96-1163 Q ` 3S CITY OF ST. PAUL R I G I I�q � COUNCII. ILE 1J0. �` ��1�`3 _".� P'RELIMINARY ORDER g v 8'I ta . �1 $ G 1i 7 �:.` —�,` Ia the Matter of the canstructian of starm sewer canriectians, s�r�itsry sewer connectians and water conne�tian� at the property owner's regueat in conjunction with the Lafond/Grotto Rree Residentiel Street Paving Progrem. RECEIVEC; SEP 3 0 3996 CITY �L��K The Council of the City of Saint Faul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having conaidered 3aid report, hereby resolve�: 1. That the said report and the �ame i� hereby appraved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is per connection a�sea�ed at the cost in effect at the time of inatallation. 2. That a public hearing be had on �aid improvement on the 13th day af Novea�er, 199�, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Caurt Hou9e Buildinq in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be giv�n to the persoiis snd in thE manner provided �,y the Charter, 9tating the time and gl�ce of hearing, the nature Qf the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. P[IRI IC�Icn COUNCILPERSONS p�T 1�1996 �opted by �ouncil: Date����'. ���� Yeas Nay� —`� ✓Blakey ✓�'c,strom Certified Fa�sec� by �.ouncil Secr�tary ✓U`�uerin �iarri� �Iri Fsvor BY �--. ✓�isqard ' � �' (JR�IQUer � �/� � � ettmsn Against Y �,�, ✓Thune OCT 191996 Mayor Public Hearing Date — November 13, 1996 RE 9-6-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE D;►te: 9-3-96 G��een Sheet Number: 34038 DIVISION � F.PANTMl:NT nINF.CTOR 1 TY COVNCO. ontact Person anJ Phone Number: � 'll\'ATtORIdF.\' q ITYCLERK L PETER�VIIITE (�no��Y�OARDQ 2GC-8850 II�UGETUIRF.CiOR W.�MGT.BVC.DOt. 11A\'ON(ON Atifilt'fANT� �4ustbconCowic[IA ����innv:9-25-96 Must be in Council Research Office b noon on Frida 9-13-96 I'OTAL#OF SICNATURE PAGCS 1 (CI.IP ALL LOCA'I'IONS 1'OR S1GNA'1'URE) C'fION RGQ[1L'STEU: Set he�ring date to �pprove stub connections. pprove stub connections, �ts requested, in connection �vith the LaTond/Grotto RSP File #18808 COPAQJfDAT10N6:ATPROVE(qORRPJLCi(R) I'1?RSONAL Sl?12VICI's CON'CRACI'S niUST ANS�VCR TIIC POLLO�YING: rc..r,nvac co�nass�oN �_ ar,.rr 1. I l:�s thc pers�m/linu cvcr�rorkcd uuJcr n conirnct for this depn�lmcnt? YCS NO CIVdBERV1CCC04PO6RION 2. 11,���i��.�,����s�,��ir���„�����•i,«�„:�c�iy cmploycc? YES NO ��o�n� . u���•s w�,��•��,����ir„�,����s�,s a sl:ill n��t nurmnlly possesseJ by any l�.s I:�in all 1`I�.S ans��rts on�sc arafc shcef and ntt:uh. SUPPORTS�VIIICIICOUNGL013JGC1'IV[;�r Nei �1�01'�100C�S COUNCIL�VARD(5) � llIS"I'RiCf 1'LANNINC COUNCIL 7 INITIATINC PROBL�A1,ISSU�,OI'POIi'1'UNI'I'1'(�17ro,�1'h:�t,1�'hen,1\'hcrc,\17�y'?): Lead pipes m�y connect I�omes to m�in service lines, there is an opportunity repl�ce these pipes while street paving is occurring. DVANTAGES Ir APPROVI'sD: Lead pies would be removed. ' � .7.,`Zn�,�f��i �;�-;�;i,,t DISAUVANTACGS Ir AI'PROVI;ll: ����� Repl:�cment costs to the property owner. �L� 1 1 �:��� DISADVAN'fAGCS IC NOT APYRO�'LD: �"�"-�� �� � Le�►d pipes �re a health hazard. COTAL ADfOUNT OF TRANSAC7'ION: $ COS7'/RiiVGNUP;i3UllGI's"1'rD(C[RCLC ONi's) YES NO fUNDING SOURC�: ASSeSSE'C� At COSt ACCIYI'l'Y NU�f13GK: FINANCIAL INrORbIATION:(C\PLA[N)