96-1135 �, � .`.r� �� Council File # 1 cp y ��35 9 ,��`�M Green Sheet # �� 3 0 R I G I N A L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �S Presented By ��,- ,;,;,:__ Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 RESOLVED, that the Original container, Liquor - Off Sale, and Cigarette Licenses 5 (License ID No. 10889) held by L. & K. Corporation d/b/a Quick Sto Liquor and located at 824 6 7th Street East in Saint Paul are hereby suspended for a period of a�commencing on 7 Wednesday, October 2, 1996 for the violation of "Sale of Alcoholic B ges to a Minor." 8 9 This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the July 10 10, 1996 Police Report CN 96-103-304, the July 29, 1996 notice of violation letter to the 11 licensee, the admissions of the licensee in their letter of August 8, 1996 that they do not dispute 12 the facts stated in the notice of violation letter, and such arguments as may have been presented 13 to the Council at the public hearing, as wc,�/c.s � I,c,e„se.e �s s h���.c�la.h�,•� ,� 14 �n Qdd,fio�+a.� �� _�„F G./�ohoC � �i �� o� us� 15 �5, /99G , Fac.� oF c�r„�h a� qc.t Y-�, i �i,c.Q �t �iJ 16 --- � ._ _� — —. �-- — — ^� 9� - ia� -�c�� _ Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a e ostrom arri s _�_ euerin / t tman �r � une ✓' By� S �-`� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��,��_ �� q(� `. - Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date � l � �` °� �� �� By. By: q � ���3s DATE INITIA D p . ��t �oun��� - s/26i96 �REEN. SHEET N_ 3 fi 36 6 + �eeP�rtrMerrr aw�cTOR'��� (�cm couNCa __ - �N�ru►va�r� Councilmember Dino Guerin ��+ �CITYATTOWNEY �CITYCLERK U tl A (DA7'� �p���R �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Se tember 11, 1996 °NDER ❑""�"��OR^�'g'�""n ❑ TOTAL#OF SKiNATUR'E Pl�tiE8 (CUP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SICiNATURt7 � �crwN�cuESTEO: Concerning adverse actian againat �icenses held by L & K Corporation, dba Quick Stop Liquor, 824 7th Street East. (Uncontested) RE�MM�AT�NS'Appr°w(�)°r RsJ°a�R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AIisWlR TNE FOLtOWINO OUEaT10NS: _�arc3 COAAMISS�oN �clvK sER�nce cOMMIBSIOro �. Has u,is psreoNRm,e�woriced undsr a oonaaa tor�ts dsp.rbnsrN? - . _CIB t�MM17TEE _ YES NO 2. Hes tl�is pNeon/firm sver bssn a diy empl0�yee4 —�� — , YES NO _�BTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this peraoldHrm posesss s aldll not normaNY P�d bY�Y�+��Y en'�PbY�� BuPPORTS wMK�F1 COUNCIL OBJECrnlE9 YES NO Enplein dl ye�amwaa on ap�nt�thNt�nd�tt�oh to:�ro�n shsst INITIATNdO PROBI.EM�188UE�OPPORTUNRY(Wlw.Whet.When.Where�iNhY). ADVANTi1pE8 IF APPRdVED: ° 018ADVANTAGE8IF APPROVED: , . � F�@���r�h C9�tK Al,� � „ .�,,,; DIBADVANTAOE8IF NOT APPRONED: _ � J COWiC� R��ft�1 C�ItK AUC � 8 1996 ,_ TOTAI AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION'= COST/REVENUB BUDAETltC(CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPIAIN) ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Trmo�hy E. Marx, Crty Atlorney q G -1135 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Divrsion Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hal! Telephone: 672 266-8710 IS West Ke/logg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298-5619 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � August 22, 1996 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Tae H. Lee Quick Stop Liquor 824 7th Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 RE: Al1 Licenses of L. & K. Corporation d/b/a Quick Stop Liquor located at 824 7th Street License ID No. : 10889 Our file Number: G96-0337 Dear Tae Lee : Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m. , September 11, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the essential facts contained in the attached police reports have been admitted to. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. . The recommendation of the license office will be for a one (1) day suspension of the license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8728 . Sincerely, �l.' �L.J �a�.,v�-e� ������� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Smith, Community Organizer, Dayton' s Bluff Center for Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave. , St . Paul, MN 55106 q � - 1135 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: L. & K. Corporation dib/a Quick Stop Liquor Address: 824 7th Street East Council Hearing Date: September 11, 1996 Violation: Sale of Alcohol to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 304A.503 (1994) St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 Date: J u ty 10, 1996 Place: Licensed Premises Matrix Presumptive Penalty: One (1) Day Suspension Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: One (1) day suspension (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee or attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. Police Report • � :-1 . q6 - 1135 ���g������� �` � �` r F..R,a 824 EAST 7rn St. �j������ ��'�` St. PAUL, MN 55106 (6I2) 774-6033 AUG 12 1996 �;�,���� �� � ,,IVIL DIVISIOi`J <<00 C I TY HAL L 15 �•!EST KELLOGC EL��D. CASE NUh9E�ER G96-Q337 ST. nF�UL, t�1P; 55102 VIRGIh1IA D: PALP��ER ASSISTAPvT CITY ATTORNEY I DO ^dOT DISPUTE THIS P1ATT�R; BUT I LIKE TO KP�Ot•! t•lHAT KIRD OF CI-�ARGES 4JILL QE AGAIP�ST P�E: THA�JK YOU �_. � ����� TAE H. LEE 774-6033 AFTER 3:00 P:P�: , , , . , OFF �� OF THE C1TY ATTORNEY • Trmo1�,� 6. Manr, Ciry A�rorney 9 - I l�S' CITY OF SAINT PAIJL Civi1 Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha!! Telephom: 612 266-8710 IS Wes!Kel%gg Blvd Facsimik: 61?298-56/9 Sain1 Paul, Mrnnesota SSIOT �� July 29, 1996 L & K Corporation Quick Stop Liquor Store 824 E. 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55106 RE: All Licenses of L & K Corp. d/b/a Quick Stop Liquor . Our file # G96-0337 Dear Mr. Sir/Madam: I am in receipt of information that could lead to adverse action against your original container and off-sale liquor licenses at the above-named premises . The basis for the adverse aetion is that : On or about July 10, 1996, at about 7:05 p.m. , an employee of the store sold alcoholic beverages (3 bottles of Boone' s wine) to aa underage person. This activity is a violatioa of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 (2) and Minn. Stat. �340A.305, aad coastitutes grounds for adverse action against the licenses for the premises. If you do not dispute that the above incident took place, I will need a letter from you stating that you do not dispute the facts. I will then have this matter scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what penalty, if any, to impose. You will be allowed to speak on your behalf at that hearing. On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing on the facts before an Administrative Law Judge. In that event, you will receive a notice of hearing, so you will know when and where to appear, and the basis for the hearing. In either case, you should contact me within ten days from the date of this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will schedule the Page 1 � � � 1 � ( - 1135 July 29, 1996 K & L Corp. d/b/a Quick Stop Liquor Letter, Page 2 administrative hearing, and you may be held responsible for the costs of the hearing if you do not then appear and contest the facts . Please call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710 to discuss the matter. Sincerely, (�cJt9 �cc..ti� � `, c�,�.u� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc : Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP - � Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Smith, Community Organizer, Dayton' s Bluff Center for Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave. , St . Paul, MN 55106 �l� -�I3s STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 30, 1996, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows : L & K Corporation Quick Stop Liquor Store 824 E. 7th Street St. Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United tates mails at St . Paul, - Minnesota. / J E G LEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of July 1996 . r ub ic . � ., KAT�-'^`!N J.McLAUGHLiN� j "f �JOTl;Fi1 PUBUC�111111NESOTA ' R�i�SEY C�J(V'(Y � � MyComm.Expirss,Nf6g��?ppp ■ • Li�.' ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q�p �/1 3�..� 10889 STAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC Business Name. . . . . . . . . . . . L & K CORPORATION Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824 7TH ST E Zip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55106 Doing Business As. . . . . . . . QUICK STOP LIQUOR License Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . ORIGINAL CONTAINER . LIQUOR - OFF SALE . CIGARETTE Exp Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O1/31/97 Insurance Carrier. . . . . . . . MN LIQ LIA ASSIGNED RISK Ins. Policy Number. . . . . . . LL965357 Insurance Effective Date. Ol/31/96 Ins. Expiration Date . . . . . 02/Ol/97 NOTE AREA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSP CHANGE FROM O1 TO 02 ON 4/09/92 . 12501 . 112691 PH ON APPN TO TRFR OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE . FROM ID 16197 APP'D C.F. 91-2156 . 121091 ALL PAPER-WORK TO KRIS - NEED OFF SALE LIQU . OR LICENSE #16197 TO SEND TO STATE W/OTHER PAPER-W . ORK - ALSO, LICENSE HAS NOT PRINTED. 5 . 3 SCREEN SH . OWS "2" FOR LICENSE DIVN. JO Press <RETURN> to continue. . . Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° . 6/2/92 PH TO CONSIDER SUSPENSION OF ALL LICENSES ( . UNCONTESTED) HEARD BY COUNCIL - 3 DAY (2 DAY STAY) . SUSPENSION/$200 FINE RECOMMENDED . 061692 PH SUSPENDING OFF SALE LIQUOR AND CIGARETTE . LICENSE FOR THREE (3) CONSECUTIVE DAYS WITH A 2 D . AY STAY FOR A PERIOD OF 18 MONTHS ON CONDITION OF . NO FURTHER VIOLATION, CONIl�IENCING 6/22/92 FOR THE S . ALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO A MINOR AND A $200 . 0 . 0 FINE DUE TO SALE OF CIGARETTES TO A MINOR APP'D . C.F. 92-751 . 12/23/94 ORIGINAL CONTAINER LICENSE ADDED PER . STEVE OLSON . 4/9/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 63903--SEE 63903 FOR . PREVIOUS CIG VIOLATIONS / FINES--LAP-LIC Tax Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1353957 Worker Comp Exp Date. . . . . 07/29/94 Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774-6033 Press ' C' to continue, ' P' to print, or 'R' to redisplay. . . Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° , � � 1 ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT �(� /� r� ��L� � / � Page oi GENERAL REPORT �� .. D�a� Month Date Year jime: Squad: Team: Oflense: `t' ���`7�����1�'�.,:-r�'1�� � 19v5 5��{ �'�s� S�.t�. ���.► v.�a�., -r�+-cr�E.. Class: Location of Call: Location of Crime Scene: Time of Arrest: � ��� � a�c . ��- S����� ��� � � rt� 5��� Time&Date of Occurrence: Bus.Phone: Home Phone: Occurred ❑ At� Between: �hrs.on and hrs.on Complsina�Ys Name(Last,First,Middie):_ Address: ,', S S� � !vo �= i 1� 5�ree t Articles Recovered: - - � . Disposition: � Records � Crime�ab Lxker �Crime Lab � Property Room NARRATIVE .h ,;:. .; ,. . , _ ;.. . __ Arrest Number Last Name First Middle Address DOB Ags Sex Race C.� �,sc� 1�� �a� ,,�.s s-i�4��{ � �f� � �'v��4 (D 5�t� SA�-o��w�� �� t�wu ��.�-�. , r�ti►. � 5} C�-A�2C,4 ' S C\� ,,ti� ?���.c,�.,�� T o Q�+'S�r.� l►�rc�c..,— �.1> �w�-ri-G t�E � ���t CS�Y�LCkVt N� 1 S 0.S b��N \O ��qp Q �l�•V Cn,+S 1..� Cl-+��� G Sr '�� S; •�a...�\ �v\.c.< �:. t�. .�cZ�Nc. � Qv-S i �Q•v r.,.c�t�lS. . �t� . ___ l��1',r Y�S �e c...�.i .w� N v�r-v-o,,�S Ca.���n ti n��S �RUY.� Cu cr�r•r n�4 t� e.�.`2 4.�-5 ���> �v�.�� ��=La�.S t�^�r+c' \..-.c;tZ� �� O��r� v� � � �, .�� S i�Qe� C • �:�°-;���e.����;�1AO._.- p.��p`� ��.�..� �c,� Qwad^'`s'"'S � ���..0 z -�'�e�:.v� �...s s�c:�2E. . �N —1 -io�� �j(. �r GPP,�zt,� . ( 9vS"�..�,z.s , cv��5z\� ar� G� Po\��e � �.��,� z��� � �� Gr� o � �sa� �._�"� 5:s��:. � a.�rcc.c4�� . �� ��''�-�:���t.�,.-�-s�f}c��-;,,�tj y���To �� T'o 532� �C.,�? �-- S i re�t'._ �,��1c- .__ - - -. . .--- ,. ��c�� T� pv��r�^S 2 F�\C���. \�'�s.- �o��c..L t n.r¢c�r.., �t 5 ��JQ rJ n - z . �r�-`-� �1..��- v-�S - (�----cO- `-"Ps4�� ,� c,.S�. c-�?_ _Q"-rc..�..�.s�. . c.\c.c�.,<;��. __ � � .� ���,,� a�s Q��o��._ �__���.c..c �ti�4..�ti ��� __ C�4�1�_-S��P _ � \�C t�-v.2 �•Z:2�....� _..�1"(�?1C, _ �i cc� S r...w.�►c-�5 __ `�-TE.Q �UA< eu��`'� , � d -- _. _ . __ __.. _ S,r�rC`2ti �-�-�c� tt� �� �J�-�rs„U N p,.,c�. ���.1 U�12.L.....ra ��.1�Q. � ......_._ _.._.__ _. __ _.. _ . ---- , 3�1�,re� ���r'� _���e.5__ O� 4cpn,��5 L`� �l.��Z �_ a� Sv.� �o..u..� ��c,.c�.� � _ _ , hJ�+'� 1 JN0�1.: C"e�� �EQt��, ��G ls_•,`:G� k•� � . . _ � �_ _V�►,S ��4+� O�Q-2 �% � ��13 C Se��.�`'> -rp � P iti��2.t'`t �n�v:cr.R.2I�� . � _ ._ ... _ . . _ ------- - - �—� _��� �� g S?U C ��. �2�c,�� a,r.a S S'�i 3 � Se.c��v.�S Assisting Officer: Emp.No.: RepoRing Officer. Emp.No.: � t�-E3 S� Report Reviewed By: Emp.No.: O.T.: Typisx R. .: Code: Name EnUy: �Yes � No _ HF ❑Hom ❑Rob ❑Juv ❑Coord ❑ID ❑Lab Ret Team ❑Sez ❑ Rptr ❑Other 5-�--1�-2- �'0/C ❑Burg �TheR ❑Ptop ❑CAU ❑F&F Q Auto �DAO ❑CO ❑HumServ PM 621-92R • • CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE ^� `' ' � b' ��..��' �� a.►�c tv v��v 5��c�, cti-`c.�.�� �, �c� �(J��� e c � ut� j.n.�-�-2►.: �'� G�tSC,s� b eG� � U�t� �5 �R►. -�$w�.�� 1�e��2.�ti� �`c�,G� �'..\cT�it�s .. S�C S��p Q\L`�t-J'"':.R t�S � ;:y Ci.SSc S T t JYi- S�,(rfi�C�.t► �� PeD'�'� ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT �� � ' I � SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ❑ CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT te 8 Time oi Report: OHense/Incident: Team: Time ot Arrest: ��� (� C ( q�� ` NARRATIVE. ' , _ ,, , , : Artest Number Last Name First Midd�e Address DOB Age Sex Race � �� �5 �3 ,� s 70 �,�'s�t,,3oQd; � A �oN�R%►�� S r�c.e� 7� ,4. n�,nr o n gT f a� �"' '7�r S?- 7�hL �u���r� S7�p L.: q vo� s�-o 2e.. s� S8 y CvoRK:,.� w.��2 A �,�..,,,a� A�� Poc�: ��, �N�l !�e� � ��� ��:� � S`r-v� �.• c��.�,� �I Af�2 Co��,z".,,�•�, hy Pc�-��-,�. ��v f�� � S�c� !��d 7`'� �� ���c� s��� A�� s� s�o C,�e�rT' � �� �c S�`v�c. �� �v���t ��.e p�s�1 - pEsc�e. a� b ����f As �he. a�vG C,�G�,a ��o� �f'[�/ ,��f'�Q / 'i/�r G�SOh ��S �L Tr •— � D� �'c f lo l��! r,,��( p�z:v�s G�`� As c.� T,�� i �.�Y �e � .��� "� �►�.e��l d Cvodd �a�, ��t/ S .S g - i�- �7 �7�� ! - S3sS �. 77'f - Go33 �w • . . %�' �� � :.,� , � ,�,�� ��sr�.����o ;�"..` ���. � o ,��' �-;p;�- �� �-� .�h� � tio�lo-� Sh�. � c�:3� �he. �'�, �C� �d /�'1� �� SA�� C.v��� o� �A- � �'�1 5�70 /��R�s�6 �e` �2 SA-�� � � ? � /yt�,�a� �g-�d R�Ir��p J .�o O cx� �<<< v w�2� �� -e� p �-� �P,� ,o�: �2 � w �� � 5��� � , R��' �� -�G� S-�2�. C.�AS ���s � l�u 5 /�nJ c� � G�o-- ac,cJ n�E'z d � -�!�e �v .'�� . � �7`a� � •� r?v o� ��'� M �/�.c,� l-{� 3-a2G -�f�l' �S if � t�f�wa�1 � G�o o�l bu.� /h,u- ss � a�" Assisting Officer. mp.No.: Reporti m .No.: � Ki�LS 1 -7a1pG Report Reviewed ByNnit Commander. Emp.No.: O.T.: Typist: R.O Code: Name Entry: p Yes p r,c F ❑Hom ❑Rob ❑Jw ❑Coord ❑ID ❑Lab Rec ❑Team ❑Sex ❑ Rptr ❑Othor ��Z— ❑D/C �Burp ❑Theft Q Prop �CAU ❑F�F�Auto DAO ❑CO ❑HumServ ❑Type PM 622-93R � _ CONTINUE NARRATIVE HERE q �p �I I 3S � �3/— S 3 85 f�. '-7 7�- (�0 3 ,,._. 3 w ' '� � � w�S /��- S�1 ��,�� �.2 s�� c.�s C1�S • � � �� /U��,''` :A'�1 N� �i�'.�:�,� s�c er c.��s � �`9� - / �c S� `5`Z°� /`2,(�'�� ��� ,� �i a -� � ��. �o��{ � � S�C es /��-- fG� S y'-�Q� e�' 1�s�v� �,�, 7-��-y M�Fs C�c c,� A-s `7-R�s�2� i� �, b � �e�- B�� ��� Sl�� G�' 9 � c� C. ��a ,¢ /Li i�o� ��/ s�: � �fb� _ '7� A ��s S �.15 ���d �� ��p S70 ���.o✓��( �e. �� ,D�,�2 Qr�� (�5+� ��J ���. ��/ s,��a,�l � ����� -f�c�. � h�' �, �Q���'�„� .6y ,�l��. 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PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT �--SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ❑ CONTINUATION OF: ❑ ORIGINAL REPORT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Date 8 Time o1 Report: Otfense/lncident: Team: Time of Artest: s%� - - � �l6ra� ,J v,%/ � <> -. ;; NARRATIVE . . > ;:. ; i , Arrest Number Last Name First Middie Address DOB Age Sez Rece ': �� ��Q�'�'�`'Z-iG C��c"2� .�G s�-=�.�nG� �•� 2 fi�4,�l���it.!' � ! , ��,�� l' ��r .-� . � �'��� ��� � �..����2� ���.� . ��� �.% � ; � . � ,, �-�� l ��c �����'`--��i��� �%� —� , • � ✓fi� �.�-� r.� �� � z:� ���������u�z � ��� ' � ����� � , �.� ����� ���� � �l �����L �i���La . .�;�'�G� G�z�'z� G�'� � v�-- � � �'� ��� ,� �i� ����� , ��..� �Z, ���c��G�c. �-�zc-��C.�� ��L �.� v�� ���f' � • -�� �`-�� ��r�� ��� z,��� • � � �� � � _ _ �� �.���`��L!/� _ J l/j2�'�� � �-C'G���Gl.��5r� � ,��o.�- - . �' � :!'� � � �la y�-a� � � 0 � � ����,i� . f �1 i, c%'� , t��CL _, ���S���C�!� � � � � �, --�o Gr.� �-t-�.-�s���, Gs� � � GGY� G�4� ..e�> � — GL = oG »:��� ��'�� d C� GO Gz'z��. �ltiy� AssisGng OHicer. 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