96-1168 L� ��S'� tTU'�L�' — ��� �.�°1 i� Council File# �� — � � �- . Ordinance# Green Sheet#s3�� ORDINANCE � TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented by Refened To Committee Date 1 An interim ordinance restricting the height of 2 cellular telephone antennas in certain zones 3 within the City of Saint Paul pending the completion 4 of studies of possible amendments to the City's 5 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations. 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 8 The Saint Paul City Council hereby directs the Department of Planning and Economic Development to 9 undertake a study of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations relating to height and setback 10 restrictions to cellular telephone antennas. The Planning Commission is to study this issue and submit a 11 report to the Council together with any recommendations that the City's present Comprehensive Plan and 12 Zoning Regulations be amended. 13 Section 2 14 Pending the completion of the study and for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of new cellular 15 telephone antennas, no permits shall be issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or 16 commissions for the construction of new, freestanding cellular telephone poles or towers within any 17 residential, OS-1 or B-1 zoning district. New cellular telephone antennas placed on existing structures 18 located within any residential, OS-1 or B-1 zoning district may not exceed fifteen (15) feet above the 19 structural height of the structure to which they are attached. 20 Section 3 21 For a period of time not to exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days from the effective date of this 22 ordinance, and for the purposes of prohibiting any development that might be inconsistent with the pending 23 study and any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Regulations,the prohibitions shall 24 continue in full force until a comprehensive policy for the City can be adopted. In the event the studies and 25 recommendations of the Planning Commission and the deliberations of the City Council require additional 26 time,these prohibitions may be extended,by separate resolution of the City Council, for additional periods 27 of time not to exceed an additional eighteen(18)months. 1 G{ � , i1C� b�' 1 Section 4 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 3 publication. DI iRt IQUrn OCT 2 61996 Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey Bostrom ✓ Guerin � Harris � Megard r/ By: Rettman ✓ ��e � Form Appro by City Atto ey � o �,�� iv _ Z- q � By: Adopted by Council: Date � � . �, �� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date (7 S �� ' By: G qC- ��G��' N_ 36379 c�ty c�� " °�gilii� GREEN SHEET _. _� . a �DEPY1H71dENT DtHECTOR ITYIIJDATE a CITY COUNCIL --- INFTIAUDATE Councilmember Mike Harris (68630) �p I--p�:M pnppNEY — � �cm c�er�c NUMiEN ROR �J � ( ��pd �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FiN.&MOT.SERVICES DMi. �p �AAAYOR(OR I18818TANn ❑ TOTAL N OF�ONATURE P�GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONB FOR SIGNATURE) RCTION REOUE8TED: � Interim ordinance limiting the construction of cellular telepho�towers in certain narrowly definad districts. ��N��'�(A)���R) PER80NAL 8ERVICE CONTRACTS MtlBT ANdWER TFI!ROLWWINO OUESTIONS: _PLANNWO COMMIISSION _61VIL 8ERVICE CqAM18810N 1. Has tliia person/fkm enner worked ur�der a contract for this�pa�M�ent? - _���E _ YfS NO 2. Hes this pemon/Nrm ever bsen a c�ly employseT —$� — YES NO _DISTRICT COIIRT _ 3. Does this psrsor►/firm possess a skiH rwt nonnaNY Po�d bN ea'ry�u►►er►t cRy emaoYee4 SuPPORT6 wliK�i oOUNCM.OBJECnvE4 YE3 NO ExplNn ail yN answ�n oa�r�sh»t awl att�oh to�ewn shNt iNmnnNO�M.resu�,oPPOaruNm�wiw.vw�n,wn.�►.w�.,vm+r�: Cellulaz telephone technology has adva�ced to the point where there will be a dramatic increase in the number of cellulaz telephone towers erected in the City of Saint Paul. Currcnt zoning may not adequately address height restrictiona for these towers. ADVANTAOES IF APrROVED: Location and heights of cellular tele�►one antennas will be well planned in have public scrutiny and acceptance of zoning standards.. D18I1DVMIT0.OE81F APPROVED: Cellular telepltione iudnstry will be nstricted from er�ting?5 foot freestan�ding antennas in or nsar resideutiai zones. D16AOVANTAOE8IF N�?APPROVED: The City could see a proliferation of cellulaz telephone antennas that could be as tall as 75 feet anywhere in the city. 'fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANiACT10N i COST/REVENUE BUDGETEf�1CIRCLE dN@) YLS NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Council File# q(.— 1� g Ordinance# ( Green Sheet# 3�31`� ORDINANCE � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented by Referred To ommittee Date 1 An interim ordinance restricting the height of 2 cellular telephone antennas in certain zones 3 within the City of Saint Paul pending the comp tion 4 of studies of possible amendments to the ' 's 5 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regul ions. 