01-288�l�.erd.�� _ ��:\ �g, a��� ���� G�� �� �—z�!/� CouncilFile # �—Zd d� � Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheetN '104319 3( Refecred To: �m�� � Page 1 of 2 a WHEREAS, On December 13, 2000 U�e City Council approvetl the 2001 butlgets of the general fund antl special funds; and s WHEREAS, the Cily Council placed 5eversl spending items in General Govemment AccountsSpecified Contingency; and 6 r WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City ChaRer, Sec.10.U7.3, may request release of Specified Contingency funds 6y resnluHon; and 6 a WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation 5240,000 in general 10 4und monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 200t budget; artd, io accordapce with Section 1U.07.t and t0A7.4 of the City Charter, �� recommends the following changes [o the 2001 budget: u 13 �a CURRENT AMENDED �s - Fund Activiry Object Descriptian BUDGET CHANGES BUDCaET i6 i] 18 18 �oc� 20 . . . � . 2i 22 N R4 F ND • P ND1N 23 24 Reieasefundsfromcont'naencv zs GenersiGovernmentACwunts 26 . 7� � ocil IebbyisFfxneYag 3B�13B "° „°` p za ,-OQ G9Qf 5d8 d �_.-,. 853^' f853fl� ^- za � 090� n.o r,�' i r� r r��« r...� n..we. Sha Stu= '0 000 {'-6,n�n {) . n ao '"___"" _n pre9+'e�nrttlng - 6i BBB E�s,eut�3 3t ��iM2�9q9-6BTlf�tlYlBl!} 32 � , 33 �@!I(�R�PEflfiBfl 36 r � ss 001 - 09061 - 0548 Historic Saint Paul - Final Year 70,000 (70,000) 0 36 -- ...w..:., n _..� v..a..e�� 31 'Fi�.F�q�2�9(�SpWIGp6' 38 � , 39 .P9@y6KS-0€GCe pp QQa 0(11M >10 R�.+ hti' f fai 1 AM1 ' di1 cc0 �A nnn 5a_6G4 4'I ��"'�' ���� �""'"'n�Bm- � . e3 ' 3` d,1h'nFlusixr+�antiritiee----1-6BB '&BBB qy O1 "y � -� ' -- - - - - JilGPfl fl61�d15 1 B7G 7B4 '10 BBB � 45 . . Ofi . . 4] �CGCY eg i^eP, - ' - y °-- ---- � emelaE 531dr'e5 �2,BE2B�8 2W866 -eM 68 . 50 , . s� _ inw 7'R�o rraa�uc¢ sz —949BB Bi69 Pelix�affiee�p�rerhnins�egetietPd inere�-e—� ep '147fi ' �v'^- 53 � u Elexie6e�o 9veitlme - 9,B39569 ''S379 9=664-03? ss - - ' - °ees negeNeEed xi^�ea e en fi8fi 4.32' 56 ° 19� 0439 819991G 5815 F1X1g29 �k0 '4 83� 5] 56 ���y� 7'i�f� .� Z�J/ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: City Attomey: 6t 62 63 'PUbItC-WGIk�r G/ 9!1l10 (19� PW rfi f fM 1 I F6 'N 1 O 00(1 — •n OOQ � 65 6'�� ��� I1F000 IYJQO PFO rti effzA raliehhv"� � 74.739 14.139 6] 66 -- '� - g` -- �` °-- BnCBII�tl9BtlIBE9 9 FBtlAAjpQ J$BBB ^ 4&9BB �eeee 69 ]0 �g " » License, Inspection and Environmental Protection n 001 - 00178 - 0219 Historic Saint Paul Contract Funds 0 70,000 7lY>n30 ]3 ]6 �s NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amentled budgets as indiwted above, and adopts �s the revisions to the 2001 budget Adoption Certi£ed by Council Sxretsry: ey: Approvetl by Mayor. Date � � By: — C/�' Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Administration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommended y Director of Financial Services: By: ___ �\���j� �'��"z.�`�P�-- By: Council File # �� 2 �� GreenShest# 104379 Committee Date: to (G:�SWIREPBIIWETIH�AESOlUI1pp%15PECGVfGWI(Q Adopted by Council: Date �.�� } ,g �c}00'� DEPAR7MENC/OFF[CF20UNCII. DATE AIITTATED O t��y D ExecutiveAdministration o�2��0� GREEN SHEET NO. 104319 CONTACTPERSON@PHONE � DEPARTMENi'DIIZECiOA � CffYCOUNCQ. Peter Hames 266-5800 � � crrr niTOxr�v � � crrr �x M,.