96-1148 � t Council File# �` • ' y g Green Sheet#� 0 R I G I N A L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �O Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS,the Saint Paul Police Department will be participating in the Automated Pawn System (A.P.S.) 2 project initiated by the City of Minneapolis,and 3 4 WI�REAS, Chapter 344 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to pawn shops has been amended to 5 allow for this participation,and 6 7 WHEREAS,costs of personnel and equipment to operate the system will be covered by fees charged to 8 users of the system and therefore this Budget Resolution identifying revenues and expenditures is 9 necessary,and 10 11 WHEREAS,The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul,does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1996 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS,The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1996 budget: TS 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CFIANGES BUDGET 18 436- Special Projects-Police 19 34119-Automated Pawn Shops 20 4299-Sales-N.O.C.. 0 25,500 25,500 21 All Other Fund Financing 2,621,627 0 2,621,627 22 , , , , , 23 24 25 SPENDING PLAN: 26 436- Special Projects-Police 27 34119 -Automated Pawn Shops 28 011l -Full Time-Permanent 0 8,580 8,580 29 0299- Other Miscellaneous Services 0 200 200 30 0439-Fringe Benefts 0 2,420 2,420 31 0856-Data Processing-Software 0 2,020 2,020 32 0857-Data Processing-Hardware 0 12,280 12,280 33 All Other Fund Financing 2,621,627 2,621,627 34 , , , , , 35 36 37 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,That the City Council approves these changes to the 1996 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Depa me of: eiakey ,� Bostrom �/' �Ce Guerin Harris Megard � B)': � Rettman Thune Approval Recommended b Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date , �,�_ �� ��q(„ By: rn- Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary-T Form A oved by, ity orney: By� a- . � By� Approved by Mayor: Date �3(} , Approved by Mayo f S mission to Council: By: By: �- l� C072496A 6� , , ,� 9 � - i�yr � DE UNCIL DATE INITIATED 3 � � ? � Police Department 7/23/96 GREEN SHEET �` CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Chief Finney 292-3588 ASSION CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR M�1$T BE ON COUNCIL�QENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d�MC3T.$ERVIC�3 DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAWn TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE8TED: AUG Pass the attached budget resolution to allow for the hiring of personnel and purchase of equipment for the Automated Pawn System. MAYO#�'S OFFtC'E RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINO QUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Hes this person/firm ever worked under a corltrect for this departpLn�ni?���� _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO tr1� 2. Has this pereon/firm ever been a city employee? _3TAFF _ _DiSTRIC7 COURT _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not no►mally possesse��hy CurP�nCE�1lmployee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explaln ell yes answsrs on separats thset end sttech to���rS OFFtC�� INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP6IRTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,When,Why): The Saint Paul Police Department's Automated Pawn System is scheduled to start August 1, 1996, with a manual tracking and charging for service. Please see the attached Council Besolution for details on the system. This budget resolution Will allow the department to hire the necessary personnel and equipment to support the system. Approximately 1/1/97 the system will be computerized. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: A��emputerized data collection system used for the purpose of regulation and control involving pawn shop transactions. The costs of the personnel and equipment will be covered by fees billed to users of the system. DISADVANTADE3 IF APPROVED: (i0�1�1Ct� �!�;��r� �it�f None. 5�.� 0� ��� pUG 23 �96 ��C�'��E� __������. ..�.� �r�� �► DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED: Unable to monitor and control above referenced transaction. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 2S�SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIW(i SOURCE Fees from transactions ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORIiRAT10N:(EXPLAIN) � . . � � � . , ` (� G..r—�-�`� , . . •� � * • � • ' • 1������� - - . - . , , . . . . . � : � . : � .. � , � � .: � .. . . . � . . . . .. .. � - . . � . . •. . . : .. • :1 � � � : � • ! � • � � � ► - � . • , . �� • •, a - . . �. �. • . . . . �X�;'K.,sf, s<1�J f �;:�.