96-1051 � _ � '�� �' .� . - �: - � ���� R i q ,,, ., �. L �,�f�,� � � � � �. , .,���°` � �- r c�s 1 �+�, :; COUNCIL !'I� NO. Yn�aL alma�lt gy �' _ ` -� Filo No. 89 019 votinq �iard 7 ia t.ba M�letiar ot si�a�elk reconatrution at t2u #ollon�rinq loaation(a� s 896019 - on the •aet aid� of Lalc� 8�t. fz�v� Buah Aw. to B. 8��•ntb 9t. at �92 Lalr.e �t. aaly. f�sTn+�amr_n Cl�tB',�c�rl�t �,_ s�r�+T- T�L �� (Or�e, two ar thr�r� fa�ily atruatyres) �trnot3�on ireplacreawnt uf old aids�lk) - �7.31 por froat foot for a five (5) foot ivi.de �relk aud $8.64 per fro�►t foot for a aix �6) foot rh.c�e `�lk. All other �+idtha �vi.11 be prarated aacordingly. 1� oaastsu�tioA : (where no vralk existed) - 100� of the a�tual coa�t eatimated to be approxia�atoly $3.23 per aquare foot. All vorner re�idential prap�rti�a �ill rscsivs e cr�d�t up to the firat 1�0 feet of new or reconetructed �ide�walk aiGnq and abuttiaq the "lonq eide" of the praperty. 3�JLTr-�-:a��3.Aj• tlMbre than threo family atruatur�a), At�T �g�dTTAT, Rn�B For nQw aad r�aonetruated aicia�ralkp 100! of aatual aost �atiaat�d tc be approximat�ly $4.35 par aquaro loat. � T' ' .J � '!�. . � . . f f �' � � ` � � �..� �T, ,� y under Prelisinary o�rd�r _ l ln - l �S approved r� ; a _ T2�e Council of tDe City of Saint Paul has conducted a blic hearing upon the abave iapraveme��t, du� notia� t2�er�of havinq beeaa qivea as prescribed by the City Gha�rt.r; and �R�AB, Ths Cou�tc:il haa b�nrd all para�oa�a, obj0otiona and recammendationa pertainiag to said propoa�d iaip,rorr�,neat exid has fully ccrosidered t2�e same; naw, thereforo, b� it RESOLVED, Thmt the Cauacil of tbo City of 8aint Paul doea horeby order that the ebave-described iaprowea�nt be aiade, �d tbe prap�r City cfficers are hereby directed and authori�sd to procsed Ki.th the i'provvnt�►ntj a�d b� it !'URTSER RLSOLV�D, That upwci tha c�pletion of eai.d �rovera�ent, the proper City officer� shall rsalaulate all exgea,ssa ineurred thersia aati �hall repart the aame to the city Counci2 in aacordenae rr3th �h�pter 19 of th� City Catrtlr. C�tCILPI�R�T� 1ldogt�d by Cc>uncil s Date��'`��q,�(;(o Yeaa Naya Blnkey -- ��e,N„� Certified F�ma�d by Council secretery Boat rom - {���,N.,�,,, ✓�ierin ^ �rria �In F'avor By "� \ — '�, �,.�„� ✓� srd T `s.z ettman QA�qainat � � ����� Thune ... Arb�N}- 1„t�yor 3 �.luerv-F- �;: � # Public Hearing Date - Au ust 28, 1996 RE 6-21-96 q,�,� ��—�ps � °�""TM'°�''°�"�� °"�"�"'�° GREEN SHEET a-NO. 33587 Public Works Sidawalks 3-28-96 �m�� �R��_ CONTACT PERSON 8 PF10NE DEPAATMEIVT DIR6CTOR CRV OOtNrCIL �101Y188 P.KA6�@-���2� � qTY ATI�RNEY GlY d.ERK M T se ev 7-10-g6 auoaET o� Fa�.��.sEav�s aa. �ust��n�ci��esearch Office �����T� � � no later than noon Frida 6-28-96 Tar��aF�aw+►suw�►� 1 �x xi iccn�ro�iow►� �seocu►� o� �c�r�wr Reoonstnict Sidewalk in UVa►d y(Saa attachad list) ��9 File No. 596019 : W O1 PEIIOONAI SEII111Ct CONTMCTS YW�T ANfWEII'FI�FOLLCiWINO aL�7'IONS: _PIANNNK�OOMMI8810N _CtVIL BERVtCE COMMISBION 1. Fhs tlNs EpMSOrfAfntl�MlocMsd tNfdM'a cDrnraCt tOr�is dYpeMNrlt7 _qB COA1AlITTEE �_ 2. Hu dtis YEDs g rUflrtONO bNrf a dqr empiny6�4 Y �► STAFF _ S. oo.a aas p.rmnram+vo+s.ss a�na rwnn�y vossessed�y anr currsnc dry � — �mployN4 DI3TRICT COtNJC� �. Y£S NO SUPPORT$NMK�i COt1NCL OBJECTNE� ���N yq#1lIMI#fs 011 a�prab MNrt a11d Mf�Oh t0 afMll lIINt Nei hborhoods MIRIATM�K�PAOBLEM.IS�IiE.OPPORTUti17Y(iNHO,NMAT.YVFIEN.YYFIERE.M�iVI: Tha probiem"detactiva siciewa�C"was craatad bacause of trea roots,deleteriaus subgrade materisi,aRamating freo/thaw cyclos, sernice irf�Nmds,chamical adddHros,extnma temperaturo variatbns,etc. Thas�probloms oocur on a citywide le+rel and must ba addrosaed arrd corrocted on an annual bas�. Left unocrrected,tho s�owaNc condition would worsen to a atate where it would!�e rendered ur►usabla and sdbjed to inc:reased padestrian inju�ks from falls and poss�le Iklgatbns. �v�rrr�s���c�vEn: Tiw cammunirt�r w�l benafk from thia projact bocause�wqi prov�de safa detect freo sid�waNcs for ds many cytizans. The sidewaik corrtracts aro executed by private co�rac�rs, so it folbws tha�i private sector jobs ara cxeated as a result of this�ivity. DI8ADVANfA[[iE3�APPROVED: Hisbrically,the sidewalk rec�nnstructions have created negativo feedbarck in the area of oonstruction ptocedure and assessmertt. Simply stated.property owners detest assessments,and despite the fact up to one-half the assessment is City subsidized, it still remains oor�roversiai. �r�lE� R��dt r+a11#�I� JUN 21 1996 DISADYANTAOES IF NOT APPR0IIED: Thk optbn would aHow tiw ir�rastructure of sidewaNc atodc�dotoriorato,which in tum,wiil generate nwre personal injury suits, ultimately r�sulti�in the expsnditure of larger dollar amouMs in eventual repaira and/or npiaoemeM,as well as claim payouts. TO�AL AMOUHT OF TRANBACTION= 170.QO �T�����T�����) � � �$��iE 96��-*0665 A. P�LI Z=iiS'�n � ��M�� C�6�LT72��"� fl�7�� � � FINANCUU.qMdFORMATION:(EXRAMV) B. AST � 432,OOQ C. CtB 96 � 50,000 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION a(o-- ��� � Ward 7 ?c�b 0�9 PROJECT: RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH E.S. I.AKE ST. from Bush Ave. to E. Seventh St. at 792 Lake St. Only. IIvITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of a petition with one (1) signer and an inspect�on of the walk. ERISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with settled panels.. ................................................................... •+ � � � RIGIN� L a�- ��5 , � CTTY Or 8T. pAVL COUNCIL �'ILL NO. q, •�y � PREL�]1RY QRDER /�' ` � $Y rt�.J�./�rb' •�- �... File No. 396019 Voting Ward 7 Tn t�h� M�tt�s ot 8idewalk reconatru�ion at the followinq 1oc�tion(a) o 596019 - on the east side of Lak� 5t. from Bush Ave. to E. Seventh St. at 792 Lake 3t. only. *F$ TMAT .D ON9TR[TCTT()TJ 1ZATFa RFSTD .NTTAT. RATFq (pne, two or three family �tructureo) Reoonatruotion (replecem�nt of old sidewalk) - $7.21 per front faot for a five (5) foot wide walk and $8.64 per front fovt for a �ix (6) faot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. New aonatruation (where no walk exi�ted) - 100$ of the actual co�t e�timated to be appraximately $3.23 per square foot. Al1 corner residentisl properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or recon�tructed �idewalk along and abutting the "lonq �ide" of the property. r�[TT.TY'-AF.RTD .NTTAT (�re than three family atructures), NON- � TD .NTTAi. uz►T .a For new and recon�tructed �idewalk; 100'k of actual co�t e�timated to be approximately $9.35 per square foot. a � -- � os � C� RIGI �I� L - � The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of th� Mayor upon the above i.mprovement, nnd having con�idered �aid repart, hereby re�olve': 1. That the seid report and the same is hereby appraved with no alternative�, and that the e�timated co�t thereof i� *3EE ABOVE for estimated construction rates, financed by esse�►smente and 1996 Public Imprvvement Aid. 2. That a public hearing be had on �aid improvement on the 28th day of August, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock F.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Houae Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notioe of aaid public hearing be �qiven to the per�on� and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co�t thereof a� e�ti.mated. COUNCILPER30N3 Adopted by Council: Date �q (v Yeas Neys Bakey Certified Pa��ed by Council 3ec etary ✓fioatrom �erin �rria � In Favor By � �gard �ttman � Against vZ'�une Mayor ��� C1TY °�; Saint Paul Ci�ty Council � r �a „��;��,;,, b Public Hearing Notice 'w� "�� "'" hc� public Improvement Construction � �- ( c� s l �ea, OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #7 - PLANNING COUNCIL #02 ........................................ FILE # �S#������::::>::::;<:<:<::<>>:�:`< PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID .................................................. ............... .... . ...... .................................... ............... ..... ..... ....................... ............ ................. ............ ............................... .......................................... PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as foliows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OF LAKE STREET FROM BUSH AVENUE TO EAST SEVENTH STREET AT 792 LAKE STREET ONLY. ESTIMATED If the City Council approves the project� all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be assessed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED assessment for the above property is NOTE: THIS IS NOT A BILL! Please see PAYMENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE: os/o9/98 �� - � ds � ESTIMATED RATES ' RESIDENTIAL RATES (One, two or three family structures) - .....3:r.:ii?•:i�iT}:.:.....{r�.n::..::....�v.t, 3�ec�ri:st;r���:ti;oi� (replacement of old sidewalk) - $7.21 per front foot for��a� five �(5) foot wide sidewalk and $8. 64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide sidewalk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. 3�.�exi;:;'�co#istru'�:�'i`n;n (where no walk existed) - 100 0 of � ... .. �.....:...:...:...:..:.,.:...:...:.,:..�:,...,. the actual cost estimated to be approximately $3 . 23 per square foot. All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconstructec� sidewalk along and abutting . the :ion:g;:::si�d.e of the property. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL (More than three family structures) and NONRESI- pENTIAL RATE3 - For new � reconstructed sidewalk: 100% of the actual cost estimated to be approximately $4 . 35 per square foot. PLEASE NOTE: Reconstruction will be at the existing width. Public Works will reconstruct some existing sidewalk that is 6 feet wide down to 5 feet wide in all cases where this is practical. This smaller width (5 feet) is to keep the assessment at the lowest rate. If your walk is 6 feet wide and you and your neighbors � prefer that width and are willing to accept the higher assessment rate, please contact the Sidewalk Division at 266-6120 to request ,..;..,..,...:.;:,:::.;.::;:.::..;;.:.:.:,:.:.:;,..:;..>;.,.<:.::...:..::.:......:.:.: ... ..,.. your preference. Al� new� „si�ewalks._..�,t.i;l;l:::::`ber...�b�str'�ct:ed {3:. fee� ,y,.:< .. . W�de<:� Sidewalk reconstruction may consist of replacinq from one panel to all of the panels in front of your property. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATION on your notice shows the number of feet to be replaced. For questions regarding the construction and/or reconstruction of your sidewalk, please call 266-6120.