96-1020 � � � � I � � Council File # � � — �� �-�' i � � � 24$16 (E) RESOLUTION Green Sheet � Y INT L,� MINNESOTA a� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED,That in with Chapter 62 of the Administiative Code and Minnesota Statute Chapter 429,the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby fix the 13th day of November 1996 at 4:30 P.M. as the date on which the Council will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers,Saint Paul,Minnesota,to consider tt;e level of street and alley maintenance w be peaformed in the City of Saint Paul in 1997 and the costs to be chazged against the benefited property,and the City Qerk is hereby directed to publish notice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chaptez 429 and the Deparanent of Finance is hereby directed to mail noticcs to affected properties in accordance with said Chapter 429. .� , m ��,,�- Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: sostro � —�— Public Works Guerin i/' Harris � :' Megar �' Ret tman ,l- By: Thune �" y Becker,Director 6 O Adopted by Council: Date �8- �qa`� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���AA�M'`'� By: By' - i�pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date � � . i� °-�� � �„�,� By. � By: ��-�o ao OEPARTMENT/OfFICE/00UNC�. ' • � �►������ GREEN SHEET N o. 2aa�s P�JBLIC WORKS August 9, 19�8 � � �R�� coHrncr��eoa a�a� � g o��a7��ar�croA____�� cm cou�c� GARY L.ERICHSON. ' 266-6229 ��� 5 cmr,►rnow�v �r�� �������r(o+►�) � oa�cr� 8 Fw.a Mar.s�v�s�ia �1)Q,UST 2B� 199B M�roa pR�ss�T� C' ineer roT�a oF sic�+nn�r�or� �_ �x�u wcn�ows Fon wo�aTUaq �ssocu►r� 1 0�.�T � ACTION I�OUE87ED Set date of Public Hearing for proposal of 1997 Sti+eeVAlley Maintenance Service Charge to be assessed against benefited p�perty. AttachmoMs: (D)PuWic Fkaring Notica;and.(E)Council Resolution NEOOI�IENM710lN:A'pw+pU a MNat(Rl PEtiSQNAL�pE�R�VICE�CONTRACTB MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN�i OIJESTIONB: _PLA�N�NMD C01AMI�S1oN _CfvM.BERVICE CoMMISSqN t. FMs M�b �Y S hl0 werM�A undN a conVaot br tl�i�d�premnt4 _GB CO�m�E _ 2. FMs Ii+i� EpwagoNfirmNO baa�a ai��nploy~� Y _STAFF _ �D�owN�is p�n9n/fkm p9iMSf a skiN Iqt namd�Y P�bY�►Y�aH D�sTtaCT c�uNrx YES NO suPronTS w►�ccwacr.ouECrnrE9 �w�r�s anw�.rs on Np�►ae�N�t and NMoh a pwn siwt �tCn �'� MNTIATMKi P1108LEM.{BtUE.OFM�OR71JNIlY(N�10�WHAT.WF1EN.YVMERE,WFIY): This is the the proposal for du 1997 Program. p�G 16 �996 �ov,u+T�s��o: See Above o�wwr�s�rwwnovEO: � �,�r��: s A�� � � ���'�' 4 �996 ���3��` ;,�. ��.�,��.� �a �� �; o�uwwr�s���nraovE�: � ��fl�l ��1' AUG 2 �t �r�?, b� �� TGTAL AMOUi�FT GF TAAI�ISRCiION= '96�515,652,809; '97.$15.730,867 oo�Tn�EVE�ouocsrtED�RCx.E oNE) � No ��� Assessments C�neial F�nd Transfers In Aids �►cmrmr rx�eE� 42310 through 42375 FMIANCIAL MIFORWTION:(EXPLAIN) GLF,IIz � a�.-- i c� �d (D) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING No#ioe is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 13th day of November 1996 at 4:30 P.M.in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers,City Hall and Court House,Saint Paul,Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1997 and to rnnsider the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated msts as proposed by the Department of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I-DOWNTOWN OR LOOP STREETS DeSCrintion• Cla�s I service will be performed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west,Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Pro„�sed 1997 Level of Services: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as-needed basis. All Class I service will be assessed at a rate of$3.53 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II-OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS CLass II servioe will be performed on all outlying mmmercial and arterial streets in the City. The�e are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue,West Seventh Street,East Seventh Street,Rice Street,Payne Avenue, Arcade Street,Summit Avenue,Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Departrnent of Public Works,�0 City Hall Annex. Page 1 of 4 � �( � - �c�ac� (D contd.) Pronosed 1997 Level of Service: r The Class II streets would be deaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces,will be done on an as-needed basis. Prot�osed Assessmen� Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates,ane commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate will be�2.43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be$1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS III-ALL RESIDENTTAL STREETS ��.27';Ftion: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Proposed 1997 Level of Service: Residential streets,including oiled,paved and intermediate streets,would receive thorough cleaning each spring which would include sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work would be done on an as-needed basis. Approximately 49 miles of oiled streets would receive a sand sealcoat and approximately 37 miles of paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall (weather permitting)leaves would be picked up from these streets. �ro=vosed Assessmen� Under Class III service to residential streets,we have two assessment categories. The commercial property rate would be$1.76 per assessable foot and the residendal property rate wou.ld be$y1Q per assessable foot. CLASS IV-ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�tion• Class N service would be performed on all oiled,paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Page 2 of 4 ' R c� - ���.d (D contd.) Prorosed 1997 Level of Service: _ All oiled,paved and intermediate alleys would receive a thorough cleaning each spring. Efforts would be made to complete the cleaning by June 15th. All routine maintenance,including patching and repair of the alley surface,would be performed on an as-needed basis. PrQrosed Assessmen� � The proposed assessment rate is�$¢per assessable foot for commercial property and �per assessable foot for residential property. CLASS V AND VI-UNIMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS Descrigtion• Class V and VI service will be performed on unimproved streets and alleys. By unimproved,we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way;however,the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way,the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Pronosed 1997 Level of Services: � The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching,minor blading,placing of crushed rock and other stabiliz,ed material in order to make them p�sable and reduce hazards. Pr�osed Assessment: The proposed�ssessrnent rate on unimproved streets is�t per assessable foot for comn�erci�l property and�per assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on ununproved alleys is�per assessable foot for commercial property and�per assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 4 . - � . . ; . . . � � � _ I � �o (D contd.) 1997 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE nding �s'in� Assessments Aids(1) G��ral Fund TYansfe,r In Fund Balance Sua�mer $9,784,380 58,492,198 $1,573,856 0 0 -$281,674 Bridge 1,190,221 0 1,152,221 38,000 0 0 Right of Way 986,568 207,995 134,000 0 644,573 0 Safcty Services 104,644 55,807 0 0 48,837 0 Winter 3,665,054 0 336,189 3,328,865 0 0 TOTAL $15,730,867 $8,756,000 $3,196,2b6 $3,366,865 $693,410 -$281,674 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,479,928 Trunlc Highway Aid - 225,020 County Aid - 856,661 Miscellaneous Receipts - 634"657 $3,1%,266 Page 4 of 4