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT AUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 Section 1 8 The Saint Paul City Council hereby directs the De ment of Planning and Economic Development to 9 undertake a study of the City's Comprehensive Pl and Zoning Regulations relating to height and setback 10 restrictions to cellular telephone antennas. The lanning Commission is to study this issue and submit a 11 report to the Council together with any reco ndations that the City's present Comprehensive Plan and 12 Zoning Regulations be amended. 13 Section 2 14 Pending the completion of the study d for the purposes of prohibiting the establishment of new cellulaz 15 telephone antennas, no permits shal e issued or approved by the City, its officers, employees, agents or 16 commissions for the construction f new cellular telephone antennas in any residential zoning district or 17 within 300 feet of any residentia zoning district. 18 Section 3 19 For a period of time not to xceed twelve(12)months from the effective date of this ordinance, and for the 20 purposes of prohibitin any development that might be inconsistent with the pending study and any 21 amendments to the Ci s Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Regulations,the prohibitions shall continue in full 22 force until a comp ehensive policy for the City can be adopted. In the event the studies and 23 recommendations o the Planning Commission and the deliberations of the City Council require additional 24 time,these prohi ' ions may be extended,by separate resolution of the City Council, for additional periods 25 of time not to e ceed an additional eighteen(18)months. 1 �iG - 1 �4.8' 1 Section 4 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 3 publication. Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey Bostrom Guerin Harris Megard By: Rettrnan Thune Form Approv City Attorney By: L,�G� /���7-`�7� Adopted by Council: ate Adoption Certifie y Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: . FR�OM LRRKiN HOFFMRN 17TN F� 10.89. 1996 19:48 P. 2 YNIO��.OON�N �,�,,,.,., LARKIN� HOl'AMAN. DALY 8L LINDO SN� TD. ��m�,�. °�K IITTORNEY6 AT LAW I �D��a��N�w �J�� CENTER YJ !' I �o ita a�wan� t600NOaWEBYFIN/1NC1AL � p�,� pWINO�MOO�LL M�MY�.M�N t�,KO�Ip��,pIAEN 7000 Xfi1lXE81WRNUE 80UTH �"�,� ���� HLOOMINOTON,MINNE80TA 661it-11W �r.wra ,,a.i�,ow�, TELEPHONE(e/t)!�6-�600 ��� �.'"R'r'�" Fnx ce�z�e�e-�asa ,�r�K.�» ,rW�/.OU�+ , DOVOIw Y.MM�R ��� ��� ►pu��oN�rn narwr.�uw�a� �aoN�lA001fM• M�*���N . .�A��01Mh��l111 � IfMIN1A tA�M1•• ANYJM� ���I1pN�f , Y0011{ � Y. �NFMMVI qIN11N �1�10P1b"� OMeOR���b � °�n' °i'M °��r ou,r n"°��N� �a�x�+�w ,io�en�omi��� ��w,�iau�r eo►N�aw� ' L N�NOP :. p'��W ON aw��r ' �awv��vM�oawn� ova�eu�e�1 awrtoh+n�.wananu� October 9, 1996 � Council Membar Roberta Megard: Council Member Dave Thune � Council Momber Dino (3uerin Council Member Mike Harris Council Member Jan�ce Rettman� 310 St.Paul City Hall ; 15 Wost Kellogg Boulavard ' S�Pau1,Minnasota 55102 � Re: Pmposed Ordinance Regula�ing Cellular Phone Towers eu'►d ntennas Dear Couneil Members: i Our office represents American}�ortable Telecom,which is buildi g a cellular phone system in St.Paul to compete with the two;existing providers. Last week I ked to a number of council members who asked me to prepai�e some proposed amendments to the Ordinenco. I have done so� and I have dropped off a copy of`our proposed changes in hand tten form to your off'ices this moming. � The most notable change concer�s language which would allow c llular phona providers to place antennas on the top of light pole�for institutions such as chuxches or schools in residential areas• This exeeption was granted by t}�e City of Minneapolis when it c nsidered a similar ordinance. The proposed change would allpw institutione to have cellular pr v�ders erect a ligbt pole for security,�thletic, and other pur�oses on their premises. Cellular hone providers would be aUowed to plece thcir antennas on the light poles and then pay the institu ons an annual or monthly fee for it. . . , , . F.ROM LRRKIN HOFFMRN 17Try FL 10.09. 1996 18:48 P. 3 St.Paul�ity Cout�cil Membors ; � l �� 9 1996 � � J � pctobcr , � Page'IWvo This provis�on would be s win-winin that it alldws the cities to have additio�nal providers to provide competition in the marketplace end,grva schools and churches need lights and additional ineome. Jane Bremer from our office and Iv�ike 0'Rowke from American Po able Telecom will be at the council meeting today to explain the Peall Jane Bremer d rectly at 89 3297 Sas I am traveli gytoday. questions prlor to the meet�n8�Ple�se Tbank you for your consideration And conccrn regerding this matter. , Very y yours� , d , ec for LARKiN,H FFMAN,DALY&�IND(3ItEN�Ltd• (�LS/gav � cc: Jane E.Bremer,Esg. ; Mike O'Rourke � • 0?A6366.01 i ' � ***END*w