D00843CITY Ok' SAINT PAUT. . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR /_7 �JU� I1U b'�M�`�1LU-�d�J_�.7 BUDGET REVISION No.: `�8�3 Date: � CJ cs a: 34468 ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER ConsisteM with ihe auihor"rty graMed to ihe Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to artierdthe 19 96 budgetof the Public Works Engineering Fund tund, the Director of the Departrrierrt of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in 1he iollovring manner: Current Anx.�ndzd &dc�et � Budget 1 205 - 12110 - Ol l I Full Time Petmanent 2 205 - 12110 - 0857 Data Processing Hazdwaze Totals Transfer budget from salaries to capital outlay. • � Prapared by: Pctiviry Manager � A Raquastetlby.0 rrt0uacwr 5218,827.00 (571,000.00) 5207,821.00 $11,0 $11,000.00 $218,821.00 $0.00 $218,821.00 �Q/ Vti� i'� n � ApProvetl :MaYOr V � � 2 --� � � ��a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNqL DATE INITIATEO PublicWorks �'(}� � p�� � 1/26/96 GREEN SHEET No.34468 WNLACTPERSON&PFI�NE � MITI DATE INITIAUDATE DonaldE. Sobaztia ZE�-()ZO�L ��� �� N � e �� �CIiY NEYRECTOR � O Clry W MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) Rd1TNG �q BUDGETOPFICE O FlNANCE-ACCOUNTINCa i �� �MAVOR(ORlSSISTANn � p�$p�ne AL#OPSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCATONSFORSIGNATURE) ��� ❑2 DEPAR7lAEMA � y2�J-9 ACTION REWESiED Transfer salary budget dollars caused by a vacancy for computer equipment to assist in rhe Depaztrnent's efforrs to build electronic ume sheets and other computerized efforts for the Payroll Secrion. FECAMMEN�ATIONSnIpFrove (A) or Rejed (i� pERSONAI SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION_GIVILSERVICECOMMISSION �, Hasihisperson/firtneverworkedunderaconVactforthisdepar[men[? CIB COMMfTTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a dry employee? — — YES NO _ D�Sirlici CouNCiL _ 3. Does this persoNfi�m possess a skill rwt �ormaity possessed 6y any cunent ciry empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes ansv+ars on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. NhiY): The accounflng server dces not have sufficient memory chips to process on-line inpu[ of dme sheers. This causes considerable delay and idle time by the staff who are doing this electronic input ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: he dollars saved by the vacant position would be used to assist this Total Quality Improvement Project. Response time would improve, electronic time slip collecfion would result in less keying by City Information Services thus vasfly reducing "double" data entry. DISADVANSAGES IF APPfiOVED: None. RECEfVE� FEB - 81996 CITY CLERkG �ISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This opportunity would be lost and input delays would condnue. ly"�� LAMOUMOFTqANSACTION$ _ 1YQ0000 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) yp5 No FUNDINGSOURCE PWEngineeringFund ACTIVITYNUMBEq 205-12110 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � �