96-1120 � �..�J / _ � � � � � �4`� _ � Council File # V � � ...� ' i `; 1� 1 �'� �� � � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� �0 ORD NCE CIT OF I PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amending Sections 429.04 of the 2 Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Licensing. 3 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 8 Section 1 9 10 That Section 429.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 11 12 "Sec. 429.04. Licensing requirements. 13 14 (a) Application. An application for a license shall be made at the office of the inspector by 15 submitting the annual license fee and completing the application form. The application form 16 shall contain such information as may be required by the inspector, including, but not limited to: 17 18 (1) The location and a description of the premises to be licensed. Detailed plans of the site, 19 including land, buildings, structures and interior equipment and floor plans, shall be 20 attached to the application. 21 22 (2) Names and addresses of the property owner,the business owner,the lessee,the manager 23 and/or operator, and if a corporation the names and addresses of the officers and 24 directors of the corporation, and all other persons, firms or corporations which may have 25 a financial interest in the premises to be licensed or the business to be conducted on the 26 premises. 27 28 (3) A description of the services to be offered and the operations to be conducted on the 29 premises. 30 31 (4) The application shall include a site plan, which site plan shall be reviewed and approved 32 in accordance with section 62.108 of this Legislative Code. 33 34 (5) The application shall include evidence that the building official has issued a certificate 35 of occupancy for the premises pursuant to section 33.02 of this Legislative Code. 36 0 � � ' q ` - i��o ; 1 (6) ` he application shall include a copy of its proposed management plans prepared for 2 compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 116.79. Such plans shall have been 3 submitted to the inspector either before or at the same time such plans are submitted to 4 the state commissioner of the pollution control agency, for the purpose of permitting the 5 city to review such plans and make appropriate comment thereon. 6 7 The application will then be reviewed by the division of public health,the building inspection and 8 design division, and the department of fire and safety services for compliance with applicable codes, 9 regulations, ordinances and statutes. The foregoing will submit their reports to the inspector, who shall 10 submit his or her own report and recommendation to the council with the reports of the foregoing 11 attached. The council, following a public hearing, shall grant or deny the license application in 12 accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 310 of this Legislative Code. 13 14 (b) Hearing; notification. At least t1��G�`:��E}�days before a public hearing on an 15 application for a license,the department of finance and management services shall notify by 16 mail all owners and occupants who own property or reside within three hundred�ii���{338j 17 (30t��feet of the property line of the business to be licensed, and all community organizations 18 that have previously registered with such department, of the time,place and purpose of such 19 hearing. The three-hundred-fifty-foot distance shall be measured in a straight line from the 20 nearest point of the property line on which the licensed business is to be operated to the nearest 21 point of the property line whose owner and/or occupant is to be notified; however, when the 22 licensed premises is located in a commercial or industrial park or complex,the three-hundred- 23 fifty-foot distance shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest corner of the building in 24 which the licensed premises is located to the nearest point of the property line whose owner 25 and/or occupant is to be notifed. This notice requirement is not jurisdictional, and errors, 26 omissions or other defects in the measurement or notification shall not invalidate any action 27 taken by the council. These notice requirements do not apply to locations with the downtown 28 business district as that area is defined in section 409.11 of this Legislative Code. 29 30 (c) Hearing. The council shall afford the applicant and all interested parties a public hearing on the 31 application. 32 33 (d) Basis for denial. The council may deny an application for the grant or renewal of a license on 34 the grounds set forth in section 310.06 of this Legislative Code or on one (1)or more of the 35 following: 36 37 (1) Violations of one (1) or more of the prohibitions or requirements of this chapter or of 38 state law or regulation relating to infectious wastes. 39 40 (2) The site plan for the premises has not been approved. 41 42 (3) A certificate of occupancy has not been issued for the facility or building. 43 44 (4) The applicant or licensee is not in substantial compliance with its management plans as 45 developed in compliance with state law. 46 47 2 � , _y g � -11a0 1 � ; (e)' I � s�r-�ctions may be imposed. The council may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions 2 upon any license hereunder pursuant to the provisions of section 310.06 of this Legislative 3 Code." 4 5 Section 2 6 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval, and 8 publication. ------------------------------------------ ------------- Yeas Na_y,�_ Absent Requested by Department of: Bostro � Office of License. Inspections and Guerin H rris Environmental Protection M ar � Teunean � _______=====uncil �ate _� _-_____L___ . By_ / , P,��pted by C• �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney � � � gy; ,---� ,J ,,,� BY� t � . .�� < Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B''� � K By: v OFFICE oF LIEP Date : 8/2/96 GREEN SHEET N° 35170 Robert Kessler 266-9112 = 1 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 4 ITY COUNCIL 2 CITY ATTORNEY ITY CLERK Ll.S't be �11 C�LlrlCll Agenda by: BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. SAP 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) . TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: ordinance to amend Chapter 429 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ertaining to uniform license procedures; changing notification requirements for Class III license renewals . RECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) pER30NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TH8 FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE CO[•II•fISSION l. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COI•II•1ITTEE A BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Current City employee? YES NO xplain all YES anaxers on a separate sheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) : p to this point, the City has had different notification requirements for different licenses and permits . This legislation is an attempt at the coordination and streamlining of the notification process . VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ill stremline the procedures for public notification. ���� �ge��'� �ibtl�� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �t�G 21 1996 one . ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: -- � ill maintain the status quo and there will be no efficiencies developed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TR.ANSACTION � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)