96-1198 �0��► � 9` - Sa���'� Council File # +��� 1�� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� ��'� RESOLUTION TY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED: That application for a Wine On Sale,On Sale Malt(3.2),Catering(C),and Restaurant(A)License 3 (I.D.#87018)applied for by Liquor City,Inc. DBA Abetto's Pizzeria&Deli(I.eo Scheu,President)at 560 4 Como Avenue West,be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 5 6 1. Wine will be served as a menu item only. 7 8 2. No alcohol service outside. Yeas Navs p,bse Requested by Department of: a e ___Bost�om Office of License. Insnections and ar is Meaar Environmental Protection Ret a �— , �� uerin O �_ By: ��� Adopted by Council: Date 0 Form Approved by City Attor 1 � �' % Adoption Certified by Council Secretar By' �"' v� �-�`'" Y By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �� � BY� �. � �fIM' .EYil.r, By. Greensheet # 35523 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST �ate: 7/3/96 � qL -��a1�' In TraCkel? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 87018 License Type: Wine On Sale, On Sale Malt (3.2) , Caterint�-C and Restaurant- Company Name: Li4uor City, Inc. �A: Abetto's Pizzeria & Deli Business Addresss: 560 W Como Business Phone: 488-4040 Contact Name/Address: Leo Scheu, Pres, ,%� ���9��3�ppyl� f"/ � Public Hearing Date: Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: D g '°���.� � Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments , City Attorney • 13 • gIo �. Environmental Heaith g •►..3 • 9!P o.t� . � -t-` � �t��.. tr�tG�• Fire �3-i3•9(o c��' • License Site P�an Received: Leass Received: �Sl I 5 I �l (o ° ��- I Police ���3 •q� o• fi Zoning �• � �' {(o _ -{ 1� � ,��Q LIEP/Licensin K �^T��Nm�r�o �REEN SHEET _�° _3 5 5 2 3 �6EPYIRTMENT DINECTDR rc��� �CITY COUNCIL �IfT1ALR3ATE Christine Rozek, 266-9108 �N �CITYATTORNEY �cmc�� (��) p��� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.�MOT.3EFIVICE8 DIR. For hearin : °�e" ❑"""'ro��°R"ss�sT^"n ❑ TOTAL#►OF 81QNATURE PA�E$ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SItiNATkIRE) ACTION REOUES'TED: Liquor City Inc. DBA ABetto's Pizzeria & Deli requests Council approval of its application for a Wine On Sale, On Sale Ma.lt (3.2), Catering=C, and Restaurant-A License at 560 Como Avenue (ID #87018). pEf�NDATIONS:Appro�(A)°r Ry�d(R) PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSINER THE FOLLAMfING CUESTIONB: _PLAI�MdINO COAA�MSSION _CIVN.BERVICE COAAMIBSION 1. H88 ihls pNSOnRIrm sY9P wOflted under 8 CAnheCt fOt tllli d�perdnY�lt? _���E _ YES NO 2. Has tl�fs psroonRirm ewr been a dty empioyee? —gT� — YES NO ' _DISTii1CT COUR'i _,. 3. Doss this psrsoNfhm paeess a sktU not na'maNY P�d DY e�Y���Y�Pbl��? 8uPPORT8 wN1CH COUNCIL oB,IECnvE9 YES NO Ezplain dl yp an�w�►a on Np�nt��fa�t aed�ttrch to�n sM�t �m�►raro�M,resue.oPr+onruNm�wiw.wna.wtisn,wn.�.,wnr): ������ �u� � � c��� �►�r+��r��y AOYANTAtiE81F APPROVED: CIBACVAPIT/KiES IFAPPROVED: DIBAOVANTMiEB IF NOR APPR4YED: � � � AUG 1 9 1996 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUO�iiETEO(GRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSLR flNAP1CIAL INFORMATION:(EXPL.AIN) Council File # � ` 1 � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �S��3 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: ate 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #87018) for a Wine On Sale, On S e Malt (3.2) , 2 Catering-C, and Restaurant-A License by Liquor City, Inc. DBA Abetto's 3 Pizzeria & Deli (Leo Scheu, President) at 560 W. C o be and the same is 4 hereby approved. 5 6 Requested by Department of: 7 Yeas a Absent 8 B a ey 9 Guerin Office of License, Inspections and 10 H ��s 11 Me ar Environmental Protection 12 Re tman 13 T une 14 Bostrom /'� , 16 By. l !�r A 17 Adopted by Council: Date '�,�µJ� 18 19 Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary 20 Form Approved by City Attorney 21 22 By: 23 By: ��j 24 Approved by Mayor: Date 25 26 Approved by Mayor for Submission to 2� By: Council 28 By: ..:--� -' °l � -\\�B' CLASS III CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION off'ce°f L'�"�,Inspacuons and Environmental Protaxion ' 350 S�Peter SL Suite 300 Sda�P�ul,Minoeson 33f02 • (6i2)2669090 fu(612)266-91]A Y THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY TI�PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK . Type of License(s)being applied for: C 1 a s s "A" R e s t a u r a n t: A d d-0 n C a t e r i n a : _ Malt (3.2)-On Sale ; Wine-On Sale Company Name: L I Q U 0 R C I T Y , I N C . " Corporation/Paztnaship/Sole Proprietorship If business is incorporated,give date of incorporation: 10/1 /7 3 � Doing Business As: A b e t t 0 ' s P i z z e 1^1 a & D e 1 i Business Phone: 4 8�'-4 0 4 0 BusinessAddress: 560 W. Como, St. Paul , MN 55103 Strcet Address City State Zip Between what cross streets is the business located? D a 1 e a n d K e n t Which side of the street? S 0 U t h Are the premises now occupied? N 0 What Type of Business? X Nt�iiToAdaress: ____ 560 W. Como , St. Paul , MN 55103 Strcet Address Ciry State Zip Applicant Information: �� NameandTitle: Le0 A. Scheu President Fitst Middle (Maiden) Last TiUe HomeAddress: Street Addtess Ciry State Zip Date of Birth: � P1�e of sirch:, � Home Phone: Have you ever been c v' t of any felony,crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES_ NO X Date of arrest: W6ere? C6uge: Convicdon: Sentence• List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chara�cter, living wittun the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the : applicant or financially interested in the premises or business,who may be refeired to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS -- PHONE Garv Geller � List licenses whic6 you currendy hold,formerly held,or may have an interest in: City of St. Paul- Grocerv C ; Off Sale Liquor: Ciqarette Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? YES X NO If yes�list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate this business personally? X yES NO If not,who will operate it7 � . First Name Middle Initial (Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Addresa: Strea Name �ry Stue Zip Ptione Number _. " � ' , . . ,.,. ... . .. . ,, • . , �: . .. , � , . . . � _ ,; . : .. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? X YES NO If the manager is not the same as the o rator lease � � complete the following infocmation: , �`•��� Georgia C. Root Scheu Frst Name Middle Initial (Maiden) Last Date of Birth � Home Address: Strcet Name City. State Zip Phone Number Please list your employment history for the previous five(5)yeaz period: ' Business/Employrnent ddress L�QUOR CITY , INC. 560 W Como St Pa�l � MN 551(l3 � List all other officers of the corporation: NAME t/ (Off�c�-Ield) ADURESS HONE pHp�S B�OF Lec A Scheu offices If business is a parmerslup,please include the following information for each partner(use additional pages if necessary): First Name Middle Initial (Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Addras: Street Name City State tip Phone Number First Name Middle Initial (Maiden) Last Date of Birth Home Address: Stieet Name . City Stue Zip P6one Number MINNFSOTA TAX mENT�TCATION NUMBER-Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984.Chapter 502,Article 8,Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance;Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are requued to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applican� Under the Minnesota Govemcnent Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974,we are required to advise you of the following reguding t6e use of the Minnesota Tax Idenfification Number: -This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales,employer's withholding or motor vehicle ezcise taxes; -Upon receiving tlus information,the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depactment of Revenue. However, under the Federal Ezchange of Information Agreement,the Depactment of Reveuue may supply this inforniation to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Iden6ficatioa Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza(612-296-6181). Social Security Number: Minnesota Taa Identification Number: � . If a Minnesota Taa Identification Number;is�not required for the business being operated,indicate so by placing an"X"in the box. , , . . ....�.,..........,.............,,.......,....... . �.:�:�,� .�.�_.. ..r., s�n.-.� .�n, .�F.�.119�k�r� vl�� � . . •. ��.n... .� .�. . L..�...;.� .,• ....... ._. �_ ...v.. r.3.�� -.. . _:,:1� - .. . �J� .. . . . _. . . ._ ,- �....... . . ... ..... .�... _. . . .. . : • :�... ..:� , ��. �. ..,.. .... . . ' , � r ���„�• � CERTIFiCATION OF WORKERS'COMPENSATTON COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I,or my company,am in compliance with t6e workers'compensation iasurance coverage requirements of Minnesota Statute 176.182,subdivision 2. I also understand that provision of false informadon in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses held,including revocation and suspension of said licenses. , NameofInsuranceCompany: Minnesota Workers ' Comqensation Assigned Risk Poticy Number: 0 4-0 3 3 6 9 4-7 Coverage from 12/3/9 5 io 12/3/9 6 I have no employees covered under workers'compensation insurance ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIUEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WII,L RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions,and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best � of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money.or other consideration,by way of loan,gift,contribution, or otherwise,other t6an already disclosed in the applicadon wtuch-I herewith submitted:-�.I.also.understand this premise may be inspected by police�fire,health and other city officials at any and all ti�s when the business is in operation. �� 7� S � . �� / ��TSignature(REQUIRED for all applications) Date **Note: If this application is Food/I,iquor related,please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector,Steve Olson(266-9139),to review plans. ' If any substantial changes to,structure are,anticipated,please contact a City of Saint Paul Plaa Ezaminer at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. � If there are any changes to the parking lot,floor space,or for new.operations,please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. _ . Additionat application requirements,please attach: A detailed description of the design,location and square footage of the premises to be licensed(site plan). The following data should be on the site plan(preferably on an 81/2"x 11"or 81/2"x 14"paper): -Name,address,and phone number. . -The scale should be stated svch as 1"=20'.^N should be indicated toward the top. -Placement of all pectinent features of the interior of the licensed facIIity such as seating areas,kitchens,ot�ces,repair area,parking,rest tooms,etc. � • - If a request LS for an additlon or expansion of the licensed facility,indicate both the current area and the proposed � expansioa , . . . A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS,PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>. �