96-1355 � � � .�,. � O �RiGIl� � L � � r � 3Ss �o City Gf St. Fgul CC�UNCIL FILE Na. q (o— ,'3 �� RESOI,UTIt7d�T RATIFYING A1sID CC�'F'IEtMING BY CO�ID�iATIC3�1 At�ID AWARUB a� r�n�m+�s Al�iI! ASSESSI�:NT TF�REF[!R F'ile Nc�. 188�8 Ir► tha metter of A perpetual easement for public right-af-way pur�oses ovez, under and cro'� tho�e parta of vacated Sibley Street, Lats 2 and 3, Block 34, We�t St. Paul Proper, accarding to the record�d plat thereof, said perpetual easement lies eaaterly, of the e�tat right-af-way line of L�akota Avenue {now known aa South Wabaaha Street} as opened under orders af th� Camman Council NavembEr 17, 1886, and shatnm in Dep�rtment of Public Wurk� old 3erie� Cypening Hvak Number 5, and lie�r we�terly of the �outhweaterly right-af-way line of South Waba'ha Street (now knawn aa Gancord 5treet� es apened under Cauncil File Number 83022 spproved octc+ber 23, 1�29 (october 26, 1929) . Except sny part of the above de�cribed propertiea that lie� ea�terly vf a line described s� fc,llaws: Beginning at the point af intersection of the westerly extension of the southerly line af said Lot 3 with �aid ea�� right-of-way line af Dakata Avenue, thenee northeesterly angl� to the right of 95 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, fram said �ast right-of-wdy line, 5Q fee� mare ar le3s to the goint of inter�eGtion with said sauthwesterly right-of-way line of 5auth Wabasha 5treet and said line there termina�ing. Thi� document dr�fted by the City of St. Paul Dep�rtment af Pubiic Worka Survey �ection, 9t�0 City Hall Annex, ?5 West P'ourth street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. � + .. a <, } M f � ; �� �j�� � � �I� � q �- 13SS M l '�� � f � . . :�{� g. _ . . '- Y . � ' ':f. � . _ \.... • Preliminary order 9�-388 spprc�ved A�ril 17, 1396 P'inal C�rder 96-�71 apprav�d June 12, 1996 A public hearing having Yeen had up4n the taking and candemnation of the landa ar easements therein, for the above improvement, and the eward af d�n►ages therefor, and al'o upon the aa�e��ment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly cansidered the saa►e, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condeau�atic�n of the lends �escribed in the annexed a��e��ment rall, identified lay the aign�ture af the L�irectc�r c�f Finance and made a part hereaf, and the award� af damages ta the owenrg of such lands far said taking and condemn�tion a� �et forth in �aid �a�e�ament rall, be and the �ame i� hereby ii7 gli respects ratified end cUnfirmed. RESOLVED FVRTI�R, Thet the said essessment of Y��nefits, b� and th� sam� is hereby in all repect� ratified, and the aame i� hereby ordered to be 'ubmitted to the District..Court fc�r confirma.tion. �L�IC=LAER80i'1 Adapted by the Caunc' e��r�,j /y9G Yeas Nays �lakey ✓ Certi ied Passed retary ;/BC�StY'4ffi ,/Guerin gY - Harris ✓ �In Favor ° ✓ Megard � ,/ R�tta��n �Ac�$ine�t ����, �/Thune � Pu�lic Hearing Date - October 23 1996 RE 9-1 - 342F.M.S./REAL ESTA1'E Date: 9-10.=9��� Green Sheet Number: 34200 DIVISION � EPARTMENT DIRECTOR 2 ITY COUNCIL Phoae Nmnber: .na. �� ITY ATTORNEY 1TY CLS2K Pet hite 266-8850 °"�' UDGET DIRECTOR .�MGT.SVC.DIR YOR(OR ASSISTANT) 1 OUNCIL RESEARCH ust be on Councii A enda b :9-25-96 TO SET THE DATE OF PUBLIC H OTAL#OF 3IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESfED: To improve Wabasha Street(City Project 96-P-1142) by condemning a triangular piece of land to the sout6 of an intersection formed by the east line of Wabasha Street and the southwester tine of Concord Street. OHIII�NDATION3:APPROVE(A)OR REJECT(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the penon/}inn ever worked under a contrect for this dep�ment7 YES NO PLANIQING COA�ONISSION A SiAFR . Has tLb pereon/Mn ever 6een a CYty employee? YES NO CIVIL SZAVICE COMMI&SION . Does this peraon/6rm poaseaa a s1dR not normally po�by any YES NO current City employeeT cte rnn�c E= lain all YES enswers on a se sheet w�attach UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCII.OBJF.CfIVEY COUNCIL WARD(S� 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 3 IATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why?): This project was initiated by the Department of Public Works. The tinal order for the street improvement was �pproved by the City Council on March 13, 1996 VANTAGES IF APPROVED: A redesigned intersection will detiver significant improvements in service and safety for bot6 vehicles and pedestrian ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Some vacant land will be removed from the taz rolls. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: To do nothing would continue to compromise vehicle and pedestrian safety. Constructing a tr�tTic island would address safety concerns but would limit turning movements in the Wstbasha- Concord intersection. This proposal was rejected by the at'fected business community. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $(�OOO.00 �ST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NDING SOURCE: MSA ACTIVITY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � `- /3 SS t;ity �-�f �t. Fa�.al C�UPdCIL FILE Pd;�, REPdRT OS DIRECTCR OF FINANCE BY ON CONDEMNATIQN OF LANpS File N�,. 188�8 In th� mettar of A �er��tur�l er�sement fr�r pu�lic rigrit-vf-wey purp�se�s �ver, viider and cro�s thoae �arta �f v�cated Sibley Street, Lata 2 and 3, Block 34, West St. Paul PrGp�r, s�c�rding to thE re�vr�ec� �lst therevf, seid perpetuel eesemer�t lies e��terly, �f the �aat rig2-it-�f-w�y linE ��f D�kat� AvQn,��. (n��w knc�wn �9 ,�c�utr� W�r��h� �treet} �� �pened under arder' of the Camman Council November 17, 18�i6, and shawn ir� L�epsrtment af F'ublic Wcrks �1� Series opEr�iny Bc,c�k Num�.+�r �, snd lie� westErly �f the �outhwe�terly righ�-af-way line of aauth Wab�'ha Street {n�w knr,wn. a� C;onnr,rc� �tre�t) as a�,ened under Council File Number 63022 approved octc�b�r �3, 19�� (C7ctober 26, 1929) . Except any Fart nf the �b�ve described propertiea th�t lie� ea�terly of a line �escribed �s fallc�ws: Beyinning at tr�e point of inter�ection �f tf�e westerly extensian at ttie soutfierly line csf 3nid Lc�t 3 with �nid eaat right-of-w�y line of L�akota Avenue, thenGe r�ortr�ea�terly ar�glE to the ric�tit ot 45 deqre�s UO minutes UG secoiids, fram �aict east right-c=f-way line, 50 feet mare c�r le�� to �rie point of inter�ecticjn with sai� sout2-iwesterly right-of-wey Iir�e af Soutr� WaL�esha street and seid line there terminating. This document drafted by the City of St. Paul Department of Public Work� �urvey �ectic�n, g00 city Hall Ann�x, 25 West P'c�urth Street, St. F�ul, Minnesots 551U2. Fr�liminary order 96-388 appr�ved April 17, 1996 Firial Ordet 96-671 ap�roved June 12, :1�9b TQ THE C�UNCIL OF TI3E CITY QF ST. PAUI,: Th� Pirector �f F'�Y�fl121C� herehy re�c�rts: Th�it he has fix�d ar,c] determin.ee3 the value �f the lar�c�, lar�c�s Ur ea�emer�t� therein taken �nd �pprnpri��gr� far the above impr�vement and the �mounts r�f the ewards �f damages therefor to tY�e c�wner� there�f, and the pers�ns tc� whvm �uch awards are payable; th�t he 2-ia� als�, fi�se� and dete�rmine� ti-ie amount c�f benefits tr prop�rty, from the makii�g af said improvement, nat exceeding the cost tl��reof, and that r�ttached i� an as�es3ment rall sntitled a� above and identified with the signetvre af th� undersigned, cantaininy the undersiyr�Ec�'s finc�ins� on said m�itt�r. Director of Finance � 'o . Z d tc Y �' ��'��y � � 0 2 u � Q� � OJ �O J I � � W � � � � � � �, J Z � Z � w � a �. . ° Y� t� � � � � � 1 � w � Q � Q � . 3 ��s --�--��a�as� �`_ 13� �.:ity �}f at. Paul �vt�UNTIL FILE 2d��. NOTIC& Qb' I�ARINti IN Ct�ND�ATI�t �Y PRtlCEEQINGS File No. l�l8�i�; In the mattar af A perpetusl ea�Emen,t f�r public ri�ht-�f-w�iy purpases over, undEr and cross those part� af vacated �ibley Street, Lot� 2 an� 3, Block 34, West St. F�ul Fraper, acc;arding to the recorded plat tr�Ereaf, said perpetual easement lies eaaterly, of the ea�t rigtit-of-way line of Dakota Avenue (now known as ��uth Wal-�a�ha �treet} $s opEned under orders of the (".omman Council November 17, 1886, and �hown in Depsrtment of Fublic Works r�ld Series Oper�ir�g Baok Number 5, and lies tae�terly of the arnsthwesterly right-�f-way linc, of �outh Waba'ha Str66t (n�w knc�wn a9 t"anc�rd Street) as opened under Council F'ile Number 83022 appraved octc�ber �3, 19�9 (�ct�b�r 26, 1929) . Ex�ept uny part of the �.bove de'cribed gropertie� that lie� et�aterly of a line �3��cri��d �s follc,ws: B�ginnir�g at the point af intersection of the westerly exter,sion c,f the southerly