96-1050 �. � � i� . . ... . .. _ . . �.. . ` Y������ �✓��� � �� � l01 z� r.. � r . � ; crr�r ar �. ¢� .. c.an�c� rt�a xo. - � ("� S�� Fn�t �R Hy; "�`�r � .,.,...-� Fi No. �95 18 " inq ward 5 Ia t.1�e 1�t�Cer o! Siclexalk reconatrution �t the follo�wi.ng lxatian(s) : 896018 - on both aid�, � A�o. fram Churohill St. to approx. 123.5 fe�t aaat ot C�urcAill �t. ��g!rn�amrn �an�rx�nT� �A�. ti rtr�r Tsr. �an�.�a �Q�►, t�a or ths'*e fa�ily �tlNRtprl�r� R�oa�strnceti+� (roplaoem�nt of �ld aid�lk} - �7.21: p�►r front foot for a five (5) faot wide walk and $8.b4 per frant !'oat for n aix �6j foat wid� walk. A1.1 oth�r �+idtha �i.11 be prara�ed aaaordinqly. � aoastr�atiau {where no rva2k �xisted) - 1004 og th� actual cost ea�im�ted to be agproximat•ly 53.23 per squar� toat. All carner reeidential prapsrtiea xill r�ceive e crsdit up to the fira�t 150 feet of new or reconstrucrted sid�walk alonq and abuttiag the *long side" of the property. M[�L•TT- lf!:4T1'�N9+TAT. ��re than three fmmily �tsucturea), �i R*.�T �1'PTAi. i�nT�� Far new and recanatruated gidewalk; 100� of satual aast �ffitimated to be approximately $9.35 pez �quare foot. � � �;_.�` � � ��� _ , �l C�- lo �c� �, under Preliminnry orti�r � Cp - � �.� approvld_� �q9(o The Cauncil of t�e City af �aint Faul hae aonducted a p lic hearing upon the aboqe improve�ment, du�e aotice thlr�of �aving been given as prescribed by the City Charter; aad �'�AB. The Couaail haa heazd t�ll p�*t�cras, objoatiana and reccymmendation� pertaining to seid propaa►ed i.a�raveaient end hna fully considered the eame; now, therefore, be it R�80LVED, That the Oounail of the City of 8aiat Paul doea hereby ord�r that the . above-deaaribed isprowem��xt be aiede, �nd the proper City afficer� are herek�y directed . and autharia�d to proaeed xith the i�provs�snt; and bv it � a'[iRTHSR RESOLVED, T�at upon the ctaa�pl�tion ot said improvement, the proper City officer� �hall aalau�ate all ezpenaea inaurred therein and ahall repart the �ame to the City Council in aoaordanc� with Chapt�r 1� of the City C'�arter. C�t71�iCILPl&R�S Adopted by Counail: Dete a , 1�9� Yea� Nay� Blakey� .��j��,� Certified Fasaed by Cc�unci� 3ecretery �tramr, ��,N }- erin `, , __ �rria �In Favor By 'a. gard , - _ �ttman �P,igainat �� Thune - 7-�bJ��F-�- 3 �b�crJ�-» �y8� C� �� I � � �`�� 3/ � L � � - �054 CITY OF ST. PAUL CC7CJNC F'I N . ~ PREL�ID�IARY ORDER gy �� F' No. S 6 18 ting Werd 5 In th* t�ttsr of 8idewalk recon�trution at the following loc�tion(�j ; S96018 - an both sides Como Ave. from Churchill 5t. to approx. 123.5 feet ea�t of Churchill �t. *FqT7�TFD ON�'TRTTC''TT(�N RATF'Q � RF$TD .NTTAT. RAT . (One, two or three family �tructure�) Reaonatruotion (replacement of old sidewalk) - $7.21 per front foot for e five (5) foot wide walk and $8.64 per front foot for a six (6) foot wide walk. All other widths will be prorated accordingly. Ne�w aanatruation (where na walk exi'ted) - 100$ of the actut�l co�t e�timated to be approximately $3.23 per squsre foot. All corner residential properti�ec will receive e credit up to the first 150 feet of new or reconatructed �idewalk along and abutting the "long 'ide" of the prop�rty. ���,�- F.RTD .hTTTAT.��re then three family atructures) � N�T- F.RTD .NTTAT� ATA'�`, For new and reaon�tructed �idewalk; 100$ of actual co�t e'timated to be approximately $9.35 per square foot. i Saint Paul City Council . . . �1,,�,K, Public Hearing Notice Public Improvement Construction a � - loso OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT �5 PLANNING COUNCIL #06 ...................................... FILE # >���84'�fl:::<::;:��><�:>:::<>:� PROPERTY ADDRESS PARCEL ID .............................................. ....................................... PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1996 AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Councii at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the proposed project as follows: RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK ON BOTH SIDES COMO AVENUE FROM CHURCHILL STREET TO APPROXIMATELY 123.5 FEET EAST OF CHURCHILL STREET. *****NO ASSESSMENT - WORK TO BE DONE ON THE LONG SIDE OF YOUR PROPERTY***** THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY! THERE ARE NO ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THIS PROPERTY. NOTICE SENT