01-263Council File # u� - j�i�L i v i 'I `V RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Committee Date An Aduunisttative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services class 4 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services be changed from that set forth in Grade 35 to that set forth in Grade 37 of the Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it Green Sheet # 62996 �7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Office Of Human Resources BY: ��� tm i�Sq� �V Form Approved by City Attorney sy: ��C�--��� �� t Adopted by Council: Date \ v\,. �, .'L� 9.p� ( Approved ayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary / � ` By: By; _�� �", � __!;� „°�-�.�„�.' �'. Approved by Mayor: Date ��� �i 2 �� G:�ShazedlEIItCOhIMONVSHOCKI,EY1GenM�.SPRWS.res.wpd By: �s��.. /b'�� � Gs i V DEPARTMEN'1'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 62996 ����� Human Resources 03-Ol-Ol � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: IN1TTnUDATE IN1TTnimATE John Shockley 266-6482 � naenicrngarr ng C���e � a car courrcu. ASSIGiIED 2CIfYATLORNEY" CII'YC[.ERIC Mi7ST BE ON COiJI�CTL AGENDA BY '-'�'-�'�� �R �A•1•E� RODTING }7�Jq7iC7qy5ERVDIlt FINANCfALSERV/ACCTG As soon as possible o�Ex 3 MAYOR (OR ASSLJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATTJRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CURE) ACl'ION REQUESTED: Approval of a resolufion changing the rate of pay for the General Manager -Saint Paul Regional VJater Services (SPRWS) class be changed from gracle 35, to grade 37 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Ranges. RECOMIv�NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAi. SERVICE CONTRACTS MQST AIdSR'ER'1'HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has tl�is person/Srm ever worked imder a wntrnct fot th�s depazm�ent7 PLANN[NG COMD.IISSION Yw No CIB COMIvIITTEE 2. Has this persodfum ecer been a city employee7 CIVII,SERV[CECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Does this pe[son/firm possess a skill not no`mally possessed by any cmrent ciTy employeeP Ya No d. ]stltisperson�fi[matargetedvendor7 ' Yce No Explain all yes answers oa separete sLeet and attach to green sheet INITdATING PROBI,EM, YSSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, Whay Wheu, Where, Why): The Board of Water Commissioners requested that the Office of Human Resources conduct a compensarion study of the General Manager SPRWS position. Currently, the position is paid two grades lower than City of Saint Paul department director positions. The shzdy revealed that the duties and responsibilities of the General Manager SPRWS aze comparable to those of the City department heads. Consequently, the General Manager SPRWS class should be assigned to the same pay grade as the City department head positions. Tlus is supported by the Board of Water Commissioners in the attached resolufian dated February 13, 2001. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: . Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and respons�i�ities of the positions will be ..�.°�, ��a .. established. , p ��;;� ��� ;, DI3ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ,� ���'� _ None. Increased salary costs have been budgeted. °�"�' � y� (� � j�� s;; ; DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �1 a1�"�"'Pi����' 4 R 9 t"! N,d` Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: Approacimafe salary increase of $231.46 x 26.1=$6041.11 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FIJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAI, INFORMATION: (EXPI,AIN) G:VShazed�III2COMMON�SHOCKI,EY�Gen.Mgr.SPRW S.gmsht.wpd BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOtUT10N — GEi�IEitAL FORM Co M ME551E O NER �fang o�-ac.s Ne 4763 pA �. F . February 13, 2001 WF�REAS, The Chair of the Board of Water Commissioners requested a classification and compensation study for the position of General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has studied the salary relationships of similar positions within the hierazchy of City of Saint Paul jobs; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has surveyed other similar water utilities in the United States; and WHEI2EAS, The Office of Human Resources has found as a result of their study that the position of General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services should be upgraded from Salary Grade 35 to Salary Grade 37; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners recommends to the Saint Paul City Council that the salary grade for the General Manager position of the Saint Paul Re�onal Water Services be upgraded from Salary Grade 35 to Salary Grade 37. Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners In favor 4 _ Oppose� � February 13, � 2001 � / / i �i�i� l- , OFFICE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon, Director C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar TO: The Board Of Water Commissionets President: James Reiter Vice President: Stephen Haselmann Commissioner: Matt Anfang Comtnissioner: Robert Cazdinal 400CityHa7lAnnez 25 WestFourth Street $aintPau(Mirmasota SSIO2-1631 Commissioner Pat Harris FROM: John A. Shockley, Senior Consultant��N � Office of Human Resources DATE: � February ?, 2001 rer�pho„e: TDD/lTY.� Jab@ne: Facsimile: 1`Option: 2i Optlon: 3"' Optlon: General Manager SPRWS Study Deternunation and 20 Day Notice O t -3�43 651-266-6500 651d666501 651-266-6501 65I-292-6414 651-292-64I5 65I-292-7656 We have completed the attached study that you requested of the General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). You requested that our office deternune appropriate compensation for the position, and make recommendations regarding whether the position should be classified or unclassified. Also, you requested that recommendations be made regarding the minimum qualifications for the position and the selection process. We have reviewed the current job information, conducted an interview with the incumbent, compared the position with related City department head positions, and surveyed other metropolitan water utiliries regarding their general manager positions. An analysis of the position was also conducted using the City's job evatuaxion system. Based upon that information, we have made the following determinations and recommendations: 1. Salary The cunent salary of the General Manager SPRWS should be changed from grade 35 to grade 37 of the Non-represented, Emgloyee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This determination is based upon the salary relationships within the hierarchy of City of Saint Paul jobs. Grade 37 is the same pay grade as department head positions in the City of Saint Paul. 2. Status of the Position It is recommended that when the current incumbent vacates the posirion, the General Manager SPRWS should be placed in the unclassified service. All other City positions at this level aze unclassified. Hauingthepositionclassified,limitstheBoazd'schoicesinfillingtheposirionto5PRWS employees who pass the General Manager test. This is due to the promotionai preference given City employees in the Civil Service Rules. This recommendation can be impiemented via an administrative ordinance, approved by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. d�_}`3 3. Minimum Qualifications It is also recommended that the Board establish desired job qualifications at the time of the posting when the posirion becomes vacant. These should be based upon existing and future leaderslup needs of the SPRWS. Human Resources can assist the SPRWS management and the Board in determining the competencies required of a General Manager based upon the organization's strategic goals and iniriatives. The minimum qualifications should be stated as desired and not as absolute. Absolute minimum qualifications such as those currently established for the position, serve to limit the pool of job applicants. They are not necessarily related to the organizations mission and vision. It is further recommended that in establishing future minimum quaiifications, the Board should consider, based oninformationgatheredfromotherutilities, emphasizinggeneralmanagementexperienceandtraining instead of the current major emphasis on Civil Engineering vaining and experience. 4. Selection Process When the General Manager position becomes vacant, selection should be based on competency requirements determined by the Boazd and the SPRWS management with the assistance ofHuman Resources. Once the desired competencies are developed, then the vacancy should be announced and advertised, listing the desired competencies. Applicants would submit resumes and oover letters. F3uman Resources would screen the resumes and letters and identify those applicants who haue demonstrated the desired competencies. The top candidates would be referred to the Board for interviews and selection. We wiil be processing a resolution impiementing the aforementioned salary upgrade. Also, we will draft an ordinance placing the position in the unclassified service to become effective at the time the current incumbent vacates the position. If you agree with these actions, please notify me of same within twenty days of receipt of this memorandum. If I do not hear from you within this twenty day notice period, I wiil assume agreement and proceed with the resolution and the ordinance. Ifyou would like to waive the twenty day notice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the �pace below and returyrtl�i� memorandum to me: Signature Date If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482. Thank you. Attachment �� ��u �� ��`�� � � �i' ; , Council File # u� - j�i�L i v i 'I `V RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Committee Date An Aduunisttative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services class 4 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services be changed from that set forth in Grade 35 to that set forth in Grade 37 of the Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it Green Sheet # 62996 �7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Office Of Human Resources BY: ��� tm i�Sq� �V Form Approved by City Attorney sy: ��C�--��� �� t Adopted by Council: Date \ v\,. �, .'L� 9.p� ( Approved ayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary / � ` By: By; _�� �", � __!;� „°�-�.