270020 WHITE — CITV CLERK t (�''� C NARV — OEP RCTMENT COUi1C11 d�w�,�A }j� BLUE — MAVOR . CITY OF SAINT PAUL File- NO. '��`' � � �•r..°� �� ��� T� Council Resolution VALUATIO U Presented By Referred To Committee: . Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, by Council File 117419, approved January 5, 1940, the City of Saint Paul vacated the following public street: That part of vacated Ivy Avenue (formerly South Street) lying between Grotto Street and Alameda Street (formerly Langtry Avenue), except alley, and; � WHEREAS, the Department of PubTic Works, the Water Depart- ment, and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have certified that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights, , except that Northern States Power Company shall be allowed to • maintain their existing gas and electric distribut,i.on facilities in the above mentioned realty; and WHEREAS, said Certificates of Intended Non-Use appear to be valid; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of 3aint Paul approves the waiver of easement rights by the City' s Department of Public Works, the City' s Water Department, and Northern States Power Company to the subject realty, except that Northern States Power Company is allowed to maintain their existing gas and electric distribution facilities. - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Fi e & Ma. ment Services Hozza in Favor � Hunt �/ Levine __ Against BY rector Roedler Sylvester Tedesco NOV 1 �9�7 Adopted ouncil: Date Form Approved by City Attorney C ified Pas Coun ' ecretarys B �''��'?� sy Approved avor: Dat l���V 2' �'�n Appr v d by Mayor fot Su s ' n to C�uncil By B �UBL�SNED ';�����' � ��77 ' d�ax�;�,�4 <�:�� THE HONORABLE MAY�R AND ME�i6ERS OF THE COUFdCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE 4F CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED ldON-USE The undersiqned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their uttlity easement rights tn the foilowing described realty: That part of vacated Ivy Avenue (formerty South Street) lying between Grotto Street and Alameda Street (formerly Langtry Avenue) , except alley. dated / Q° 1 � , 19� � � . �� D rector o Pub Wor s City of Safnt 1 ♦ . ,. � , - . � �;����a��� Tl� HONORABLE MAYOR AND I�NIDERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certif� that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in t�e follawing described realty; Tlza.t part of Ivy Avenue (former]�y South Street) lying between Grotto Street and Alameda Street (�'ormerly I�ngtry Avenue) Dated � , 1} ��_ Director of Public Works City of 3aint Paul ���� _ eneral Manager, er Depar ment City of Saint Paul Northern States Power Compa.ny gy (SEAL) Northwestern Bell Telephone Company By (SEAL) } IL '� � � �- ����'� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CTTY OF' SAINT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE 'I'he undersigned hereby cert�,fy �that they do