96-1170 �` � ' � Council File # -� �,Q � " Green Sheet # �� � RESOLUTION GI Y O SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �, , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 z RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves 3 of the appointments and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following 4 individuals to serve on the SAINT PAUL HiJMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. 5 6 APPOINTMENTS REAPPOINTED � s Andrea Northwood Hollice Allen 9 io Beverly J. Peterson i� ia 13 .....:�:::>::>::.�a:>::>::»::..::>::»>:��:�+:>::;:::::::::;::>::;;:::>:z:>::;::>::>::>:.::..:>::>::»>::»:::»i::::x::ii:::::;::;::>::iii�::>::>::>::>::>::»::>::>::>::>::>::>:;�,:;:>��:::;:��:,i:::;>;i::<:r:�:":::>::>::>::>::>:>E:::;ii:::::i::::::i:s:::::<::>«<;:; : ;.,:...>.:.. :..:i`;:... .:::...: :::::;...y..;.......,.,<:::'�...,:;::: .::....:..::••.::::.......:`:'`..:::::: .::'�::.:...'::;::;:::...;. ..,«:,.',...y.::..:� .�:: ;:::: '. :�.'.. 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ORDER �MAYOR(OR AS91$TANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SI(iNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of resolution appointing ANDREA NORTHWOOD and BEVERLY J. PETERSON and reappointing HOLLICE ALLEN to serve on the SAINT PAUL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. Each serve,3-year term which expires on 10-9-99. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSIQN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMI3SION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _C18 COMMiTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explein all yes answers on teparets shset and attech to ynsn shset INiTIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: DI3ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: Coune� ����.�__�:��� C+����r � S��' 16 1�:�6 DI3ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORNfATION:(EXPLAIN) a � - ��� o Interdegarlmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Citv Councifinembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris �� Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: Alberto Quintela l� ' Assistant to the Mayor DATE: September 16, 1996 RE: FIUMAN RIGHTS CONIlVIISSION -- Appointments/Reappointment Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to serve on the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission. APPOIl�T'I'ED: Andrea Northwood and Beverly 7. Peterson REAPFOINTED: Hollice Allen Attached is a copy of resolution nominating these individuals and copies of applications of the new appointees. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions. AQ:drm Atta.chments cc: Nancy Anderson, Council Reseazch Mark Robertson, Human Rights Department ' ' '.���' � - `: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ':. . : � . ���'�����° � . �" � � .� �. 390 : CITY.•�iAI�L` �� t`Pl� � . SAINT 'PAIIL, �MINNESOTA:.�.�:=.s5��o2 ����1�_ 2 6 1g96 — ;. . . .. � ' � , 266-8525_;" . ?FA%z�r266-8513 . •.``r..:' � . �. . d�� , ,' ' ^.'�. � . . °�ri1�Ji��1 fs��'f�� . '. Name. � Q1'� G0. . '�tDt'`-�lilJ4�� . pl/l�: � . Home Address�: "���� �� ��I.l,f'C�...�AV`�. �� c�:��•pQU.�.�' ���N . . � . . . � �5510�{ .. . _ . .' . . Street . . . ' City ' ' . ' ' . , . Zip . Telephone Nwmber: Home . lo�f'''j..:. �I'�5?U . �. :� .�ti7'oik _b2i6=-.J�}00 .(�AX) 62�i-2� 5 Planning�•District� Covncil: � j I. . . , - . . ' :. City Council Aard: � . . :- � � . . . .'. .. . : _... . � Preferred HaiZing Address: SQ� a.5 �1�� .. . . . • . ' • ' . :What is your occupation?_ �S N�C.j10-{'{�t"a.b i S'�' . �52.0.Y`��'l t1�SO G.i 0�.-�G � _ . Place�of Employment: � 1..2�(` 't�Y �YG�-i,rr►S 6� ��t,c,rL � � Committee(s) Applied For: r1U,m0.n �L9�+5 �'ovnmisaio�. � � . f . . . . � Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? � .. . . . . p1e0.5�. see a�-Q,aheLf s h�e-f; � � . . . � . . . . � { . . � _ The information a.ncluded in this�application is� considered private data according to the .�. Hinnesota Goverment�Data Practices Act. � As a result, this i.nfoxmation is not released to the general public. . '' _. . • . . '. ' ..; ... . � .��. . � :. , - �. . : (0�) ..• . '' • ' ', _- ' . ' - • . � • . � Rev_4./21/93 . PERSONAL REFERENCES _-: � � "� � , _ _�f-�' x�e: M�. Pe-�er Dros C)e: �i cf� (Exfo�e �9�lq qb oR Nr. Uou las �oh.n.so�. 6cccu�� bi.rc}o✓ _ . ��R'r t�14. Address: -Ce,n4er -�or V�ic-h.ms oF Tor�-ccr� �TI� Easf- ��rtr- Road �linn�ec��olis I�IN 55��55 � M�. �ess: �zs-o56o C r�►ov�9 �t�i56) Phone: (Home) Mv� Sohaseh' �h� 2g3�.� (tilork) 6iL� "�'�'�00 xame: , � C),�' R.os0.. �' trua.— �e I-�m�►��em.i� Di re e-br o� C(►e,vc� Serv�c�s� - Address: �'evt{er �ov' �Gi'c,ms o� Tof-}-u.re , �`lt� East R�er Koad Minnec�.AOl�s MN 55�f55 Phone: (Home) �i y� q D�`l . (Aork) b�-b�l"f'00 . __ Name• ��' �Yll1 M �V�- ' — Address: I C D 51 �QS�' R.t�Cr' (�ao�.d � Mi�lY1GaD0I{S I'IA/ $5`f55 � Phone: (Home) �`�9 �f'7�) f tAork) 6�'� --0�I 5 _ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: P�tc� see CL'�Q.C�I�C� S�l�et. Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? � . I�O. . In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our co�vnity, plea�e chsck the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � . . V Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic . . Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo . Male � . ✓ Female Date of Birth: << �3 66 Disabled: Yes No � • ' If special accommodations are needed, please �specifp. - -- -- . t --- -L--� ..Lr_ .._..�..,.:� I►�r d!I,..s.:��., /�ui�r_�n 1 �i .• � � � �`� � Skills/Experience: My experience in providing rehabilitative treatment services to survivors of politically motivated torture from other countries has given me knowledge of the effects of severe human rights violations,the sociopolitical contexts in which such violations develop and occur,the perspectives and needs brought by ethnic minority and refugee populations to human rights issues, and the work of nadonal and international organizations charged with investigating human rights violations. My job experience at the Center for Victims of Torture has included not only providing treatment but also conducting training and research on human rights issues. In these capacities I have worked closely with local and national organizations, such as Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights, and Physicians for Human Rights, as well as the U.S. Department of Jusdce's asylum officer training staff. I also serve on the advisory board for Partners in Human Rights Education, a statewide program to increase students' knowledge of human rights. In short, I believe that my experience and knowledge would allow me to bring a broad-based, international perspective to St. Paul's Human Rights Commission. Reasons for Interest: I believe serving on the Human Rights Commission would provide me with a unique opportunity to bring what I have learned within a private organization to public service. I am also interested in complementing my national and intemational experiences with a local perspective on human rights issues. __.._. _. _.__.._... . - . . �`( .• OFFICE OF THE. MAYOR , . . ' .�` - I�� b �� . _ . , 390 � CITY HALL - .. _ � • ���9�`��. ' .'. SAINT PAIIL MINNESOTA .:�55.102 `�� . . ' - - . . • _ . 266-8525:- FAX 266 8513 . �UL�2 5` }��6 . . Name: 1�e. � � -�'�`e:�" - . � ' : . .. . . . . : ' � . . . . . _ ' .. ' 1.� S�:E � 'I.O�:V� ��Lt . . Home Address: � ��. � � �.'�'� �2 ' �.��.:. �`�- '!rn �. 55r _ Street . . : Cit�' . ' . Zip - Telephone Number: �(Home) ���-� �S3��� �..(Qork) 2 Z�=-' �'1 �O .(�AX) . Planning District Covncil: -5 � �� City Council Aard• _ (D Pref erred Hailing Addres s: _ (OO I G. �� 17U� �I Z ��� P[�' m N ��`J f Q ) � tithat is yovx occupation? � I�1�Y)�S7-Yl���Ct,, ttc� �'Y1��(1�St�'Gl�i�l 2 ��� S7 Gl i/f 7� f (� _(� , � ('� Place�of Employment: � �I(�1�eCX � �_`"l1 �Ulrev�� s j�5��?t�IS � � � Co�ittee(s) Applied For: �il.lYYlQI(1 t'S � U h'hS 1�(11S�i C�'YL . � Ahat skills/training or eaperience do qou possess for the committee(s) for �vhich you seek . aPPointment? - , . _. 1 he l►e ve �-(�c��- �i- a m a h)�. � �. /�'s�n � bn� s.ec� �- o� ►'��;.�Q s a�� . . � ; � � . i � • ► T c � r� as i � ' -�O � Yh� C�� c� e ' ,e . � -�e, � — of�.' ; . ,� ,� _ � T h. . � a eP � t i -C�s '� 1` . QS Q�� T' � { � r � 'Gl� �� iQ «�a r� n►�� ha��e. �� mu.c,�n �en i ���►P �� �,� �I( .«�ps r� ����I��� , � 1� ' . -�- s 3 � a v e 1 ' ve c� � �ranc�m n�.r a vtc� ha+v�. I�.Q r� ►r-�S�t��,�� �,� h�i�- ��'c a!� ('�� rp CQ,iZ� Cl5 � t� I � l�l r r n tti.l�l" s�-� � . C-i � ��� ^ .� �l! i �f� N rs�` ° �}f rn .u. worJ� �l� �;�n.e �.� � �►o5a;�C i �.r�-, .re�onS► h�. ►,� r�a�� •�i�r �('S?" Or7�c�t��S• �+- �-K� W�Y1�4y�C%o�.10�(;� ' T� �l.(,1°� GGi.S 7�77ti2,`i'',S The information included in this�application is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this i.nformation is not released to the general public. � ' � � . :. . . • . � (OpER) . . ' . . � � � ' � Rev.4./21/93 . PERSOrIAL REFERENCES � Name: �0.Y1 �5�0`^n : � ; Address- 4 ���1� Fas�" S h or� �r► J� � �+ P0.�Y �I v Phone• "tHome) �'�-�'� (Work) Z(o�v ' $���O Name: �� `.0�1 � �COI�V10 r' . Address: ��J C ��T �'ll� J T• F'QJ� I l 1� �JS/� �p Phone: (Home) �'��0 3 2�'S (Gork) -I 3�"" � �� Name• �' �' Address• ZOI V� ` T� S� • u � 55U 3 Phone: (Home) y ��' g 55� (work) �-3 � - C) I 1 n 7 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: � ha,v� c�.lu�cL�tS be��i n�eres-�ec� ►'n �c�-�IT e avt� � r�v h�s ,- .� �e ` � � � � I � � , ... . �2 .._. � Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? � . Ato . iv In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informati.on is strictly voluntary. , �_ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African Am.erican) Asian or Pacif ic Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo Male j_ _ .��'. _�( . " _ Female Date of Birth: Y1 Disabled: Yes No � � ' If special accommodations are needed, please `specify. How did you hear about this opening?. �G�� �S�Qm-