96-1185 '`"�� �"j � �"�. � e� � �� � Council File # " S : � �, j�t � ; �..-' S : 4�.. Q � a "`! . Green Sheet # � \`��, RESOLUTIO \ TY OF AINT L, MINNESOTA �6 � Presented By Referred To ���' Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, U.S. Department of Labor awarded funds to the State of Minnesota for the 2 implementation of a One-Stop Minnesota Workforce Center system through the Wagner-Peyser 3 Federal Security Act of 1935 as amended for the purpose of integrating the employment and 4 training program across Minnesota; and 5 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for 6 this program in the Saint Paul area; and 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Workforce Center will provide employment and training services 8 to the Saint Paul residents in this Workforce Service Area; and 9 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on August 15, 1996 has allocated resources for 10 implementation of streamlined and integrated service delivery for City residents during the period of 11 July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997, now and therefore, be it 12 RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul 13 does hereby approve the City's participation in the Minnesota. Workforce Center System and be it 14 RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed 15 to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment and training services to Saint Paul 16 residents; and be it 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does 18 certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1996 19 budget; and �t� -1�gs 20 FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1996 budget: 21 Current Amended 22 FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 23 24 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 25 36588 One-Stop 26 3111-67096 Job Training Partnership Act 0 55.972 55,972 27 $0 $55,972 $55,972 28 Current Amended 29 SPENDING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 30 31 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 32 36588 One-Stop 33 0547-67096 Payment to Subcontractors 0 49,710 49,710 34 0549-67096 Other-Misc. Grant Expenditures 0 6.262 6.262 35 $0 $55,972 $55,972 36 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1996 budget. 37 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED 38 � �'C� 39 Director, Department of Finance Bu et Director 40 and Management Services YZ Navs Absent Requeste y Department of: a e ostrom �' uerin ✓ Pla i and Economic Develo ment arris � e t tman —� ., une � gy: ��,-y� J�- Adopted by Council: Date ��. a ��(� , Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ,.�_e� A �s�- gy; ���—��,c,,,� > Approved by Mayor: Date G� '� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to �/l � ( ,�_ ,Q2� Council By: X6'1�- � � By: o ✓ + � �� �1 �$� DEP11i1T1�NTlOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED 3 9 3 9 4 PED/Workforce Develo ment Division 08-29-96 GREEN S T CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITI A INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL i hoh 11l 228'3� �8 ���N �CITY ATTORNEY � �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUS BE N COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.$ERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � a ui Shoholm TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAOES One (1) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on attached City Council Resolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accept z55,9721n federal funds for further Saint Paul Workforce Center implementation activities. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rejed(R) PERSONAL$ERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWI��l��8. _PLANNINO COMMISSIQN _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hes this persOn/firm eve�wOrked under a contrect for this departme��I� �� _CI8 COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/ffrm ever been a city employee? S EP 0 4 i996 _STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRIC7COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skfll not normally possessed�py,c�rLen�c���pC�ee7 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO H r f'r ( Explain all yea answsrs on�sparet.�heet and attach to pro•n sheat INITIATING PR08LEM,13SUE,OPPpRTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The City of Saint Paul has recently been awarded federal funding through the State of Minnesota's Department of Economic Security to implement a Workforce Center within our local area. Period of funding is from July 1, 1996 through]une 30, 1997. A resolution is needed to accept these funds and provjde authorization for the use of this money. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: City residents will benefit from a streamline approach to employment and training services that maximizes existing resources in an eff�tive, coordinated and cost effective fashion. REC�tV�� SEP 0� 1996 DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: CI�'Y AY�'��NEY None. . �tC� ��� �t� SEP 16 1996 DISADVANTAdES IF NOT APPROVED: City residents wiii not receive streamlined services essential in becoming productive citizens within our community. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 555�97Z COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDII�IG SOURCE V•s• �Dt. of Labor ACTIVITY NUMBER P6 345-36588�3���-67096 FINANCIAL INFORRdATION:(EXPLAIN) �`- �� �'S CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 c���Ha!! Telephone: 612-766-85/0 �'orm Coleman. :1la}�or /5 �f'est Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile: 6/2-2?8-851? Saint Paal, .1f.Y 55/02 � 1�Iay 1�, 1996 Ms. R.J. Brow�n, Commissioner Minnesota Department of Economic Security 390 North Robert Street • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Ms. Brown: The City of Saint Paul is pleased to submit our Local Integration Plan Second Year Update as a Workforce Service Area of the Minnesota Workforce Center System. This plan is reflective of Saint Paul's continued commitment to streamline City services through coordination between both the public and private sectors, at a time when we are asked by our citizens to do more with less resources. Our Workforce Development Council will be working closely with the Governor's Workforce Council to further coordinate efficiencies within the employment and training system. If you have any questions regarding this plan, please contact Jacqui Shoholm at 228-3262. Sincerely, � Sincerely, p1----� / �`T1orm oleman Jay Zack, Chair Mayor St. Paul Workforce Development Council NC/aav Att. � (. � � \ PS x. Partner Signature Tables Parts A & B The following series of tables are to be completed for each Workforce Service Area (WSA). The completion of these tables will represent consideration of all partners in of:ering employment and training services within your g�:,g;aphic area. Table A is for the mandated partners in the Minnesota Workforce Center System and Table B is for other local partners specific to your WSA. Although only two "other" spaces are listed, please add as many as your planning team wishes. PA.RT A ' IS THIS ? NATURE OF FUNCT'IONAL > TYP£D NAME AND T'ITLE, WITH = � ' PROGRAIvI< 'LINKAGES BETWEEN THIS ' SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED ' P�ZOGR�IM REPRESENTED ENTTTI' AND THIS ' . OFFICIAL, .SIGNI�"YING: ` ; IN JOII�iT ' WORKFORCE CENTE� AGREEMENT WITH LOCAL >PLANNING? ! INTEGRATION PLAI� ' Employment Service Nancy Hendrickson, Manager Programs, Midway Job Service/ Reemployment Programs and coordinated Reemployment Insurance Insurance, Veterans Yes customer services integrated Employment Service into the Workforce Center Programs, TRA, - �� ���� TAA ✓�i�'`-�',�'. Title II of the Job Jacqui L. Shoholm, Administrator Training Partnership St. Paul Workfarce Development Act Yes See above Dislocated Workers Jacqui L. Shoholm, Administrator Progranls Yes See above Senior Coinmunity J qui L. Shoholm, Administrator Service Employment yes See above Program under Title V, Older Worker Act X. 1 q�. - 1 `�'S � �anne Ciccarelli, Manager Rehabilitation Minnesota Workforce Services Yes See above Rehabilitation Branch � - Doug Tourville State Services for the Minnesota State Services for the Blind Yes See above �in� � ` �,�c��.-�;tt'�,/ Jacqui � Shoholm, Administrator STRIDE Program St. Paul Workforce Development Operator/s Yes See above . , qui L. Shoholm, Administrator Food Stamp St. Paul Workforce Development Employment and Yes See above Training Operator/s X. Z al.� • 1��S PART B OTHER POT ENTIAL PARTNERS IS!THIS ` NATLTRE OF FUNCTIONAL TYPED ?�1AME Al*ID TTTLE V�T�; ! ' ' �'ROGRAM > L��GES BETV�EEI�T THIS SIGNATURE OF:4UTHORIZED , ' P�OGRAIvI ' REPRES�I�ITED '' OFFICIAL,!SIGI�TI�YIl#1G TN JD�iT`; £NTITY�ND THIS ; AGREEMENT VViTH LUCAL < PLANNING� ���flRCE CEI�ITER - < , 1NTEGRA.TION �L,�N _ . . ;::: ;: Community Action . Programs and coordinated Dale Anderson, Director Agencies/Headstart customer services integrated Ramsey Action Program Operator (if other Yes into the Workforce Center than CAP) ��-l._ Training and customized Dr. Terilyn Turner, Director of Secondary Education training Community Education Agencies yeS Saint P ublic Sc o0 � r Training and customized Dr. D� ov Schwichtenberg training Pres' nt, Saint Paul Technical Post Secondary I,eS College Education Agencies . JTPA Title IVA, Migrant and Seasonal Fannworkers JTPA Title IVA, Native American Program JTPA Title IV, Job Corps Welfare Reform Demonstration Proj ect X. 3 s.� a �, - I� �s BUDGET INFORMATION BUDGET PERIOD: ^Tuly 01, 1996 TO ,�une 30, 1997 Budget Summary by Categories 1. Personnel 0 2. Fringe Benefits (Rate 24%) 0 3. Travel 0 4. Equipment $48,710 5. Supplies 1,000 6. Contractual 0 7. Other - Office Space 6,262 8. Total, Direct Cost (Lines 1 thru 7) 55,972 9. Indirect Cost (Rate 76.9%) 0 10. Training Cost/Stipends 0 ;1�., ` '�'C3�'T.P�L ��nd�R.eq�tes�eci (Lu�.� 8 th�ru ��� ; $��r,�72 WSA Priority - 79% Less Than Original LIPSYU Request �/ � , `�S b Budget Narrative Second Year Update Local Integration Plan WSA Local Budget Match 1. Personnel ✓ Workforce Center "Common" Receptionist 0 20,800 ✓ Workforce Center Planner 0 11,806 ✓ Workforce Center Administrator 0 16,640 ✓ Workforce Center Resource Room Coordinator 0 17,160 Subtotal Personnel $0 $66,406 2. Fringe Benefits (Rate 24%) ✓ Rate 24% $0 $15,937 3. Travel ✓ Washington, D.C. One-Stop Training $0 $1,500 4. Equipment ✓ MNET - 56Kb�' @ $550 per month $6,600 0 *May elect to upgrade to T 1 in 1997. ✓ MNET - 56Kb @ $1,000 installation 1,000 0 ✓ DSU/CSU - $35.00 per month @ 12 months 420 0 ✓ Router - $240 per month @ 12 months 2,880 0 ✓ Hubb (joins local LAN and PC's) 5,000 0 ✓ Dial-up capacity to LAN 2,500 0 ✓ Server (including taxes and potential 14,310 0 licenses @ $200 per PC (2)) ✓ Desktop PC (based on State's suggested specifications) 7,200 12,500 2 @ $3,600/each ✓ Printer - 1 @ $800 800 0 ✓ FAX Machine (Resource Room) 400 0 _ . , a i. � �18'S WSA Local Bud�et Match 4. Equipment (Continued) ✓ Office Furniture (including desk, chairs and 6,600 11,250 other items for Resource Room) ✓ Inside Signage (Based on State's specifications) 1,000 0 Subtotal Equipment $48,710 $23,750 5. Supplies ✓ Postage, Copier and miscellaneous $1,000 $4,500 6. Contractual $0 $0 7. Other ✓ Office Space (including Resource Room) $6,262 $14,390 2,267 sq. ft. x $9.11 per sq. ft. 8. Total, Direct Cost $55,972 $126,483 9. Indirect Costs (Based on direct salary of City staft� ✓ 75% of total salary of $28,446 x 76.9% $0 $16,406 10. Training Cost/Stipends $0 $0 11. TOTAL Funds Requested $55,972 $142,889