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WHITE — CITV CLERK COl1RC11 ���a.'�� PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA ll L CP.NARV — DEPARTMENT ��� '� � ��� BLUE — MAYOR File NO. �� C°�Y T° Council Resolution VALUAT �6 SUREAU Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the City of St. Pau1 does hereby accept the temporary permit to construct for those lands more fully shawn on the attached map, hereto and made a part hereof by reference, and the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute the said permit and to record this document in the proper office of recordation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Finance and Ma.na eme ervices Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine v __ Against BY .'� �� � Roedler I7irector Sylvester Tedesc NOV � 19n( Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted ouncil: ate Cert ied Passe ouncil , ry � B _ �D:ull7 By Approved by ; Date c� l N�V 2� � App o d by Mayor for b 'ssj,un to Council By � BY a��• 1977 � pliBLiSHED ti'��� 5 � � OM 01: 12/1975 „-- Rev. : 9/8/'76 E�LANATION OF ADMINIST�tATIVE ORDERS, RESOLtTTIONS, AND ORDINANCES - �..,....... �� �'� Date: October 21, 1q77 Tp: MAYO& .GEORGE LATIMER � � FR: J. Will3.am Donovan, Valuation b Aesessment &�i.neer,�p�P F'�nance b Mgt. Services . � � {Ert. 5317) R£: Dale 3treet Widening - Fr� Minnehaha Avenne to Simon Avenue Temporary permit to construct over the Maxson Corporation property _ ACTZON REQUESTED: . �ecute the resolution authoris3ng a temparary permit to construct over � the M�xson Corporation property. � PURPO$E AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: , . . Pro�ect is authorised by Final Order, Ca�.cil �`S.le No. 2651.86, apprrnred M�a,rch 18, lq?5. ATTACBMENTS: 1. I�esolution for approval - 2. Temporary Permit to Constract for approval f r r: �°� r�..� ._.._.... r-..�-� - �..__ ._._.... �r►''j{�;�.���.� � � � � �•' � � .�• '', , � � TEMPORARY PERMIT TO COPtSTRUCT ___ The G�ty Council o� Sain� Paul. on ��.arch 18, �975, approved Final Order, Council File 265Z86, whieh authorized the Dale Street Widenin� construetion project from Minr!ehah,a Avernze to Simon Avenue. The Ma.xson Corporation is owner of the property shaded. in red on the attached map and it is neeessary that the City of St. Pau1 use the said property for temporary construction purposes in conneetion with the DaJ.e St. ' Widening project. . That the foregoing temporary construction permit be �de subject to and upon the follauring expressed conditions: 1) That at no time will the City or the City's contractor restrict or interfere with the demolition and�or canstruction by the Maxson Corpora.tion o� the buiyding located at the southwest corner of the Pdaxson property. 2) That this permit shall take effect on Octaber 24, 19rj7 and ending October 23, 1978, or upon completion of the construction pro�ect whichever comes first. The undersigned, in consideration of Qne Dol.].ar ($1.00) and other wa.luabZe consideration to them in hand paid by the City of Saint Paul, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby gi.ves tfl the City of Saint Pa.izl, the right to go upon said premises and constr�zct a retaining wa11, and to continue to work the same until fully completed. Dated this da.y of , 1977 Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: MAXSON RPORATION FQRM APPROVID: By T1•�. � ItS " i � � ctl.�" ��i��� Assistant i Att rney ts ° ��it CITY OF ST. PAtTL �� By �� Pdayor Dixecior oi F.�.na.nce a�d ?�fana.ge- � � ment Servzces By Director of Public Works I � . x ! ! .�<4•w:.y�i.� � . . t ._ . . . . ... . ..�: ' .: � ':' �;;. . ..- . ;.:. . ..._.:_�. :__.:_ , . • . .. : . . - � . . . . � .. . . ..•. .. _. ... ��.�.:. . �_. . .._ . '. � - � ' � . � . . . � •� . . . . . .. � .�, ..t z ,�`���`��-�,'� -2- � .r_ St�te of Minnesota ) ) ss. County of Ramsey ) • .�p ; The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �� �L j day of _ C.�` ` � 1977, bY �.L• ���GQ� s-------- ' �,,�l�,cr� n�,�.a�.�lr- ana C� .�n- . � ���! , _ t-�,l�r,�- _ � . of Maxson Corporation, on beha].� of the corporation. � • b'' . . . /�'�'�� 4': . _�N%���� /�/" / � ! �`�.i ���� ���� ��'� � 1� � .. ' . � ��+�� :: . � � . . ' . � i'. 1NILL !:. TtiALHUBER ` , �' � fJotary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn. ' ' � � � '`�i` � i';Sy CCmrr;s55io� Ei;RirFS Yar: 20: 29£�.� c �� t� � , ; , � �' . ` � ;� � � �. � � S �. � . . . ' � g" �. � � � � . }�...-. � � � . � � F,''. rf:' � � � #.,c-... 5:- �:' , �;. � � . . . . � � . �•':�'��` . � � . . ti._..... . . . �_...�. . . � . . .- . .. � �*_... � r M�'. � � � � . ��..'-. f' Y:' This instrument wa.s draft�d by City of St. �a,ul, Va].uations Division, Room � 286 City Ha11 and Court House, St. Pa,ul, Minnesota. �--' . � . . . . �'F:. � ��- . � �ppp±'�.-. . . . . . � � �,�: . . , . ' . ' . . ,�f::_ . . . . � . ' . ti�,. . , ' .. � .. , .��- � . � . .. �. . . . . . . 'aQ�fes . � � ' � . ' . . l Lx. . � � � � � � � � K� '�' . . . . !i._.v . . . . � � . ... � . . . �::E � . . . . � .. � � �. . . � �; . ;....„x _ �� � � 3�,��,s.v�r�.L'. .8x ac..��;. o5m '. 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