01-274ORIGI�IAL Presented By Council File # Q���ay RESOLUTION crPPn G''PPr # 1(177(1(1 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,. Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul was issued a Storm Water Discharge Permit from the Minnesota 2 Pollution Control Agency on December 1, 2000; and 3 4 WHEREAS, under the conditions of this permit the City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and 5 the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board are required to conduct a joint storm water monitoring 6 program throughout the three year permit; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has an existing monitoring program with 9 the experience, equipment and staff to conduct this joint monitoring program. 10 11 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the Department of Public 12 Works is authorized to enter into the "Cooperative Agreement For Separate Storm Sewer Systems 13 Permit Implementation In Minneapolis and St. Paul" with the City of Minneapolis and the 14 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and be it, 15 16 FINALLY RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the Mayor and the proper City officials arE 17 authorized to execute the above Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Public W orks By: AA \_ ..a �.,�..; orm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���� �"�� �j.�. fJ � B : B `j 0 ` � .�1-'�'� �, by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved� by Mayor: Date _�J1R/�� /�` �A� � n � , � ' `��� BY= � /I !'v'�- By: (DAiFJ FOFSMaNA'f1JAEPAGES _ (C4PALLlOCA7ION5 ASSISTANi) �/ n,_��, No. �4 27s�--- r- INtiiN/DATE �pJ GTY COUNCIL �qttCtEAK � FlWWCEACCOUMiNG ❑ /4 e the Depazhnent of Public Works to enter into.the "Cooperative Agreement for Separate Storm Sewer Pernut Storm Water Monitoring Iinglementation�in Minneapolis and St. Paul" with;the City o€ �o�is and the.Minueapolis Parl� and Recreation Board. - �"�'�''' v ' P "'� " "` "`�" � PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MFJSTANSWER THE FOLtOWfNG (XJESTIONS: NIYING COMMISSION _pV SERVICE COMMISS)ON i. H3S (hIS P2(SOA/�Ifrt12V2f WJA(Ed U(1$�d Wfih3G{ (Of tYi15 t1Ep2�h(IC'nCf COMMi1TEE �'ES NO — 2. Has tlds persordf+rm ever been a 6ry empbyee? FF _ YES NO fAICT COUNCIL s. ooes ttns persoNFirm possess a skiu rrot namauy possessecf by any current aty S WHICH COUNCILOBJECTVE'+ � YES NO NfiIATING PqOBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WH�. The City of Saint Paul was issued a Storm Water Discharge Peimit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on �ecember 1, 2000. Under the conditions of this peamit, the>City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and the Minrieapolis Park and iiecreation Board aze reqaired to conduct a joint stoxm water monitoring �hroughout the three year pernut. The Minneapo2is Park and Recrearion Board wilt conduct-the monitoring �or both cities. The estisa�ated cost to the City of Saint Pa�-is $89,SOO�er year of ihe .three year pernut. 46VANTAGESIFAPPROVE� Saint Paul will be in compliance with its federally mandated storm water discharge pern�it. P4�?i�.',Y ���5' ��'s2�.{�� � . � ��� � � ���� APPROVED � � �A� � Q ,���;`? V�T� �������� JISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul's Storm Water Discharge Pernrit woudd need to be amended and possibly renegotiated. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S souacE Sewer Service Fund 260 ACTiVRY NUMBER INFORM0.T10N (IXPWN) iETED {CIqCLE ONE) YE'S No 260-22225-02i9 O n � -��1� COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT For Separate Storm Sewer Systems Perneit Storm Water Monitoring Implementation In Minneapolis and St Paul The parties to this Cooperative Agreement are the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (hereinafter referred to as "MPRB"), the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department (hereinafter referred to as "Minneapolis"), and the City of St. PauI Public Works Department (hereinafter referred to as "St. Paul"), Recitals and Statement of Purpose VJHEREAS, The Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board have received National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits that govern the requirements for operation of municipal separate storm sewer systems; WHEREAS, the three units of government are required under the conditions of the pernuts to enter into an agreement that defines responsibilities for the monitoring requirements of the storm water management permits; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties enter into this Agreement to document their understanding as to the scope of the pemuts; reaffirm the commitment of each party as to the responsibilities and tasks to be undertaken by each party; establish procedures for performing these tasks and responsibilities; and facilitate communication and cooperation among the parties to ensure successful completion of the permit requirements; in order to successfully meet the requirements of the National Pollutant Dischazge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits MN 0061018 and MN 0061263 issued December 1, 2000. AGREEMENT 1. General Responsibilities and Performance Guidelines. 