96-1104 ' Council File # ` � `,� V y � � � � � �k,� ,�� �q Green Sheet # � � ESOLUTION � ITY O INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a � - Presented By � � ����� ,' Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 Whereas, Dean and Julianne Hughes made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals 3 for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Code for 4 property located at 2107 Hartford Avenue, legally described as Lot 3, Bertha's 5 Rearrangement; and 6 7 Whereas, The purpose of the application was to vary the standards of the Zoning Code 8 so as to allow the continued use of a parking space in a required front yard in a R-4 Zoning 9 District; and 10 11 Whereas, The Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on May 28, 1996, 12 after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Board, in Resolution No.96- 13 101 adopted June 24, 1996, moved to deny the application based on the following findings 14 and conclusions: 15 16 1. The house and existing two car garage take up most of the rear yard 17 area. Although surface parking could be established in the rear yard, 18 there would be very little yard space left for recreational use. However, 19 the existing two car garage and the parking available on the street 20 provides sufficient room for the applicants's vehicles. 21 22 2. The driveway has been in existence since the house was built and was 23 the access to the original single-car garage. With the improvement of 24 the alley and the construction of the new garage, the driveway was no 25 longer needed for access purposes, but a portion was retained for 26 addition parking. The location of the driveway and the house are 27 circumstances that were not created by the applicant. 28 29 3. The applicants have four family member who drive and each has their 30 own vehicle. The parking in the front yard is needed to get all of the 31 vehicles off of the street, particularly in the winter during snow 32 plowing. However, this is more a matter of convenience rather that 33 necessity. 34 35 4. The driveway parking has been in existence for at least seventeen years 36 that the applicants have owned the property without any complaints or 37 problems. The applicants have also submitted letters from four 38 neighbors stating that they have no objections to the continue use of the 39 driveway parking. 40 41 5. The proposed variance, if granted, would not alter or change the zoning 42 classification of the property. 43 F� p„.. . ��� �`''� ¢ �� � i ���h�reas, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Dean and Julianne Hughes, _`� � ,1� �l 2 duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination made by the Boazd of Zoning 3 Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of 4 considering the actions taken by the said Board; and 5 6 Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to 7 affected parties a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on July 24, 1996 8 where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and 9 10 Whereas, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the 11 variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of 12 Zoning Appeals, does hereby 13 14 Resolve, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reverse the decision of 15 the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter, based on the following findings of the Council: 16 17 A. The findings of fact set forth in the Staff Report to the BZA supported a 18 recommendation by Staff to approve the variance. The Council now adopts those facts 19 as its own. Those facts are: 20 21 1. The house and existing two car garage take up most of the rear 22 yard area. Although surface parking could be established in the 23 rear yard, there would be very little yard space left for 24 recreational use. 25 26 2. The driveway has been in existence since the house was built 27 and was the access to the original single-car garage. With the 28 improvement of the alley and the construction of the new garage, 29 the driveway was no longer needed for access purposes, but a 30 portion was retained for addition parking. The location of the 31 driveway and the house are circumstances that were not created 32 by the applicant. 