01-259ORIGfNAL � Presented By Referred to Council Eile # 0\�.1 Green Sheet # 101388 � OLUT ON T PA , NESOTA � Committee: Date 13 1 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources through its 2 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program has made funding available to assist local governments in 3 acquiring pazkland and developing or redeveloping outdoor recreation facilities; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 is an eligible applicant and desires to submit an 5 application on Mazch 31, 2001 in the amount of $250,000 to the Department of Natural 6 Resources for the Downtown Children's Play Area Acquisition project; and 7 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation currently leases the 8 properry at Fourth and Sibley Streets on which the Downtown Children's Play Area is located; 9 and l0 WF�REAS, the Downtown Children's Play Area will be removed in 2001 to allow 11 construction of a condominium tower on the site; and 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to acquire the property at the 13 comer of Fourth and Wacouta Streets for the purpose of relocating the Downtown Cluldren's ��[! 15 16 Play Area; and WF3EREA5, the relocation of the Downtown Children's Play Area will allow for the continued provision of recreational opporlunities for children in ihe downtown azea; and 17 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the legal authority to apply for financial 18 assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financiai capability to ensure adequate 19 construction, operafion, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life; 2 o and 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not incurred any costs or entered into any written agreements to purchase property related to the above-referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not violated any Federal, State or Local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice; and 26 WI�EREAS, upon approval of its application by the State, the City of Saint Paul may 2 7 enter into an ageement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and the 2 8 City of Saint Paul certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations stated in 2 9 the contract agreement and described in the Compiiance section of the Outdoor Recreation Gra.ut 30 Programapplication; ORIGINAL o�-as9 31 NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui act as legal 3 2 sponsor for the Downtown Children's Play Area Acquisition project contained in the Outdoor 33 Recreation Crrant Application to be submitted on March 31, 2001 and that the Mayor and proper 34 City officials are hereby authorized to apply to the Department ofNatural Resources for funding 3 5 of this proj ect in the amount of $250,000 on behalf of the City of 5aint Paui; and 3 6 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper officials of the City of Saint 3 7 Paul aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as aze necessary to implement the project 3 8 on behalf of the City. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date T�� D0� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By � .,,� c� M �y . Approved by Mayor: Date:��/ By: � Di By By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci BY� � �GC�(�W'�. Form Approved by City Attorney � n � _� ec► / - ' `- ` DEPARTMEPfr/OFFlCElGOUNCIL DAiE INITATED N O. 101388 Parks and Recreation March 7 , GREEN SHEET � 2001 CDMpCTPER50NANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INIiIAVDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � � OFPARTMEMDIflECTOR 4 QTYCOUNQL ASSIGN NUMBER f-0F Z CIN ATTOPNEV CITY CLERK M BE ON COUNGL AGEND [DATF] fl��NG ONDER FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR.� �J Parks - Rossbero BfCII 2�� ZOO� 3 MAYOR(ORASSI5TANT) A 1�' _ TOTAL ES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNPTUPE� ACiION REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing the proper city officials to apply for and, upon approval of the application, enter into an agreement wkh the Minnesota Department of Naturaf Resources, Outdoor Recreation Grant Program for the Downtown Children's Play Area project. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) o� Rejec[ (fl� YERSONAL SENVICE CONTPAClS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this person/firtn ever worketl wder a ro�hact tor this tlepatbnen[? GIB COMMITTEE _ �'ES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his person/fi�m ever been a ciry employee? �ISTflICT COUNQL YES NO — — 3. Does [his petson/firtn Oossess a skill no[ normally possessetl Dy any current city employae2 ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEP yES NO Fxpiain dll yes answera on separaie aheM antl attach to green shaet_ lNIT1ATNG PR08LEM, ISSUE, pPPoRTUNI'fY (Who, Whai, When, Whwe, Wfiy1: This grant application will provide $250,000 in funding for acquisition of property at the corner of Fourth and Wacouta Streets needed to relocate the Downtown Children's Play Area currently located at Fourth and Sibley Streets which will be removed in 2007 to allow construction of a condominium tower on the site. ADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: This grant award will provide 5250,000 in funding to help pay for the acquisition of property at the corner of Fourth and Wacouta Streets which will provide a site o� which to relocate the existing Downtown Children's Play Area. pISADVANTAGE5IFAPPROVED: go �Y� F9p�� �'� � sa , Mone. 3;;�� �. � 2��t DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: The opportunity to be awarded 5250,000 in grants funds needed to help acquire the property on which the Downtown Children's Play Area will be relocated will be lost. _- - TOTAL AMOUfdr OF iAANSACTION 9 �Z�JO.00O COST/REVENUE BUDGEtED (qRCLE ONEI YES NO FVNDINGSWRCE MN Deot. of Natural Resources ncrnmxums�c FWANCIAL INFOHMATION: IEXPLAIN) $250,000 in grant money to be received and