1.L The parties will jointly develop an annual Project Wark Plan that describes the tasks and schedule anticipated in performance of the permit. Each party will be responsible for its obligations under this Agreement, each party will have approval authority as to implementation of the responsibilities assigned to it but will provide all other parties the opportunity for review and comment on project design, plans and specifications, and implementation. 1.2. Progress on each work plan task will be annually reported to the other members of the agreement each year as defined in the reporting requirements. 13. Copies of the Minneapolis and St. Paul permits are incorporated into this agreement by reference. o�_��y 1.4. The MPRB agrees to maintain atl books, documents, paper, account records, and other evidences pertaining to work performed under this Agreement in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of this Agreement and to make such material available at its office at ali reasonable rimes during the Agreement period and for five (5} years from the date of the final payment under the contract for audit or inspection by the St. Paul, Minneapolis or other duly authorized representatives. 2. Specific Tasks and Responsibilities. 2.1. Appointment of an Authorized Representative, or their successors, to serve as the coordinators of the joint activities are as foliows: 2.1.1. City of Minneapolis - Jodi Poizia 2.1.2. City of St. Paul - Anne Weber 2.1.3. Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Boazd - Jeff I.ee 2.2. The MPRB will be responsible for the following tasks with St. Paul and Minneapolis: 2.2.1. MPRB will prepare a joint document program with St. Paul and Minneapolis entitled "Field Quality Assurance Manual" containing detailed information about the monitoring program organization and responsibilities, field and laboratory quality assurance, sampling site characteristics, health and safety procedures, and site specific operating procedures. The Manuai will be amended, rewritten, or revised to include the monitoring and reporting requirements set forth in the permit and submitted to MPCA by 7une 1, 2001. Revisions will be made as changes occur. Thz Manuat wili be completed as a joint document that covers the monitoring requirements in the City of Minneapolis and the City of St. Paul and will be submitted as a single document. 2.2.2. MPRB will complete annual storm sewer discharge event monitoring that meets requirements of the permits in a joint monitoring program with St. Paul and Minneapolis. The monitoring program will include a total of five (5) sites and sampling for eight (8) events as per conditions of the permit. Storm water monitoring of discharge events will begin in March 2001. All storm water monitoring will be petformed according to the procedures set forth in the approved monitoring program manual. 2.2.3. MPRB will perfoim a pilot project of inercury sampling program with St. Paul and Minneapolis at a minimum of two of the sampling locations identified in Chapter 1, Section 1.2. The effective period of the monitoring will last for two years. The mercury sampling pilot program wilI include the analysis of total suspended solids to determine if a relationship exists between the two parameters. 2.2.4. MPRB will be responsible for the purchase of and assume ownership of all new equipment necessary to complete monitoring activities. 2.2.5. MPRB will report to St. Paul and 1Vlinneapolis by March l of each year information required for prepazation of the Annual Reports to MPCA. The Annual Report will include an analysis of the monitoring data that was collected during the reporting yeaz. The first annual report will include information regarding BMP performance, receiving water quality, or other data available that characterizes the quality of storm water discharges. 2.2.6. MPRB will provide financial reports to St. Paul and Minneapolis by March 1 of each year documenting monitoring program expenditures for the previous yeaz. By March l each year projected expenditures for the upcoming yeaz will be submitted. o, -a.�y 2.2.7. Submission of other information as requested for completion of the requirements of the permit. 2_3_ The Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul will each be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 23.1. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide technical assistance in the prepararion of the "Field Quality Assurance Manual", including but not limited to the selection of sampling sites, watershed delineation, land use characterisrics and any engineering drawings as needed. 23.2. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide sampling equipment, as available, for use by MPRB in comptetion of the monitoring program. 2.3.3. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide staff assistance for the installation and removal of sampling stations on an annual basis. 2.4. Minneapolis will be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 2.41. Submittal of the Minneapolis/MPRB annual report to MPCA by June 1 each year. 2.4.2. Reimbursement of MKPB for monitoring activities completed each year. In 2001 this amount is estimated be $89,500 for monitoring. 