96-1107 —� � �- � P- � L> � � � C� F� � �: � �.�,��f � r_ . 1^ 15 CITY QF ST. PAUL ' FI N � �o I`V� PRELIlr1INARY ORDER ILS NO. 18801 ING W 2 Ia the Mettnr of improving the follawir�g streets with a new bituminous raadway, cGncrete curb and gutters, driveway Aprvn� will be reconatruct�d witti concreta and new concrete outwelks. Boulevards will be regreded and sadded end a lentern style 9treet lighting �y�tem will ]ae in�talled: Chippewa Avenue Annapoli� to Baker Delaware Avenue Annapc�lis to Beker Cherokee Avenue Annapoli� to Smith Ottawa Rvenue Rnxiapalis to George George 8treet C�ttawa ta Smith Stever,� Stre�t Ottawa ta Sa►ith King Street Cherokee to Smith Baker Street Chippewa to Smith Morton Street Chippewa ta 5mith Page Street Chippewa to Smith Sidney Street Chippewe to Smith Curtice Street Chippewa to 5'mith Winona street Chippewa to Smith Wyoming 8treet ChipFewa to Smith Hall Avenue Annapolis to Wyoming To be knawn gs the PsgejCherokee Area Str�et FdV�IYC� and Lig�iting Proj�ct. The Council af the City of Seint Faul hsving received the report of the Meyar upon the above improvement, and having con�idered 3aid report, hereby re�olve�: 1. That ttie said reF:,art and the �ame ia riereby apprc,ved with na alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2, 958, 120 financed k,y 1997 Capital Improvement Bond9 $2, 192, 454 z�nd A9�es9ment� $7 65, 666. 2. That a public he�ring be had on said improvement on the 6th day of November, 1996, at 4:30 o'cluck P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Gourt Hou'e Building in the City af Saint Paul. 3. Thet notice af said public hearing be giv�n to the persans and ir, the manner prc,vided by the Charter, 9tating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Drntt ieu�n Pr�i►�urn CUUNCILPERSVNS Adopted b Council: Date���\ \�G`(� Yeas / N$ys SEP 281996 OCT 5199� �'���� ✓B akey strom Certified Fsssed by Cauncil SecrEtary �� erin ✓Harris �In Favvr By Z, }�eg�rd — pb�e��' ✓Rettman � Against �/'�hune 1 �\_ S� Mayor '�J 'N'.�' � Public Hearin Date — November 6 1996 RE 8-30-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE D�te: 8_2$_96 Green Sheet Number: 33557 DIVISION . g(,_� p � E►ARTHdNTDW.CTOR 1 COVNCp, ontnct Person and Phone Nwnber: rv�t-rortxcY 2 c�.cnK PETER�VIIITE . 2GG-8850 VDCET DfRECrOR W.�MCT.YVC.DOG IAl'OR�OR ASt�6TANT) MustbeonCounctlA endab :9-18-96 Must be in Council Research Office b Fr OTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGCS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCAT10N5 FOR SICNA7'URG) GTION REQUESTED: Setting date of Public He�ring for 199G RSP Project pprove construction of street paving �nd new lighting in connection with the Page/Cherokee Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. FinRnce File: 18801 011�1R]NDATION6tA►�ROVL(pORIVJL(.T(R) PERSONAL SCRVICG CONTIiACI'S MUST ANS��'GR TIIG FOLLOWINC: rwmr,wcrnnuusworr � cr,�rr 1. Ilas the pe�sm�/firm everworked unJer n cont�rct for thls Jepnrtment? YES NO CIW,6LRVICLCOMI�L6SION . II:�s this pcisoiJlinn ever bcen a City cmplo}•ce? YES NO , �ro�� . no�g ri�i5����s��✓n���»r��s4�s4 n si<iu��o����������n�'possesscJ by nny Gx lain:ill 1'TS nnsn�crs on n sc ni:�fc shcet nnJ attnch. SUPPORTS�YIIICIICOUNCILOBJGCfIVG7 Nel �1b01'�100C�S COUNCIL WARD(S) � DIS'fRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � NITIATWG PROBLEi14,ISSU�,OPPORTUNITY(R7�o,�1'hnt,1\'lien,�Vl�crc,11'Iry?): As p�rt of the Residentill Street Paving Prog�•�m, the rem�ining oiled streets �re being improved. DVANTAGES IF APPROVGll: New paving and lighting on streets in the project 1re�. DISADVANTAGGS IF APPROVED: AUG 3 0 1996 emporary construction disruptiot�s and assessments to :�ffected properties. DISADVANTACES IF NOT APPROVED: The unimproved streets will deteriorate fu�•tl�er and construction costs will increase if put of('to a later date. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: $ COST/RCVI'sNU�BUDCGTEA(CIRCLE ONE) Y�S NO FUNDING SOURCE: ACI'IVI'fl'NU�1I3L'R: FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(E�PLAIN) COSTS: $2,958,120 FINANCING: ASSESSM CNTS $ 7G5,GGG 1997 CIB $2,192,454 q`- � � °� Irrterdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Ta: Nancy Anderson C�ut�cil Re�earch 3IQ rity Hall From: �eter White Real Estate i si�n 14() Gity H�l Dat.e: August 27, 19�6 Subject: Publi�atic�n of Not�ice af Public Hearing Lur Page/ Chere�kee Area Street Paviny and Lic�hting Pra�ect. �S# 33557 f�r Street P�ving anc� Lic�hting Proj�ct fur PagefCheroke� Area. GS# 34U37 fe�r connections for P�gefCherokee Area Projsct. T�� comply with Minnes�ta State St�tue, Chapter 429, the attached. Pre ' r d twice/�ne week apart with ublication on Oct�c�ber 5, anc� ��ctaber 12, 199 . City Clerk' s �ffic� wot�ld need the sic�ned Preliminary 4rders in their office na later than Friday September 27, 1996. If yn� have any questi�?ns, call me at 2�6-8�5C1. RF: kt cc: Deb�rah Wiley