33 34 3. The applicants have four family members who drive and each 35 has their won vehicle. With only a two-car garage, the parking 36 in the front yard is needed to get all of the vehicles off of the 37 street, particularly in the winter during snow plowing. 38 39 4. The driveway parking has been in existence for at least 40 seventeen years that the applicants have owned the property 41 without any complaints or problems. The applicants have also 42 submitted letters from four neighbors stating that they have no 43 objections to the continued use of the driveway parking. 44 45 5. The proposed variance, if granted, would not alter or change the 46 zoning classification of the property. 47 48 B. Based upon the findings of Zoning Staff as in the preceding paragraphs, the 49 Council further finds that the continued existence of the front yard parking is in 50 keeping with the general welfare of the city. 51 � � f�, � ��� � �--` � �``� �wA��-Be It Further Resolved, That the appeal of Dean and Julianne Hughes be and is 2 hereby granted; and, a`��`Q� 3 4 Be It Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to 5 Dean and Julianne Hughes, the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and Board of 6 Zoning Appeals. Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: B a e ostrom arris �— uerin � e ar ✓ ettman ✓ une BY� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 8�,: ��"��G1yy�_ �''/�Z..����" By� , Approved by Mayor for Submission to `' �� Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: �n/`. �j * By. �i ��� IL DATE INITIATE � ���I��� . t cou cil 9 4 9b �REEN SHEET _N_ _3 6 371 + p o�wr o��cro�'T�"'a"� �orn cour�c�. �►m,wonrE Councilmember Ha.rris 266-8630 N�p� ❑ciTVn�ev �cmc�ea►c � ( �p�p�,{ O BUDOET DIRECTOFi �FlN.6 MC�T.8ERYICEB DIR. Sept. 11, 1996 °"°e" ❑"""'ra'�°R"�sT""n � TOTAL#E OF SKiNATqRE PiA�iF$ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8KiNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Finalizing City Council Action taken July 24, 1996, by granting a variance to allow the continued use of a parking space in a required front yard at 2107 Hartford Avenue. • RE�ON�Ap�I►TION6:Appr°w(A)°r Ry�a(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT3 M!!ST AN�WER TME FOLLOWING MJES7'lON8: _P�ANNNJ�C�1ISSION _C111�SERViCE�11S81oN t. Has this ps►eonRUm eve�worksd ur1d�a ooMract for thb d�perbnsnt? - _��E _ YES �NO _.STAFF _ 2. Hes d�is penon/8rm ever boen e city emplqree4 YES NO _asrAicr couar _ 3. Doea ihis PerooNfi►m poeesas a akill not�o►meNY Po�sseed bY anY c�rveM oUY smpb�roa4 SUPPORTS WHKY1 c�UNCIL OBJECflvE7 YES NO Bxplalo a0 yp answ�rs on�panb�M�t and sttach io�wn sh«! INfT1ATMK�PR091.EM.�88UE.OPPOR7lJMfTY(MAw.VMN.VN�xf�Wlwro�Whyy: ADVAMTAGEB IF APPf�VED: CtBADVANTAti�8 IF A�VED: Counca Research Caat� SEP 0 4 1996 .� D18ADVANTAOEB IF I�T APPROVED: - TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVEMUE OUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) Y�8 NO FUNDiNfi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNMJC{Al INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPGCTIONS AND �� 1� � ENVIRONMENTAL FROTLCTION • C� Rohert Kesslrr,Directnr �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUILDINGINSPEC'TIONAND Telephone:612-266-9001 Norm Coleman, Mayor DESIGN Facsimile:612-266-9099 350 St Perer Street Suite 310 Saint Paul, Minnesao 55102-1510 � July 12, 1996 �11C� I�l�l��1 �t�t' Ms. Nancy Anderson Ciry Council Research Office J�� _L '�� - - Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday,July 24, 1996 for the following zoning case: Appellant: Dean & Julie Hughes, 2107 Hartford Ave File Number: 96-163 Purpose: Appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeals decision denying a variance to allow the continued use of a parking space in a required front yard. Location: 2107 Hartford Ave. Staff: Recommended approval District 9: No recommendation Board : Denied on a vote of 6-1 I have confirmed this date with the office of Councilmember Harris. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger: Thanks! Please call me at 266-9082 if you have any questions. . Sm ere , _ - , : , , ,. '-°l�tb�OF PU9LiC�i �^� ,� - _ . , .. � � � t,:�.;�� . : : ' . . =- . ��`� / ,S �,t1, The Saint Asul City Couacil wfll-coad�ct a gublic he�triag oa WedA+�� ., � � �✓ :�y 3�4, i996.at 4:80 p:m., to coasider the ap�cai af Deaa aad Ju1fF�I '�` o Hardwick ?��deeision o[the Board of Zotting Appeals det�yi�g a varianCe_to a11A., E�tinued use�of a parkiag spaee`ia a required:t'ront Yai�d at Z't07 ing Technician t�.�i�enue, - . .� . � ted:July 17, 1996 ' ���r`�`. A1�CY ANDERSON ��` � ,s. ssistant City`Couacil Secretary ��" . ' � (Ju1p i9. 1�J6) ' �lbBS•� n�r.�.,. . c��_ ��oy July 9, 1996 St. Paul City Council 310 City Ha11 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: 2107 Hartford Avenue St. Paul,Minnesota Driveway Variance Denial by Zoning Board File#96-101 Ladies and Gentlemen of the City Council: The purpose of this letter is to outline facts regarding the denial of our driveway variance by the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals. A chronology of the events in this case are as follows: On April 19, 1996 application was submitted for a driveway variance to the City of St.Paul Zoning Department. A check for$180 was also submitted at that time. The variance was required to allow us to keep our driveway which was accessed via a curbcut from Hartford Avenue. Attached to that are letters of support from four adjacent neighbors. On May 13, 1996 a staff report was written by John Hardwick of the City O�ce of License and Inspection. This staff report recommends approval of the variance. On May 28, 1996, we (Julianne and Dean Hughes) appeared before the Zoning Board to present the facts. The Zoning Board ruled 6 to 1 against the variance. A report dated June 24th entitled Board of Zoning Appeals Resolution was received by us on Friday June 28th officially notifying us of the variance denial. When we applied for our parking variance and parted with $180, we assumed that this was a simple request from us to the City to maintain our property so it could be used in the same manner as it was purchased 17 years ago. Needless to say we were shocked to be denied this piivilege. Since that time, we have learned several facts that add to our amazement that the City would make a "taking" of our property and change the use from our original purpose. � ��,-I�o�l We are requesting that the City Council approve our variance based on the following facts. l. The City Staff report recommended approval of this variance (copy of report enclosed). 2. T'he Zoning Board indicated that there could be additional parking established in the back yard, and that the two car garage and on-street parking were enough for our vehicles. Attached you will see a photo of our back yard, there is no way additional parking can be established unless we tear down the deck and fence, obviously a substantial capital improvement to our property. Also, I showed pictures to the Board of Zoning noting the large duplexes that are located across the street. These 3 large duplexes could house up top 24 adults each possible with their own vehicle and virtually no alley parking. We are one block from St. Catherine's College, and are on the same block of Cleveland and Hartford where several apartments houses are located. All of these factors contribute to very crowded on-street parking on Hartford Avenue. We are a family of five with 4 drivers and 4 vehicles. 3. We spent$3000 on a new concrete parking pad three years ago when the asphalt deteriorated (see photo). 4. We have learned since the Board of Zoning meeting that if we would have had proof that the driveway existed prior to the 1975 Ordinance dealing with parking in a front yard that we could have had our variance approved administratively by supplying the City with the notarized letter from Mr. Joseph Ruzichka, a 60 year resident of Hartford and Cleveland Avenue (copy enclosed). If we would have know that, we would have saved time and money in this appeal. 5. We have also learned that in the Board of Zoning appeals meeting prior to our hearing, a front yard parking variance was granted to Carol and Kevin Turnquist at 86 Cook Avenue West(file#96-077). This property was a duplex and the Board approved their variance by a 4:3 vote. Why should we be treated differendy? 6. The City poured all of the curbs on Hartford Avenue 10 days before we even had our hearing before the Zoning Board, what happened to "Due Process" ?In addition,just down the street from us at 2199 Hartford Avenue, that resident made no appeal, spent no money, and received a curb cut. Please look at the photo enclosed of this curb cut, you will see that his driveway doesn't even go to a garage years ago he moved his garage door to the alley side. So, that resident didn't pay anything for his curbcut, and has no garage access. � ` 5e "4��y Our family has lived in St. Paul for 17 years. We have invested over $50,000 in our home by making substantial improvements which not only add value to our home, but also to the surrounding neighborhood. We are raising three children in your City supporting the public schools, paying ta�ces and keeping our money in the City. As good citizens who have made a commitment to the City we feel we are the type of people the City should want to keep in town. We have spent $330 in fees applying for this variance, not to mention the time taken off work to assemble information, take photos, etc. which in itself seems unfair that we need to spend this money and time trying to retain what has been in place at this property for 60+years. We urge you to overturn the Board of Zoning Appeals on this decision. Our neighborhood is not affected by this 20 feet of driveway that has been a part of our property for so many years. Sincerely, �/�u.�-1 lianne and Dean Hughes 2107 Hartford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 � �( � - 1 lo�l April 19, 1996 Mr. John Hardwick Zoning Inspector City of Saint Paul Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1510 RE: 2107 Hartford Avenue Variance/Parking Dear Mr. Hardwick: Enclosed is the application for a variance for our off-street parking at the above referenced— — address. Also enclosed is a check for$180 along with three letters from neighbors indicating that they have no objections to us maintaining our driveway off the street • We have lived at the above address for 17 years. This driveway has been in place since the house was built and was the original street access to a single car garage at the rear of the property. As noted on my application, there are 5 family members in our house,4 of which drive. With four vehicles, and a double car garage,it is imperative that we have our driveway with street access to house the additional two cars, especially during the winter to keep the City street clear and a11ow for snow removal. Please let me know how to proceed further with this process. It is my understanding that NSP will begin their work within the next few weeks, followed shortly thereafter by the sewer crew, and then asphalt. You can reach me at 893-8882 during office hours, or 699-0026 in the evening. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, J anne Hughes 2 07 Hartford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 � t �- � �n � , DEAN E. HUGHES 2107 Hartford Avenue S� Paul. MN 55116 T'elephone:612-699-0026 April 7, 1996 Mr. and N1rs. Don Wright 2103 Hartford Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 Dear pon or Debbie: Julie and I reside at 2107 Hartford Avenue in Saint Paul, Minnesota. This summer the City of Saint Paul will repair the streets and curbs on Hartford Avenue. We wish to keep our front driveway as an access to our home. We have filed the necessary waiver with the City of Saint Paul, but wish to have some of our neighbors sign below to indicate that you do not object to our driveway. Thank you. � — Regards, �, ��� /�?��_, Dean and Julianne Hughes ,-✓c��� � _ �c�,� �,:l � .. , �CL � � Debbie/D � on Wright ./ � ��.-Ild �{ , DEAN E. HUGHES 2107 Harttord Avenue S G Paul, MN 55116 Telephone:612-699-0026 April 7, 1996 Mr. John Lange 2102 Hartford Avenue Saint Paul, MN �S 1 lb Dear John: Julie and I reside at 2107 Hartford Avenue in Saint Paul, Minnesota. This summer the City of Saint Paul will repair the streets and curbs on Hartford Avenue. We wish to keep our front driveway as an access to our home. `Ve have filed the necessary waiver with the City of Saint Paul, but wish to have some of our neighbors sign below to indicate that you do not object to our driveway. Thank you. - - Regards, � /�L� � r '�'/ Dean and Julianne Hughes � ,� �—y�� -- i `�I8/`G J��hn Larrge , � � , ��,- 1�.oy, DEAN E. HLIGHES 2107 Hartford Avenue St. Paul. MN 55116 Telephone:612-699-0026 April 7, 1996 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Long 2099 Hartford Avenue Saint Paul, MN ��116 Dear Dick or Sue: Julie and I reside at 2107 Hartford Avenue in Saint Paul, Minnesota. This summer the City of Saint Paul will repair the streets and curbs on Hartford Avenue. We wish to keep our front driveway as an access to our home. We have tiled the necessary waiver with the City of Saint Paul, but wish to have some of our neighbors sign below to indicate that you do not object to our driveway. Thank you. - - Regards, , -, ��� �� rean and Julianne Hughes Dick/Sue Long _. " ¢���5 l� /��� �� '/ ��( �� ,�� � ��� �� '��"� �'lr {L � � �� � � — - � .L���, ` �t .v� � ' .�2�� ^ . vU�,/�� q�- �1.0�. �� � � � FAX TO: 266-9099 FROM FAX: b96-9227 May 9, 199G TO: Zoning Administration 350 �t. Peter Street - Suite 300 �t. Paul, MN S 5142-1510 RE: Dean & Julianne Hughes Variance to allow continued parking within front yard. Fi1� No,: 9�-1Q1 FROM: Lorna M. Anderson, Ph.D. 2119 HartFord Avenue I have no problem wi�li the Hughes' continuing to use their front yard driveway for parlcing. They have been considerate neighbors and this has never been a problem. We need more people like them staying in the city and remodeling existing praperty, as rhey have. Allowing this variance will encourage them to remain. p�i � � at�-� �o� � , ! � ���.��� ! � f ; a��-io � � ���� � � 1 � � EXP/�NS I�N - /l�' i i Lor 3 � , � + � � � 2y- ' � � Qe►-�hA s = — ___ -- G9ri__---� h `�,'.Qr{-(t1�Ge- � j rYl e n�'J n � � °I,l�-1 l��{ June 10, 1996 St. Paul City Council 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard " St. Paul, MN 55102 Ladies & Gentlemen: I have been a resident of St. Paul for 60 years. During that time I have resided at 603 South Cleveland Avenue (the corner of Cleveland and Hartford). , Having lived on this corner for 60 years, I am very familiar with the houses on my block and the history of the neighborhood. The purpose of this letter is to verify that the property located at 2107 Hartford Avenue occupied by Dean and Julianne Hughes has had a driveway accessible from the street since I moved to the neighborhood 60 years ago. � �� �� Sincerely, ,_��� ��( �� � � ✓ �/ Joseph J. Ruzichka � ��� ��✓ �� �� � !� 603 South Cleveland ' � ,. ��.., MARGA A.WEBER � St. Paul, M11111eSOta NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA �' RAMSEY COUNTY 55116 � . My Comm.Expires Jan.31,2000 BOARD OF ZO1vING APPEALS STAFF REPORT � � "O� DEAN 8t JULIANNE HLJGHES FILE#96-1 O 1 :'ION: Minor Variance DATE OF HEARING: OS/28/96 �n�single-caz �e driveway was no The location of the L 107 HARTFORD AVE. RIPTION: Lot 3,Bertha's Rearrangement consistent with the l. [STRICT: 15 �tING: R-4 ZOI�TING CODE REFERENCE: 62.104(11) Vith only a two-caz reet,particularly in TIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 5/13/96 BY: John Hardwick t property,nor will JED: 5/1/96 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 6/30/96 ;�blished property variance to allow continued parking within a required front yazd. he applicants have o submitted letters driveway parldng. UESTED: A variance of Secti�62.104(11)that prohibits parking in a required front yazd, -�t drive to remain within the applicants'required front yard visions of the code '.EA CONDITIONS: This is a 43 by 125 foot lot with alley access to a two-car detachod change the zoning uyazd :�d Use: Primarily single family homes. �n of the property. icome potential of D: As part of the street paving project planned for Hartford Ave.this summer,the Public ;nt notified the applicants that they would not provide a curb cut for the applicants'parldng aired front yazd. ave not received a ls approval of the y in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. and existing two-caz garage take up most of the reaz yard area. Although surface parking :ablished in the rear yard,there would be very little yard space left for recreational use. �f the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property,and these circumstances ;ated by the land owner. r�IINUTES OF TI�MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONIIJG APPEALS �p� ` `�� CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,330 CITY HALL ST. PALJL,MINNESOTA,MAY 28, 1996 PRESENT: Mmes.Maddox and Bogen;Messrs.Altoq Donohue,Scherman,Tully and Wilson of the Board of Zoning Appeals;Mr. Warner,Assistant City Attorney;Mr. Hardwick and Ms. Synstegaard of the Office of License,Inspectioq and Environmental Protection. ABSENT: None The meeting was chaired by Joyce Maddox,Chair. DEAN 8t JLJI.IANNE HUGHES-2107 HARTFORD AVENUE-(#96-I01): A variance to allow continued pazking within a required front yard The applicant was present. There was no opposirion present at the hearing. Mr. Hazdwick reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval. Four letters were received in support. Julianne Hughes,2107 Hartford Avenue,showed pictures of the site and neighborhood to the Board She stated that the parldng has been in eacistence for 45 years. Across the street there are thrce large duplexes and there are three apartment buildings and duplexes in the neighborhood,all of which require parking. They have invested$60,000 into their home since moving there. Although they could put parldng in their back yazd they would have to take out the deck and swing set which they recently put in. Mr.Wilson asked what the distance is between the garage and the lot like. Ms. Hughes replied approximately 14 feet. Mr.Wilson asked if she could park her vehicle there. Ms.Hughes replied that the deck wraps around from the back to the side of the garage,so again she would have to remove the deck they recently put in. Don Wright,2103 Hartford Avenue,stated he was before the Board two weeks ago for a variance of the same thing and was denied. He feels the Board should grant this variance request. He stated it is disturbing to him that the neighbors have to appear before the Boazd for a variance request of this nature. He stated that if the Board votes in favor of this request he'll feel they didn't vote correctly on his variance request. Ms.Maddox stated that the Boazd of Zoning Appeals doesn't rubber stamp sta�s recommendation but considers each case on its merits. Hearing no futther testimony,Ms.Maddox closed the public portion of the mceting. File#96-101 `� `1 1�� Page Two Mr.Wilson moved to deay the variance request based on amended findings 1 and 3. Mr.Alton seconded the motioq wluch passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 1 (Scherman). Su �tted by Approved by: � i� _�� y� �/�_/;�C ;�Y�.;_� �� �� i , hn Hazdwick Joyce Maddox,Chair CITY OF SAINT PAUL q �'� ���y BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONII�TG FILE \TUn�iBER: 96-101 DATE: Junc 24, 1996 WHEREAS, DEAN& JULIANNE HUGHES has applicd for a ��ariance from lhe strict application of the pro��isions of Scction 62.104 (11)of thc Saint Paul Lcgislati��e Code pertaining to allo���ing a cement drive to remain���ithin a rcc�uircd front���rd in thc R-�1 roning district at 2107 HARTFORD AVENLTE; and WHEREAS,the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on OS/28/96,pwsuant to said appeal in accordance���ith the rcquircmcnts of Scction 64.20� of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS,the Saint P�ul Board of Zoning Appcals bascd upon c��idence presented at the public hearing,as substantiall}�reflcctcd in thc minutcs, m�dc thc follo�ring findings of f�ct: I. 1"he propem�in qucstion czn bc put to a rcasonable use under the strict pro��isions of lhe code. The house and c�isting t���o-car gar�gc t�ke up most of the rcar��ard area. Although surface parking could be established in the rear��ard, there��•ould be��cry little�•ard space left for recreational use. However,the existing t���o czr garagc and thc parking a���il�blc on the street pro��ides suncient room for the applicant's vehicles. 2. The plight of the land o��mer is duc to circumst�nccs unique to this property,and these circumstances were not created by the land o���ner. The drive��•ay has becn in existence since thc house���as built and��•as the access to the original single-car garage. With the improvemcnt of the ailcy and thc construction of'the ne�i�garage,the driveway was no longer needed for access purposes,but a portion��•as ret�ined for additional parking. The location of the dri��e���ay and thc house �re circumst�nccs that�rcrc not created bv the applicant. 3. The proposed��ariance is not in kecping��•ith the spirit and intent of lhe code,and is not consistent��th the health, safety,comfort,morals and���clfarc of tl�c inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The applicants ha��e four family membcrs�rho dri��e and each has their o��n vehicle. The parking in the front yard is needcd to gct ail of the��ehicics off of the street,particularly in the�rinter during snow plowing. Ho���e��er,this is more a m�ttcr of convenience rathcr than necessity. 4. The proposed variance���iil not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property,nor will it alter the essential charactcr of lhe surrounding arca or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The drive���ay parking has bccn in e�istence for at least the seventeen years that the applicants have owned the property,���lhout any complainls or problcros. The applicants have also submitted letters from four neighbors stating that thcy have no objections to the continued use of the driveway parking. � � l. • Ild� File#96-1 Ol Page Three CERTIFICATION: I,the undersigned Secretary to the Bo�rd otZoning Appeals for the City of Saint Pau1,119innesota,do hereby certify that 1 have compared the toregoing copy H�ith the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy ots�id original and of the whole thereot,as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Bo�rd of Zoning Appeals meeting held on May 28, 1996 �nd on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection,350 St. Peter Street,Saint P�u1,119innesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS � Sue S�•nstegaard Secretnry to the Board 3 • 1 y � �.���' �; `�! •� i � y �,'� �_- _ � �� f + � � " �� >���' �''=.tsr � �. � `�., � �.�� f Y��i� . �. M �.��'�• } � ,. ` .��i�?� �'t. p _��w.�..a� 4- l� � � . . �'.t._ j��.. ....� ...�� � �y'1�Ij• y- � ♦ ` �r .r� •1 a: ��-�ii , � .� � . �' '� :t �1� `'; � F � ` �, ��� , ;. . � , -�;� � .' �" ,�— _ fF� � s ; . - •sR � , \'�_� � � � '�r — —� � ��s r;�_�_ .. i _ - � � � �,..�.� J�'t� � �. — - � � ; • � , � j'��t`' .. ,�: �� �L `s' 4 _Y_ 4;1 " � �"-. .. ... � � j , � � � i ___." t4 s' t� � �_1 t'i� .-"_ .. a � ;'^4 4' �� e . � ' - � � "r� r � � �� ' . .� _ �t ' � � " k'`Q ��+{ j . _ ..___ �-`�R� f . _y. _ ? .i) .a. f K �� �iy �N'� _ �.�f , :"�. .���J �.��. �eh . t� _ . e .w�.�� �v� •,� �j . 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Marx, Ciry A[/orney CITY OF SAINT P�.UL c�v,,Drti�;s��n � �'� � ��y ' � ; Norrn Colenran, Ma}•or 400 City Holf 7rJep/rane: 6J2 26(-$710 �, • . t `�,�, � IS iYes!Ke!logg 111vd. Fi��simile: 6C2 198-SG19 ������;� Sairu Parif, Af.'��rfesora 55102 � .:,-, .-:��a August 29, 1996 Ms . Nancy Anderson Secretary to City Council 3]_0 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re : Appeal of Donald and Debra Wright of a decision of the Boax�d of Zoning Appeals heard by City Council on July 24 , 1996 . Appeal by Dean and Julianne Hughes of a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals heard by City Council on July 24, 1996 . Dear Ms . Anderson: Attached please find two resolutions for the two above-entitled matters . The first resolution pertains to the appeal of Donald and Debra Wright, 2103 Hartford Avenue. The second resolution pertains to that of Dean and Julianne Hughes, 2107 Hartford Avenue . Both appeals dealt with the Board of Zoning Appeals denial of parking spaces in a required front yard. The Council, at its public hearing of Ju].y 24, 1996, reversed the decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals in both matters and granted both variances . Please see that these matters are set on the appropriate consent agenda. If you have any questions, please contact me . Very truly yours, ����� PETER W. WARNER Assistant City Attorney PWW/rmb Enclosures � �. \��