��,� ('� MUSf BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DA'P� o� ❑1 BUDGEPDIItECLO v� � FIN. & MGl'. SII2VICES DIIt O'3/ZS�O� �3 MAYOR(ORASSLS7ANI) ��I �5 nFS-Ae�lmntinpSe�iilm TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTfON REQUESTID Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from the Gen'I Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency aECOnu.munartotvs:aw.o.<(n�ar��rs> PERSONALSERViCECONTRACI'SMUSfANSWERTT3EFOLLOWINGQUFSI'fONS: (Eaplain all yes answers on sePsrdu sheet and attach to green shee4) �LeWNQ1GC0A4N$$fON _CIV➢,�tVICECOMALSSION 1. Has this pe�xodfum ever wmked mder a coNact for dvs depar�en[? _�comnm _ YES NO . Asc� _ 2.Hasthisperson/Hrmevecbeenacityemployee? �u�wcrcau�m _ YES NO surrox'rswwCx cout+moarECrtve? 3. Dces this person/fiim possess a ski11 not noemally possessed by any cunent city employee? YFS NO IN3IYATIVE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (lVl�o, V✓hat �'hen, Whue, Why): W hen the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. ADVAN'fAGES IF APPROVID: (° ��s .9 �.-.i'�. �1.: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. � � � � , � DISADVANTAQPS IP APPROVED: �y� No significant disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future,years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED: Funding set aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council woutd not be available. TOTAL AMOUN7' OF TRANSACfION COST/RtiVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCI.E ONE7 YES �O General Fund $240,000 Special Funds $0 ncTrvrrrN[m�E[t Various TOTAL $240,000 Fu[vnmc sovxcE Generai Fund - Fund Baiance PreparetlbyNeOificeofFnend+IServlces (G:lSHARED�BUDGET123�YH2OWIWYFEN0.WK6) RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council Fie f! �\�� e p Green Sheet# 704379 �� Refemed To: \ V Commit[ee Da[e: i Page 7 of 2 z a WHEREAS, On December , 2000 the City Council approved the 2001 butlgets of the genersl funtl and special funds; and a s WHEREAS, the City Council pia severel spentling items in General Govemment Accou�ts Specfietl Contingency, antl 6 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, may request release of Sp¢cified Contingency funtls by resolution; antl a s WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with ction 10.07.1 of the cily charter, ceRifies that there are available for appropriation $240,000 in genersl f o funtl monies in excess of those es[imatetl in 2001 butlget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, ii recommends the following changes to the 2001 dget: tz 13 ta CURRENT AMENDED is Fund Activity Object Descrip'on BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET t6 t� GENERALFl1ND-FINANCING 1a is Use of Fund Balance zo 001 - 00000 • 9830 FundingfortheScienc useumEastBUiltling 5,857,799 240,000 6,097,799 zt 22 GENERALFUND-SPENDING z3 za Releasefuntlsfrom continaencv as General Govemment Acwunts zs 001 - 09067 - 0548 Full funtling of sworn police complem t 2n,728 (277,728) z� 001 - 09067 - 0548 Fetlerallobbyistfunding 38,139 (38,739) za 001 • 09067 - 0548 Poiiceofficerpremiums 85,317 (85,51� za 001 - 09061 - 0548 Capital City Classic Cars Under the Stare 3q000 (3q000) ao 007 - 09067 - 0548 Senior recreation progremming 55,000 (25,000) ai Fire and Safety Services sz 001 - 05127 - 0548 Fire Grants Manager 23,067 (23,06� 33 s4 Piace F nds in � Butlaets 95 Fire and Safety Services ^ ss 009 - 05121 - 0558 Fire Grents Manager -transfer to special fund 0 25,067 