270004 WHITE - CITV CLERK . � � � t t � PINK - FINANCE GITY �OF � SAINT PALTL CANARY -DEFARTMENT COl1IIC11 Q �� . BLUE - MAVOR File . NO. . . r � � M 0/ �n�nce Ordinance N 0. 1 � 3�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. The property owned by Roman M. Adam, Jr. , at the Northwest corner of Charles Avenue �nd Kent Street, more particularly described as follows: "Lot 60, Smith' s Subdivision of Block 12, � Stinson' s Division, " is rezoned from RT-1 to P-1. Section 3. � That this ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUI�CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays o�zjza_ � [n Favor Hunt Levine _� Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedes NOV j t 1�TT Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Council: Date rtified d by Cou cre�ary BY � B Ap o d by Mayor: e No� �'�1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY Ft3�'�r;�:� u �� ,;k` �u .� j�77 < - � � � �►����'� �3�C� BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT AUL • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR October 4, 1977 &: Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Legal Description: Lot 60, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Dear Madam: Stinson's Division This is written in response to two petitions by Roman Adam, Jr. These are long form rezoning requests. The first is a petition to rezone the northwest corner of Kent and Charles from RT-1 (a duplex district) to P-1 (a parking district). This P-1 district would serve Adam Bros. Funeral Home, which is immediately across the alley to the north. The second is a petition to rezone the site of the Adam Bros. Funeral Home from RT-1 to B-3 (a general business district). This rezoning would make the funeral home a conforming use. This matter was heard by the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on September 15, 1977 at which time Staff recommended that the parking lot rezoning be granted, but that the funeral home be rezoned to B-1 rather than B-3. The petitioner was agreeable. A motion to recorr�nend a P-1 zoning for the proposed parking lot and a B-1 zoning for the funeral home was made by Mr. Sherwood, seconded by Ms. Grittner, and passed unanimously. On September 23, 1977 the Planning Commission ratified the Zoning Committee's recommendation. The motion was made by Mr. Bryan, seconded by Mr. Tobler, and passed unanimously. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the St. Paul City Council on October 6, 1977. Sincerely, � � ��� Jean S. Berman City Planner JSB/gf Enc. Zoning File No. 8160 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 . � � • , . ' ' � , PIANNING BQARD STAFF REPORT , SeQtember j5, 197j, Plat Map 2�, . 8205 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Raman M. Adam, Jr. 8160 . 2. CLASSIFICATION . X� Amendment � Appoal � Permit � Other � 3. PURPOSE • parking 1ot 4. LOCATION • Northwest carner Kent & Charles - Southwest corner Kent & Edmund 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 60, Smith's Subdiv. of Block l2, Lot 31 , Smith's Subdiv. Stinson's Div. of Block 12, Stinson's Div. 6. PRESENT 201VING: RT-1 1 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: Section: Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 9_g_77 BY� JSB A. SIiFFICIENCY: The petitioner's request to rezone the northwest corner af Kent and Charles to P-1 , a parking district, was filed on a long form rezoning petition subscribed and sworn to before a notary public on April 26, 1977. It was declared sufficient by the Dept. of Finance on May 16, 1971 and was received by the St. Paul Planning Office on May 23, 1977. Because this P-1 district Was to serve a legal nonconforming use in a residential zone (the Adam Bros. Funeral Home) , the City did not act on this petitipn, but waited until a petition for the funeral home was also filed. This second petition to rezone the Adam Bros. Funeral Home on the southwest corner of Kent & Ecchnnund from RT-1 to B-3 was filed on a long for�n rezoning petition subscribed & sworn to before a notary public on August 9, 1977 and was declared sufficient by the Dept. of Finance on August 12, 1971. It was received by the St. Pau1 Planning 4ffice on August 22, 1977. B. PROPOSAL: These 2 requests would allow the petitioner to develop a parking lot for t�ie�uneral home on the northwest corner of Kerit and Charles. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: Each of these two lots is 40 ft. wide and 124 ft. deep. The total area of each lot is 4,960 sq, ft. D. SITE CONDITIONS: The Adam Bros. Funeral Home has been at this location since t e turn o t e century. It appears that at one time this was a single family home, but has been expanded over the years and the structure now covers the entire lot. There are no yard setbacks. Its main entrance is on Kent. The lot on the northwest corner of Kent and Charles is directly across the alley from the funeral home. It is vacant. Part of the lot is already paved and apparently has been used for off-street parking in the past. As a P-1 parking district, this lot could accomodate about 12 automobiles. Both lots are bounded by single family homes to the west. E. AREA CONDITIONS: This quiet, isolated area north of University and east of a e is unique. It has the character of a small town at the turn of the century. It is dominated by the onion dome of St. Agnes Church. The area has several nonconforming busineses on corner sites. These small businesses seem to be part of the fabric of the neighborhood. There is a neighborhood bar across Edmund from the subject si��e. ' �iousing in this area is a mixture of single family homes and duplexes. Although there is some newer development, most of the homes in this neighborhood date f rom the 1880s and 1890s. They are small to medium sizec! and, for most part, are well maintained. Although not unduly congested, there are a considera�ble number of cars parking a�ong these streets. � ' � � ������ . �.. ,.,: • ' ((0 3(p(� .. Roman M. Adam, Jr. Page 2 �� F. FINDINGS: 1 . It would be an improvement to the neighborhood to have an off-street parking area. 2. The 6-3 zoning which the petitioner requests for the lot occupied by the funeral home would be out of keeping with the neighborhood. There is no Q-3 land in the vicinity, nor is it likely that anyone would want a B-3 development here. 3. Although a P-1 parking district cannot serve a nonconforming business in a residential zone, it can serve a nonconforming business in a business zone. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS:- Based on the above findings, St�ff recomnends that the request to rezone to P-1 be granted, but that the site of the funeral home itself be rezoned to B-1 rather than B-3. A B-1 zoning wauld allow the petitioner to develop the parking lot dnd would be more in keeping with the scale of the neighborhood. . • � h1INUTES OF TNE MEETING OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1917 IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. ST. PAUL. MN. PRESENT: Mmes. Grittner and McGinley; Messrs. Bryan, Humner, Sherwood and PangaT-of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee; Mr. Robert Straughn, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Qivision of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Mmes. Berman, Fox and Arduser and Mr. Warn of planning staff. The r��eeting was chaired by Mr. James Bryan. ROMAN M. ADAM, JR. (#8160 and #8205) : A petition to rezone property at the nort west corner o ent an ►arTes and the southwest corner of Kent and Edmund to develop parking lot. Present zoning is RT-1 . The petitioner was present. There was no opposition. Ms. Berman read the staff report and showed slides of the area. The petitioner, Mr. Roman Adam, Adam Brothers Funeral Home, indicated the rezoning was needed for expansion of the business which has been in existence since 1886. Mr. Adolf Tobler, Vice President of the Thomas-Dale Development Council , testified that the request to rezone had been before the Council several times and the planning council unanimously supported the request. He cited several letters of support for the reioning which had been sent by the Council at various times. Mr. Sherwood moved that the conanittee recomnend a P-1 zoning on the parking and B-1 on the business. Mrs. Grittner seconded the motion. Mr. Bryan asked the petitioner if he was agreeable to the change from B-3 to B-1 recommended by staff and Mr. Adam indicated he was agreeable. The motion carried on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. Submitted by: Approved by: Jean Berman James Bryan, Chairman . � �►-����,�,� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL `- . !