�� d o a(� a.. f ✓�'Y:�l��s_��`O ���.P r �:K d�SN F�t j � i �a�fu� e d���i � �ajn�y �j. q,yC B � eca}� f i. 7( y�S rx?3..� �rj�a!rxT • `��11�;,��...1J�6..Y � 1 i� 1.�iNr����37'" .. �} Nt�y.i���C�_..r6�5} T��p�� � 3G.a f� ��1 E � '7 d N j�' �' �,� ,�f��.� � �sn�o4� "��6�'�,� �, �. � �� �, : �� .,t � u� r -iV.#cc � �x r ;6 y.. �„��t �'3 ���x� ��1}'.e'°��L'�� �i� mx� {� ��?���'�'ti N r�e. t ,Yee :,,�2".: �„�. 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'6�.`�55� ��Y 43 l5tc�¢�,.����� . tlf 8:+i�3 t p A.�i,���p� :"tir�„pr v��..�� .�II 3fG "�.d�Y�� J � i .�.�4�t d . . Y �;��M1��,'- ,k P's" .�'�+�z Y " i ^_ � r�..i_. p �:. ,,,c;� � �_. , �' . l. .o._ - ,rtrK n ���6 '���� }1 fY d kf . �9r ��fa o� d� tl e�k�a.�Y .'.tD 0 o�j� �� �R 0 . �t � 6 �r�bsA���9 �sir. ' @0 f(.4 � .Ya��5. t'�'�`+ - �'k�..�� � �.� � .Lv} -�:u�^ as� t�x y+F �,P., •R��l � T'�.Q • • � � , - ♦ � • •� - - � " � ' � � '.• • � � t . s ' // ♦ I �I I " • ' • � ' • . •. � • - � _ s • - •i • • • • • • - � - : �• � •- .� - � \. � • • � - � • . • • : • . � � • • . • • s � L • � ♦ r � -• • • � � �, •♦ • . �• • • �' � • ' -� • • .• . . . s •� JUL-18-1996 16�45 CITY OF ST PAIJL LIEP P.05 • , F ` y `'�+�� �-��J � v duly detailed by thc a�}uef for such puTpose shall investigate th a ph�c.�ni�nd'r�e the resuh 2 . o f suc h irrvestigation to the inspector together with the approvaI ' val of such 3 application by the c�hief;provided, however, that no person sh�lI be Iicensed under the terms 4 hareof who, at an�+time prior to the issuance of such license, h�s been duly convicted in any ' S '� ' court of competent jurisdiction of having violated any law reladng to theft, burglary, receiving 6 stolen�roperty, sale of controIled substance, or of any i�ction of the terms a�prpvisions of 7 � this chapter or of an�ofthe ordinances of the City of Saint Paul regulating the business of 8 pawnbroking;�rther provided, that in denying any license bas�d upon such conviction, the 9 inspector shal�follow the procedures in these chapters and in I.aws of 11Tnncsota for 1974, �� Chapter 298 (lv�rxnesota Statutes, Chapter 364). The term"convicted" shall include a plea of I I guilty even though no judgment of conviction is or has bsen entered or imposition of sentence 12 has bcen stayed. 13 � �4 (b) Band Before any person shall bt iicensed as a pawnbrokec, such applicant shall fiIe a bond in the 15 amount of five thousand dollars($5,000.00}with �duly licensed surety company as surety 16 - theteon, such surety bond to be appraved as t�forrn by tht city attorney, conditioned that such 17 ticensee sh�tll observe the ordinances af said city in relation to the busir�ess of pawnhroker and 1$ that such licensee will conduct sud business in confonnity iherewith and w'sll acrcouni for and 19 deliver to any person l�gatly erttitled thereto any goods, wares or merchandise, �rticl�or thing 20 wihich may h�ve come into the possession af such licensee as pawnbroker or in lieu thereof such 21 liccnsee shall pay in money to sueh person or persons the reasonable value thereof." 22 23 24 Section S 25 26 Section 344.04. of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 27 28 "Sec. 344.04. R�gulations. 29 30 (a} Records. Every person engaged and Iicensed in the business of pawnbroker shall record ali 31 purchases or pawn transactions on a standard thte��art form furnished by the Saini Faul Police 32 Depactmcnt, hereafter referred to as a pawn or buy form. One (1)copy shali be maintained at the 33 place oFbusiness. Thc other two (2)shall be delivered to the Saint Paul�olice Department 34 according to section 34A.04(b) of the Legislative Code. All pawn tickets sha�I be completed, 35 legibly written in ink in the English language, at the time any loan or purchase is made, and wi11 36 include the following inforrnation: 37 38 {1) The date and time that aIl such loans andlor purchascs are rt�ucic. 39 �� (2) �4a� accarate description of any persvn pawning, selling or lear�ing any type of property on '�l deposit as a collateral security. Such descriptxon shal!inciude, but not be[imuited to, the 4� person's full name;date of birth; residence;physical description, including, but not limited 43 to, stx, height, wexght, color of eyes and color of hair;and the identi&cation nwnber&om 44 any of the following forms of idcritif3cation of the persons pawnir�g or seUing the as progerty; vUid driver's licensc containing a picture or Minnesota identifi�atiozt card, 46 47 (3) The full dcscription of a�l such property purchased by the licensee or property received �g on dcposit as collateral security, including the manufacturer's serial number or idcntifying d9 insignia, if applicable, and the amount of purchase maney or t�ae amount loaned. 50 4