s� MayorsOffice aa 001 - 00100 - 0219 Mayor's Office portion of federai lobbyist 40,669 14,000 ss Parks antl Recreation ao 001 - 03170 - 0141 Addt'I rivertront progremming - staff OT 27,694 19,000 ai 001 - 03170 - 0399 Atltlt'I riverfront progremming • equipment 0 000 az Police 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 23,067 54,669 40,694 6,000 aa � 001 - 04100 - 0111 Fullfuntlingforsworncomplement-ularies 22,352,018 207,96 eeimv aa 001 - 04700 - 0161 Fullfundingforsworncomplement-neginc 1,306,998 12,724 beiax as 001 - 04700 - 0439 Fulifundingforsworncomplement-fringes 6,325,173 57,638 eeiow as 001 • 04100 - 0111 Policeofficerpremiums-salary aeove 71,869 Y2,631,853 a� 007 - 04700 - 0161 Policeofficerpremiums-negotiatedincrease above 1,976 iax as 001 - 04100 - 0439 Policeofficerpremiums-fringes aewe 71,472 ee as 007 - 04100 - 0141 ClassicCars-Overtime 7,039,561 25,277 1, , 2 so 007 - 04100 - 0161 qassicCars-negotiatedincrease aeove 695 1,321,79 st 007 - 04100 - 0439 C�assicCars-fringes aeove 4,034 6,398,317 sz Public Works 53 007 - 02000 - 0219 PW portion of federal lobbyist 0 70,000 10,000 5a Planning and Economic Deveiopment ss 001 - 06000 - 0299 PED portion of fetlerel lobbyist 0 14,139 14,139 ss Technology and Management Services s� 001 - 09180 - 0279 Funtling for the Science Museum East Builtling 96,000 240,000 336,000 58 ss GENEHAL Fl1ND SPENDINCa CHANGE 240,000 60 Council Fle # O `_ � o " RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 104379 areseirtea By: Reterted To: Committee Date: si \ Page 2 of 2 , 62 � 63 sa NOW, THEREFORE BE, RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, and adopts 65 the revisions to the 2001 Dud9et. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bosvom coren,a, Hanis [anby Relter Adopted by Council: Dffie Atloption Certified by Council Secretary: Bv: Approvetl by Mayor: Date BY: Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Atlministretion - Financial By: Peter Hames ` Approval R Director o Financial Seriices: / I/ � 9y. � ���� Form By: B�/. Attomey: v.aw�m n m. onc. m rm.zm am�.: to CoUncil: �l�.erd.�� _ ��:\ �g, a��� ���� G�� �� �—z�!/� CouncilFile # �—Zd d� � Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheetN '104319 3( Refecred To: �m�� � Page 1 of 2 a WHEREAS, On December 13, 2000 U�e City Council approvetl the 2001 butlgets of the general fund antl special funds; and s WHEREAS, the Cily Council placed 5eversl spending items in General Govemment AccountsSpecified Contingency; and 6 r WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City ChaRer, Sec.10.U7.3, may request release of Specified Contingency funds 6y resnluHon; and 6 a WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation 5240,000 in general 10 4und monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 200t budget; artd, io accordapce with Section 1U.07.t and t0A7.4 of the City Charter, �� recommends the following changes [o the 2001 budget: u 13 �a CURRENT AMENDED �s - Fund Activiry Object Descriptian BUDGET CHANGES BUDCaET i6 i] 18 18 �oc� 20 . . . � . 2i 22 N R4 F ND • P ND1N 23 24 Reieasefundsfromcont'naencv zs GenersiGovernmentACwunts 26 . 7� � ocil IebbyisFfxneYag 3B�13B "° „°` p za ,-OQ G9Qf 5d8 d �_.-,. 853^' f853fl� ^- za � 090� n.o r,�' i r� r r��« r...� n..we. Sha Stu= '0 000 {'-6,n�n {) . n ao '"___"" _n pre9+'e�nrttlng - 6i BBB E�s,eut�3 3t ��iM2�9q9-6BTlf�tlYlBl!