(�3C�C� �,,.,,.;. ,,,� �, ,� � ,� Ros� Mix '� � �� � �'�, Alb���. Olso� City Clerk and k � Coancil Reoorder Couyccil Secretary � ,'. ' " y ,::� ' � _,.,.:„...%- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLBRK �URBAU OF RECORDS S8B City Hall St.Paul,Minneaotct b5108 Phone 898-.¢�11 August 18, 1977 Planning Staff Grace Building Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Planning Conanission �or recommo�endation the attached petition to rezone property �t the Southwest corner o� Kent and Fdmund St. aka, Lot 31, S�nith's Subdivision of B1ock 12, Stinson's Division. Very truly y�our�, �- � _�,-� r��� � � City Clerk � attr�ch. ABO/ew ' . �. �� ,,as � � ����"' ��a�,� -�---�" �,����� r� ��-� � 3 �� . ' � � , . � � . � !'��.,� � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1�� ,t"�,rr „�, ��;t;,j,,,�.�✓ Rose Mtx ` � ��';� !���' Albf�# B. Olso� CitU Clerk a�td ' ' � Council Recorder Cou�tcil Secretar�/ � - �,;�,� �v� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OP RECORDS 88B City Hall St.Paxcl,Minnesota 65108 Phone�98-.4�'JI �►' �-9, 19'77 Plai�nin� Staft' Grace Building �+ttent;ion: Zonind Department iear :,ir; The Couc�cil referred to the Planning Co�rmission for recommendation, the attached petitio�� cf Roman M. Adam Jr. to rezone Lot 60, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, �tinson's Division at the Northwest corner of Kent and Charles Sts. �e truly yours, ,� � �2k, �1 City Clerk � `� at;;ach. ABO�cw .` ' 'r` )' + ; ., � _ _._-.:....-----�.'-- ' ,,::,, / � , y ..�.n�-: '`�a ` �� ... .:! :� � "' � ''� 3"� � l° as. / �/ � l. �� � r�' .�i '��. �� ����� ��� t�i t� ,.;'�5. .. . ,��w,,.�y� ��a .��.-�,. ,� ....�,•--,.=--E-.�``� ,,�;, � � ^ � . � Y�� ~ �O . CITY OF ST. PAUL �'"��� '� D1�PARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT S�RYICES r'" - ASSESSM�IVT DIViBfON �'�3�� 713 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55102 September 26, 1977 CORRECTID NOTICE File X1461 & R19I3, Fage Zoning File �,�8205 - . Dear Citizen: . As a courtesy to you, and as required by law, we want to notify you about . a public hearing which may affect you. The Couacil of the City of SC. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m. on Octaber 6, 1977 � on the: - Petition of Roman M. Adams, Jr, to RE70NE from RT-1 to B-3 the property located on the west side of Kent Street between Edmund and Charles Avenues. The property is described as follows: Lots 31 and 60, Block 12, Smith's Subdivision of Block 12, Stinson's Division. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street or telephone 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your community. Therefc�re, I �incerely hope you can attend this hearin�, so that you can make your views about it knotm to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM bONOVAN VALIIATION AND ASSESS,IENT ENGINEER ' • � �,"��6A��;� 1 C�3 C�(� n'' T� �,,.�'� FY3_ � r� y� � F�'��` ,� .. �� � + ,r'+�'� i t r ! !: �� �C, �� � � �`�I �- .{: � a :�; , : ��f �!a ¢��'.. y'�i. Iv, ��.9�j,t � t` �♦iR-•�+�G,,-,g i L4��i.�1 N�;\JC�T.C�. k 1 t1i�.�F'! �'h%. � .!(f Y 7}d � �rli�'"�4 f�+� ,�' "' r '^'s � ' � E�.� y4 r�y`. �.t�,t�'d ts.ict.t �.1..._ . . , , � b lst ���j 2nd __ �� ; 3rd ��� Adopted � Yeas • Nays ' BUTLER ' HOZZA ( ������ � HUNT '`' � ,�: i ��3�� ! LEVINE I ROEDLER i TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) I ' �> c� ` �W �� � �� � 8 G c� .,r -1° � �W�°.� 4. a�� _ � : _ .r. ,�a r1 . ■ '�'��� �...., � E',� o � � �' � _ r z!!:1 �t� _i�� � 1 .:� P��� . . �� � � ��� ��� � � �'�! � � �r� • • , , ��7I� �.'+�`�I C�.��i � `.� ....�■ • . • �,.� �.•� I�`J � • � , � C'•.� • �,� � , � � � � ���: ■� r �.� � • • � C� ��l � � � �7 C•� � , � . � �� �� i:�.i �� � : � � ' �.� �� • ' � . �. r�� � � � r�'� • �s �:� v r�ar� �� �� • • � ��`� � �, �• � .+� �7 "��� � �r � N � � � � � �� � �r� Y • � � • �� � � �� ��� t� • � ' i i', � ♦ �.��►` � __.._ ����+ `�L l,1�� • � � � w ` • • • � �•� �p � � s r► �� � � ��� ��! �. !�� �-1 . 'Li � t.� �� ��i �;.� - . � _ . L�-� � � �..... .� � �� :......� ....�.� r•L � a � �, ,�,� �:::: �N ° ��:, ,�,�.�, - ,,� � 'a"' � ..� �■n c.� : , �� �:� � � �� ° � � ... �� S,� � ��/'i�. �. � v , � � ,� . —.� , � �:�e, , • �„`i�'c•�" ,�. ; � r� • � � � "�-� c•� � r•� ■� c.�■o : � c•� c�� v■ •, , � � v � � � '� � � � r�i� �.