96-1045 ._ � CITY OF ST. PALTL L �' O. - O� � FIN11I. �=R g LE NO. -- 18778 IrtA R 2 8'E� In ths Matt�r of the operating ca�t� far the Abave Standsrd Street Lighting 8ystem for the United/Children�s Hospital Area Streetscape and Liqhtina Fro,ject, Fhase I an �m�th Avenue from Grand AVA11La to Kel t aQQ Blvd for 1595 and 1996 under Freliminery Order � � -- � � � approved �� ��, `��o � The Council of the City of 5aint Paul has conducted a public hearing upan the sbave impravement, due notice thereof having been given a� pre�cribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Cauncil has h�ard ell persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to �aid propo�ed impravement �xnd haa fully can�idered the same; nrnv, th�refore, be it RESOLVED, That th� Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the abvve-de�cribed improvement be made, and �he proper City officers are hereby direct6d and authorized to proceed with the improvement; snd b� it FURTHER RE50LVED, That upon the campletion af said improvement, the praper Gity officer� �hall calculate all expense� incurred therein and �hall report the �ame to the City Council in accordanc� with Chepter 429 af the Minnesata State statue. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date 1:��� Yeas Nsys B�,akey�- ����..r Certified Fassed by Council 5ecretery 1/�o�trom �� erin _ Rps��r �rri' r' In Favar By �gard �,,w ettman Q Again�t /v�- �G Thune -� �S'trr� � Mayor _ �bser�f- P' � A Public Hearin Date - Au ust 28, 1996 RE 7-16-96 `1�0— �C"��}5 Finance Department/Real Estate � 7N 1bE 96 �REEN SHEET N_ 3:4 2 4 3 a �DEPARTMENT DIRECT�OR���� �qTy� �Nmwor►r� Roxanna Flink 266-8859 � �cmr�rror+�r �c�rvc�RK 8 �� �' 1 PUBLIC HEARING �� ❑euoa�r omECra+ ��.a�or.seRVrc�a an. DATB. TS SET FOR 8-28-96 01"D� ❑�������� � (:eiin 1 TOTAL#�`OF SKiNATURE PAO�8 1 (CUP ALL L�ATION8 FOR 81QNATURE) ACTION REGUE8TED: Approve AMENDED order for the estimated operating,and maintenance costs for the above standard street lighting system for the United/Children's Hospital Area Stre�etscape and Lighting Pro�ect for 1996. File No. 18778 ���$'��(A�a��R� PEliSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRAC'f8 MU:T ANdWER THE FOLLCWINO OUESTIONS: _PLANNMKi OOAAAAI8SION _ClVIL BERVIQE COMMtBSWN �. Has this penoMfrm ever rroHted undsr a cOntrad tor tl11s dpa►bnsM4 - _C�c�AMITTEE _ YES td0 �_STAFF _ 2. H88 tMs pBfeOnKlfm 8vM b9ln B CHy 9mpby99� YES PIO _DISTRtCT COURT _ 3. Doea Mis pereon/Hrm posteq a aklll not nom9e11Y PossN�sd bY�yr a+rroM cllY�? 8UPPORT8 WIi�FI COUNCIL OSJECTIVE7 YES NO Ezplaln dl ya answ�rs on s�p�nte�l�at n�d att�ch to�e shNt MIITIATMIO PAOBlEM.189UE.OPF'ORTUNRY(Wtw.Nlhat.4Vhen.Whae,WhY): "SEE ORGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 34232" THE ANNUAL ESTIMATED COST HAS BEEI3 CHANGED TO $5,500.00 ItDVANTAQEB IF APPqONED: DI&�01/lWTAOES IFAPPFi�IED: � . �1 Aese�rch C� JU117 ,��6 DISADVANTAf3E81F NOT APP'iiOYED: / TOTAI AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION = S,SOO.00 C08T/REYENU6 BUOGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIiO 80URC@ ASSESSMENTS ONLY �crivmr NuMeeR FlNANCIAL INF�IMATION:(EXPLAIN) ' Pu�lic Hearin Date - Au ust 28, 1996 Re 7-1-96 `J _ � F.111.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 6-28-96 Green Sheet Number: 3423� EPAR7T�AT DIRECTOR ITY COU:�CIL ontact Person and Pboae Number: ..... �"' TIY ATTOW.'EY T!Y CLERK Ro�,anua Flink_� 266-SS59 "'° � �� UDGE7 DIREC7'OR .&T9GT.S�'C.DIR. iAYOR(OR ASS1SfA1�'!'j � uncil Research � 'Iust be on Council A enda by:Public Hearin Date 8-28-96 � . OTAL y OF SIGrATGRE PAGES�_(CLIP ALL LOCATI0IS FOR SIG;�ATURE) 4CT70N RF.QUESTED: Setting date of publie hearing to approve estimated operating and maintenance � costs for the above standard street lighting system for the United/Children' s :ospital Area Streetscape and Lighting Project for 1996. File No. 18778 OAir�.'