expended. ORIGfNAL � Presented By Referred to Council Eile # 0\�.1 Green Sheet # 101388 � OLUT ON T PA , NESOTA � Committee: Date 13 1 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources through its 2 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program has made funding available to assist local governments in 3 acquiring pazkland and developing or redeveloping outdoor recreation facilities; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 is an eligible applicant and desires to submit an 5 application on Mazch 31, 2001 in the amount of $250,000 to the Department of Natural 6 Resources for the Downtown Children's Play Area Acquisition project; and 7 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation currently leases the 8 properry at Fourth and Sibley Streets on which the Downtown Children's Play Area is located; 9 and l0 WF�REAS, the Downtown Children's Play Area will be removed in 2001 to allow 11 construction of a condominium tower on the site; and 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to acquire the property at the 13 comer of Fourth and Wacouta Streets for the purpose of relocating the Downtown Cluldren's ��[! 15 16 Play Area; and WF3EREA5, the relocation of the Downtown Children's Play Area will allow for the continued provision of recreational opporlunities for children in ihe downtown azea; and 17 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the legal authority to apply for financial 18 assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financiai capability to ensure adequate 19 construction, operafion, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life; 2 o and 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not incurred any costs or entered into any written agreements to purchase property related to the above-referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not violated any Federal, State or Local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice; and 26 WI�EREAS, upon approval of its application by the State, the City of Saint Paul may 2 7 enter into an ageement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and the 2 8 City of Saint Paul certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations stated in 2 9 the contract agreement and described in the Compiiance section of the Outdoor Recreation Gra.ut 30 Programapplication; ORIGINAL o�-as9 31 NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui act as legal 3 2 sponsor for the Downtown Children's Play Area Acquisition project contained in the Outdoor 33 Recreation Crrant Application to be submitted on March 31, 2001 and that the Mayor and proper 34 City officials are hereby authorized to apply to the Department ofNatural Resources for funding 3 5 of this proj ect in the amount of $250,000 on behalf of the City of 5aint Paui; and 3 6 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper officials of the City of Saint 3 7 Paul aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as aze necessary to implement the project 3 8 on behalf of the City. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date T�� D0� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By � .,,� c� M �y . Approved by Mayor: Date:��/ By: � Di By By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci BY� � �GC�(�W'�. Form Approved by City Attorney � n � _� ec► / - ' `- ` DEPARTMEPfr/OFFlCElGOUNCIL DAiE INITATED N O. 101388 Parks and Recreation March 7 , GREEN SHEET � 2001 CDMpCTPER50NANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INIiIAVDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � � OFPARTMEMDIflECTOR 4 QTYCOUNQL ASSIGN NUMBER f-0F Z CIN ATTOPNEV CITY CLERK M BE ON COUNGL AGEND [DATF] fl��NG ONDER FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR.� �J Parks - Rossbero BfCII 2�� ZOO� 3 MAYOR(ORASSI5TANT) A 1�' _ TOTAL ES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNPTUPE� ACiION REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing the proper city officials to apply for and, upon approval of the application, enter into an agreement wkh the Minnesota Department of Naturaf Resources, Outdoor Recreation Grant Program for the Downtown Children's Play Area project. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) o� Rejec[ (fl� YERSONAL SENVICE CONTPAClS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this person/firtn ever worketl wder a ro�hact tor this tlepatbnen[? GIB COMMITTEE _ �'ES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his person/fi�m ever been a ciry employee? �ISTflICT COUNQL YES NO — — 3. Does [his petson/firtn Oossess a skill no[ normally possessetl Dy any current city employae2 ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEP yES NO Fxpiain dll yes answera on separaie aheM antl attach to green shaet_ lNIT1ATNG PR08LEM, ISSUE, pPPoRTUNI'fY (Who, Whai, When, Whwe, Wfiy1: This grant application will provide $250,000 in funding for acquisition of property at the corner of Fourth and Wacouta Streets needed to relocate the Downtown Children's Play Area currently located at Fourth and Sibley Streets which will be removed in 2007 to allow construction of a condominium tower on the site. ADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: This grant award will provide 5250,000 in funding to help pay for the acquisition of property at the corner of Fourth and Wacouta Streets which will provide a site o� which to relocate the existing Downtown Children's Play Area. pISADVANTAGE5IFAPPROVED: go �Y� F9p�� �'� � sa , Mone. 3;;�� �. � 2��t DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: The opportunity to be awarded 5250,000 in grants funds needed to help acquire the property on which the Downtown Children's Play Area will be relocated will be lost. _- - TOTAL AMOUfdr OF iAANSACTION 9 �Z�JO.00O COST/REVENUE BUDGEtED (qRCLE ONEI YES NO FVNDINGSWRCE MN Deot. of Natural Resources ncrnmxums�c FWANCIAL INFOHMATION: IEXPLAIN) $250,000 in grant money to be received and