`� � �, ��� �� �-�- �, � n . � - ; . . �� .�i - � r_ , � ��� �� �� � � � � i� • � , � �� � �► � _ • � � �■�r'� � '�_ �. �7 ��,i � �;.a • , i!� � ■�•..■..� t•.� . �' � ! � � �•� � �' � �� �� • � �•� �.� • � �;� , �:.� ■■�•� ., d �� � �� ��� � t�� � � � �� ��� � �� �� � ' '� � � °� . � � � � � � • lIA��� � I� - �� � � • �!uwi� �.! • '� �� � � e s r � � � ' � � � �c;� � .� M r r• , � � r �.� . � - , . - . , � � • � , � � � : � � . - _ . , %// - - , . ,. , . , . . . . . � • : . � : � • • � • . � . • � • • � - � - ' ' ► . , : • _ . � ' � , . ,� � . �j 5� �� , y • , . "+ ° ' � " ' �c r�Ge�p�' � .� 7u0c� CYTY OF 811INT P11UL, MIMlESOTA QETITION T� 11NEN0 CNAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF 'l'NE LEGISLATIi/e (ZO*ILN4� COOE Note: Before the petitioass's propoaal for rezoning •ai+l bs coasid�red by the City of Saiat Paul. property owaer• wust conseat to the proposed ahan`e. De�ore eigniag ths ' petition which is a stat�aent to that sffect. the sigaes should be aware of uee• p�r- ■itted under the new cl.seaification. 1►or further it►Los�watioa about the lcasoaiag ot pxoperty. call the ZoniRa Sectioa of the City Plaania� Oifics. 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE NAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL p��� Jul�;15� i97'7 < c/o the C1ty Clerk. Room 386 City !lall C1ty of Saint Paul, Niaaeqota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance statea that 67X of prop�rty o�mesq within the srea to be consldered �uot consent to the propo�ad reaoning. Sectioa 462.357(5) of 11lnn�sota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within l00 teet uf the land ptopoeed for rezoaing ouet give wrltten coaseat before tha City shall consider the proposal. However. when th� owner of said property hae owned for any time in the past ysar additional real estate coatlguou to the laad proposed for sezoniag. 2/3 of the property owa�ra withia 100 geet of tbie large� package of property awat givQ writtea conasat. Pur�uant to Section 64.210 oP the St. Psul Zoning Ordinance and Sectian 462.357(5) of Ninaeeota Statutea, ws. the undetcel�nad� o�rt► property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable 8ody to rezone the following described property: (legal deacription 6 street addresa� Smiths Sub Division of Block 12 ,�tinsons Division Lot 31 Block 1 562 Edmund Ave. lroa R T 1 District to B 3 Distriat, tor th� purpose of installinq, constructing �nd/or operatinq the followinqs (describe briefly the proposed facility) chan.ge Fun.eral Home t0 B � from. R T 1!n� nn conforming use RECORD OWNER IGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subjac opertys � Smlt s Sub o ,� � 31 12 12 Stinsons Div ' �,. m1 s u o - 'L� '� � :��-t� X��:.(� 132 12 12 stinsons Div � D 33 12 1 s u o . 12 Stinsons Div �,. ,r ' �d�� Smiths Subd o�f 1 �r� �L�' � 12 Smiths Subd of Bl 3 G 7 � � Z ji���M�Ns K �s) State o� Minnesota) ) s• Cvuaty o! Rams�y ) Roman M. Adam Jr. bel�►q lirst duly sMOrn, depoqes and state� that he is the p�rson who circulatad kh� Mithin pstition con:istinq o! 1 paqaaj that the parties d�scrib�d abov� ar� th� owr�rs respsckiuely ot tho lots placed iau�ediately followinq �ach uame� that �ach o! the parti�s described abov� ia tho oi+ner of property which is vithin 100 test tsow uty propssty owned by a!!'i�nt or sold by affiant within one (1� year preceding tha date o! �bis �tition which i� contiguous to the property above d�scribedt thst non� of t!►� pastiss descsibed �tbov� has pt�chased or is purchasing prop�rty fzom a!!l.ant contiquou� to ths above d�scsib�d prop�rty within Qne ll) year of th� date o! this petitiqn� tlut this pptitiqn w�s sign�d by each o� aaid ownera in tha pr�senc• o� this aEtiant, aad that �ht signatur�s abov� ar� ths tsue and carr�ct si�atur�s o! �sch snd all ot Lh� paxti�s so d��crib�d. � itib�crib�d and • to betose a� Ad ss: 5 0 Edmun A . thi• r�r� / q zelephons tao. 226 2214 �a o! / 7 7 �� 1►pproved as to form 10-27-76 •� OEfic� ot the City Atto_-nuy Ilotary Public, Rain�ey County, Mir.ne ?fy comrnission expi= " � �- W. D. TRUSSELL � ;�; ;;�fARY PUBLIC r!I�a'IES�TA � � ..,;;�i;f R4 1`_'.EY �G 1�iTY � h9y Co�rin E3tp+res reo.lo,1982 x�Y��wvyv,Nwwww�rnrvvwwwr� . - .._ .. � . • . , r,� , . . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t4INriFSO�A PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLAT�VE (�U?