BY THE REAL ESTATE DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROOM 140 CITY HALL-COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 NOTIFICATION DATE: 08/09/96 � � - l� � o C� RIGI �l,� � . . The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Meyor upon the above improvement, and having con�idered �aid report, hereby re�olve�: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternt�tive�, and that the e�timated co�t thereof i� *SEE ABOVE for estimeted construction ratea, financed by asaessments and 1996 Public Improvement Aid. � 2. That a public hearinq be had on �eid improvement on the 28th day of August, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hou�e Building in the City of 8aint Paul. 3. That notice of �aid public hearing be given to the peraona and in the manner provided by the Cherter, stating the time end place of hearing, the nature af the improvement and the total co�t thereof a� e�timated. COUNCILPER30NS Adopted by Council: Date � \o�c`� Yeas Nays �*�-k- �lakey Certified Pa�aed by Gouncil Se etary �strom �erin �rria �In Favor By vMBgard vRettman �Against �ne Mayor SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATION � (�, — �� � C) Ward 5 S960I g►PRQ7ECT' RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALH B.S. COMO AVE. from Churchill St. E. to Alley. IIITITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of one (1) complaint, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. ERISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves, asphalt patches and cracked panels.. ................................................................... ' �� Public Hearin bate — Au ust 28, 1996 RE 6-21-96 � �^LOSO ����,��� DATEMNTIATED GREEN SHEET No. 33586 Public Wo�lcs Sidewalks 3-28-96 ��.��� ��.�.� cor�'r�cr��a a� ae�arr�r a�cron ciiv c;ou�cx. Thomas P.Ksa�e-266-6121 � � cm RTraw�r crrv aEac �a T e� �c�.�r�►sv lo� 7-10—g6 � euoc�a�cioR FMV.i MOT.�RVICE8 DIR. �ust�e in Council�esearch Office Q�A ��R�R��T� � � no later than noon Frida 6-28-9 TOTAL/OF lIANATUNE PAOEY 1 (OIJP ALL LOCAl101�F011 NOINlllllq A880CIATE DEP E AGOOINdTAM' MCTION f� SIED Reoonstnx:t SidewaNt in Ward 5(Sae aRtached ifst) ��y� File No. S 6018 COA1 :�Pw�•W a tRl PEMONAL lER1110E OON'I#�CTS IIII�T Mi�tAIER TFI�ROLLOMMIO GtlESTIOM6: _PLA�nro coM�+18sI0N _Crv�sERVICE couY�sloN 1. H.�dd. Epn'S���NO wakre und«a contraat br dfis dparun.nc? Y _CIB COMMITTEE _ 2. Ha�is EY 8 NO �n a dqr�mplop�s? A STAFF _ S. DOSS tlit p�r�0lYlfrtll Do��us i lkNl noi nortraly PosN�s�d bY anY CUrt9nt ehy — �P�ol►ea? sur�orns wu�►+couHC�ECrn+E� �'al1�gan.w.rs�en s�pr.a.M.t.ne ne.oh to�.n sh�.t Neighborhoods INRIATINti Pii08LEM.ISSUE.OPF+OR11JN1TY(WFIO.WHAT,YN�EN.VYFIERE.1MM17: Tha problam"defective sidewaNc"was craata!bacause cf tree roots,dolateraus subgrade material, aUemating freo/thaw cycles, service I�s limits,chemk�l additives,extreme tsmporature variations,etc. These problams oocur on a cityywide kvel and must be addressed and correctad on an annual basis. Left unoorracted,the sidewaik oondiEbn would worsen to a state where it would be rendered unuaable and subject to incxeased pedestrian injuries from faNs and poasibla I�Igations. �ov�ar�s��a Tha oommunig►wNl benefit from this project because it will�ovida safe datect frea sidewaNcs for its many cit�ens. The sidewaik co�racts aro executod by private oontractors, so it folbwa that private secto�joba are a�eated as a reault of this a�t'niity. as�wv�u►r�s��+pov�: Historically,tha sidewaik reoonstructions have created neyative feodb�c in tha area of oonstruction procedure and assessment. Simply stated,propaty owners detost assessments, a�daspite the fact up�ona-half tha assessmont is City sul�idized, it stiil remains ooMroversial. �IP.� �SCC�1 �'iell�l' JUN 21 1996 ��,►��$����: This opt�n wouid allow the infrastructure of sidewa�c stock to deteriorate,wh�h in tum,will ganerate more pe�sonal injury suits, uRimately resuking in tha expendituro of larger dollar amounts in eventual repairs and/or roplacement,as well as claim payouts. TO�AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 1 �499_�� COSTlREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 . NO ax�w�aaou� g6�M}Q665 A,.R f A 96 �+ 535 sQOD. �arvrrr NuMeER C96��T728�784�2 Q11 FMIANCIAL II�ORMATION:(EXRAN� B, Asr � 432,oao c, cr6 96 � 5o,oao