�'DAT10�S:APPRO\'E(A)OR REJECT(R) ER�O\4L SER�7CE CO\7RACTS MUST A.�'S1�'ER T'FiE FOLLO�i'L'�G: 1. Has the person/firm e�•er Korked uader a contract for this department? 1'ES ;�O ru��.rc co.+n.:uno� A srer-F . Hzs this person/firm e��er been a City employee? lES \O CI�'II.SER�7CE CO�L'�7LS10V . Does this person.�firm possess a s}:ill not normally possesced bti•any 1'ES '�O • current Cit�•employee? CIB CO>L�SI7TLE Ex lain all�'ES ansN•ers on a se arate sheet and sttach. 'PPORTS�i'HICH COL:�CII,OBJECTI�'E? �*eighborhoods COL'�CII,�'1'ARD(5� 2 DISTRICT PLA.'�^�'L`�G COL:'�CII, 9 TJZATL'�G PROBLE.'�i,1SS[.E,OPPORTLT'ITY(R'bo,�1bat,R'6en,11'hcre,�1'h�•?): The lighting project for this area was approved March 22,� 1995 (95-246) but wa ot charged operating costs for that year. The ratification of the operating Icosts in 1996 will include the last several months of 1995 also, P.nnual estimated is $18, 000.00 . a.DVA,'�?AGES IF APPRO�'ED: The assessment policy allows the direct benefitting parties to pay for the additional operating costs and provide for unifor.n maintenance of the systea►. ISADVAN7'AGFS ff APPRO\'ED: one ISADVAT�?AGES IF NOT APPRO�'ED: •� The City, as a whole would bear the added e�xpenses to operate the system � instead of the direct benefitting parties that requested them. TAL AAlOUIvT OF TRATSAC770!�': $18� O O O. O O COSTIREVEt�'IJE BUDGETED(CIRCLE OJ�'� 11S NO � �L�1G SOURCE: As s e s smeat a only AC7TVITY T'IJMBER: _ 'ANCIAL II�'f'ORAiAT70N:(FJ�LAII.� . 29 property ewners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. � ►-,� ,� t, . �;1 G �, � �'� � b- �0� CITY OF 8S. �ALR. �y� �. � �'IS�AI. O�iR � .e._ ��-�` �,�..�._ ,r; .� �!? JC.� "' FILS 1�0. 167 7 8 V1D'lII�i 11�►R'D 2 =n th� 1�4att�r of the operating co�t� for the Rbove 3tandard 3t eet Lighting 8yatem far the UnitedlChildren�s Hospital Aren Streetscape Froject on both sides Grend Avenue from We�t 8eventh 3treet to Inter�tate 35E; both ,ide� ith Avenue from Grand Avenue ta Kellogg Boulevard; bo�h aide� Sherman 3treet fr Smith Avenue to West Seventh �treet; bath �ide� Walnut 8treat from �mith Avenue to Weat Seventh Street; bath sides C2restnut street fram West 9eventh street to ompson street; Northwest �ide We�t Seventh 3treet frvm C3rand Avinue to Sherman reet for the year 1996. under Freliminary Order - spproved p The Cauncil af the City of Saint F 1 has conducte a pu lic h�aring upon th� abQVe i.a►grvvement, due notice thereof ving been given aa pre�cri�ed hy th� �ity Charter; end Wt�REAS, The Cauncil has hea sll person$, objectians and recommenrlstions pertaining ta said prapoaed impro ement and has fully conaidered the �ame; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cauncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the abave-deacribed improvement be ade, and the groper City afficera are hereby directed and eutharized to proceed wit the improvement; and be it F'[JRTHER RESOLVED� Tha upon the completion af said ia►provement, the proper City officer� �hall calculate 1 expenpe� incurred therein and �hall report the �aa►e to the City Council in accor ance with Chapter 429 of the Minnesota state Statue. COUNCILPER30N3 Adopted by Counail: Date Yeas Neys Blakey Certifisd Pa��ed by Council Secretr�ry Bostrom Guerin Harris In Fevor By Megard Rettm Rgeinst Thun Ma.yor Public Hearin Date - Au t 28, 1996 Re 7-1-96 - F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 6-28-96 Green Sheet Number: 34232 EPARTNIENT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCII. ontact