� rV�t�ti������l����{���w�w����+���a����w� 15 that na�t of l.exington avenue in Ramsey county from .._____�__,___,_._.__.�._ _.,._.________........, --------------- lb L.arpenteur avenue to the northerty boundarv of countv rcad E � ---------------------..._.__________..__..r_.�___.,..,._____...____—__.... 17 and th�t oart of cauntv ,�oad E from Lexinvton avenue to ____.,.__..._._______....-------------__.._�_.�---___..__--___.. 18 trunk hi�hway marked No. 51 � being a part of the countv -------------------------------------�_.,._-----..___..__.,.� 14 state—ai� systen� of h{qhways csursvant to M�nnesota Statutes, � �r�.���.��r���������.���.w.��.��.r�..�.�r�.��r�.��w�r�w..���r�������.����� . 20 ChaatQ� 161 , shall re�+ain eligib� e for county turnback fun�s _ . ! 21 currentty available Aursuant to i�innesota Statutes, Section :; ____..___.,._____._._---------------M�.____-.___..____ ___._.---- ;'; 22 161 .u��, �ntil September 7r 1978. No county turnback funds ;� ___�.�.......__�_��__ _____________.._---------_�,_____...__ � 23 sha11 be disbursed until a R1an is acproved bv the __o_�__�_____--._________________--------------------- . 24 deNe�tment of transportation. ---------------�....._------__--_ . 25 ;ec. 2, ILEXINGTO�� AVEtvUE SOUTN QF LAR?ENTEUR,] The 26 city cf Saint Paul may not take or use existin9 vark land 27 for the redesian, reconstruction or widen� na of Lexinaton 28 avenua south of Larpenteur av�nue. ------------------------------------- 29 Sec. 3. [EFFECTIVE DnTE.] Section 1 is effect{ve uoon 30 its apc+roval by thP qoverning body of Ra�sey county ar±d uaon 31 comaliance wit►� MinneSeta Statutes� Section bu5s021 . 32 Section 2 is effiective uoon its avvrovai by the citv cauncil 3 , • , . � ,". . , � � �. , H.F.No. 938 1 of the citv of Saint Paut and uaoR comcliance with Minnesota 2 Statutes, Sectto� 645. OZ1 . �__----------�----------.--__._.__ _ . 4 ' - . . . , ,� , , . H. F.Na 9 3 8 �� . � Martin O. Sabo Speakcr of the Housc of Rcpscsentatives. ' `I � ,� / �; . � - � Edward J. earty resident o� th Senate. Passed the House of Representatives this 2I s t day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy—seven � E vard A. Burdick ' Chic�Clerk,House�f Represeatatives. � Passed the Senate this 20th day of May in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sevenry —seven � Patrick E.Flahavcn -�- � Secretasy of the Scnate. A roved � PP �-CL;� ,�� /l 7 7 ��// �- \ / C�i t _ � Rudy P 'ch Goymeor of th�State of Minnesota. Filed -z� �Q 7 7 Joan Andcssc�n Growc Sccretary of Statr. 5 � . .