} 32 � , 33 �@!I(�R�PEflfiBfl 36 r � ss 001 - 09061 - 0548 Historic Saint Paul - Final Year 70,000 (70,000) 0 36 -- ...w..:., n _..� v..a..e�� 31 'Fi�.F�q�2�9(�SpWIGp6' 38 � , 39 .P9@y6KS-0€GCe pp QQa 0(11M >10 R�.+ hti' f fai 1 AM1 ' di1 cc0 �A nnn 5a_6G4 4'I ��"'�' ���� �""'"'n�Bm- � . e3 ' 3` d,1h'nFlusixr+�antiritiee----1-6BB '&BBB qy O1 "y � -� ' -- - - - - JilGPfl fl61�d15 1 B7G 7B4 '10 BBB � 45 . . Ofi . . 4] �CGCY eg i^eP, - ' - y °-- ---- � emelaE 531dr'e5 �2,BE2B�8 2W866 -eM 68 . 50 , . s� _ inw 7'R�o rraa�uc¢ sz —949BB Bi69 Pelix�affiee�p�rerhnins�egetietPd inere�-e—� ep '147fi ' �v'^- 53 � u Elexie6e�o 9veitlme - 9,B39569 ''S379 9=664-03? ss - - ' - °ees negeNeEed xi^�ea e en fi8fi 4.32' 56 ° 19� 0439 819991G 5815 F1X1g29 �k0 '4 83� 5] 56 ���y� 7'i�f� .� Z�J/ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: City Attomey: 6t 62 63 'PUbItC-WGIk�r G/ 9!1l10 (19� PW rfi f fM 1 I F6 'N 1 O 00(1 — •n OOQ � 65 6'�� ��� I1F000 IYJQO PFO rti effzA raliehhv"� � 74.739 14.139 6] 66 -- '� - g` -- �` °-- BnCBII�tl9BtlIBE9 9 FBtlAAjpQ J$BBB ^ 4&9BB �eeee 69 ]0 �g " » License, Inspection and Environmental Protection n 001 - 00178 - 0219 Historic Saint Paul Contract Funds 0 70,000 7lY>n30 ]3 ]6 �s NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amentled budgets as indiwted above, and adopts �s the revisions to the 2001 budget Adoption Certi£ed by Council Sxretsry: ey: Approvetl by Mayor. Date � � By: — C/�' Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Administration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommended y Director of Financial Services: By: ___ �\���j� �'��"z.�`�P�-- By: Council File # �� 2 �� GreenShest# 104379 Committee Date: to (G:�SWIREPBIIWETIH�AESOlUI1pp%15PECGVfGWI(Q Adopted by Council: Date �.�� } ,g �c}00'� DEPAR7MENC/OFF[CF20UNCII. DATE AIITTATED O t��y D ExecutiveAdministration o�2��0� GREEN SHEET NO. 104319 CONTACTPERSON@PHONE � DEPARTMENi'DIIZECiOA � CffYCOUNCQ. Peter Hames 266-5800 � � crrr niTOxr�v � � crrr �x M,.��,� ('� MUSf BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DA'P� o� ❑1 BUDGEPDIItECLO v� � FIN. & MGl'. SII2VICES DIIt O'3/ZS�O� �3 MAYOR(ORASSLS7ANI) ��I �5 nFS-Ae�lmntinpSe�iilm TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTfON REQUESTID Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from the Gen'I Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency aECOnu.munartotvs:aw.o.<(n�ar��rs> PERSONALSERViCECONTRACI'SMUSfANSWERTT3EFOLLOWINGQUFSI'fONS: (Eaplain all yes answers on sePsrdu sheet and attach to green shee4) �LeWNQ1GC0A4N$$fON _CIV➢,�tVICECOMALSSION 1. Has this pe�xodfum ever wmked mder a coNact for dvs depar�en[? _�comnm _ YES NO . Asc� _ 2.Hasthisperson/Hrmevecbeenacityemployee? �u�wcrcau�m _ YES NO surrox'rswwCx cout+moarECrtve? 3. Dces this person/fiim possess a ski11 not noemally possessed by any cunent city employee? YFS NO IN3IYATIVE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (lVl�o, V✓hat �'hen, Whue, Why): W hen the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. ADVAN'fAGES IF APPROVID: (° ��s .9 �.