Person and Phone Number: .... �'°� 1TY ATTORNEY 1TY CLERK Roxanna Flink_�/ 266-�59 � ��DIRECTOR .dc MGT.SVC.DIR. i� . YOR(OR ASSISTANT) 1 cil Research ust be on Council A enda b :PubGc Hearin Date 8-28-96 � TAL/OF SIGNATURE PAGES�_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQLJESfED: Setting date of public hearing to approve estimated operating and mainteaance � cost$ for the above atandard street lightiag system for the United/Children's ospital Area Streetscape and Lighting Project for 1996. File No. 18778 OMMENDATIONS:APPROVE(A)OR RETECT(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has We person/firm ever worked imder a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNOVG COMhiLSSION A STAFF . Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YFS NO CIVII.SERVICE COMMISSION . Does Wis person/flrm possess a slull not normally possessed by any YES NO c�conn�nrrEE current City employee? lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. RTS WHICH COUNCQ,OBJECTIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� 2 DISTRICT PLANNIIVG COUNCIL 9 TIlVG PROBLEM,ISS(JE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,WLm,Where,Why?): he lighting project for this area was approved March 22,�: 1995 (95-246) but wa ot charged operating costs for that year. The ratification of the operating costs in 1996 will include the last several montha of 1995 also, �aual � estimated ia $18, 000.00 VANTAGFS IF APPROVED: he assessment policy allows the direct benefitting parties to pay for the dditional operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the system. LSADVANTAGES�'APPROVED: �� �!((;�� �t��' one LSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: • he City, as a whole would bear the added expeases to operate the sy8tean instead of the direct benefittiag parties that requested them. ' ' TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $18,O O O.O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � �G���� Assessments only ncTtvt�iv[r�Ex: ANCIAL INFORMATTON:(FJtPLAIIV) . 29 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. � 4'. . .- . �J �=t i �.� f �,�f1 L � - ioy5 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. � � PRELIMINARY ORDER BY �CJ�.{�R_ � �.� 8'ILE NO. 1877 B WTING WARD 2 Ia the Ma►tter of the operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting Syst�m for the United/Children'� Hoapital Area Streetacape Project on both �ides Grand Avenu� from West Seventh Street to Interstate 35E; bath sides Smith Av�nue from Grand Avenue to Kellogg Boulevard; both eide� Sherman Street from Smith Avenue to We�t Seventh Street; both aides Walnut Street from Smith Avenue to West Seventh Street; both �ide� Che�tnut Street from Weat Seventh Street to Thompson Street; Northwe�t side West Seventh Street from Grand Avenue to Sherman Street for the year 1996. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the M�yor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternative�, and that the eatimated co�t thereof ia $1B4O00 financed by Assessments only. 2. That a public hearinq be had on 9aid improvement on the 28th day of August, 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P.M. , in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Hou�e Building in the City of 9aint Paul. 3. That notice of aaid public hearing be given to the per9on� and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature c�f the improvement and the total co�t thereof a' e�timated. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date p `�q � Yeas Nays �lakey f�strom Certified Passed by Council Secretary �y.e r in ��arris � In Favor By �gard �ttman �Againat Thune — A�bs� ►ti r Mayor ! K�I�ew+--