96-1053 * � s r .� r�� - r AAA ' ��.�� (`. � � 1� � � �� � ' . . � � ',,...� ! , 70.1 3 � t ' CITY d!' 87'. P�tA.. Ca1NCI L FI LE P10. �(.+ "-. 1�S 3 FIAW� O�R By . _ .�. File No. 596023,24,26,27 Voting ward 2 In the l�tter of 3ldewnik reconatrutian nt the following locntion(s) : 396023 - on the north�veat aide Aidriaa St. fro� Albian Ave. to Alaska Ave. at 172T � 1729 Adrian 3t. anly. S96Q24 - on th� east aide Hay 3t. froa� Randolph Ava. to W. seventh st. at 992 Bay St. only. 596026 - on the north �ide Gaodhue �t. t`raa Gl�ff 9t. to Douaman 3t. at 295 Goodhue 8t. rnal.y. 896027 - an the narth �id� Jamea Ave. fram Toronto St. to W. senenth st. at 966 i�. 3eventh 3t. only. . * .9T7MA7'F:D Cd1J�3TR 1['!TT[`�d R�TL!Q! RF$TD�Lti�'1'TAT. RA'i'G3�yq (Q,n�E t�pp QZ three family atruatnre�) R�oariatruation (replaceaent of old side�alk) - $?.21 per fraxxt faot for e five (5) foot wide walk and $8.54 per front foat for a �ix (6) foot wide walk. R11 other widths will be prorated eacordingly. �� aanst.ruet.i.oa (where no walk exi�ted) - 100$ of the actual ao�t eatimated ta be approximstely $3.23 per squer� foot. All corner residential propertiea will receive a credit up to the fir�t 150 feet of new or recon�tructed sidewalk along and abutting the "lonq �ide^ of the property. Hn�T. T—�F.S,�'TT��jTTAT. �M(}re than three family structures j, Naart � T N'117TTA7. Am�m� Far new and recon�truated �idewalk; 1�0� of nctual co�t e�timated to be approxia►ately $4.35 per squsre faot. . . ` ,� �, � . � ��-- 1053 , � .� under Preliminary order � (D — � � d approved �j �� The Council af the City af �aint Faul has conduat� a blic hearing upan the above improv�ment, due notiae th�reof having been given as prescrib�d by the city Gharter; and WFIEREAS, The Council haa heard all peraon�, objection� and recommendation� pertaining ta said propoaed improvement and aae fully considered the seme; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Covncil of the City of 8aint Paul doe� hereby ordex that the above-deacribed impravement be made, end the propgr City affic�ra ere hereby directed and authorized to proaeed v�ith the impravement; and be it F'CTRTHER RESOLVLD, That upon th� campletion of said improvement, the proper �ity afficer� �hall calaulate all expenae� incurred therein and �hall report the �ame to the City Council in acaordtnae �vith Chapter 19 of the City Cherter. CC7UNCILPERSOTTS ]�iopted by Council: Date ��� l�g� Yea� Na,ys Blekey — /C}�p,N.{— Certified Pessed by Council secretary ��trom — A-�eN�.. Guerin �rr�� �In Favar By , ��rd t/Rettman �'Again�t � Thuna �. �p�,N.�,j � Mayor -l�b��w-� " Public Hearin Date - Au ust 28 1996 RE 6-21-96 ��o-�OS 3 pEp�pT�NT/pf�� OATE�IfT1AlED GREEN SHEET N o. 33589 Public Worlcs Sidawa�CS 4-12-96 wmwa►rE �rrww�a►rE CONTACT PERSON i PHONE OEPARTMENT DIi�CTOR CITY COIArCII Thomas P.Keda-266-6121 �� cm�Trnw��r c�nr a.ewc MUBT BE ON WUNCIL A(3ENDA BY lDA7� ]—],O-�6 � eu�r o�r�cioa FIN.i IAOT.SEHVK�ES DIR Must be in Council Researc Office ��RpR��T� �_ � no later than noon Frida 6-28-96 mru�aF aoM+►ru�e r�s 1 tcw�u.�ac�twNS Pon sbw►n�aq nsexu►� oew �r�rrr �craH r+�s�o �)� Racor�trtkt SidowaNc in Ward 2(Soe attached list) File Nos. S96023-24 & S96026-27 �COId :llPpo+n o► PERSONAL sERVICE CONTRACT'd MtJ6T Al1SYYER TNE FOLLOWINO OIJEST10F18: _PLANNWCi COY11188ION _CIV�BERVICE COMMIS8101d 1. H��� EY 3 WO worltrd tMld�r a oontraCt for th�d�pYrbl�ent? GB COI+iMIITEE _ 2. Hw tl�fs a�rtaNfhm wwr bsen a dt�r emplayes? YES NO �SU1FF _ S. Doss Ihis p�naURrtn Poesea e sIcAI r�ncxrnally Po�seseed bY arry ar�t dq em�oyee7 D�TRICTCOUNCIL — 9 ' � YES NO s�POrrrs wH�co�c�oe��c7n�� �w�u araw.r.a�s.p...b Nw�•ne aa�to�n.hn�t Neighborhoods � MIRIATINO PROBLEM.I�UE.OPPORTt�117Y(VN�O�WFIAT.VVHEN,YMHERE,W►IY): The prob�m'dNedive sidowa�C"was creatad bocause of tree roots,deleterious subgrade material,altomating frserthaw cycles, seroice I�e limits,chemical additivas, extreme temperature variations,etc. These problems oocur on a c�ride levsl and must be addresaed and oorrected on an annua{basis. Left