96-1094 nI � I � � Council File # (�/�/v V � � � � Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 Whereas, it is in the City's interest to assist the ability of its residents to access emergency 3 medical, fire, and public safety services; 4 5 Whereas, some residents, particularly the elderly, may be unable to respond by opening their 6 doors to emergency service personnel which requires emergency service personnel to break 7 down doors and causing the resulting property damage and trauma to residents; and 8 9 Whereas, other communities such as Sandwich, Massachusetts have developed voluntary 10 programs to provide residents with lock boxes which contain keys to their homes which are 11 accessible by emergency service personnel. 12 13 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL: 15 16 1. The Administration, in particular the Fire Department in consultation with the City 17 Attorney, is requested to investigate the feasibility and potential benefits of a voluntary lock 18 box program under which City residents would be able to have lock boxes installed which 19 would contain keys to their premises which could be used by emergency service personnel in 20 the event of an emergency. 21 22 2. In exploring the feasibility and potential benefits of such a program, the Administration 23 should consult with senior citizens and representatives of other citizens who might benefit 24 from such a program. 25 26 3. The Administration is requested to report to the Council on the results of its investigation �7 nn later than seventv-five days after arinrtinn �f this res�lLti�n_ Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: a ev Bostrom � arris uerin e ar � ettman � une By= A ���q� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ,8�,� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g : �� � � � �/�G /lr'� Y 1 t BY= � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � Council Approved by Mayo : Date By: ��� l/ "� �� „������ By� 9G -�o�� N_ 35590 c�� courtc��, s/ZS/96 GiREEN SHEET � _.- j 266-8650 �DEA4RTMENTOIRECTOR�IT��� �C�y��� lNITIAUDATE JANICE itETTMAN / JOE COLLINS � �CITf ATTORNEY �CITIf CLERK ) p�pa� �BUDCiET DIREGTOFi �FIN.8 Mf�T.8ERVICE8 DIR. 9/4/96 °"o�" ��voRcoR�srMm � T�OTAL#►OF 8KiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA►TIOM8 FOR 81G`iNATUR� �craN ac�cuESreo: If approved, this resolution will allow residents to more easily access emergency medical, fire and public safety services. pE�OMM�NDATI0N8'Approv°(���RsNct(t� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M118T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING CUEiT10N3: _PLIU�MlurO COMMIS8WN , _CiV1L SEAVICE COIu1M18S�t 1. Haa this psrs�/firm ever worked undsr a c�ntraCt tor tlds dep�rtment4 - _CiB C�MITTEE _ YES NO 2. Hea this psreon/flrm ever been e dty employee4 —�� — YES NO _dSiAICT COURT _ 3. Doss this persoNfirm possess a skHl not nortnaNY Posseseed bY anY cu►►eM dlY srt�loyes? BuPPORTS WHiqi�IL Oe,1EC77vE4 YE3 NO ExplNn NI yes�n�wn on a�nnb sM�t and�ttach to qn�aM�t IIIfT1ATINt#PROBt.EM.188UE.OPPORTINIITY(Who.What�VYMn�Wlwre.WhY). Emergency medical staff have difficulty in responding to calls when buildin� entrance or apartment entry is locked. ADVANTAOE8IF APPRONED: Residents can participate with a voluntary lock - box program; therefore, emergency medical staff may have less difficulty when responding to emergency calls. DISAOIIANTAOE8IF APPROVED: None � � � c . A1� 2 91� DISADVANTAQE8IF N07 APPROVED: Emergency staff have more difficulty in responding to emergency calls. Emergency calls may require forced entry and resultant property damage. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTiON = — � — COST/REYENUE BUDtiETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIA�INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � r. ���� � � � � � � �'(� �-/D 9' ° ` A C R O S S �' � � AMERICA � � �*Xes Are i�"ey`'i o Safety For City's Elderly ike most emergency re- sonnel easy access to the distressed in- - r `'-� ��. � -� ;,� �� sponse agencies, the dividual. With funds donated by the "'= - � ` ��'` ' Sand�cich, Mass., Fire De- town and private citizens, the council �-�; ., ti}. � - _ s := partment occasionally must has purchased Knox Boxes, small steel ans��er the call of an elderly vaults that contain apartment or ` citi�en w�ith a medical emer- house keys and can be accessed by fire � ' i�', genc}•. In many of these cas- department personnel. ,,� �c��.�:�' '' ;; es, the involved person may The idea is not new— the boxes - �'y ' be unable to answer the door. have been widely used by businesses to � _ But the fire de artment did __;'� � P provide fire department access. But, � � not��•ant to compound what- according to the council director,Jan , '` � ever trauma is already being Timmens, it was Fire Chief Dennis suffered by adding to it the Newman's idea to adapt it for the breaking dow�n of the citi- kinds of inedical and other emergen- zen's door. cies that befall the elderly. "He came To avoid just that situa- to the council with the idea and the tion, the city's Council of ��ault, even providing us with the first ' � Aging worked with local city box,"'she says. Special key vaults allow emergency personnel access and fire department officials The key boxes then became part of to the homes of elderly citizens requesting to create a program that the_council's elderly outreach pro- . _ emergency assistance. would allow emergency per- gram, largely paid for by funds gener- ated by its annual Christmas Fair. The '/,-inch steel vaults house keys � � � � � and can be opened by a special, high- . security key kept by the city's ambu- 1 ' - / - � � lance service. Either mounted directly to the wall or over the doors, as is the If your agency is involved in: case in Sandwich, the vaults are virtu- � Emergency Flood ����` �'_� � � ally immune to damage or tampering. �, � .�s��4 � Paramedics arriving at the residence �.�..�-+rd».rt ��..x & Water Control � ��^' can quickly retrieve the key and re- • Hazaridous Spill � _��' `�� �'� :`°x r: � � ��""�- spond to the emergency. When they Containment � '�""- � F ��:�- ��.: � k, • i� , I leave,the home is secured and the key • Soil Erosion - � � replaced. • Fire Control x The council cunently owns more • Safefy Barricades than 30 key vaults. Those interested then our Motorized Auger "'`°� in using one apply to the council or Sandbagger is the weapon '" � are encouraged by emergency service that will help you complete _ personnel to fill out applications kept yourjob quickly&efficiently. - � � � in city ambulances. � Ambulances notify the council � • Fills up to i600 bags per hour whenever they transport anyone over • Top Loading Hopper accommo- 60, and the council then contacts the dates tractor►oading patient regarding issues such as nurs- • Eliminates hand shoveling ing support and nutrition. If a box is �� � , requested, the ambulance personnel Lightweighf& easy fo move ORKOF4pMENRWV7HSHOVELS86AG5 � Heavy duty 1 t ga. W@IdEd Sfeel install it and explain its use to the res- � ident. i "We had support from many local • . . • . - . . I . � . � ; organizations," Newman says of the :. .� . .. .��:- I - , _ ;�� � , �� � ���� program, which drew favorable cover- age in the local press. � �4 �12 Cirde No.fi?on Reader Sen•ice Card $eptember 1995 AMERiCAN CITY St COUNTY ��:;.:' �aro�s�:,..