expended. ORIGfNAL � Presented By Referred to Council Eile # 0\�.1 Green Sheet # 101388 � OLUT ON T PA , NESOTA � Committee: Date 13 1 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources through its 2 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program has made funding available to assist local governments in 3 acquiring pazkland and developing or redeveloping outdoor recreation facilities; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 is an eligible applicant and desires to submit an 5 application on Mazch 31, 2001 in the amount of $250,000 to the Department of Natural 6 Resources for the Downtown Children's Play Area Acquisition project; and 7 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation currently leases the 8 properry at Fourth and Sibley Streets on which the Downtown Children's Play Area is located; 9 and l0 WF�REAS, the Downtown Children's Play Area will be removed in 2001 to allow 11 construction of a condominium tower on the site; and 12 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the opportunity to acquire the property at the 13 comer of Fourth and Wacouta Streets for the purpose of relocating the Downtown Cluldren's ��[! 15 16 Play Area; and WF3EREA5, the relocation of the Downtown Children's Play Area will allow for the continued provision of recreational opporlunities for children in ihe downtown azea; and 17 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has the legal authority to apply for financial 18 assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financiai capability to ensure adequate 19 construction, operafion, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life; 2 o and 21 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not incurred any costs or entered into any written agreements to purchase property related to the above-referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not violated any Federal, State or Local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice; and 26 WI�EREAS, upon approval of its application by the State, the City of Saint Paul may 2 7 enter into an ageement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project, and the 2 8 City of Saint Paul certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations stated in 2 9 the contract agreement and described in the Compiiance section of the Outdoor Recreation Gra.ut 30 Programapplication; ORIGINAL o�-as9 31 NOW, TF�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paui act as legal 3 2 sponsor for the Downtown Children's Play Area Acquisition project contained in the Outdoor 33 Recreation Crrant Application to be submitted on March 31, 2001 and that the Mayor and proper 34 City officials are hereby authorized to apply to the Department ofNatural Resources for funding 3 5 of this proj ect in the amount of $250,000 on behalf of the City of 5aint Paui; and 3 6 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and proper officials of the City of Saint 3 7 Paul aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as aze necessary to implement the project 3 8 on behalf of the City. Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date T�� D0� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By � .,,� c� M �y . Approved by Mayor: Date:��/ By: � Di By By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci BY� � �GC�(�W'�. Form Approved by City Attorney � n � _� ec► / - ' `- ` DEPARTMEPfr/OFFlCElGOUNCIL DAiE INITATED N O. 101388 Parks and Recreation March 7 , GREEN SHEET � 2001 CDMpCTPER50NANDPHONE INITIAVDATE INIiIAVDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � � OFPARTMEMDIflECTOR 4 QTYCOUNQL ASSIGN NUMBER f-0F Z CIN ATTOPNEV CITY CLERK M BE ON COUNGL AGEND [DATF] fl��NG ONDER FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR.� �J Parks - Rossbero BfCII 2�� ZOO� 3 MAYOR(ORASSI5TANT) A 1�' _ TOTAL ES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNPTUPE� ACiION REQUESTED: Signatures authorizing the proper city officials to apply for and, upon approval of the application, enter into an agreement wkh the Minnesota Department of Naturaf Resources, Outdoor Recreation Grant Program for the Downtown Children's Play Area project. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) o� Rejec[ (fl� YERSONAL SENVICE CONTPAClS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this person/firtn ever worketl wder a ro�hact tor this tlepatbnen[? GIB COMMITTEE _ �'ES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his person/fi�m ever been a ciry employee? �ISTflICT COUNQL YES NO — — 3. Does [his petson/firtn Oossess a skill no[ normally possessetl Dy any current city employae2 ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEP yES NO Fxpiain dll yes answera on separaie aheM antl attach to green shaet_ lNIT1ATNG PR08LEM, ISSUE, pPPoRTUNI'fY (Who, Whai, When, Whwe, Wfiy1: This grant application will provide $250,000 in funding for acquisition of property at the corner of Fourth and Wacouta Streets needed to relocate the Downtown Children's Play Area currently located at Fourth and Sibley Streets which will be removed in 2007 to allow construction of a condominium tower on the site. ADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: This grant award will provide 5250,000 in funding to help pay for the acquisition of property at the corner of Fourth and Wacouta Streets which will provide a site o� which to relocate the existing Downtown Children's Play Area. pISADVANTAGE5IFAPPROVED: go �Y� F9p�� �'� � sa , Mone. 3;;�� �. � 2��t DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: The opportunity to be awarded 5250,000 in grants funds needed to help acquire the property on which the Downtown Children's Play Area will be relocated will be lost. _- - TOTAL AMOUfdr OF iAANSACTION 9 �Z�JO.00O COST/REVENUE BUDGEtED (qRCLE ONEI YES NO FVNDINGSWRCE MN Deot. of Natural Resources ncrnmxums�c FWANCIAL INFOHMATION: IEXPLAIN) $250,000 in grant money to be received and expended.