not intend to exercise their utility easemeMt rights in the following described realtys West Ivy Avenue (formerly South Avenue) lying between the East line of Grotto Street and the West line of Alameda Street (formerly Langtry Avenue) , except alley Dated September 12 , 19� � Commissioner of Public Works City of Sa�.nt Paul � Commissioner of Public Utilities City of Saini Paul General Manager, Water Department City of Saint Paul Northern Sta�es Power Company gy (SEAL) Northwest rn Bell Telephone Comp�ny a,�G� gy C�L%��,c� SEAL) �� ,-_ r �*, . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � S3. covN� oF �s� ) On this � day of • 19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared to me personally known, who, being b� me duly sv�zorn, did say that he is the of NORTFiERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument, and tha�c the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires _�,_ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF R.AMSEY ) On �chis � day of � 19"? 7 , before me, a notary pub ic within and for said County, personally appeared C1~� �A�L s o�J _to me personally knownr who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the �sT,E'��T �A�T /�G,G�. of NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CONIPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporaice seal of said corporation, and tha't said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corpora i�o} by authQrity of its Board of Directors and said �� Cr f�.���l acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. • Q,cc� No�ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires MARY S. BAUER NOTAR• •U�4K -M�NN[60fA a RAMSEY COUNTY My Commission Expires Sept S,i911 i i i ; -- � , -, . �y �. .-.� � � - � . �.� . hi u� v� N , e .:8 - � �� 3- l�i , --.__ � � ?D..� - 2/ c.; ?2 a� � , _._ r': 4c�:i'�� . � ', �s � � I ' I .` ;,.. ' . ; ' . . � L�7 I � •.. 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'" = , � /y f :� � /9 � ' � - � ��: . . ._ -, ,. , :, . . . ..._ .__ . .__ .� '' ,'� - � ___ ._ .__ . . .- _._.._-- - — --. _ �_ - ,.,w�1..-s- f Q t' °-� %' '�� . � � , i.� '� i.j . llj /d ' , �� f } _.; . _. ._. _ _ _ _ _ . \ � � � _f , t.�., � �8� !/ :r I �� � �� �,'� . _� , � _ . _._ � * �- � _...._ , � � r _._ ...____ 1 � ' a. " �.. , ., , f � �� �i-''� ,� , ���. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE GERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEND�D NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the following described � realtys � West Ivy Avenue (formerly South Avenue) lying between the East line of Grotto Street and the West line of Alaineda Street (formerly Lanqtry Avenue) , * except alley provided Northern States Power Company is allowed to maintain their existing gas and electric distribution facilities in the above-mentioned realty. Dated , 19 � . Director, Department of Public Works City of Saint Paul General Ma.na.ger, Water Depa.rtment. City of Saint Paul Northern 5 tes Power Compa.ny B �(SEAL) Northwestern Bell Telephone Company By (SEAL) � , � , - � STATE OF MINNESOTA ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this �3�, day of ,• I9�7��, before me, o ry p�. 'c w t'hin and or ai County, persona.11y appeared (,5�����,c-c►...,✓,1-U-w to me persona.Ily known, w , ein me u y sworn, i say t t he is the of NORTHERN STATES I'OWER :�NY, a corporation, name in t e oregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporazion, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of i orp��ion by authority of its Board of Directors and said (�� l�,u acknowledged said instrume to e t e ree act an ee o said corporation. , � . Notary blic, Ramsey Cou?�zv Nlinn. MAR!GRi�r dICKiNSON My COI[llIll S S 1017 2XP1�1�$Y Public,Ramsey County,Minn: My Commissioo pires�pr.6, 197� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 19 , before me, a notary public wltFin and or sai ounty, personawlTy appeared to me persona.11y known, who, eing y me du y sworn, id say t t he is the of NORTHWESTERN BEL�TELE�� C , a corporation, name in the foregoing instrument, and tha.t the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and tha.t said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged said instrument to be t e ree act an ee o sai corporation. Notary Public, Ra.msey County, Minn. My commission expires i � � � , � , � �. �� .. ; . � � i � _ , ` , , , � ,.� , ______ �, fi � , 4 _. . i �; •:� �r � n' N� � . ,3 � ; ,S ;�! ,� �,- �a • 2/ �.; ?2 a � .. `' i';� ,�- , ,� � ` � . 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UO'053 do uzns aql 'I Pu�e siaqiunu ayur.y;� (;;1� � 7�¢q� 'Su�eHuxo� �4a;�at� qllea.��uocu�uo� "xa loa(qns 'laaa;s �Tiqnd s ss panuc; E '(00'9Z$ I�S�a1�w '00'n�;i �,�'i�:�l ( aql 'ao;oealaoo aql 43lm paaa�8 s�q -aoosEP Pus pal���n ,fqaiaq sF au�8s aq; �4 tig4�a�srq a�i:.i;� �;�� sKaoy� o�iqnd lo aauo4ss�w�uu� aKy pue aq Zu�ad-aniq p}�s uodn un�oqs ss � �00'84iS '(UU'e�r,S I�i��i •;aawanoad ('�ailB ;daoxa) ;S q;nog ;o ao�}aod '65! �oq��) sa.inao�.,u.� �u���,� i_. -uxI pauo�;uam anoqs a43 30 �u����u aq� paqja�sap anoqs a43 IBAS `Paniosa� � cnoa�e i�sauc a.��.» ayui:y;� �I�� l03 90I6-Z lozaluo� s,aatioa;dwo� s�e n 7i aQ �00'$6S '(00'0;$ [L?.�.'��:��� '��,�•�t amoa ;�8.�;uo�a ; u� pa�uca ao 1E10 cs 'aao;aiaq; :uan48 pue P?qs(iQ d .itnP � 'sauo;s acusu mau c�.+�,�, cii;� -uo� wns duxni ac{; 03 pappB aqsol cuns se.a aoE;ou ���nu�}q o �g�I d a��tuo 'OS'9E8 '(03'f.T% l�I����'��� pSE$ 'oo�os4 ao u��;tpps �au aq; paaaxa ua; ;B 06fiL f I P P E 41 1oq�l) '�daQ s�iwouu.,;.� .�<<<��It ol �ou Jo�asaq; suo�;B�g��ads ay; ylc,n I asnoH ;.tno� aql u� otaq aq o3 ;oa.iaq7 mau ae la n �.��� 4 I $u{;aaui 8 38 Itouno� aql �4 Pa�aq l P 33 V 1C (,�� ; aou8pioo�z ar apvcu aoi�ippe piesaao;e � aq Pinom ;oaaaq� ia;�ECU �aaFqns ayl �00'0�4 '(n0'S:tR t�'ti�� , aq; anoadd8 it�uno� .faF� s�4 qSnoay� p�E uo[3I�a� PI�s ;E43 'bEi .�q pa.[,nb 0'LE8 soq�I) uaq�7S�1 �:�.