96-1088 i z / � Return copy to: ��,� �� � €°� 8 E"�� �� � Council File# ��/�� , J Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Green Sheet#�,��� RESOLUTION ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota through the Department of Transportation is acquiring a portion of 2 City-owned property for the extension of Gateway Recreation Trail; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the property is located west of 35E and north of Cayuga St. West; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the property is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works and is used for a 7 storm water ponding site; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the construction of the trail pose no detrimental effect to the storm water ponding site; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has agreed to pay the City of Saint Paul $15,100.00, which 12 represents the fair market value of the permanent right-of-way and the temporary easements; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has agreed to reserve in favor of the City of Saint Paul, a Utility 15 Easement in perpetuity to enable the City of Saint Paul to maintain the 42" and 54" diameter pipes 16 crossing the under the trail; now therefore be it 17 18 RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby direct the property City Officials to execute a Quit Claim 19 Deed to the State of Minnesota for Gateway Recreation Trail. Yeas Na s Absent Blake 0� Requested by Department of: Bostrom 0� Finance&Mana ement S 'ces Guerin 0 Harris �0 Me ard [�0 By: Rettman �0 Director Thune [_i/ 0 Form Approved by City Attorney ��r ► -1 �-7�,�G�G��,�G✓ Adorted by Council: Date � � By: G�-1 Adopti Certified by Council Secret� By: � - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma or: ate �i�/MA ��( By, gy: (i'v(K. ✓ �'.M.S./REAL ESTA1'E DIVISION Date: July 31, 1996 Green Sheet Number: 34250 ' EPARTMENT DIItECTOR ITY COUNCIL ontact Person and Phone Nmnber: �. �� 1 ITY ATTORNEY TfY CI, �k . � Dave Nelson 266-8850 °"�' � UDGET DIRECTOR 2 .dk M .�.piA. �-' � � YOR(OR ASSISTANT) 4 Rdl Estate INvbba RECEtY�D ust be on Council A enda b : OTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE ' CTIONREQUESTED: � �VIAYOR'S OFFI�� City Council Approval of the resolution. NIl►ZENDATiON3:APPROVE(A)OR REJECT(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the pereon/Arm ever worked imder a contract for tl�depprtment? YFS NO e�r►xxuva coMM�ss�ox A srwr�r . Has this pereon/8rm ever been a City employ�? YES NO crva ssenca rnnna�ss�on . Does this persod�m poascRS a sldll not normaIIy p�by nny YFS NO current Clty employee? CIB COMl19T1'EE Ex Isin all YES answeis on a se rate aheet and attach. UPPORTS WIiICH COUNCIL OBJEGTIVE? ° COUNCIL WARD(S� 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII, � _� ITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNTfY(Who,Wl�at,When,Where,Why?):State of MN Dep�of Tranaportation constructing Gateway :"� �rextiona!Trail over City-owned property. VANTAGFS IF APPROVED:CYty is compenssted$15,100,for the takin�and the taldng of tt�e property poses no adverse affecta to the CSty's storm w^at`er pond. �°,�� ��� �#� REeE�v�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED:N�. AUG 01 '1996 _,.� A�'TORNEY I3ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED:The State ot MN woald condemn the easement OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $15�lOO.00 �ST�UDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� �, ;;--T-, . .� � � ..�� ~�� /d��' � QUITCLAIM DEED . STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ C.S. 6280(35E=390)904 Parcel 7D � Dated: , 19_ County of Ramsey For and in consideration of the sum of _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - Fifteen Thousand One kJundred and...no/1Q0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars($15,100.00-----�, , City of St. Paul,a municipal corpotation under.the Jaws of the state of Minnesota, Grantor, t hereby conveys and quitclaimslo the State of Minnesota,Grantee, real prop in Ramsey County, Minnesota,described as follows: ` That part of Tract A described below: �. , Tract A. That part of the No�theast Quarter of the Southeast Qa r of Secti 0, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Cou�Y in sota, lyin southerly of the easterly extension of the north li�i df ims A nue, erly of the northwesterly right of way line of Trun hw o. 35E as w locate and established, northerly of a line run p r Ilel 'h an � istant 50 feet northeasterly of the centerline of the Soo�i Rail y, d southwes y of a line run parallel with and distant 17: eet sou weste of the follo ng described line: Commencing at the no �st corner of said So east Quarter; thence run westerly along northerly li e thefreof for 1244 feet to the point ' of beginning of the line to be� ribed;th ce South 25 egrees 04 minutes �� 05 seconds East 2.25 feet; henc S th degree 04 minutes 03 seconds �`•' East 310.06 f t an there te inati ; �;,,,. which lies southeasterly a line run parallel wi and dista 25 feet northwesterly of Line 1 described below and nort esterly of a line run rallel w' and distant 25 feet southeasterly • of Line 2 described below: Line 1. Beginning at a point on the n rth line f said Southeast quarter of Section 30, distant 804.24 feet west of e nort ast corner thereof;thence run southwesterly at an n of 71 d rees 55 mi�utes 49 seconds from said north line(measured from west to sou )for 811.98 feet;thence deflect to the right on a tangential curve having a dius of 200 feet and a delta angle of 30 <�;'. degrees 20 minutes 15 secon s for 105.9 feet;thence on tangent to said curve ry� for 28.3 feet;thence deflect the left on a tangential curve having a radius of �' 200 feet and a delta angle �34 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds for 122.03 ;4-�- feet;thence on tangent to�aid curve for 200 feet and there terminating; �'� � � �'Y' Line 2. Beginning at the point of 4ermination of Line 1 described above;thence run �`'` no�therly along said Line 1 for 456.23 feet and there terminating; x'�;�:` � .` containing 0.56 acre,more or less; � , t%>' ,�# Page 1 of 3 ., ;. _ .�.,.��. . �»; , .. 'r. � � ' � . n..w. _ , .. . � � ' � �' ' ,�� 9���/� ;.:; � �,. ;:: also a right to'use the foilowing described strips for highway purposes,which right shall � cease on December 9, 1998 or on such earlier date upon which the Commissioner of � Transportation°determines by formal order that it is no longer needed for highway purposes: �; A strip being that parYof Tract A hereinbefore described,adjoining and weste�ly of the above described strip,'which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on Line 1 described above,distant 254.28 feet northerly of its point of termination;thence run northweste�ly:af right angles to said Line 1 for 25 feet;thence run southwesterly to a point distant 58 feet westerly(measured at right angles)of a point on said Line 1,distant 165.28 . ' feet northerly of its point of termination and there terminating; A strip being that part of Tract A hereinbefore described, adjoining and easterly of the first � above described strip,which lies westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a . � � point distant 70 feet easterly(measured at right angles)of a point on Line 1 described above, . � distant 122.28 feet northerly of its point of termination;thence run northerly to a point distant . , �' 35 feet easterly(measured at right a�gles of a point on said Line 1,distant 200 feet northerly of its point of termination;thence run northeasterly parallel with said Line 1 for 122.03 feet (measured along said Line 1)and there te�minating; - A strip being that part of Tract A hereinbefore described,adjoining and easterly of the first above described strip,which lies northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a ,:.. point on Line 1 described above,distant 400.28 feet northerly of its point of termination; ,,,:. thence run southeasterly at right angles to said Line 1 for 50 feet and there terminating; ;�;:� �- containing 0.05 acre, more or less; �- Subject to the foltowing reservations: The City of St. Paul reserves a utility easement in perpetuity over that part of Tract A hereinbefore described,which lies within a distance of 120 feet northeasterly of the following �,• described line: From a point on Line 1 described above,distant 350.33 feet no�therly of its point of termination,run northwesterly at right angles to said Line 1 for 100 feet to the point of � beginning of the line to be described;thence run southeasterly on the last described course ��'� for 200 feet and there terminating; ;`.' :;~ containing 0.15 acre,more or less. together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. The Seller certifies *� that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described�eal property. CITY OF ST.PAUL By Its Mayor And �;.; , Its Clerk �...:': ,{,; �:: c, �� . �F, i;> . �; Page 2 of 3 y�"'�:�at����k� i .. , .. .. . . . .VM'�7^,.. -. �...,«...........-.... . . ... ,�(� � �_¢��{� �y� l6/6 5"F�i'�y,'}.��j n{ ��C�� . .. � .. . . #+�,`,i,{��.rr �R h "k � +[ �.7 t� . 1�Y '� :: . lN�� ,,,,y3'p`�`".��'' r �"t {; ��rx�+� '�`���'t�;�,�.`iq' �. . .Y{t�'t! �" .� ��� . -'' ., , ' 'rt;`��STATE,�'{OF'MINNESOTA ,) •.' �r'"`�°��``��.f:���-'�'�,i''�°z� { .; : �)ss. . �A COUN�TY����rMS��'Y�y ,:. i� ! The:foregoing�,*nstrument was acknowledged befor�me this day of ;, <.; p , , .. , ` •',:19 ,; by`, .:• and ,,' '' '- "" �' '., ` " ,the Mayor and the Clerk of City of St. Paul,a 7��' municipal.corporation under the laws of the state of Minnesota,on behalf of the municipal � y.. .,.., far4t�?q m . � �corporation:� �� �� d a f .��� � 'y: . . - � ' � �,; � � . x +.: t � - � +; , q: • � �� � NOTARY PUBUC � � � • }� ' My Commission Expires: �' "� �� This instrument was drafted by the Send tax statements to Grantee: � ,,_ `State of Minnesota, Department of State of Minnesota � Transportation,R/W Legal and Department of Transportation � � ` ,�� £, ; 'Real Estate Conveyance Unit, Mailstop 631 (pP) ° w ' St. Pauf;Minnesota 55155 395 John Ireland Blvd. � r,�.., ';�R32557D.07w St Paul MN 55155 � .,, ' ,.;i �;.: . ��, ��, , a� r �' � � � � ;'�6 . w £. ��',,. }:� � � �� .�, ii �F�r� ,i � �,r,' ., ,r i�, �i'� f . . . �� ��� �;' � �i li , tF � 7 i,-.' . � . . . > . �. �. ' '. . � 1 d' �#� _`€"t :,�. . �� ;t > .��,r i` r r . �� � �:� �� �� . . �+t '` • r � ��� ��S ��F ar' '�" � 54r�. ' . � . �� �,� ��t , � 'I . . . . � . ,°p�J.��y� ( j y <r��5 . . . . ; ' � N T t �� .. ��^ �j ' , ' , � . . �k1 ' f�'' . . ' . . } ti x=w �_�,. .: Page 3 of 3 , �_r',• � ` .,_.._ . . ..,. ,_.. _. _ ._� , . .__. .. _ .._. . . .. .. ._ _: . --.—,-. . : / " ✓��� i{� BETTENDORF ROHRER ffi�10CHE WALL,INC. . j �. � . .. - •.,L� � . � .. .. � "� �} '� �'� . . _ � . � . . :. � �;� .Y ExT.N0.LINE S�MS avE. �/ � : , /�,�; , � y . � �,;� � / �- ��� .1. ' ,;�'�� / �1'`ir ° I' $ - (\;,� I . �;� ' . � �Y ,���` . . / �/ � NEW -R/W_ I , �� ; Balance �„_ , _ ._ , �` � 0 f :.:• �a '.:i- '-i t,', � / � SEC 30-29-22 t; '. � Si te t��'� .� '. f �y�j+�r� •`' l . ' ��'R./ f'.l� ♦ .t• '•� ♦ . �'i. ♦ . :�:i� �fl pQ ` / � �-' � yy � � :� .R � ;� r;f.-��;��� / ,� . ��.�.� f z!S rl � R� % � , a�: � � � Crr � / ,� ._..; i`.�,! ����. ����. . � ,.r�� - /�— The �Jhole ` � g i',��� / The Taki ng NEW R/W � �'�f.l��' ��f .�' . Temp. Esrn li � � , 1;x�'/`�. � II � � 1� �� '' . S.T /. j i • 7�% �• �B9.pl, � - . , 99 SO - '' Fr•`� � � � /. � < , „9„ � / �.�� ���� . / / � + r� / �/ �'� / � � - �: � / �QQ,. /� �-� � � �� � � ( R � - � . : �=.- a, , �1�-�. � � � . %/ �/ A::.�. . . . . . . .. .. , .. . . .. . . . '. . " � Parcel Sketch ��;u: ;r; 3, 2 's.� �.' � ' � -- . � ...4, �9� /a�� o . .�, �. � � QUITCLAIM DEED « STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ C.S. 6280 (35E=390) 904 �,� Parcel 7D . � Dated: , 19_ County of Ramsey .�; For and in consideration of the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - Fi fteen Thousand One Nundred and no�100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars ($15,100.00-----�, . City of St. Paul, a municipal corporation under.the laws of the state of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims.to the State of Minnesota, Grantee, real prop in Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: That part of Tract A described below: Tract A. That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast , r of Secti 0, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Cou , in sota, lyin southerly of the easterly extension of the north li f ims A nue, erly of the northwesterly right of way line of Trun ' hw . 35E as w locate and established, northerly of a line run p Ilel ' h an istant 50 feet northeasterly of the centerline of the Soo�i Rail y, d southwes ly of a . line run parallel with and distant 17. eet sou weste of the follo ng described line: Commencing at the no st corner of said So east Quarter; �` thence run westerly along ' northerly li thereof for 1244 feet to the point �� of beginning of the line to be e ribed; th ce South 25 egrees 04 minutes �: 05 seconds East 42.25 feet; henc S th degree 04 minutes 03 seconds � �` East 310.06 f t an there ter inati ; �- which lies southeasterly a line run parallel wi and dista 25 feet northwesterly of Line 1 described below and nort esterly of a line run rallel w' and distant 25 feet southeasterly � of Line 2 described below: -- Line 1. Beginning at a point on the n rth line f said Southeast quarter of Section 30, distant 804.24 feet west of e nort ast corner thereof; thence run southwesterly at an n of 71 d rees 55 minutes 49 seconds from said north line (measured from west to sou ) for 811.98 feet; thence deflect to the right on a tangential curve having a dius of 200 feet and a delta angle of 30 `� degrees 20 minutes 15 secon s for 105.9 feet; thence on tangent to said curve w S„ ��: for 28.3 feet; thence deflect the left on a tangential curve having a radius of �= 200 feet and a delta angle 34 degrees 57 minutes 32 seconds for 122.03 �;- feet; thence on tangent to aid curve for 200 feet and there terminating; � ,� Line 2. Beginning ai the point of termination of Line 1 described above; thence run �; northerly along said Line 1 for 456.23 feet and there terminating; ;�:; . , . ��. � containing 0.56 acre, more or less; , �` ; ��.: �: �.��° � Page 1 of 3 � �.... „. ..,:�:���, .,o. .. .��,.,r-�:., .. . . . .. .: „ . .. :, .4 : / (9'��� . rti,h �� >5x 4` A- � also a right to`use the following described strips for highway purposes, which right shall cease on December 1, 1998 or on such earlier date upon which the Commissioner of Transportation determines by formal order,;that it is no longer needed for highway purposes: � A strip being'that part of,Tract A hereinbefore described, adjoining and westerly of the above ; - described:�strip, which lies easterly of the.following described line: Beginning at a point on Line 1 described.above, distant 254.28 feet northerly of its point of termination; thence run ` northwesterly,;at`right angles to said Line'9 for 25 feet; thence run southwesterly to a point distant 58#eet westerly (measured at right angles) of a point on said Line 1, distant 165.28 feet northerly of its point of termination and there terminating; A strip being that part of Tract A hereinbefore described, adjoining and easterly of the first above described strip, which lies westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point distant 70 feet easterly (measured at right angles) of a point on Line 1 described above, . r� distant 122.28 feet northerly of its point of termination; thence run northerly to a point distant � 35 feet easterly (measured at right angles of a point on said Line 1, distant 200 feet northerly of its point of termination; thence run northeasterly parallel with said Line 1 for 122.03 feet ' (measured along said Line 1) and there terminating; A strip being that part of Tract A hereinbefore described, adjoining and easterly of the first ��` above described strip, which lies northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a �. point on Line 1 described above, distant 400.28 feet northerly of its point of termination; ��� thence run southeasterly at right angles to said Line 1 for 50 feet and there terminating; �: �, ,f., ��. �:. containing 0.05 acre, more or less; �;, � Subject to the following reservations: �.:: Y- . The City of St. Paul reserves a utility easement in perpetuity over that part of Tract A � ._ - hereinbefore described, which lies within a distance of 120 feet northeasterly of the following �� , described line: From a point on Line 1 described above, distant 350.33 feet northerly of its t point of termination, run northwesterly at right angles to said Line 1 for 100 feet to the point of �: beginning of the line to be described; thence run southeasterly on the last described course �" for 200 feet and there terminating; �, ':�, _:: containing 0.15 acre, more or less. - .�;,;., together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. The Seller certifies ;�` that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. CITY OF ST. PAUL �;� 1J '�.....'�.. �� Its Mayor i� � '� And „ �' Its Clerk I a,° ;�;:,C '�?:: « "' .�4_,�, . . ' � . .��'��� ... � : � . �': Page 2 of 3 ����, y ...0. .. . . � . .L�m,�,�. . . . � �. . . . . �, . .. , t �\ . ,. ! •� � . .. . . . � � 4� . .� . � , ,.r: . . .. w .. � � . .. . .y , � ,. ., ..,- _ ..,� � . ti -:��- � � �� /� � � � �� k� ; �• ,. . �������°'�''' � �3 . e�r;�w� t�� ?���'�;�,�''•�" ,� � � ; , T � i���ti.�� � +' �`.,} `��� , ,�� � r$�„ �, . - �,�F . � ..�� ;;,�,� �� `°�'v , a� "' � N t` � ��� ���� � � _� � STAT OF�MINNESOTA ) - � � � �.. `',"�''� ��� ° ) ss. . , '�»-.COUNTI( OFrRAMSEY��� ;) � �� ...��������'�- '� r ' The foregoing'nstrument was acknowledged before me this day of fl� ���. � � � j. , _� �,,�� ��� �'� � .:��"19 ' , by��,.;::; and '" �''�' � � the Ma or and the Clerk of Ci of St. Paul, a c� ; ,.:::� . r... Y3� r�t : , _ y �l ��� � ° �murncipal,Mcorporation'under the laws of the state of Minnesota, on behalf of the municipal �` G � „ ,.,������ti: � ��ti corporation � � w� �{.. w�£ r � �`� o- � � s + : �. � ' q„K�., '�h "lx `�' �'` �` � NOTARY PUBLIC �� . _ �� �� � My Commission Expires ;Nr � �.- � This instrument was drafted by the Send tax statements to Grantee: , . ; State of Minnesota, Department of State of Minnesota ; �� � ` Transportation, R/W Legal and Department of Transportation ��.� : r z� Real Estate Conveyance Unit, Mailstop 631 (DP) . ��� St. Paul,'Minnesota 55155 395 John Ireland Blvd. � ' R32557D.07w St Paul MN 55155 ,,� �; .�� k� _�: �va ,,� ,�s;: r;r t � �', d� � �;,` � .�; � ,�, ��3 i� ;�s ;��_ .�,� .�� �,;, • ,�`: n:,, �(F� . � �:��. ..� x .. . . . . s%1 Y. i;;.{ � .. �4. � .. ' � . . 5.5� � .. . . �. . .. �, f �.i 4� � . . � . . � � . . � `% - � 'i�:+�..• � . . � . . �a: :5�," � . : .. . "{4 . � . . .. � . . .. . � . . ,k�� .: � � �.�.. u �y4 j L7 . � . . �. . .. " a . . . . . . . . . fi: . . . � .. . .. . *n .' , .. . . . . . - f�.- � �( t` . . .. . . . . . � ; . ' . � . . , 1 ;� t� * S 7 de .� '. . . . . . . . . . �d. .';�.� . . . . . � �... :, ; � : � . . � . ' - .. �ta���� ' _ . , . . _. . . � . � - �.�.. Page 3 of 3 � �.�,� � � �`�,,: � ,��.�;�� ��;�� _ _ ..�.�; �.. ,