�„�.' �'. Approved by Mayor: Date ��� �i 2 �� G:�ShazedlEIItCOhIMONVSHOCKI,EY1GenM�.SPRWS.res.wpd By: �s��.. /b'�� � Gs i V DEPARTMEN'1'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 62996 ����� Human Resources 03-Ol-Ol � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: IN1TTnUDATE IN1TTnimATE John Shockley 266-6482 � naenicrngarr ng C���e � a car courrcu. ASSIGiIED 2CIfYATLORNEY" CII'YC[.ERIC Mi7ST BE ON COiJI�CTL AGENDA BY '-'�'-�'�� �R �A•1•E� RODTING }7�Jq7iC7qy5ERVDIlt FINANCfALSERV/ACCTG As soon as possible o�Ex 3 MAYOR (OR ASSLJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATTJRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CURE) ACl'ION REQUESTED: Approval of a resolufion changing the rate of pay for the General Manager -Saint Paul Regional VJater Services (SPRWS) class be changed from gracle 35, to grade 37 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Ranges. RECOMIv�NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAi. SERVICE CONTRACTS MQST AIdSR'ER'1'HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has tl�is person/Srm ever worked imder a wntrnct fot th�s depazm�ent7 PLANN[NG COMD.IISSION Yw No CIB COMIvIITTEE 2. Has this persodfum ecer been a city employee7 CIVII,SERV[CECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Does this pe[son/firm possess a skill not no`mally possessed by any cmrent ciTy employeeP Ya No d. ]stltisperson�fi[matargetedvendor7 ' Yce No Explain all yes answers oa separete sLeet and attach to green sheet INITdATING PROBI,EM, YSSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, Whay Wheu, Where, Why): The Board of Water Commissioners requested that the Office of Human Resources conduct a compensarion study of the General Manager SPRWS position. Currently, the position is paid two grades lower than City of Saint Paul department director positions. The shzdy revealed that the duties and responsibilities of the General Manager SPRWS aze comparable to those of the City department heads. Consequently, the General Manager SPRWS class should be assigned to the same pay grade as the City department head positions. Tlus is supported by the Board of Water Commissioners in the attached resolufian dated February 13, 2001. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: . Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and respons�i�ities of the positions will be ..�.°�, ��a .. established. , p ��;;� ��� ;, DI3ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ,� ���'� _ None. Increased salary costs have been budgeted. °�"�' � y� (� � j�� s;; ; DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �1 a1�"�"'Pi����' 4 R 9 t"! N,d` Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: Approacimafe salary increase of $231.46 x 26.1=$6041.11 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FIJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAI, INFORMATION: (EXPI,AIN) G:VShazed�III2COMMON�SHOCKI,EY�Gen.Mgr.SPRW S.gmsht.wpd BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOtUT10N — GEi�IEitAL FORM Co M ME551E O NER �fang o�-ac.s Ne 4763 pA �. F . February 13, 2001 WF�REAS, The Chair of the Board of Water Commissioners requested a classification and compensation study for the position of General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has studied the salary relationships of similar positions within the hierazchy of City of Saint Paul jobs; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has surveyed other similar water utilities in the United States; and WHEI2EAS, The Office of Human Resources has found as a result of their study that the position of General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services should be upgraded from Salary Grade 35 to Salary Grade 37; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners recommends to the Saint Paul City Council that the salary grade for the General Manager position of the Saint Paul Re�onal Water Services be upgraded from Salary Grade 35 to Salary Grade 37. Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners In favor 4 _ Oppose� � February 13, � 2001 � / / i �i�i� l- , OFFICE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon, Director C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar TO: The Board Of Water Commissionets President: James Reiter Vice President: Stephen Haselmann Commissioner: Matt Anfang Comtnissioner: Robert Cazdinal 400CityHa7lAnnez 25 WestFourth Street $aintPau(Mirmasota SSIO2-1631 Commissioner Pat Harris FROM: John A. Shockley, Senior Consultant��N � Office of Human Resources DATE: � February ?, 2001 rer�pho„e: TDD/lTY.� Jab@ne: Facsimile: 1`Option: 2i Optlon: 3"' Optlon: General Manager SPRWS Study Deternunation and 20 Day Notice O t -3�43 651-266-6500 651d666501 651-266-6501 65I-292-6414 651-292-64I5 65I-292-7656 We have completed the attached study that you requested of the General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). You requested that our office deternune appropriate compensation for the position, and make recommendations regarding whether the position should be classified or unclassified. Also, you requested that recommendations be made regarding the minimum qualifications for the position and the selection process. We have reviewed the current job information, conducted an interview with the incumbent, compared the position with related City department head positions, and surveyed other metropolitan water utiliries regarding their general manager positions. An analysis of the position was also conducted using the City's job evatuaxion system. Based upon that information, we have made the following determinations and recommendations: 1. Salary The cunent salary of the General Manager SPRWS should be changed from grade 35 to grade 37 of the Non-represented, Emgloyee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This determination is based upon the salary relationships within the hierarchy of City of Saint Paul jobs. Grade 37 is the same pay grade as department head positions in the City of Saint Paul. 2. Status of the Position It is recommended that when the current incumbent vacates the posirion, the General Manager SPRWS should be placed in the unclassified service. All other City positions at this level aze unclassified. Hauingthepositionclassified,limitstheBoazd'schoicesinfillingtheposirionto5PRWS employees who pass the General Manager test. This is due to the promotionai preference given City employees in the Civil Service Rules. This recommendation can be impiemented via an administrative ordinance, approved by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. d�_}`3 3. Minimum Qualifications It is also recommended that the Board establish desired job qualifications at the time of the posting when the posirion becomes vacant. These should be based upon existing and future leaderslup needs of the SPRWS. Human Resources can assist the SPRWS management and the Board in determining the competencies required of a General Manager based upon the organization's strategic goals and iniriatives. The minimum qualifications should be stated as desired and not as absolute. Absolute minimum qualifications such as those currently established for the position, serve to limit the pool of job applicants. They are not necessarily related to the organizations mission and vision. It is further recommended that in establishing future minimum quaiifications, the Board should consider, based oninformationgatheredfromotherutilities, emphasizinggeneralmanagementexperienceandtraining instead of the current major emphasis on Civil Engineering vaining and experience. 4. Selection Process When the General Manager position becomes vacant, selection should be based on competency requirements determined by the Boazd and the SPRWS management with the assistance ofHuman Resources. Once the desired competencies are developed, then the vacancy should be announced and advertised, listing the desired competencies. Applicants would submit resumes and oover letters. F3uman Resources would screen the resumes and letters and identify those applicants who haue demonstrated the desired competencies. The top candidates would be referred to the Board for interviews and selection. We wiil be processing a resolution impiementing the aforementioned salary upgrade. Also, we will draft an ordinance placing the position in the unclassified service to become effective at the time the current incumbent vacates the position. If you agree with these actions, please notify me of same within twenty days of receipt of this memorandum. If I do not hear from you within this twenty day notice period, I wiil assume agreement and proceed with the resolution and the ordinance. Ifyou would like to waive the twenty day notice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the �pace below and returyrtl�i� memorandum to me: Signature Date If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482. Thank you. Attachment �� ��u �� ��`�� � � �i' ; , Council File # u� - j�i�L i v i 'I `V RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refesed To Committee Date An Aduunisttative Resolution changing the rate of pay for the General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services class 4 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification of General Manager-Saint Paul Regional Water Services be changed from that set forth in Grade 35 to that set forth in Grade 37 of the Employee Group 17, Non-represented City Managers Salary Schedule, and be it Green Sheet # 62996 �7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Office Of Human Resources BY: ��� tm i�Sq� �V Form Approved by City Attorney sy: ��C�--��� �� t Adopted by Council: Date \ v\,. �, .'L� 9.p� ( Approved ayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary / � ` By: By; _�� �", � __!;� „°�-�.�„�.' �'. Approved by Mayor: Date ��� �i 2 �� G:�ShazedlEIItCOhIMONVSHOCKI,EY1GenM�.SPRWS.res.wpd By: �s��.. /b'�� � Gs i V DEPARTMEN'1'/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 62996 ����� Human Resources 03-Ol-Ol � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: IN1TTnUDATE IN1TTnimATE John Shockley 266-6482 � naenicrngarr ng C���e � a car courrcu. ASSIGiIED 2CIfYATLORNEY" CII'YC[.ERIC Mi7ST BE ON COiJI�CTL AGENDA BY '-'�'-�'�� �R �A•1•E� RODTING }7�Jq7iC7qy5ERVDIlt FINANCfALSERV/ACCTG As soon as possible o�Ex 3 MAYOR (OR ASSLJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATTJRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CURE) ACl'ION REQUESTED: Approval of a resolufion changing the rate of pay for the General Manager -Saint Paul Regional VJater Services (SPRWS) class be changed from gracle 35, to grade 37 of the Non-represented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Ranges. RECOMIv�NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAi. SERVICE CONTRACTS MQST AIdSR'ER'1'HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has tl�is person/Srm ever worked imder a wntrnct fot th�s depazm�ent7 PLANN[NG COMD.IISSION Yw No CIB COMIvIITTEE 2. Has this persodfum ecer been a city employee7 CIVII,SERV[CECOMIvIISSION Yes No 3. Does this pe[son/firm possess a skill not no`mally possessed by any cmrent ciTy employeeP Ya No d. ]stltisperson�fi[matargetedvendor7 ' Yce No Explain all yes answers oa separete sLeet and attach to green sheet INITdATING PROBI,EM, YSSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, Whay Wheu, Where, Why): The Board of Water Commissioners requested that the Office of Human Resources conduct a compensarion study of the General Manager SPRWS position. Currently, the position is paid two grades lower than City of Saint Paul department director positions. The shzdy revealed that the duties and responsibilities of the General Manager SPRWS aze comparable to those of the City department heads. Consequently, the General Manager SPRWS class should be assigned to the same pay grade as the City department head positions. Tlus is supported by the Board of Water Commissioners in the attached resolufian dated February 13, 2001. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: . Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and respons�i�ities of the positions will be ..�.°�, ��a .. established. , p ��;;� ��� ;, DI3ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ,� ���'� _ None. Increased salary costs have been budgeted. °�"�' � y� (� � j�� s;; ; DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �1 a1�"�"'Pi����' 4 R 9 t"! N,d` Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: Approacimafe salary increase of $231.46 x 26.1=$6041.11 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FIJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAI, INFORMATION: (EXPI,AIN) G:VShazed�III2COMMON�SHOCKI,EY�Gen.Mgr.SPRW S.gmsht.wpd BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOtUT10N — GEi�IEitAL FORM Co M ME551E O NER �fang o�-ac.s Ne 4763 pA �. F . February 13, 2001 WF�REAS, The Chair of the Board of Water Commissioners requested a classification and compensation study for the position of General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has studied the salary relationships of similar positions within the hierazchy of City of Saint Paul jobs; and WHEREAS, The Office of Human Resources has surveyed other similar water utilities in the United States; and WHEI2EAS, The Office of Human Resources has found as a result of their study that the position of General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services should be upgraded from Salary Grade 35 to Salary Grade 37; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners recommends to the Saint Paul City Council that the salary grade for the General Manager position of the Saint Paul Re�onal Water Services be upgraded from Salary Grade 35 to Salary Grade 37. Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Vice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners In favor 4 _ Oppose� � February 13, � 2001 � / / i �i�i� l- , OFFICE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon, Director C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar TO: The Board Of Water Commissionets President: James Reiter Vice President: Stephen Haselmann Commissioner: Matt Anfang Comtnissioner: Robert Cazdinal 400CityHa7lAnnez 25 WestFourth Street $aintPau(Mirmasota SSIO2-1631 Commissioner Pat Harris FROM: John A. Shockley, Senior Consultant��N � Office of Human Resources DATE: � February ?, 2001 rer�pho„e: TDD/lTY.� Jab@ne: Facsimile: 1`Option: 2i Optlon: 3"' Optlon: General Manager SPRWS Study Deternunation and 20 Day Notice O t -3�43 651-266-6500 651d666501 651-266-6501 65I-292-6414 651-292-64I5 65I-292-7656 We have completed the attached study that you requested of the General Manager of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS). You requested that our office deternune appropriate compensation for the position, and make recommendations regarding whether the position should be classified or unclassified. Also, you requested that recommendations be made regarding the minimum qualifications for the position and the selection process. We have reviewed the current job information, conducted an interview with the incumbent, compared the position with related City department head positions, and surveyed other metropolitan water utiliries regarding their general manager positions. An analysis of the position was also conducted using the City's job evatuaxion system. Based upon that information, we have made the following determinations and recommendations: 1. Salary The cunent salary of the General Manager SPRWS should be changed from grade 35 to grade 37 of the Non-represented, Emgloyee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This determination is based upon the salary relationships within the hierarchy of City of Saint Paul jobs. Grade 37 is the same pay grade as department head positions in the City of Saint Paul. 2. Status of the Position It is recommended that when the current incumbent vacates the posirion, the General Manager SPRWS should be placed in the unclassified service. All other City positions at this level aze unclassified. Hauingthepositionclassified,limitstheBoazd'schoicesinfillingtheposirionto5PRWS employees who pass the General Manager test. This is due to the promotionai preference given City employees in the Civil Service Rules. This recommendation can be impiemented via an administrative ordinance, approved by the City Council and the Civil Service Commission. d�_}`3 3. Minimum Qualifications It is also recommended that the Board establish desired job qualifications at the time of the posting when the posirion becomes vacant. These should be based upon existing and future leaderslup needs of the SPRWS. Human Resources can assist the SPRWS management and the Board in determining the competencies required of a General Manager based upon the organization's strategic goals and iniriatives. The minimum qualifications should be stated as desired and not as absolute. Absolute minimum qualifications such as those currently established for the position, serve to limit the pool of job applicants. They are not necessarily related to the organizations mission and vision. It is further recommended that in establishing future minimum quaiifications, the Board should consider, based oninformationgatheredfromotherutilities, emphasizinggeneralmanagementexperienceandtraining instead of the current major emphasis on Civil Engineering vaining and experience. 4. Selection Process When the General Manager position becomes vacant, selection should be based on competency requirements determined by the Boazd and the SPRWS management with the assistance ofHuman Resources. Once the desired competencies are developed, then the vacancy should be announced and advertised, listing the desired competencies. Applicants would submit resumes and oover letters. F3uman Resources would screen the resumes and letters and identify those applicants who haue demonstrated the desired competencies. The top candidates would be referred to the Board for interviews and selection. We wiil be processing a resolution impiementing the aforementioned salary upgrade. Also, we will draft an ordinance placing the position in the unclassified service to become effective at the time the current incumbent vacates the position. If you agree with these actions, please notify me of same within twenty days of receipt of this memorandum. If I do not hear from you within this twenty day notice period, I wiil assume agreement and proceed with the resolution and the ordinance. Ifyou would like to waive the twenty day notice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the �pace below and returyrtl�i� memorandum to me: Signature Date If you have any questions or need assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482. Thank you. Attachment �� ��u �� ��`�� � � �i' ; ,