-.i'�. �1.: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. � � � � , � DISADVANTAQPS IP APPROVED: �y� No significant disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future,years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED: Funding set aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council woutd not be available. TOTAL AMOUN7' OF TRANSACfION COST/RtiVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCI.E ONE7 YES �O General Fund $240,000 Special Funds $0 ncTrvrrrN[m�E[t Various TOTAL $240,000 Fu[vnmc sovxcE Generai Fund - Fund Baiance PreparetlbyNeOificeofFnend+IServlces (G:lSHARED�BUDGET123�YH2OWIWYFEN0.WK6) RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council Fie f! �\�� e p Green Sheet# 704379 �� Refemed To: \ V Commit[ee Da[e: i Page 7 of 2 z a WHEREAS, On December , 2000 the City Council approved the 2001 butlgets of the genersl funtl and special funds; and a s WHEREAS, the City Council pia severel spentling items in General Govemment Accou�ts Specfietl Contingency, antl 6 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, may request release of Sp¢cified Contingency funtls by resolution; antl a s WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with ction 10.07.1 of the cily charter, ceRifies that there are available for appropriation $240,000 in genersl f o funtl monies in excess of those es[imatetl in 2001 butlget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, ii recommends the following changes to the 2001 dget: tz 13 ta CURRENT AMENDED is Fund Activity Object Descrip'on BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET t6 t� GENERALFl1ND-FINANCING 1a is Use of Fund Balance zo 001 - 00000 • 9830 FundingfortheScienc useumEastBUiltling 5,857,799 240,000 6,097,799 zt 22 GENERALFUND-SPENDING z3 za Releasefuntlsfrom continaencv as General Govemment Acwunts zs 001 - 09067 - 0548 Full funtling of sworn police complem t 2n,728 (277,728) z� 001 - 09067 - 0548 Fetlerallobbyistfunding 38,139 (38,739) za 001 • 09067 - 0548 Poiiceofficerpremiums 85,317 (85,51� za 001 - 09061 - 0548 Capital City Classic Cars Under the Stare 3q000 (3q000) ao 007 - 09067 - 0548 Senior recreation progremming 55,000 (25,000) ai Fire and Safety Services sz 001 - 05127 - 0548 Fire Grants Manager 23,067 (23,06� 33 s4 Piace F nds in � Butlaets 95 Fire and Safety Services ^ ss 009 - 05121 - 0558 Fire Grents Manager -transfer to special fund 0 25,067 s� MayorsOffice aa 001 - 00100 - 0219 Mayor's Office portion of federai lobbyist 40,669 14,000 ss Parks antl Recreation ao 001 - 03170 - 0141 Addt'I rivertront progremming - staff OT 27,694 19,000 ai 001 - 03170 - 0399 Atltlt'I riverfront progremming • equipment 0 000 az Police 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 23,067 54,669 40,694 6,000 aa � 001 - 04100 - 0111 Fullfuntlingforsworncomplement-ularies 22,352,018 207,96 eeimv aa 001 - 04700 - 0161 Fullfundingforsworncomplement-neginc 1,306,998 12,724 beiax as 001 - 04700 - 0439 Fulifundingforsworncomplement-fringes 6,325,173 57,638 eeiow as 001 • 04100 - 0111 Policeofficerpremiums-salary aeove 71,869 Y2,631,853 a� 007 - 04700 - 0161 Policeofficerpremiums-negotiatedincrease above 1,976 iax as 001 - 04100 - 0439 Policeofficerpremiums-fringes aewe 71,472 ee as 007 - 04100 - 0141 ClassicCars-Overtime 7,039,561 25,277 1, , 2 so 007 - 04100 - 0161 qassicCars-negotiatedincrease aeove 695 1,321,79 st 007 - 04100 - 0439 C�assicCars-fringes aeove 4,034 6,398,317 sz Public Works 53 007 - 02000 - 0219 PW portion of federal lobbyist 0 70,000 10,000 5a Planning and Economic Deveiopment ss 001 - 06000 - 0299 PED portion of fetlerel lobbyist 0 14,139 14,139 ss Technology and Management Services s� 001 - 09180 - 0279 Funtling for the Science Museum East Builtling 96,000 240,000 336,000 58 ss GENEHAL Fl1ND SPENDINCa CHANGE 240,000 60 Council Fle # O `_ � o " RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 104379 areseirtea By: Reterted To: Committee Date: si \ Page 2 of 2 , 62 � 63 sa NOW, THEREFORE BE, RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, and adopts 65 the revisions to the 2001 Dud9et. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bosvom coren,a, Hanis [anby Relter Adopted by Council: Dffie Atloption Certified by Council Secretary: Bv: Approvetl by Mayor: Date BY: Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Atlministretion - Financial By: Peter Hames ` Approval R Director o Financial Seriices: / I/ � 9y. � ���� Form By: B�/. Attomey: v.aw�m n m. onc. m rm.zm am�.: to CoUncil: �l�.erd.�� _ ��:\ �g, a��� ���� G�� �� �—z�!/� CouncilFile # �—Zd d� � Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheetN '104319 3( Refecred To: �m�� � Page 1 of 2 a WHEREAS, On December 13, 2000 U�e City Council approvetl the 2001 butlgets of the general fund antl special funds; and s WHEREAS, the Cily Council placed 5eversl spending items in General Govemment AccountsSpecified Contingency; and 6 r WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to City ChaRer, Sec.10.U7.3, may request release of Specified Contingency funds 6y resnluHon; and 6 a WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation 5240,000 in general 10 4und monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 200t budget; artd, io accordapce with Section 1U.07.t and t0A7.4 of the City Charter, �� recommends the following changes [o the 2001 budget: u 13 �a CURRENT AMENDED �s - Fund Activiry Object Descriptian BUDGET CHANGES BUDCaET i6 i] 18 18 �oc� 20 . . . � . 2i 22 N R4 F ND • P ND1N 23 24 Reieasefundsfromcont'naencv zs GenersiGovernmentACwunts 26 . 7� � ocil IebbyisFfxneYag 3B�13B "° „°` p za ,-OQ G9Qf 5d8 d �_.-,. 853^' f853fl� ^- za � 090� n.o r,�' i r� r r��« r...� n..we. Sha Stu= '0 000 {'-6,n�n {) . n ao '"___"" _n pre9+'e�nrttlng - 6i BBB E�s,eut�3 3t ��iM2�9q9-6BTlf�tlYlBl!} 32 � , 33 �@!I(�R�PEflfiBfl 36 r � ss 001 - 09061 - 0548 Historic Saint Paul - Final Year 70,000 (70,000) 0 36 -- ...w..:., n _..� v..a..e�� 31 'Fi�.F�q�2�9(�SpWIGp6' 38 � , 39 .P9@y6KS-0€GCe pp QQa 0(11M >10 R�.+ hti' f fai 1 AM1 ' di1 cc0 �A nnn 5a_6G4 4'I ��"'�' ���� �""'"'n�Bm- � . e3 ' 3` d,1h'nFlusixr+�antiritiee----1-6BB '&BBB qy O1 "y � -� ' -- - - - - JilGPfl fl61�d15 1 B7G 7B4 '10 BBB � 45 . . Ofi . . 4] �CGCY eg i^eP, - ' - y °-- ---- � emelaE 531dr'e5 �2,BE2B�8 2W866 -eM 68 . 50 , . s� _ inw 7'R�o rraa�uc¢ sz —949BB Bi69 Pelix�affiee�p�rerhnins�egetietPd inere�-e—� ep '147fi ' �v'^- 53 � u Elexie6e�o 9veitlme - 9,B39569 ''S379 9=664-03? ss - - ' - °ees negeNeEed xi^�ea e en fi8fi 4.32' 56 ° 19� 0439 819991G 5815 F1X1g29 �k0 '4 83� 5] 56 ���y� 7'i�f� .� Z�J/ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: City Attomey: 6t 62 63 'PUbItC-WGIk�r G/ 9!1l10 (19� PW rfi f fM 1 I F6 'N 1 O 00(1 — •n OOQ � 65 6'�� ��� I1F000 IYJQO PFO rti effzA raliehhv"� � 74.739 14.139 6] 66 -- '� - g` -- �` °-- BnCBII�tl9BtlIBE9 9 FBtlAAjpQ J$BBB ^ 4&9BB �eeee 69 ]0 �g " » License, Inspection and Environmental Protection n 001 - 00178 - 0219 Historic Saint Paul Contract Funds 0 70,000 7lY>n30 ]3 ]6 �s NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amentled budgets as indiwted above, and adopts �s the revisions to the 2001 budget Adoption Certi£ed by Council Sxretsry: ey: Approvetl by Mayor. Date � � By: — C/�' Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Administration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommended y Director of Financial Services: By: ___ �\���j� �'��"z.