96-1060 �'. • . .wi Ar5 , . . ' . , � , . . . ,. . � � �� � ` �� �r .�. j .� :�.,, .. i .. - ...., .�� � •��'� 5 I 7 - r.�.. . � , . 7 CI'1'Y O�' S'r. P� .� �` CaCTNCIL FILE PTO. .: � �'- �ra� "' I. 1 � . i ia7AY i./iW40it . .. . . y)! h. �7 � �` � �� � ,� ��.���dP' � 1 ��� ��� �� �,+.1 ' Fil,�'No. ,'f �96d`47 ' p�' vo�inq Ward 1 ,f �' in the l�tsttar of sidewalk re�constrution nt the follawing location(s) : 896047 - on the ea�t �ide N. 8t. Albana St. from Hague Ave. ta Laurel Ave. at 678 Hague Rqe. only. * .gTTMAT _D .Q�j$T'RIi("!TTl'YAT QSTTa RFSTDL1�T�j+TAT. R�F-�4, tOi!@� tWb Ol" tDY'�! Lr��l� �tY'�1C�L1Y'@�� R�coastruation (replacem�nt of o1d aid��rnik) - �7.21 ger front foot for a five (5} foot wide welk and $8.69 per fraat foot for e six (6) foot wide walk, All other widths ro�ill be prorated accordinqly. 1�1�r esoastsvctioA (where no wslk existed) - 100� of tha actus2 cost estimated to b� appraximately $3.23 per �quare foot. All corner reaidential prope�tiea �till receive a aredit up to the firat 150 fe�t of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and sbutting the *lonq side'� of the praperty. M[1T.TT-RF4TflFNTTAT. (j++jplA than three faatily 3tIUGtilr@3), N�+i' F. T F.N'pTAT RATF.S � For new and reconstructed aidewalk; 100g af ectual cast estimated to be approx�imately $4.35 per �quare foot. �, x under Preliminary order q � - `�S � ttpproved � ` � The Council of the Gity of 8aint Paul ha� conducte a blic hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WI�REA3, The Cauncil has heard all per�an�, objection� and reGOmmendation� perteining to said propased improvement and has fully cansidered the same; naw, therefare, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of saint Faul does hereby order that the abave-deacribed improvement be made, and the proper City officer� are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RE30LVED, That upan the completion of 'sid i.mprovement, the proper City officers shall calculate sll expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 19 of the Gity Charter. COUNCILPERSON3 Adopted by Council: Date lq�� Yees Neys Blakey � �C}��� - Certified Pa�aed k�y Gouncil Secretary �B stram � ���,�i ✓Guerin � � ✓H�grris �"'�In F'avor By ' �/�egard �F�ettman �Against �L Thune - �b�.�- 3 ���e�f Mayor f - RE 6-21-96 Q�- lOC�O DEPARTMENT/OFFICrJCOUNCp. OAlE INRIA?ED G R E EN SH E ET N o.��'�593 _ _ Pubtic Works Sid�ralks 5-10-96 �i�,��� INITIAL/DATE �M�T�p�8� pEPMTAIENT OIRECTOR CITY OOtNJCIL Thomas P.Keefe-266-6121 ��� CITY ATTORNEV cm cxErac GIUST 8E ON COIN�CIL AOEt�A BY(DI1TE) 7-1 O-9 6 � gUpf3ET pIRECTOq FIN.i MOT.SERVICES OIR. Must be in Council Research Office MaroR�oa�ss�sr� t Cau�cii Researoh no later than noon Fr da 6-2 — TOTAL�OF BKiNATUi�PAtiEB 1 (CUP ALL LOCA110tIS FOR 81GNATURf) ASSOCIATE NTAL ACCOUNTANT ACTION RE�SlED Reconstruct Sidewa�C in Warcl 1 (See attached list) �� File No. 596047 REC�MME :Approw W a (F1l pER3pNAL SERVICE CONTRACT8 MUST ANSWER THE FOLL0IMNQ atJEST10N3: PLAI�N�IN�10�MM18810N _CIV�3ERV�E(�MMiSS10N t. Hat thb DeraonfNrm ever worked under a ca�tract tor this deparnner�t? — YES NO CIB COMMITTEE _ 2. Hu tl►is aeraonlfirm wer bsan a city�nployae? YES NO �STAFF _ 9. Does tl�fa personfirm poaseas a akill not rarmally poaseased by ar�r airrent ary employee? D�TRICTCOUNCIL— H YES NO BUPPORTB WFIICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE7 ExPl�in aN y�s answ�ro on s�rd�shNt a�Wtach to prNn shaN Neighborhoods � INITIATMIO PROBLEI�A.188UE.OPPORTUNITY(WFIO.WHAT.WNEN.WFIERE.WHY): The problem"defactiv�sidewalk"was created because of tree roots,deleterious subgrade material, atternating freeRhaw cycles, service Iffe limits,chemical additives,extreme temperature variations,etc. These problems�cur on a citywide level and must be addressed and c:orrected on an annual basis. Left unoorrected,the sidewaik condition would worsen to a siate where it would be rendered unusable and subject to incxeased pedestrian injurios from fatls and possible Iftigations. C��� Ri� � . � � ADVANTIK3E3 IF APPROVED: The�mmuniry will benefit from this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewalks fo�� s. The sidewalk contrads aro executed by private contractors, so it follows that private sector jobs are created s a resuR of this activity. DISADVANTAfiE3 IF APPROVED: Historicaliy,the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedback in the area of construction prxedure and assessment. Simply stated,property owners detest assessments, and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, ft still remains controversial. �C� R8S88tCh Cat)tt�Y JUN 21 1996 DISADVANTAQES�NOT APPROVED: This optbn would allow the infrastructure of sidewalk stock to deter'wrate,which in tum,will generate more persona!injury suits, ultimately resutting in the expenditure of larger doilar amounts in eventual repairs andlor replaoement,as well as claim payouts. TO?AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: 1 Q,}q4A nn COST/REVENUE BUO(iETED(CiRCLE ONE) YES NO wN�osouRCE 9b�t�1��665 A„�+'�A 96 � 535,Q4Q:. AcmrmNUweeR C9��2T728^Q784w27011 FINANCNIL MIFORMATION:(EXPLAII� 6• AST � 432���0 , c, cPS 96 = Solaoo SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS ward 1 �,�,� �4� O �j���� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. N. ST. ALBANS ST. from Hague . Ave. to Laurel Ave. at 678 Hague Ave: Only. J I1ITITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petition �uith one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. � EXISTING CONDITIONS: This «�alk is poured concrete luith tree heaves and asphalt patches. , Q� - 1o�0 C� RI � { ��� L �9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. � L„ PRELIMINiARY URDER g�, ,., Fil No. 04 Vo ng Ward 1 Ia th� M�tt�r af 3idewalk recon�trution at the following location(�) : S96047 - on the east side N. St. Albans St. from Hague Av�. to Laurel Ave. at 678 Aague Ave. only. * . TTMAT .D _ONqTRrrr_mr�u RATFS RFgTDENTTAT, AT .4 (pne, two or three family �tructure�) Reaonatruation (replacement af old sidewelk� - $7.21 per front faot far a five (S) foot wide walk and $8.64 per front foot for a �ix (6) foot wide • walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Nes� aonatruatioa (where no walk exi'ted) - 100'� of the actual co�t e�timated to be approximately $3.23 per aquare foot. All corner residential praperties will receive e credit up to the first 150 feet of new or recon�tructed �idewalk along and abutting the "long �ide" of the property. �rt�r.Tr_��TD�NTT�r.(�re than three family structures) , NON- F.�TD .NTr r. ATR'R For new and recon'tructed aidewalk; 100$ of actual cost eatimated to be approximately $9.35 per square foot. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having con�idered �aid report, hereby re�olve�: 1. That the aaid report and the �ame ia hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *SEE AB�VE for e'timated con�truction rt►te�, financed by a��e'�ment� �nd 1996 Public Improvement Aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on 9aid improvement on the 28th day of August, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Houae Building in the City of 3aint Paul. 3. That notice of aaid public hearing be qiven to the per9on� �nd in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hesring, the nature of the improvement and the total coet thereof a' e�timated. COUNCILPERSQN3 Adopted by Counail: Date ��� (p Yeea� Nays Blakey Certified Pn��ed by Council Sec tary Bstrom �ue rin �rris � In Favor By � . �gard �ttman Q Rgainst �ne Mayor CiTY p • • • �, � � 1 �� 9 Saint Paul City Council . e �I'$��;,j„ b . Public Hearing Notice . � '�"' �r Public Improvement Construction �� _ � C�o 1864 � � ��. � . � � � . OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #1 PLANNING COUNCIL �OS FILE � >��i6't��7�»�<�:>'>;::»>:;::::: PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by � the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed pro ject as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE NORTH ST. ALBANS STREET FROM HAGUE AVENUE TO LAUREL AVENUE AT 678 HAGUE AVENUE ONLY. ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the pro ject, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILLI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION � CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 08/09/96 �� -- � o�o ESTTMATED RATES � RESIDENmTAL RATES (Or.e, tk�o or three fa:�ily structures) - •.:�:.:«::< ..... . . . ..��e RecnIIS���1�ct��a� (replacenent of old sidek�alk) - $7. 21 per front foot for�tta�µfive'����(�5) foot wide sidewalk and $8 . 64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. 3:e�;:.�coas:t�;ti�c�°ion (where no walk existed) - 100% of ' . ...:... ........ ,..: .:....... the actual cost estir;,ated to be approximately $3 . 23 per square foot. All corner residential prcperties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of �FW cr �econstruc�ed sidewalk along. and abutting : the 3cn:g;:s:iaei of the property. � 1JTTT,TY-RESIDEA''I'IPT (:'cre than three fanily structures) and NON�ESI- D�NTTpL RATE5 - For new � reconstructed side�,�alk: 100% of the actual cost estina�ed to be approxinately $4 . 35 per square foot. . p3.FA�F NOTE: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct =one existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases �.�here this is practical. This snaller width (5 fEEt� is to keep the assessnent at the lowest rate. Zf your �,�alk is 6 feet wide �nd you and your neighbors prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessnent . rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request . ..,....,�..x:::.�<.wM..:.�:�:,�:�.:....<�..;M...:-.,...,M:..�:,:.:...,...,,...,.,�,...{.::..,;,�:�:;..:�:,n.<..::,..w<..�. ,..,�;:.:�,:;.:,..ee� your preference. ��:� new..,,.si3:e,�a�lks. KiII..�be< �ons�r�c'�ed.�.� ..:f..:�.::..;.w ,,.:,.. ...,..�,: .......h W i��e�� .. Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing fron one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED : ASSESSMENT CALCULATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120. . • ;.. _ . . ... � . ._ . .. . . _ _ _ . •