2.5. St. Paul will be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 2.5.1. Submittal of the St. Paul annual report to MPCA by June 1 each year. 2,5.2. Reimbursement of MRP$ monitoring activities completed each year, based upor. an invoice for expenses. In 2001 this amount is estimated to be $89,506. 3. Land and Access Rights 31. Each party wiil authorize access to and use of its land and storm sewer system as needed to design, construct, operate, and maintain all improvements in accardance with this Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party from any damages, claims, injury, or death resulting from use of the other party's facilities under the terms of this Agreement. Nothing herein, however, will waive any limits of liability granted to either party by statute or common law. 4. Termination 4.1. This Agreement will ternunate on Januazy 1, 2004 or upon the written agreement of all parties. 5. Amendments 5.1. This Agreement may be amended only by agreement of the parties in writing. r .. 0 ► -�-'1`l IN WTTNFSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Cooperative Agreement. MINNEAPOLIS PARK AND RECREATION BOARD. A political subdivision of the State of Minnesota I� I� Its President Date Its Secretary Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION James P. Michels, Esq. Date CTI'Y OF MINNEAPOLIS � Approved as to form: � Assistant City Attorney Date: � � ot-a'��f SIGNATLTRE PAGE TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT For Separafe Storm Sewer Sysfems Permit Storm Water Monitoring Implementation In Minneapolis and S� Paul CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Norm Coleman Mayor Date: � � Thomas Eggum Director, Department of Public Works Joe Reid Director, Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: g � ' � � Assistant City Attor ey ORIGI�IAL Presented By Council File # Q���ay RESOLUTION crPPn G''PPr # 1(177(1(1 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,. Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul was issued a Storm Water Discharge Permit from the Minnesota 2 Pollution Control Agency on December 1, 2000; and 3 4 WHEREAS, under the conditions of this permit the City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and 5 the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board are required to conduct a joint storm water monitoring 6 program throughout the three year permit; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has an existing monitoring program with 9 the experience, equipment and staff to conduct this joint monitoring program. 10 11 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the Department of Public 12 Works is authorized to enter into the "Cooperative Agreement For Separate Storm Sewer Systems 13 Permit Implementation In Minneapolis and St. Paul" with the City of Minneapolis and the 14 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and be it, 15 16 FINALLY RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the Mayor and the proper City officials arE 17 authorized to execute the above Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Public W orks By: AA \_ ..a �.,�..; orm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���� �"�� �j.�. fJ � B : B `j 0 ` � .�1-'�'� �, by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved� by Mayor: Date _�J1R/�� /�` �A� � n � , � ' `��� BY= � /I !'v'�- By: (DAiFJ FOFSMaNA'f1JAEPAGES _ (C4PALLlOCA7ION5 ASSISTANi) �/ n,_��, No. �4 27s�--- r- INtiiN/DATE �pJ GTY COUNCIL �qttCtEAK � FlWWCEACCOUMiNG ❑ /4 e the Depazhnent of Public Works to enter into.the "Cooperative Agreement for Separate Storm Sewer Pernut Storm Water Monitoring Iinglementation�in Minneapolis and St. Paul" with;the City o€ �o�is and the.Minueapolis Parl� and Recreation Board. - �"�'�''' v ' P "'� " "` "`�" � PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MFJSTANSWER THE FOLtOWfNG (XJESTIONS: NIYING COMMISSION _pV SERVICE COMMISS)ON i. H3S (hIS P2(SOA/�Ifrt12V2f WJA(Ed U(1$�d Wfih3G{ (Of tYi15 t1Ep2�h(IC'nCf COMMi1TEE �'ES NO — 2. Has tlds persordf+rm ever been a 6ry empbyee? FF _ YES NO fAICT COUNCIL s. ooes ttns persoNFirm possess a skiu rrot namauy possessecf by any current aty S WHICH COUNCILOBJECTVE'+ � YES NO NfiIATING PqOBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WH�. The City of Saint Paul was issued a Storm Water Discharge Peimit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on �ecember 1, 2000. Under the conditions of this peamit, the>City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and the Minrieapolis Park and iiecreation Board aze reqaired to conduct a joint stoxm water monitoring �hroughout the three year pernut. The Minneapo2is Park and Recrearion Board wilt conduct-the monitoring �or both cities. The estisa�ated cost to the City of Saint Pa�-is $89,SOO�er year of ihe .three year pernut. 46VANTAGESIFAPPROVE� Saint Paul will be in compliance with its federally mandated storm water discharge pern�it. P4�?i�.',Y ���5' ��'s2�.{�� � . � ��� � � ���� APPROVED � � �A� � Q ,���;`? V�T� �������� JISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul's Storm Water Discharge Pernrit woudd need to be amended and possibly renegotiated. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S souacE Sewer Service Fund 260 ACTiVRY NUMBER INFORM0.T10N (IXPWN) iETED {CIqCLE ONE) YE'S No 260-22225-02i9 O n � -��1� COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT For Separate Storm Sewer Systems Perneit Storm Water Monitoring Implementation In Minneapolis and St Paul The parties to this Cooperative Agreement are the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (hereinafter referred to as "MPRB"), the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department (hereinafter referred to as "Minneapolis"), and the City of St. PauI Public Works Department (hereinafter referred to as "St. Paul"), Recitals and Statement of Purpose VJHEREAS, The Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board have received National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits that govern the requirements for operation of municipal separate storm sewer systems; WHEREAS, the three units of government are required under the conditions of the pernuts to enter into an agreement that defines responsibilities for the monitoring requirements of the storm water management permits; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties enter into this Agreement to document their understanding as to the scope of the pemuts; reaffirm the commitment of each party as to the responsibilities and tasks to be undertaken by each party; establish procedures for performing these tasks and responsibilities; and facilitate communication and cooperation among the parties to ensure successful completion of the permit requirements; in order to successfully meet the requirements of the National Pollutant Dischazge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits MN 0061018 and MN 0061263 issued December 1, 2000. AGREEMENT 1. General Responsibilities and Performance Guidelines. 1.L The parties will jointly develop an annual Project Wark Plan that describes the tasks and schedule anticipated in performance of the permit. Each party will be responsible for its obligations under this Agreement, each party will have approval authority as to implementation of the responsibilities assigned to it but will provide all other parties the opportunity for review and comment on project design, plans and specifications, and implementation. 1.2. Progress on each work plan task will be annually reported to the other members of the agreement each year as defined in the reporting requirements. 13. Copies of the Minneapolis and St. Paul permits are incorporated into this agreement by reference. o�_��y 1.4. The MPRB agrees to maintain atl books, documents, paper, account records, and other evidences pertaining to work performed under this Agreement in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of this Agreement and to make such material available at its office at ali reasonable rimes during the Agreement period and for five (5} years from the date of the final payment under the contract for audit or inspection by the St. Paul, Minneapolis or other duly authorized representatives. 2. Specific Tasks and Responsibilities. 2.1. Appointment of an Authorized Representative, or their successors, to serve as the coordinators of the joint activities are as foliows: 2.1.1. City of Minneapolis - Jodi Poizia 2.1.2. City of St. Paul - Anne Weber 2.1.3. Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Boazd - Jeff I.ee 2.2. The MPRB will be responsible for the following tasks with St. Paul and Minneapolis: 2.2.1. MPRB will prepare a joint document program with St. Paul and Minneapolis entitled "Field Quality Assurance Manual" containing detailed information about the monitoring program organization and responsibilities, field and laboratory quality assurance, sampling site characteristics, health and safety procedures, and site specific operating procedures. The Manuai will be amended, rewritten, or revised to include the monitoring and reporting requirements set forth in the permit and submitted to MPCA by 7une 1, 2001. Revisions will be made as changes occur. Thz Manuat wili be completed as a joint document that covers the monitoring requirements in the City of Minneapolis and the City of St. Paul and will be submitted as a single document. 2.2.2. MPRB will complete annual storm sewer discharge event monitoring that meets requirements of the permits in a joint monitoring program with St. Paul and Minneapolis. The monitoring program will include a total of five (5) sites and sampling for eight (8) events as per conditions of the permit. Storm water monitoring of discharge events will begin in March 2001. All storm water monitoring will be petformed according to the procedures set forth in the approved monitoring program manual. 2.2.3. MPRB will perfoim a pilot project of inercury sampling program with St. Paul and Minneapolis at a minimum of two of the sampling locations identified in Chapter 1, Section 1.2. The effective period of the monitoring will last for two years. The mercury sampling pilot program wilI include the analysis of total suspended solids to determine if a relationship exists between the two parameters. 2.2.4. MPRB will be responsible for the purchase of and assume ownership of all new equipment necessary to complete monitoring activities. 