��',•��.,, ? IRBd 3ultiS do �}4� a43 l�uS 'Pantosa� I -aa amE� eql aoI puB aauuscu aq; u� rsos ;o uo{;EOOi ayui:�l,i 1.� 1{ aq aso;aaay} mou ,i14:) P{�s ;o saded t�E�g;o aq; u4 uo�l�� 00'80I$ '(00'99S [�F•»7����� 'u���tt � �00'054 s{ uoE;ipps �au aqy �eaJaq�� nd .t a�i3ou a�t� oa x.tai� pFes pa �unFiol}pnd aul UI [P:a ad��i .<u��� 8 suorxe uno mau -lIQ Q :;xa ���el$ui Pu� apl.�o.�.i ��� kilm�uo j�oo�mau o; panoLUps �e us1S -aapao pue 'x.�ai� SIE� 843 Io aoy;o ay; '00'LS '(�:' �t ;q9{Z ai�ucgi z :pa�uxqo aq o1 p,s�nb ui Psooa.z ;o pa�y aq ol 3�id Si�xc.iued � 'SZ'Z$ ��4�C) ZZT '��1 •����'�� �"J , -aa aian� slEU�cs �y;aal so� sgaspu�;s -cuoo�s pus uoc;jlad pces paaapio pus eaP IIE3�uT Puv ys�u.cr:[ (:�r 3q�Ti a4a 3o suocZ�ooi ay1 'uoileao� scql I �ull•u papaaooiii aQ P[noqs ol Pa.taa; � '(OU'4�•i i�%i.ra�r,tu ' :;•,;�: .� �•;•:� ;� l�ss;�o� �ut.��d ay; aapun �san�r , -aa u►asay� sal7zcu ayl lEui 7uaFpad Q �B sda�s luau�ao o.���� .,��I"..��+ ' uo;8ucxa7 pas i�8qs,z'�j4 3o saau.�oo -xa ;{ pacuaaP I3�uno� aqy sea.�e.[,1� � •o�; woo�t ui .coo� ��,��:.1 �•:� ; as8aqjnos pue 3aamq�aou aq� ao «pEa puE .uo{3��sn q�ns a •00'66TS �(00'�i� l"��,�''1° r aq; uF sa�us � ol an :uo�lIPPF lo� suos8as pue n;�e; aql q;ao; s;as 1o4EI) E9T 'oi�I woo:[ .,�r.i��.r,��.�.� ; :uo;IPP { ii 3 q7aaKew ol .S.�es Pue MEj .Sq pa.z�nba.� s2 p2j.ji.i0h ri�np } s �u mo o a sF uo�ll;ad pi�s q��qm 'uo�;ilad pFBs �;o aq3 ui aa;unoa a9ui�q,i (t� -saoau uno aaa se lI 'seala '�00'EZ� [vi�al�� '0�'l�_f �"���:•�� P 3 Q 4 uM ol P�u�e'i;s ;ucad-an�q eq3 uoQn pas eci�ui:� 1 1,'1 pue `sao;.�d paa.�.�s puti 'a�aaaq u{ umoqs ss .iai�s lda�xa '3S .f134ue'I a,led4�uia� uF 1, pa��etndF;s sa���d llun pue suo�;e�yE�aUS ol '7S o�1osJ ul.toN cuos3 '�S 43noS 30 :00'iE$ '(00'iE3 ao��:l '1101�"'°�"� • eq; u� so; papcnosd uaaq aAEI( 'so1_ I xaasdaQ dq paL�clu.inl .�:,•{:���I 1�:��' -�E1�fI0� '.(uedu�o� �ca;oa[� y7l�amuow i uoj;E�sn aql so; �uj�f�ead 'paqia�sap ) ucoos .�u�i�aompoo.a uF .�.,y,,,� -uto� �90T6-'I l�E.zluo� s,,�ai�o.x�du[o� � 6;iedoSda;o asseumol eu; To a.ufli o�'siu pue 3au14E� Poo.�� �ai:��l i�.i ..a�d �qlaS a� '35 opaog vioa; •an�r i :00'4LF.� '(�1��...�� uo;�u4xaZ ;o �uilu�!'I ac�; sx paqcJOSap � �ucaq 's.taq;o puE �aoZ •g sa�zBq� � [F�) i'�I�a�'�tu 00'0!'14 •�"'�`�� auaivanoadcu} aq; �c� 61ESSaoau aq oa I 3o uoc;43ad aql il�uno� au; o; pa;uas . pua saoop 'ct�; n�au ��il�� ���•,,,� ano�Q;qBcui qo4y.t� aolltPPF 'seaaaq� -aad aao;olaaaq s�n� aaaqy 'sQaaaq� � ao; UO(3SOd `dU][1fAna(1 ��u�: .<.��'.��1 —uaeo� ao1II11i �S—IZfiLTT 'oH •,3 •� —uaeo� uo3i(Z\ fi-6i6LiI ' ri '3 '� saseoxooq u,tiop .euil7u:) tiii�� :an�sntaul EI �7 T sw.�i( i� . ..,"""""•- 8a�mo��oJ a4� ayuiu �ri ,t.i�•��.,� ' tnoj SEh� 1? '60F,E-J 'aN I.��:jj°,,� •u'� ,tar.�l���� (066i 'Ei f) ;dmo7 °ouI . 'uu5 y i �Ofi6T 'ET 'u�f) 056i 5 '�Bf pano.�dd� . 47}m losalaoo .�apun •�..���i.•; Oi6T 9 'aEp panoaddV 'Ofi6i '9 'usP [Fauno� eql �Q Pa3doPF� so{unp aoauoS� 3� �"'��."