�ING) COD� - Note: The signer should appris� himself of the uses �ermitted under the new clas�i-- fication before signing this petiiion. For further informatiran about tne rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Offiae at 298-4151._ (Please type or print) Date: TO �TIiE H0130RABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c% the City Clerk, Room 386 City .Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesata Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated withi.n 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions af real estate held by the owne.r of the real estate to be rezoned or by any partg who has purchased oz is purehasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year precedi.nq the date af. this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqui.esc'L�; ar:d we, the owners of 50$ or more of the £rontage to be reclassified, petition .gour I�onorable Br�3y to rezone the followinq described property: (legal description and street addr�ss) from District to District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BT�OCR ADDITION Subject Property: �,o.0 U ��g l.�l��S � � S . �i r � State of Minnesota) } ss County of Famsey ) being first duly sworn, de,poses and stat�� that he is i:he psrson who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the pa�:ties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followi.ng each narae; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 f�et from any property owned by affiant or sold by affianfi withi.n one (11 year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described a"aove has purchased or is purchasing property from afiiant'cantiguous to the above described progerty within one {1) year of the date of this petition; that this petitian was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and eorre�t s�gnatu�.-es of each ar.d all of the parties so' described. . Subscribed and sworn to before me Ac�clress: - Telephone No. thi� day of Appro��ed as ta fonn 8-27-7� Offiee of the �ity Attorney i�otary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. biy commission expires _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�����„���������������v� ' '1 . � +-v � , � � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, tRlluN�SO�A b PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OE' TH� LEGISLATIVE (�O?dING) COL�E Note: T�e signer should apprise himself of the uses �ermitted under the new classi-- fication before signing tizis petiiian. For further informatian about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print} Datea TO �THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND GITY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, 'Room 386 City .Hall AugU.st 1 197'] City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, th� undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real es�ate held by the owner of the real estate to be rezonEd or by any party who has purchased oz is purchasing any such contiguous property within one (1� year praceding th� dats of thi� oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesc'�; artd we, tY►e owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition .your Hr�norahle �o�y to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street addrass) Smiths Subd of Block 12� Stinsons Div� Lot 31 Blk 12� 562 �dmund Ave. from District to ,��� District, for the purpose af installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) �t�', RECORD OWNER SIGATATURE LOT BLOCR ADDITIO , , , - �`,'��,} Subject Property: �j s ` C'1�,��"''dA"" J�'�o� �7 "'� � � � . Ke�I�I� s�� � 6�0 �fi � 4S � ,yo�( ,:C�tv°e.ti��l� 3 �^ + / U �a�as a.�im,-e- ���s �, GL� �� �e- Qs � S�o �,Q'�-au.�e-s �/�cr2. � 5�,,� N��3' � �`°�I -S ' �, 13� �. s� '��..�.�.. � � � as ��. State of Minnesota) � 5s County of Ramsey ) Roman M. Adam JT. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the psrson who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the pa�tties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed im�nedi.ately following each narae; that each of the paxties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 f�et from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant withi.n one {la year precedi.ng the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; fihat none of the parties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from af:Piant'cantiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the dat� of *his petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, �nd thdt the signatures above are �he true 8nd eorrect signatures of each ar.d all of the parties so' described. � Subscrib�d and sworn to before me A ess: 570 .E��;d e. � , / Telephane No. 226 2214 this 9/�day of � u.s 'T '�l 7 7 Approved as to fo�m 8-2'7-73 �. � a...�,_, Office of the City Attorney � w�s � . �3otary Public, � County,� Miru1. �Xnt�c x s ?`°� D. D. SCHWEEN r �,., � � i°���``,�;:� �iOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA � ` +p:�' WASHINGTON COUNTY My Commission Exp.Jan.15,1984 Y • s,, . , . . ' ,, .�. , , . CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, r4IluC7ESO�A PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEG15LAT�VE (�ONIIVG) COL�E Note: T�e signer should apprise himself of the uses �ermitted under the new classi-- fication before signing this petizion. For further informatian about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Offiae at 298-4151. (Please type or print} Date: T� iIiE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL AL1gLl3t'i �. �.9?7 c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City _Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesata Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions o£ real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real es�ate held by the owner of the real estate to b� re2onEd or by any party who h�s pu�chased or is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (].� year preceding the date of this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesc�; ar:d we, tY►e owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition ,your Hr�nora.�le Bo�iy to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street addr�ss) Smiths 3Subd of Block 12, Stinsons Div lot 31 Blk 12� 562 Edmund Ave. from District to District, for the purpose af installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Fun.eral Home RECORU OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITSON Subject Pro rty: N'/z : W. .�2 M;�he s a S�:S«^ � me.�.t,�, �s� �I�o.,�.Q�s �. � l�u �s e�.� B�k�y s-�-; sov:S fl;�,siar ,'a�' t�t-1-7, }-�. . `S C��:�a I�a�'e� 5g�{ Ke�-� S�-. '� ��.► i s �. F���.}�G ss$ � ' - 1� � S a� I�I�.�`u-�'ssa S "�' ;`� a s�. �S a.��. R �� ' sss C�.�Q�ris �-v-e. �;�o� '`'�+o�lb a o��,��. s�aS �G,�-c,-e_ �� _ , , � �4YV� 'e , � ag s,�,��,+�l,s „ � s , ��� State of .Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey ) ROmari M. Adam Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is i:he psrson who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the pa�ties � described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followinq each nane; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 1D0 fget from any property owned by affiant or sold �y affiant withi.n one (1) year preceding thg date of this petition which is contiguous ta the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or i.s purchasing property from afiiant'contiguous to the above described progerty within one (1) year of the date of *his petition; that this petition was signed liy each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above a�re the true and eorreat signatures of each ar.d all of the parties so� described. � ��� � Subscribed and sworn to before me d ess: 5`]0 Luld A �•� . — Telephone No. 226 2214 � this 9 �N aay of ��-c � ct 5 i�' Appro�•ed as to form 8-27-73 ��. �. Office of the City Attorney v�',r�H- Notary Public, �ssy County, Minxz. i�iy commission expires w x S '�`"`a-� D. D. SCHWEEN G:R;�.;c�„c.' 4:��t� NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA ` WASHINGTON COUNTY My Commission Exp.Jan.15,1984 �• , -• � , r �� . � Y • ' � //� C) �L) ✓ �V �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 11IMJESOTA � PETITION TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGZSL,ATIVE (ZONING) COD£ Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezonin� �ai�l be considered by the City of 5aint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before aigning the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Datai City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677 of property owaera within the area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statu[es states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owr►er of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this largez package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) Lot 60 Smith �ubdivision of Block 12 ��tinson Division of �t. Paul trrnn RT 1 District to P 1 565— 561 Ch Distric,e for the purpose of installinq, constructing and/or operating the followinq: (describe briefly the proposed facility) y�king RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE IAT BLOCK ITION Subject Property: � • � I .