2.2.5. MPRB will report to St. Paul and 1Vlinneapolis by March l of each year information required for prepazation of the Annual Reports to MPCA. The Annual Report will include an analysis of the monitoring data that was collected during the reporting yeaz. The first annual report will include information regarding BMP performance, receiving water quality, or other data available that characterizes the quality of storm water discharges. 2.2.6. MPRB will provide financial reports to St. Paul and Minneapolis by March 1 of each year documenting monitoring program expenditures for the previous yeaz. By March l each year projected expenditures for the upcoming yeaz will be submitted. o, -a.�y 2.2.7. Submission of other information as requested for completion of the requirements of the permit. 2_3_ The Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul will each be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 23.1. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide technical assistance in the prepararion of the "Field Quality Assurance Manual", including but not limited to the selection of sampling sites, watershed delineation, land use characterisrics and any engineering drawings as needed. 23.2. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide sampling equipment, as available, for use by MPRB in comptetion of the monitoring program. 2.3.3. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide staff assistance for the installation and removal of sampling stations on an annual basis. 2.4. Minneapolis will be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 2.41. Submittal of the Minneapolis/MPRB annual report to MPCA by June 1 each year. 2.4.2. Reimbursement of MKPB for monitoring activities completed each year. In 2001 this amount is estimated be $89,500 for monitoring. 2.5. St. Paul will be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 2.5.1. Submittal of the St. Paul annual report to MPCA by June 1 each year. 2,5.2. Reimbursement of MRP$ monitoring activities completed each year, based upor. an invoice for expenses. In 2001 this amount is estimated to be $89,506. 3. Land and Access Rights 31. Each party wiil authorize access to and use of its land and storm sewer system as needed to design, construct, operate, and maintain all improvements in accardance with this Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party from any damages, claims, injury, or death resulting from use of the other party's facilities under the terms of this Agreement. Nothing herein, however, will waive any limits of liability granted to either party by statute or common law. 4. Termination 4.1. This Agreement will ternunate on Januazy 1, 2004 or upon the written agreement of all parties. 5. Amendments 5.1. This Agreement may be amended only by agreement of the parties in writing. r .. 0 ► -�-'1`l IN WTTNFSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Cooperative Agreement. MINNEAPOLIS PARK AND RECREATION BOARD. A political subdivision of the State of Minnesota I� I� Its President Date Its Secretary Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION James P. Michels, Esq. Date CTI'Y OF MINNEAPOLIS � Approved as to form: � Assistant City Attorney Date: � � ot-a'��f SIGNATLTRE PAGE TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT For Separafe Storm Sewer Sysfems Permit Storm Water Monitoring Implementation In Minneapolis and S� Paul CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Norm Coleman Mayor Date: � � Thomas Eggum Director, Department of Public Works Joe Reid Director, Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: g � ' � � Assistant City Attor ey ORIGI�IAL Presented By Council File # Q���ay RESOLUTION crPPn G''PPr # 1(177(1(1 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,. Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul was issued a Storm Water Discharge Permit from the Minnesota 2 Pollution Control Agency on December 1, 2000; and 3 4 WHEREAS, under the conditions of this permit the City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and 5 the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board are required to conduct a joint storm water monitoring 6 program throughout the three year permit; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has an existing monitoring program with 9 the experience, equipment and staff to conduct this joint monitoring program. 10 11 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the Department of Public 12 Works is authorized to enter into the "Cooperative Agreement For Separate Storm Sewer Systems 13 Permit Implementation In Minneapolis and St. Paul" with the City of Minneapolis and the 14 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and be it, 15 16 FINALLY RESOLVED, by the City of Saint Paul that the Mayor and the proper City officials arE 17 authorized to execute the above Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Public W orks By: AA \_ ..a �.,�..; orm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���� �"�� �j.�. fJ � B : B `j 0 ` � .