��'■ 'Oi6I '4 'u'�f Il��nop aql �q pa3dop�s •pa�daoos Sqaaaq s4 aw�en- aql Fus aq k3 Jo .xa�lcw a�ta ui '_��:.,.�.��I.�� � 'LT •oIQ 'sK�oA1 �T[Qnd do aauo;se;uzmo� aql dQ zis 'yQ ',� �II—EZ4LTL '�` �•• •a pun,q uin;aol?Pnd �T T66T �03 3a.8pnq paeoa�lde pur. uocssiuccuo� ;eid au7 .�Q aq; uF dn �as aq .coog qa;g ayj �ut papuacumooaa s� uot;cpp� pun�lsaA1 _ -3q�►[ Pu�e 8u[;aaq ;o ;so� aql ol IEnba -.xassaSQ,. Io 1'�Id a41 184,L 'Pantosa� , � ;unocus a� ;�eqy 'paniosa� aaql.�n3 —uasog uo;ISD1i �£i—SIi�Lii 'atQ '.3 'O (0�6T 'S[ �uvf) 7F aq .;oa[o.�a 118aoipuEg s�t � '066T 'S 'u�:C P:'."'.��htV s�I '066i T �[nf ol 03�6T I .Sa�nuep ;o 'usf [)auno� ai�; .fy �,,�i�t�����• . PoTaad aq7 su; uoF3�ea3s4u�tup�r ssa.r�oa� eiaEU'.? "I\ Plt:� 01 anE� �����" +."„i : sK.to� aq; o; uant� :f aaa s� ;t pue a wnjaol{PRV Inr.a ;uisS aqi 30 .cooB u13y �066T '£T� '�Bf) ;� 07 QO'ST� 3� wns .4� Pt�': "� �"� eq; io esn aasi sul 3�qS 'Pantosa� 06GT S 'usp panoadd�r puv paz}�oq7��% S4a.�.•'� .�`�. �.�� —aslP�l3 '$ 'f �g—OZ6Lii "orI '3 '� '06GI 'S 'usf ISouno� eq3 �Q Pa7doPV ��� aadoacl ay� 7i:�l.l. 'V�.�����:,;� .�u} aac( _ 3S aq aao;aaei�l '�c����lt����: ��",•. Ptss To al�ep aq� ol aojsd s.Ssp ang � d8 ssq aailo.i��lwo7 .cll.� .���t �,", �— uEq; ssa� lou paqs}�qnd aq o; a�lloa , iB aF 3oaa.�o� s� �iuEill�l��: �����; '���� p{8s '.f7F� P[�s ;o sadedsn+au I�eF�y;o ensy aol�c.tlu��;� ��41 1���" ,�,.�,, � �066T �Ei 'usp) 2q; ut uo�l�a�tqnQ aao 6q uant� aq o; � ro sauo�ss{iuuco7 aql 'roi.�c��,� "�� 'Ofi6i 'S 'u'ef panoJdd� �atseaq qons ;o aai�ou e asn�a GSjE uoF;oag ul 1��vnF.�n,i ••�:��.��'�.���, 'OY6T '9 'u'�f ISouno� acll �Q P�1doP� [Isqs aq pus '�uTa�aV PF�s ;o asodand )'8TS do •(;S;l ut�l o� 1`��' �,."'� ��, � •�u4paeooacI uo�;E��n s4c{7 ao ean;�a pua aotiid 'acu;; aq; �uil83s EI-J 'o!Q cuuou u� p����y �"," "► 10 s�soo aq; q;{m .�aq;a�o; '(00'OOZ4) aoi;au 8 '.ilaadoid pj�s jo ;us�In�oo J �HZ 30 • • 'IIJNf1U� N031Ib1�0� �H,L :IO SJI�IIQ���02Id ZT ' � �,�,..�,.,"''-- • .�- r..n. - .. ��, _ . _ . , _, , < _. . _.,. ; �, . V •. • ' �. _._ .`, , OM Ol: 12/1975 R�v. : 9/S/76 EXP TION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERSr . RESOLUTT�NS♦ AND ORD NANCES ����� . � . . .�.'��r��.. �.�i��r��i�..��� . � � . '1b{''�F 9� Dat�: Oetober 21, 1977 . '` Tp; MAYOR GE4RGE LATIMER � � FR: J. William Doaavaa� Valttiatior� & Assesaae�rrt Engiruaer, Sct. g317s Depe�rGmeatG of F3�s�e as�d 1l�rr�g�t 3erYi.ces. s'tE: CertiYicatee r� Ihte�ied. Ron�Jse - Pe.rt of vaoated Tvy Stre�t a�s i�.3.c�tea cn the e,ttac�ed pla.a. ACTI�N R£QUESTED: _ - Appro�,� Cc�aacil Resolut3o� aaivi�g �se�ent� in the vac�ted street. . ` � . - � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTI4N: ' To remrnre the restrictioae from the property to facilitate fi�►sciag. Stree� xas vacated in 1940. ATTACSMENTS: 1) Council R�esolutian ° 2) CertiPic�tes of �nteaded Boa�Jse (Pnblie Works, Water tTtili�r, l�rthwestern . 8�11 Telephone Cc�e��r aad Hortl�ra Sta�tea Pv�rer Co.} 3) Area Me�p