�`�P�-- By: Council File # �� 2 �� GreenShest# 104379 Committee Date: to (G:�SWIREPBIIWETIH�AESOlUI1pp%15PECGVfGWI(Q Adopted by Council: Date �.�� } ,g �c}00'� DEPAR7MENC/OFF[CF20UNCII. DATE AIITTATED O t��y D ExecutiveAdministration o�2��0� GREEN SHEET NO. 104319 CONTACTPERSON@PHONE � DEPARTMENi'DIIZECiOA � CffYCOUNCQ. Peter Hames 266-5800 � � crrr niTOxr�v � � crrr �x M,.��,� ('� MUSf BE ON COUNCQ. AGENDA BY (DA'P� o� ❑1 BUDGEPDIItECLO v� � FIN. & MGl'. SII2VICES DIIt O'3/ZS�O� �3 MAYOR(ORASSLS7ANI) ��I �5 nFS-Ae�lmntinpSe�iilm TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTfON REQUESTID Approval of a budget amendment to release funds from the Gen'I Gov't Accounts - Specified Contingency aECOnu.munartotvs:aw.o.<(n�ar��rs> PERSONALSERViCECONTRACI'SMUSfANSWERTT3EFOLLOWINGQUFSI'fONS: (Eaplain all yes answers on sePsrdu sheet and attach to green shee4) �LeWNQ1GC0A4N$$fON _CIV➢,�tVICECOMALSSION 1. Has this pe�xodfum ever wmked mder a coNact for dvs depar�en[? _�comnm _ YES NO . Asc� _ 2.Hasthisperson/Hrmevecbeenacityemployee? �u�wcrcau�m _ YES NO surrox'rswwCx cout+moarECrtve? 3. Dces this person/fiim possess a ski11 not noemally possessed by any cunent city employee? YFS NO IN3IYATIVE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (lVl�o, V✓hat �'hen, Whue, Why): W hen the City Council approved the 2001 budget, several spending items were placed in Specified Contingency pending request for release of funds by the Mayor. The Mayor has evaluated the need for these items and is requesting release of funding for some of them. The total amount of funds released from contingency is $479,251. In addition, it is necessary to increase the 2001 budget for the operations of the city owned Science Museum East building. The adopted budget provided for operations through February. This amendment will fund operations through August. ADVAN'fAGES IF APPROVID: (° ��s .9 �.-.i'�. �1.: The funds may now be used as intended/requested. � � � � , � DISADVANTAQPS IP APPROVED: �y� No significant disadvantages. However, some ongoing funding in future,years would be required for items that are not one time in nature. DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED: Funding set aside for purposes intended by the Mayor and City Council woutd not be available. TOTAL AMOUN7' OF TRANSACfION COST/RtiVENOE BUDGETED (CIRCI.E ONE7 YES �O General Fund $240,000 Special Funds $0 ncTrvrrrN[m�E[t Various TOTAL $240,000 Fu[vnmc sovxcE Generai Fund - Fund Baiance PreparetlbyNeOificeofFnend+IServlces (G:lSHARED�BUDGET123�YH2OWIWYFEN0.WK6) RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council Fie f! �\�� e p Green Sheet# 704379 �� Refemed To: \ V Commit[ee Da[e: i Page 7 of 2 z a WHEREAS, On December , 2000 the City Council approved the 2001 butlgets of the genersl funtl and special funds; and a s WHEREAS, the City Council pia severel spentling items in General Govemment Accou�ts Specfietl Contingency, antl 6 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, according to Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, may request release of