unoorreded,the sidewaik conditbn would warsen to a state whare it would be rendered unusable and subjed to incxeasad pedestrian injuries from falis and possible litigations. novanrr�s��ROVEO: The commun�y wNl benef�from this project because it will provide safe detect free sidewaqcs for its many citizens. The sidewalk cordrads are exacuted by private contractor�, so it fulbws that private s�or jobs are cxeated as a rasuu�of this activ'ny. �v�rr�s��nov�o: HistoricaNy,the sidewalk reconstructions have created negative feedbadc in the area of oonstruction proc:eclure and assessmeM. Simply stated,ptoperty owners detest assessments,and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains coMroversiai. COii(ICtl f�9S88fCh CBtitdl JUN 21 1996 DISADVANI'M1ES IF NOT APPROVED: This option would allow the infrastrudure of sidewalk stodc to dateriorate,which in tum,will generate more personai injury suits, ultimatey resulting in the expenditure of larger doliar amounts in evernual repairs and/or replacemerrt,as wall as claim payouts. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC'iION i G*GOS.OQ COST/REVENUE BUDt#EfED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO �souac� 1�-�M*�0665 11. P�A 96 •• 535.00Q ACRVRYNUMBER 6t,2' 2$� � FINANCW.MIFOHMATION:(El(PLAMI) 6, AST � 432,000 G, CF6 96 � 50,000 f • SUMMARY OF ENGIT�'EERING RECOMMENDATIONS w�a a �I �-- I OS 3 59�3 pRpJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.W.S. ADRIAN ST. from Albion Ave. to Alaska Ave. at 1717 & 1729 Adriari St. Only. � IIITITIATII�TG ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public VVorks as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint petition and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This �talk is old tile with broken tile, holes in tile and disintegz'ated panels. ................................................................... ��c� PROJECT• RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK E.S. BAY ST. from Randolph Ave. to W. Seventh St. at 492 Bay St. Only. 7 1ZVITIATING ACTION: This order v�-as initiated by the Director of Public �'��orks as public necessity on the basis of a petition «�ith one (1) signer and an � inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIOIvTS: This ��.1alk is poured concrete w-ith settled panels. S 9�,� PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.S. GOODHUE ST. from Cliff St. to Dousman St. at 245 Goodhue St. Only. °l WITIATII�TG ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as publicnecessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspect�on of the wa1k. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves. ..............................................................:.... .. . T on�r►t0 � �(�� PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK N.S. JAMES AVE. from �� ,A�e. to W. Seventh St. at 966 W. Seventh St. Orily. �I �, • IIITITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with settled and cracked panels. Q' � - ( OSr3 � RIGII��1L �s CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRELINIINARY ORDER By �� File No. 396023,29 26 2�� Voting Ward 2 � � In th� Matt�r of 3idewalk recon�trution at the following location(�) : 596023 - on the northwest side Adrian St. from Albion Ave. to Ala�ka Ave. at 1717 � 1729 Adrian 3t. anly. 596029 - on the east side Bey St. from Rendolph Rve. to W. Seventh 3t. at 492 Bay 8t. only. 896026 - on the north �ide Goodhue 3t. from Cliff St. to Dou�man 5t. at 245 Goodhue St. only. S96027 - an the north side James Ave. from Toronto 5t. to W. 3eventh 9t. at 966 W. 3eventh 8t. only. *F_.RTTMATF.rj .QTjRTR iC'.TT[�T AT ..