line of �aid Lot 3 with said east right-af-way line of Da.kota P,venue, thence northeasterly angle to the right of 45 degrees 00 minut�s 00 seconds, fr�m saici east right-of-way linE, 50 feet mc�re c�r les� t� the point of intersection with said southwesterly riqht-of-wa_y line af South Wabashs Street and said line there terminating. Thi9 document drafted by the Gity of 5t. Paul Uepartment af Public Work� Survey Secti�r�, 900 City Hall Arinez., 25 weat F�urth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota �5202. Preliminary Order 96-388 apprc,ved April 17, 1996 Final �?rder 96-671 approved June 12, 1996 TC� WHOM IT MAY C;C>NCEPN: Nc�tice is r�ereLy yiv�n thet a puL�lic he�riny will be riad �efore thE �'ouncil c�f the City of St. Paul, in trie Cauncil C:hamber, in the C�urt Houae in the City of St. Paul, an the ,�.�',rs� dav ��f nh�r� ' ��a�_ at faur thirty a'clock F.M., u�an th� Y�j]aY:'t of the Director af Finance a' to the amaunt af damaqe� ta be awarded ta the awner ar c�wriers af tr�� lr�nds or eas�ments thereir�, tG �� �ppr�prifited for tt�e above imgrovementa, an� the per��n' ta whom ��s�h awarda were puyable and for the c�nfirmativr� c�f such �iwarc�s, sl�v u�Uri tr�e essessment �f benefits tc� the praperty fram the makinq �f adid imFrovement, Objectian, t� the taking Qf 3uah lande ar easement� therein, or the �rard� of c�amaqes therefor must be in writiny and filed with the Caurxcil at the time herein fixed for said hesrinq, cr with th� City Clerk prior thereto. Dated 9///��� Directar af Finance � � q � • 13ss � �� IG� � ���� �� . � � City af St. Paul CG LE N . � � —' b . ` RESOLUTIQN APPRWING AS3ESSl�NT y AND FIXING TIt� 08' t�ARINO THER$4N AND FIXING TL� OF F�ARIN6 ODi TF� le No. 18828 AWARD QF DAt�A4E8 In tha ma�tt�r of A perpetual eaaement for public riqht-of-way �urpoae9 over, undc�r ' and cross those parts of vacated Sibley Street, Lots 2 end 3, Black 34, West �t. Faul Proper, according to the recorded plat thereof, �ai� perpetur�l ea�ement lie� easterly, of the east right-of-wey line of Dakota Avenue (n�w knawn as Sauth Wabasrie Street) a� apened under ordera of the Camman Council November 17, Z886, and 'hown in Department of Public Works old Series Upening Book Number 5, and lies westerly of the southw�sterly right-crf-wr�y lir�e of Sauth Webgsha street (nc�w knawn e�s Concord Street) a� opened under Gouncil File Number 83022 approved Octorer 23, 1929 (October 26, 1929) . Except eny part af the above described praperties thet Iies Essterly af e line de�cribed a� follow�: Beginning at the point of interaection of the we�terly er.ten�ian of the �outherly line of said Lot 3 with said east right-of-way line of Dakota Avenue, thence northeaoterly angle to the right of 45 degree� 00 minuteo 00 �econda, from eaid ea�t right-af-way line, 50 feet more or less to the point of int�rr�ECtior� with said �outhwe'terly right-of-way line of South Wab�sha Street and 9aid line there terminating. This document drafted by the City af St. Faul Department of Public worka 5urvey 8ection, 900 City Hall Annex, 25 We�t Fourth Street, 3t. Paul, Minneaota 55102. ' q�- t3ss � Freliminary order 96-3B8 approved_April 17, 1996 F'inal arder 96-671 apprc�vEd_June 12, 1996 The Directvr of Finance having �ubmitted hi� report in the above matter a� ta the amount of damages awerded far the taking of the lend c�r easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and alao having �ubmitted his essessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefare be it R�80LV$D, That the �aid a��e9�ment of benefita be and the �ame i� hereby approv�d. RESOLVED FURTI�R, That a public hearing l�e had befare the Council upon said regort and for a confirmntian of the award of damage� made by the direator �f Finance end slso upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chambar, in tr�e Court Hou�e in the City of St. Paul on the ?.3rd day of Oc�ober_ 199� at the haur of faur thirty o'clock F.M. and that the Director of Finance be and he is direct�d ta give notice of �aid hearing ae pre�cribed by the Charter. COUNCILPER30N Adopted by the Council: Dat� �S 1 �( g /� Yea�, Nay' S�o ✓Blakey Certified Fasses by Council Secretary �o�trom �uerin gy c�,-� .a ��--�� � �arri� �] In F�zvar ✓Megard �/�ettman Q Againgt Meyar ✓�Thune