� ` �¢ ` . . � .O-�`�.� O Tatrick J. Sullivan � ,L_ �'' .� / �`� ' , � .� � �/ • r � /1l 1 s s � • '7 /'� So y , 1 � SMirt� , Sti¢p o-1�B. i2 u State of Minnesota) ) as Couaty of Ramsey ) befng first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the p rson who c ulate the within petition consisting of ages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name1 that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one tl) year precedinq the date of this petition which is contiquous to the property above describeds that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition� that this petition�was siqned by each of safd owners in the presence of this affiant, and tnat the signatures above are the true and correct si�natures of each and all of the parties so described. 570 Edmund 11ve. , St. Pau1, Mn 225 6136 Z2� - ZZI� Subscribed and a�eorn to befoze me Address: this~� y of ��f � -`�� 7 Telephon� No. Approved as to form 10-27-76 , ����ar.r„•^:^:r�t:ti���,;v�y Office of the City Atto�•ney � ..,;;i:�,+:i't. JC'ti�� �I. 1�,9i,�, 1 ? � g�,�?��'�'�'`����� '.'.; !:S•".�TA �t0 I Yub11C RamB r. ��l�n�t� � :rly commission expize��;'+;�..t,�' rr,�d+sE� cuu`tr ,� My Comm.Expires;eb.6,1933 �p yti'y��VyVyVyWtdy�tiNWYW VVYvW W V`NV x A , � . . „ . � � ' ♦ • CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 11IM�ESOTA PETITZON TO AMENO CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) GOO£ Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �ai�1 be considered by the City of Saint Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the petition which is a statement to that effect, the signer should be aware of uses per- mitted under the new classification. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall Oata: City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 677: of property ownera within the area to be considered must consent to the propoaed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguous to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) Lot 60 Smith aubdivision, of Block 12 Stinson Division of �t. Paul 561 harles Ave. lrom �" � District to /�r',� District. for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operatinq the followinq: (describe briefly the proposed facility) p�king I�ot RECORD OWNER SIGNA�[IRE LOT BLOCK ADDITZON Subject property: , , a� ' � �� - , �°',� � �� S ly1 J 1'�1's s�6�,� Patrick J. Sullivan u.ti��i� ST o r �Ch � � SvG�,�j !.� r � /U � /CS b..�f �,�/ ld..d � � S S , _ . r 5 lr State of Minnesota) ) as County of Ramsey ) beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the rson who circulated e within petition consisting of �_ pages; that the parties dascribed above ara owners respectively of the lot� placed immediately following each namet that each o! the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year precedinq the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above describedt that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affiant contiquous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of thia petition� that this petition,was signed by each of said owners in the presence of thie affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct siqnatures of each and all of the parties so described. 5'70 r�dmund �.ve. � St. Paul Mn ���'� 225-6136 Subscribed and a�orn to befoze me Address: "�C r � �� � Telephone No. this y cf c Approved as to form 10-27-76 Office of the C ity Atto:-ney t:MP' � �Pvv+,,:e��,.;,r,�;�..:v��.,>��..... ... ...... ....1:s � :1> �* {� �/ �YL �1}�j S RD ry L71�C.1 �'��I i��`O�I���,�i ���T,;�T,�rJ;,T+� { My c ission � �3�s � v ;E� , 4i�4T�t � K A4y Ctv,.�.�.x�ires Feb.Ei,1��3 �VY/+Jk�WY/l�k�/Vti JVWL+bL'LYV"WV�NW W'WYJt