�1-'�'� �, by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved� by Mayor: Date _�J1R/�� /�` �A� � n � , � ' `��� BY= � /I !'v'�- By: (DAiFJ FOFSMaNA'f1JAEPAGES _ (C4PALLlOCA7ION5 ASSISTANi) �/ n,_��, No. �4 27s�--- r- INtiiN/DATE �pJ GTY COUNCIL �qttCtEAK � FlWWCEACCOUMiNG ❑ /4 e the Depazhnent of Public Works to enter into.the "Cooperative Agreement for Separate Storm Sewer Pernut Storm Water Monitoring Iinglementation�in Minneapolis and St. Paul" with;the City o€ �o�is and the.Minueapolis Parl� and Recreation Board. - �"�'�''' v ' P "'� " "` "`�" � PERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MFJSTANSWER THE FOLtOWfNG (XJESTIONS: NIYING COMMISSION _pV SERVICE COMMISS)ON i. H3S (hIS P2(SOA/�Ifrt12V2f WJA(Ed U(1$�d Wfih3G{ (Of tYi15 t1Ep2�h(IC'nCf COMMi1TEE �'ES NO — 2. Has tlds persordf+rm ever been a 6ry empbyee? FF _ YES NO fAICT COUNCIL s. ooes ttns persoNFirm possess a skiu rrot namauy possessecf by any current aty S WHICH COUNCILOBJECTVE'+ � YES NO NfiIATING PqOBLEM.ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WH�. The City of Saint Paul was issued a Storm Water Discharge Peimit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on �ecember 1, 2000. Under the conditions of this peamit, the>City of Saint Paul, the City of Minneapolis and the Minrieapolis Park and iiecreation Board aze reqaired to conduct a joint stoxm water monitoring �hroughout the three year pernut. The Minneapo2is Park and Recrearion Board wilt conduct-the monitoring �or both cities. The estisa�ated cost to the City of Saint Pa�-is $89,SOO�er year of ihe .three year pernut. 46VANTAGESIFAPPROVE� Saint Paul will be in compliance with its federally mandated storm water discharge pern�it. P4�?i�.',Y ���5' ��'s2�.{�� � . � ��� � � ���� APPROVED � � �A� � Q ,���;`? V�T� �������� JISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Saint Paul's Storm Water Discharge Pernrit woudd need to be amended and possibly renegotiated. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S souacE Sewer Service Fund 260 ACTiVRY NUMBER INFORM0.T10N (IXPWN) iETED {CIqCLE ONE) YE'S No 260-22225-02i9 O n � -��1� COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT For Separate Storm Sewer Systems Perneit Storm Water Monitoring Implementation In Minneapolis and St Paul The parties to this Cooperative Agreement are the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (hereinafter referred to as "MPRB"), the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department (hereinafter referred to as "Minneapolis"), and the City of St. PauI Public Works Department (hereinafter referred to as "St. Paul"), Recitals and Statement of Purpose VJHEREAS, The Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board have received National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits that govern the requirements for operation of municipal separate storm sewer systems; WHEREAS, the three units of government are required under the conditions of the pernuts to enter into an agreement that defines responsibilities for the monitoring requirements of the storm water management permits; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties enter into this Agreement to document their understanding as to the scope of the pemuts; reaffirm the commitment of each party as to the responsibilities and tasks to be undertaken by each party; establish procedures for performing these tasks and responsibilities; and facilitate communication and cooperation among the parties to ensure successful completion of the permit requirements; in order to successfully meet the requirements of the National Pollutant Dischazge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Disposal System (SDS) permits MN 0061018 and MN 0061263 issued December 1, 2000. AGREEMENT 1. General Responsibilities and Performance Guidelines. 1.L The parties will jointly develop an annual Project Wark Plan that describes the tasks and schedule anticipated in performance of the permit. Each party will be responsible for its obligations under this Agreement, each party will have approval authority as to implementation of the responsibilities assigned to it but will provide all other parties the opportunity for review and comment on project design, plans and specifications, and implementation. 1.2. Progress on each work plan task will be annually reported to the other members of the agreement each year as defined in the reporting requirements. 13. Copies of the Minneapolis and St. Paul permits are incorporated into this agreement by reference. o�_��y 1.4. The MPRB agrees to maintain atl books, documents, paper, account records, and other evidences pertaining to work performed under this Agreement in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of this Agreement and to make such material available at its office at ali reasonable rimes during the Agreement period and for five (5} years from the date of the final payment under the contract for audit or inspection by the St. Paul, Minneapolis or other duly authorized representatives. 2. Specific Tasks and Responsibilities. 2.1. Appointment of an Authorized Representative, or their successors, to serve as the coordinators of the joint activities are as foliows: 2.1.1. City of Minneapolis - Jodi Poizia 2.1.2. City of St. Paul - Anne Weber 2.1.3. Minneapolis Pazk and Recreation Boazd - Jeff I.ee 2.2. The MPRB will be responsible for the following tasks with St. Paul and Minneapolis: 2.2.1. MPRB will prepare a joint document program with St. Paul and Minneapolis entitled "Field Quality Assurance Manual" containing detailed information about the monitoring program organization and responsibilities, field and laboratory quality assurance, sampling site characteristics, health and safety procedures, and site specific operating procedures. The Manuai will be amended, rewritten, or revised to include the monitoring and reporting requirements set forth in the permit and submitted to MPCA by 7une 1, 2001. Revisions will be made as changes occur. Thz Manuat wili be completed as a joint document that covers the monitoring requirements in the City of Minneapolis and the City of St. Paul and will be submitted as a single document. 2.2.2. MPRB will complete annual storm sewer discharge event monitoring that meets requirements of the permits in a joint monitoring program with St. Paul and Minneapolis. The monitoring program will include a total of five (5) sites and sampling for eight (8) events as per conditions of the permit. Storm water monitoring of discharge events will begin in March 2001. All storm water monitoring will be petformed according to the procedures set forth in the approved monitoring program manual. 2.2.3. MPRB will perfoim a pilot project of inercury sampling program with St. Paul and Minneapolis at a minimum of two of the sampling locations identified in Chapter 1, Section 1.2. The effective period of the monitoring will last for two years. The mercury sampling pilot program wilI include the analysis of total suspended solids to determine if a relationship exists between the two parameters. 2.2.4. MPRB will be responsible for the purchase of and assume ownership of all new equipment necessary to complete monitoring activities. 2.2.5. MPRB will report to St. Paul and 1Vlinneapolis by March l of each year information required for prepazation of the Annual Reports to MPCA. The Annual Report will include an analysis of the monitoring data that was collected during the reporting yeaz. The first annual report will include information regarding BMP performance, receiving water quality, or other data available that characterizes the quality of storm water discharges. 2.2.6. MPRB will provide financial reports to St. Paul and Minneapolis by March 1 of each year documenting monitoring program expenditures for the previous yeaz. By March l each year projected expenditures for the upcoming yeaz will be submitted. o, -a.�y 2.2.7. Submission of other information as requested for completion of the requirements of the permit. 2_3_ The Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul will each be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 23.1. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide technical assistance in the prepararion of the "Field Quality Assurance Manual", including but not limited to the selection of sampling sites, watershed delineation, land use characterisrics and any engineering drawings as needed. 23.2. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide sampling equipment, as available, for use by MPRB in comptetion of the monitoring program. 2.3.3. Minneapolis and St. Paul will provide staff assistance for the installation and removal of sampling stations on an annual basis. 2.4. Minneapolis will be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 2.41. Submittal of the Minneapolis/MPRB annual report to MPCA by June 1 each year. 2.4.2. Reimbursement of MKPB for monitoring activities completed each year. In 2001 this amount is estimated be $89,500 for monitoring. 2.5. St. Paul will be responsible for the following tasks with MPRB: 2.5.1. Submittal of the St. Paul annual report to MPCA by June 1 each year. 2,5.2. Reimbursement of MRP$ monitoring activities completed each year, based upor. an invoice for expenses. In 2001 this amount is estimated to be $89,506. 3. Land and Access Rights 31. Each party wiil authorize access to and use of its land and storm sewer system as needed to design, construct, operate, and maintain all improvements in accardance with this Agreement. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party from any damages, claims, injury, or death resulting from use of the other party's facilities under the terms of this Agreement. Nothing herein, however, will waive any limits of liability granted to either party by statute or common law. 4. Termination 4.1. This Agreement will ternunate on Januazy 1, 2004 or upon the written agreement of all parties. 5. Amendments 5.1. This Agreement may be amended only by agreement of the parties in writing. r .. 0 ► -�-'1`l IN WTTNFSS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Cooperative Agreement. MINNEAPOLIS PARK AND RECREATION BOARD. A political subdivision of the State of Minnesota I� I� Its President Date Its Secretary Date APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION James P. Michels, Esq. Date CTI'Y OF MINNEAPOLIS � Approved as to form: � Assistant City Attorney Date: � � ot-a'��f SIGNATLTRE PAGE TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT For Separafe Storm Sewer Sysfems Permit Storm Water Monitoring Implementation In Minneapolis and S� Paul CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Norm Coleman Mayor Date: � � Thomas Eggum Director, Department of Public Works Joe Reid Director, Office of Financial Services Approved as to form: g � ' � � Assistant City Attor ey