�', RR�Tj��NTTAT, RAmms (pne, twa or three family gtructures) Recoristructian (replacement af old �idewalk) - $7.21 per front foot for a five (5) foot wide welk and $8.64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other width� will be prorated accordingly. N*w con�truction (where no welk existed) - 100� of the actuel cost estimated to be approxim�tely $3.23 per �quare foot. All corner re�idential propertie� will receive a credit up to the fir�t 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" of the property. MIII,TT- F.t3TD .NTTAT {MO.Y'@ than thi99 family �tI'UCtt1I'e') , AION- F.. T1�F.NTTAT. RATF.4 For new and reconstructed sidewalk; 100$ of actual cost estia►ated to be approximately $9.35 per square foot. , � � ���3 �� �� lGI � �� L . U Tha Council of the City of �eint Peul heving received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having con�idered �aid report, hereby re'olve': � 1. Thet the seid report and the seme is h�reby appraved with no altern�►tive�, and that the e�timated co�t thereof i� *3EE ABOVE for estimeted construction rates, financed by assessments and 1996 Public Improvement Aid. 2. That a publia hearing be h�d on aaid i.mprovement on the 28th day of August, 1996, at 9:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council chambers of the City Hall and Court Hou'e Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of �aid public hearing be qiven to the peraona� and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plece of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co�t thereof a' e�tim�ted. COUNCILPER30N8 Adopted by Council: Date �p ' �q c{ � Yeas Nays �akey Certified Pa��ed by Council Se tary ostrom �erin �rris � �o In Fevor By ✓l�gard �ttman. O Against Thune -- ��Se y�-�-- /�`_ � N�3 e yv-F- Ma yo r Saint Paul City Council �-� Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction �1 � - � �3 OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �2 PLANNING COUNCIL #09 FILE � �:�9��124;:;;<�<;::<:«;<:><;_� PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Haii-Court House HEARING Written or orai statements by any owner will be considered by the Councii at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foilows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE BAY STREET FROM RANDOLPH AVENUE TO WEST SEVENTH STREET AT 492 BAY STREET ONLY. *#***NO ASSESSMENT - WORK TO BE DONE ON THE LON(3 SIDE OF YOUR PROPERTYI THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLYI THERE ARE NO ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THIS PROPERTY. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 NOTIFICATION DATE: 08/09/96 G1TY �� � � � G / �¢� ; Saint Paul City Council ' t r d �ij�; ;,;,, ro . Public Hearing Notice . ��� �"' ~° Public Improvement Construction �� ,eb, �� � � OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 PLANNING COUNCIL �09 FILE # �:���2�><:;;>:::>:>»;`:�:;>;�:::: PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. : PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE ADRIAN STREET FROM ALBION AVEI�RJE TO ALASKA AVENUE AT 1T17 d 1729 ADRIAN STREET ONLY. ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILLI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on, the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION : CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTiFICATION DATE: os/oa/a6 q (�- ���3 ESTIMATED RATES ' RESTDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) - R�c�ris�r��ct�oit (replacement of old sidewalk) - $7.21 per front foot for��a five (�5) foot wide sidewalk and $8. 64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated .:...v::.� . accordingly. 31e�t';;;con`s�tr:uc�:�;o;n� (where no walk existed) - 100% of ... . .. .........:.. .:. :...:. ..... :..... the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3 . 23 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the :Ion`g:;:::s;id.e of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (Nore than three family structures) and �10NRESI- DENTIAL RATES - For new � reconstructed sidewalk: 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4. 35 per square foot. �LEASE NOTE: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where this is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request .......:..:.: your preference. AI:�:;�F`:new .sid�walks �ti7.1..,be �oastr�lc��d .5.:;::::fee� ::,.:.,:..,.,:, .....<.... ..,....{.. ti�3'd:e<� Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCIILATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120. �S$� C1TY °�9 Saint Paul City Council � � ' � � Public Hearing Notice o � w iit���[flli � � , �r Public Improvement Construction ,eb, � � —I OS3 OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 . PLANNING COUNCIL #09 .. ................................. FILE � :S'�fi72�:::>:::<;:::::;;;�;;>;<;: PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SIDE (300DHUE STREET FROM CLIFF STREET TO DOUSMAN STREET AT 245 GOODHUE STREET ONLY. ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILLI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. � ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION - . CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 08/09/96 � IC'� S3 (d - ESTIMATED RATES ' RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) - Ree�ns�r��:t:�o�# (replacement of old sidewalk) - $7.21 per front foot for a� �five� f(5) foot wide sidewalk and $8. 64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. 3�e�;;;`c:on`s�=uc�':ihnn� (where no walk existed) - 100 0 of � ... .. .. .:. ....:.........:..:...... .:.:. the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3 .23 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the I�o;n`g:;;:s:�:a$ of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (Nore than three family structures) and �10NRESI- DENTIAL RATES - For new � reconstructed sidewalk: 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4 . 35 per square foot. . PLEASE NOTE: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where this is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors � prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request .:....,...,.......:..:.::.:..:...,,.....;...::<:<..<::.:;:�.:,:.«<.>:.:;..<:...,,.,;.,,..:::.;;,,.::.;.,:,;;;:;;�.::.;:;.,:.:r::::,:::..;:.,..;.,.::...,..:.;::..,..::....�.;...,...;,.;w.,..:< your preference. AI:� new :si��wa�ks....s,tl3,l..,b�._..�onstr�c��d.y..�_ feet ��aery� ,........ Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED � ASSESSMENT CALCIILATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120. ! ��� `ITY °�a Saint Paul Cit Council �� , k ; � 9� . . y . � ° Public Hearing Notice a u��it Etut � '� "'� '�"� a public Improvement Construction � �r ��8a. � � - Io53 OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 PLANNING COUNCIL #09 FILE � :��5�2�!::>::�::�::�:>:`:�::>;«� PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed pro ject as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE NORTH SIDE JAMES AVENUE FROM TORONTO STREET TO WEST SEVENTH STREET AT 966 WEST SEVENTH STREET ONLY. ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILLI Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: 08/09/96 - � �-- �,053 ESTIMATED RATES ' RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) - R:e:cous�:z�et�'oa (replacement of old sidewalk) - $7.21 per front foot ::::.. ..:.......... .:...... .. . for a five (5) foot wide sidewalk and $8. 64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. 3�et�`:;:;;c:ons�=:uc�:io�n: (where no walk existed) - 100 0 of � ... .. .: ....................:.:.: :.... the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3. 23 per square foot. Al1 corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the :Ioa'g:;;;:s:i:8e of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (Nore than three family structures) and NONRESI- DENTIAL RATES - For new � reconstructed sidewalk: 100� of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4 . 35 per square foot. PLEASE NOTE: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where this is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request .:........::.:.,,.,...:..:...::..,.:.,:.,...,.:.:.:::,:...,..:..,.........,..,:..,,...;..;,:. .�::..:..:::::,..:.:::,..., �our. preference. 3�I�:::;;;xi:ew si�ez,?alks....�t�ll... be....con�truc���.,,_5. �e��€ w�$e� ......... .k.r....,,. :,� Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacing from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120.