Sp¢cified Contingency funtls by resolution; antl a s WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with ction 10.07.1 of the cily charter, ceRifies that there are available for appropriation $240,000 in genersl f o funtl monies in excess of those es[imatetl in 2001 butlget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, ii recommends the following changes to the 2001 dget: tz 13 ta CURRENT AMENDED is Fund Activity Object Descrip'on BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET t6 t� GENERALFl1ND-FINANCING 1a is Use of Fund Balance zo 001 - 00000 • 9830 FundingfortheScienc useumEastBUiltling 5,857,799 240,000 6,097,799 zt 22 GENERALFUND-SPENDING z3 za Releasefuntlsfrom continaencv as General Govemment Acwunts zs 001 - 09067 - 0548 Full funtling of sworn police complem t 2n,728 (277,728) z� 001 - 09067 - 0548 Fetlerallobbyistfunding 38,139 (38,739) za 001 • 09067 - 0548 Poiiceofficerpremiums 85,317 (85,51� za 001 - 09061 - 0548 Capital City Classic Cars Under the Stare 3q000 (3q000) ao 007 - 09067 - 0548 Senior recreation progremming 55,000 (25,000) ai Fire and Safety Services sz 001 - 05127 - 0548 Fire Grants Manager 23,067 (23,06� 33 s4 Piace F nds in � Butlaets 95 Fire and Safety Services ^ ss 009 - 05121 - 0558 Fire Grents Manager -transfer to special fund 0 25,067 s� MayorsOffice aa 001 - 00100 - 0219 Mayor's Office portion of federai lobbyist 40,669 14,000 ss Parks antl Recreation ao 001 - 03170 - 0141 Addt'I rivertront progremming - staff OT 27,694 19,000 ai 001 - 03170 - 0399 Atltlt'I riverfront progremming • equipment 0 000 az Police 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 23,067 54,669 40,694 6,000 aa � 001 - 04100 - 0111 Fullfuntlingforsworncomplement-ularies 22,352,018 207,96 eeimv aa 001 - 04700 - 0161 Fullfundingforsworncomplement-neginc 1,306,998 12,724 beiax as 001 - 04700 - 0439 Fulifundingforsworncomplement-fringes 6,325,173 57,638 eeiow as 001 • 04100 - 0111 Policeofficerpremiums-salary aeove 71,869 Y2,631,853 a� 007 - 04700 - 0161 Policeofficerpremiums-negotiatedincrease above 1,976 iax as 001 - 04100 - 0439 Policeofficerpremiums-fringes aewe 71,472 ee as 007 - 04100 - 0141 ClassicCars-Overtime 7,039,561 25,277 1, , 2 so 007 - 04100 - 0161 qassicCars-negotiatedincrease aeove 695 1,321,79 st 007 - 04100 - 0439 C�assicCars-fringes aeove 4,034 6,398,317 sz Public Works 53 007 - 02000 - 0219 PW portion of federal lobbyist 0 70,000 10,000 5a Planning and Economic Deveiopment ss 001 - 06000 - 0299 PED portion of fetlerel lobbyist 0 14,139 14,139 ss Technology and Management Services s� 001 - 09180 - 0279 Funtling for the Science Museum East Builtling 96,000 240,000 336,000 58 ss GENEHAL Fl1ND SPENDINCa CHANGE 240,000 60 Council Fle # O `_ � o " RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 104379 areseirtea By: Reterted To: Committee Date: si \ Page 2 of 2 , 62 � 63 sa NOW, THEREFORE BE, RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, and adopts 65 the revisions to the 2001 Dud9et. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bosvom coren,a, Hanis [anby Relter Adopted by Council: Dffie Atloption Certified by Council Secretary: Bv: Approvetl by Mayor: Date BY: Requested by Department of: F�cecutive Atlministretion - Financial By: Peter Hames ` Approval R Director o Financial Seriices: / I/ � 9y. � ���� Form By: B�/. Attomey: v.aw�m n m. onc. m rm.zm am�.: to CoUncil: