96-1342 L � Council File # ��� �J�� �� � �_ a ` �' ° � ' � � Ordinance # . � � v , e r� P . � � �...., Green Sheet # �� ORDINA ITY F INT L, MINNESOTA a� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance amending Chapters 60 and 62 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning. 3 4 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: 5 6 Section 1 7 8 That Section 60.203.C., definitions, of the Saint Paul Legislative code is hereby amended by adding a new 9 definition as follows: 10 11 Sec. 60.203. C. 12 ;.:: :.>:.;:.; ::�.;:.;:.;::.;:.;:.:.;::.;:.;:.:;.;:.;.;:.:.:.;;: :.;:.;:.;: .;::.;:.;:.;:.:t:.;;:.;;;::::.:..::::::::.: :::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::.::::: .::..::::::.:::.:::::::::::::.::::::::::::..::::::::::::::::.:::..:::.:�::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::. �.;:�: ��:::.: ..... ::.;;:.:.; �.;;: . .....:.;:.�.�:.�:.::: � : .:. ...::>>::��>:a..:.......:....;:...:.....: ,.::.:.:::>:..:.:<;;. ,....:..;.,...:...,.,..:.:.,...,;::.;..: .��:���::::�..:�:>:;.,:, ..:..:.:.;...;..:.:.:.:....:..:..:.,.;:.;...:..: . 13 < � . .�t:::>:>:>...�.:>..., :.;: - »::. .�r. , :. . .;;:> : . ��!�.��::::���..........�..�e��.l.;��::::b����::::��:::�:::��.;:��:� :::::��;d�:� �:::��:::����::::���`�:�::::�.�::::�:��x.. .�":::::::::::::.:::::::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::.:::::..:............. .................... ...................................................................�.::�. �.::� ..::::�:.::::::::::::::�:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:::::y:.:::::::::::::::::.::.................�.....�............ ::.::.:<.:::.::.;:.::.:.:.::.::.:�.:<.::.:.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.;:.:.:::.::.:.:.::.;:.::.::.::.:: :::>::>:::::>:::>::::>::::>::;,:.:>:»::>::>::»:::�::>::::>::>:::�>::::>::,:::.::.::.::.;;::.;:.;:.;:.::.::.::.:�.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::<.::.;;:.;:.:::.:::.::�;;:,::.::.;:::..::.:::..::.::.::.::.::.:::.::.;:.::.;:.::�::>�:�:::::»»::�:.:>::>:>:..:,:, :.,:,,. ::::.::.:�.:::.:>:.:::.:.:..�::::�:>:::.::.::.:�...:>:..:::.::::.:>:: .:: .. .:. . ....:......::.:;.........:...:..;.:.:...;::.....:. ........:......:::..:..... ...:.:<;>:....;:...:.......::.........:....:...:..,.::....;.:. ..... 14 <.��.�d�::>�c��<:::::; ��s:::fr��:>:a:>�:���hro. .>::�r���:�:::fia::::c€���.�r:�::::se���::>��a:::fi�i��:::au�u��b�l��::::�r �;:.;:<::;:.;:;;.;:::.;:.;:.;;:.;:<.;:.;:�.;:�:.;:.:.:;;>;:.:;:;:;;;:.;:.::::.;:.;::.;:.;;:.;:.;:::.;:::.::.::::.:::.::.::.�.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;�.::.;.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::..::::::::::: ............. <:::>:«<::<;::::>:<:»:«:::»>��:�::z::::::�,<;..:a:::>:<::«::«:::>;»»:::::»»>:<:::>::>::>::>:::�::>:;::.:>:;:.;�::>.;::;:::>::;;;>:.;;.;...;;:;:.;;;:.;::;:.:>:<>:>::>::;:.>::««<::«:::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::»•�:»:�>s::»>::»::>::>::>:;,:>::>:>:>:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:::>:.::::;::;.:::' ' .: ' '.>::.' .:.>' '.:.:. ' '.>: . .. .:: � .;: ' ' .>: ....:::.. :.:...::::.:..::..:..'::>.:...:::....::.:��.:::.:...:::......;,,,;•...'...::;:....:..:(.::....:i: 15 �� .�:�.�::::��::��::��::::��. �.��::::��:>:�a��::::>.x�:���::::�::::�:���:>+c�::::���-����.::�� <. ::::::::�:::.:::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:.�.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::�.: 16 >: , ,,..,,.�.�,,,.:..:,: :,,.:::.::..::::..:.::..:.:.:::..:..::::.::::::::.:::::..::.:. . ....::::.:.:.::.....:.:.::::::........:::. ,, 17 Section 2 18 19 That Section 60.532 (2), (B-2 District), of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as 20 follows: 21 22 Sec. 60.532. Principal uses permitted. 23 24 (2) All reta.il business, service establishments or processing uses as follows: 25 26 a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed 27 building. 28 29 b. Any service establishment of a veterinary clinic, an office, showroom or workshop 30 nature of a contractor (including, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air 31 conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tailor, baker, painter, 32 upholsterer, or an establishment doing radio or home appliance repair, photocopying, 33 and similar service establishments. 34 35 c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. 36 37 d. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi-use retail 38 center or planned shopping center and which do not provide drive-through window 39 service. 40 °l(.- I�y� 41 e. Theaters, assembly halls, auction halls, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or 42 similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. 43 44 f. Business schools, nonacademic colleges or trade schools operated for profit. 45 46 g. Colleges, universities, and seminaries, and other such institutions of higher learning, 47 public and private, offering courses in general, technical, or religious education and 48 not operated for profit; provided, that: 49 50 1. Dormitories or other group student housing shall not be permitted within the 51 district; 52 53 2. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be 54 required to provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces for 55 employees, staff, or students as set forth in section 62.103(g). The institution 56 shall be required to provide additional parking spaces only when the minimum 57 number of parking spaces will have to be increased due to a more than ten 58 (10) percent or three hundred (300) gain in the total number of employees, 59 staff or students, whichever is less. Thereafter, additional parking spaces will 60 have to be provided for each subsequent gain of more than ten (10) percent or 61 three hundred (300) in the total number of employees, staff or students; and 62 63 3. To determine compliance with parking requirements in item 2. above, the 64 institution must file an annual report with the planning administrator stating 65 the number of employees, staff and students associated with the institution. 66 67 h. Mail order houses. 68 69 i. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap parlors, massage parlors and steam 70 room/bathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. 71 72 j. Food catering establishments. 73 74 k. Public, parochial and other private elementary, junior high or high schools offering 75 courses in general education, and not operated for profit. 76 77 1. Brew on premise stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. 78 79 �i:>::>::::::::>::::::>:���::::1a€���: ...................... ............................................... ................................... ..................... 80 81 Section 3 82 83 That Section 62.102. (d), Nonconforming uses of land, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby 84 amended to read as follows: 85 86 Sec.62.102. Nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures, and 87 nonconforming uses of structures and land. 88 89 (d) Nonconforming uses of land. Nonconforming uses of land are subject to the following 90 provisions: 91 2 92 (1) A nonconforming use may continue. q�.- �3 y� 93 94 (2) A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged to a greater height , nor extended to occupy a 95 greater area of land than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this 96 code; 97 98 (3) A nonconforming use shall not be moved in whole or in part to any other portion of the lot; 99 1�0 (4) If such nonconforming use of land ceases for any reason for a period of ninety (90) days or 101 more, any subsequent use of such land shall conform to the regulations specified by this 102 code for the district in which such land is located. This is not intended for those uses which 103 remain on the land but whose activity may cease for a period longer than ninety (90) days , 104 due to reasons associated with the customary operations of such use. 105 106 (5) Any land on which a nonconforming use is superseded by a permitted use shall thereafter 107 conform to the regulation for the district in which such land is located and the 108 nonconforming use may not thereafter be resumed. 109 ;; ::>::>::>::;::>::>: ::>::>::>::>::>::>:t;:::>::>::»:::>:::::>::::>::>::>::>:::::«:>::>::>::::;;:.;.;;:.;:.;:;:.;;:<.;;:.;;;:.;:.;:.;:.;::;:.;.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:;:.....;:.;::.;:.;;;:.;::.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.>::.::.::.:::.:::::.::.::::.::.:::.::.::.::.::::.::.::.:::::<:..:.;:.;:.;;::.;;:.;;:.;:.;;;:.:;::.;:.: ::>::>::>::>::>:::.::>..:.. . . . ....: :»: . . ..:.;>:...: :;l�.:::..,::>::..:::>:::. .:. ....:..,;:..:. .;:� .....:..,.;......:. ......:...::.....:..:.....;..:...;::...;::....:......<.....:..;:: ..........;::....,.;....:..... 110 ::.:;.;;��.::r����:���.�.;;��€u :.;dz�fi�.�:� .;:a�.::ex��� ..>�i��sfi�e�t:::: . : ��� ;;::s . ��::::a:�:>:�::::...��x�ed::::�'���:::a�:::�� ��::::>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.:::::::::..::::::.: :::::::::::::::::::.�.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::.:..:::�:::::.:�:::: :.::..:;::::. .::::.:::::::::.�::. ...........................................:..........�e ............ 1�::::::::::::.::................................?�...........................�'�....�..........:::::::::�::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::,:::::::,::::::::: .............::.::>::::>::::>:::��::>::>:;::::>:•::>>:>::::>::::>::::>::>:.;:.;:.:.:.:;::.::.::.::.::.;::;;:<:<:>:;:<:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;:.;;;:.;:.;;;;;:.:,;::.::.:::..;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;.;:.;;::.:::.;;;;:<.;:.:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:;:.;::«:.;::..;..::.:::..:�>:.;::...... .:::: .. . :.:.: . ..;:.. . . .:.:. .. .;: .;:.,:....,:;::... .::....::..::.:.:.;:...:..:..;::..:..:.:.,..: :..:.:::::. > �:>:..::.:. ::,..:;.:.:::.....:..:..:..;::...:...:.,.:::.:.........,;.....:..: 111 �.r�:.:��:1::::�::::���€�::::�::::��?����'o�#�::. ::::`��:::::.���i�:::�:>: . �€� .:: .: ���::<�r : ::.� : .: Y:.::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::.::.:::::::::::::::.:::�.::::::::::::�.:::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::�::.:.::. ::�:�:�::::.:::�.:��k��b.:::��� ..�::::�.::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :>::::>::>::::>::::;::>::::>::::::>::::::::>::::>::::>::::>::::>:::::>::::>::>::::: :::»>::>::>::>::>::>::;:>::>:�::>::>:::«:>::::.:,:::::>::::::>�::�:::>:::<:;:>:.:»>::>::>::::>:>::>::>::>::>::>:::::>::>:::::::>::>::»:::>:.::>:>:>::::.::.::.::.:::.::.::.::.:.::.:::::.::<::<:::.;:.:::...;:.:::.::.::.::.::.::.:::...: :; ::.:. :: ... .::.:......... .....:.......:::...,..... .::.:...;:.......:..:....::......<:.:....;.....;::.:..........:.....:;: 112 €z��u�#:::��:;::a::::�:�ax=t�::::��:::: .�r.r��::::���:::�:>:::�.�::::�.� . : �:::af::: �1��::::�r�€s::::<.�:��:::�i:<;�.: . : . .::<::��::. �::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::...............................:�����.:....:.. . �!.;:.:«.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:;.;:.;:.;:.::.::.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.:;.;:�:.;:.;:.;;:.;;:.:;:;.:::::.;:.::.:.................................��.................�?....................:.:........�..............................................� ::>::::>::•r:>::::>::::::: ............................. ;:::.;::::.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;.;:.;::.:;:.;:.;:.; »::>::>::>::>::>:::<>::>:;:><.::.:;::.:::::::>::>::>::::::;::>::>::>:::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::><::>::>:>;::>:<:::>::>::>;.:>::>::>::>::>::>::>::»::>:>;:::>:><:;:.:::>:>:>::::>::::>::::>::::::>::;:::::::................................. 113 ::..::.: ::>::>:::::::.,:>: ::::,:>: ...:.......: ..:.::::::::........::........:..............:.::.:.........:::..:...::...:. ... ::.::::......:................: �:�'7�:�::>�::<�:::: :.:..;...::.:. ::::�::..�::::�::>�a��:::::c�x�:ta:���:>:�:n�:::t�i.�:::: . :�:���:::�:::�s�u�::: >:::::.::::::::.:::::��::.�.::::::::::::;::.:::..:<::::::::::::::::°.;:::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::.:�:::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::.:::. ..................................:.::......:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 114 115 Section 4 116 117 That Section 62.106. (3), accessory buildings, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to 118 read as follows: 119 120 Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. 121 122 (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed e�e-s�e�Y-a�� fifteen (15) feet in 123 height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall not 124 exceed twelve (12) feet in height. 125 126 Exception: accessory building heights shall not apply to property within designated 127 Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases 128 appropriate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the 129 design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale 130 and style of development on the property. 131 132 Section 5 133 134 That Section 60.453. (5), RM-2 District, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as 135 follows: 136 137 138 Sec. 60.453. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 139 140 (5) Private helistop for emergency medical services which are accessory to a hospital, subject to 141 the following conditions: 142 3 qc.—��y� 143 a. The helistop shall be located at least two hundred fifty (250) radial feet from any 144 residentially used or zoned property, measured in a straight line from the closest point 145 of the takeoff and landing area to the closest property line of the residentially used or 146 zoned property. 147 148 b. The applicant shall perform a noise analysis to determine whether upon establishment 749 of the helistop the Noise Pollution Control Rules, Chapter 7010, of the Minnesota 150 Pollution Control Agency would immediately be violated. If the analysis shows that 151 the rules would be violated, the applicant shall take measures to prevent the potential 152 violation before the helistop is established. 153 154 c. The helistop shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the 155 rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and State of 156 Minnesota. 157 , 158 159 d. A site plan of the proposed facility and an area map showing the distance between 160 the proposed takeoff and landing area and the nearest residential property shall be 161 provided to the planning commission. I62 163 Section 6 164 165 That Section 60.614. (9), I-1 District, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as 166 follows: 167 168 Sec. 60.614. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. 169 170 (9) Heliports and helistops, public and private, located at an airport, subject to the following 171 conditions: 172 173 a. The heliport and helistop shall be located at least one thousand (1,000) radial feet 174 from any residentially used or zoned property, measured in a straight line from the 175 closest point of the takeoff and landing area to the property line of the closest 176 residentially used or zoned property. 177 178 b. The applicant shall perform a noise analysis to determine whether upon establishment 179 of the heliport or helistop the Noise Pollution Control Rules, Chapter 7010, of the 180 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, would immediately be violated. If the analysis 181 shows that the rules would be violated, the applicant shall take measures to prevent 182 the potential violation before the heliport or helistop is established. 183 184 c. The heliport or helistop shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance 185 with the rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and 186 State of Minnesota. 187 .. �,oi;�+,... ��.,.ii �.o ; ,.�„aoa . ,:�i. +i,o ., ..�:,,,..;,,� 1$8 189 d. A site plan of the proposed facility and an area map showing the distance between 190 the proposed take-off and landing area and the nearest residential property shall be 191 provided to the commission. 192 193 4 194 Section 7 q(� .13y�. 195 196 This ordinance shall take effect be in force thirty days from and after its passage,approval and publication. PI lat ieurn NOV 301996 , �; s � Y� Navs Absent Request y Department of: a e ostrom uerin ✓ nni & Economic Develo ment arris � Meqar � Rettman � une ✓ BY� Adopted by Council: Date ��.\� \q9Cn Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ���� By: � ,� BY� i� � 1'D�l/HL� QI�/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approve b M r Date �� � (� Counc' By: �ICS By: 5 9�-t34�..✓ � �,��m � �REEN S T _N� _3 � 2 g g a 'o�a►ar�Nr aRECro"� cm couNCa �R���TE �� �cm�noRr�v �cm c�a�c ►+uwsEn� �� ,�„�, �����, o��A s �. �o�� ,�,�„�, e . TOTAL#E OF SIGNATURE PAr#ES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNA'fURE� �cnoH�ouE87fD: �E�� Adopt September 1996 Minor Zoning Amendihents. ' OCT 15 �' �� T�:�(�)°f�(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTpACI'S MUST a������IlE$TIOI�HH: ''_�MIO COMN118310N _GVIL 8ERVICE COMMI8810N 1. Hes this penon/flrm ever workld urld9r e - ����E = YE8 'NO 2. Hts this psrson/flrm ever been e city employee? � YES NO _D16'TRK:T c�uar _ 3. Doss UNs ps►soNHrtn p�ess a akNl not rrormaNY potsss�sd DY�Y a��Y�� suPPONiB WMKkI�uNC�OBdECrnE4 YES NO Expleln dl ya�nswers on�rr��M�t rnd Nt�oh to OtNn�hNt INfTYITIPK�PROBLEM�I�UE,�+PmRTUNITY(W►w.WM1.Wha��W1»re.YVhY): Needed minor zoning amendments are delayed if .done periodica7.ly. RFtEIV�� , OCT 02 1996 ����: ��� ,, Existing code will be kept up to date. ��' DIBADVANTAOES�APPROVED: None. ('i011�C1� �S9�fCf1 '(�Il� ocr i s �99s _ � ��,�8���: Needed amendments could face long delay. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAlISACTION = COST/WEVENUE sUD0ETE0{CIRCLE ONE) 11�8 NO FUNOINfi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER Fltrl1WC1AL INFORMATWN:(EXPLAIN) NOTE: COMPIETE OIRECTIONS ARE ING�k.�DE[41N THE f�1R��N SHEET IpSTR11CTIONAI MANUAL AVAILi1BLf IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PHONE'�NO.2QW+�«' _'., ROUTINQ ORDER: ' . Below are oonect routir�gs for the tiw m�t iroqueM typ�s�ol`doaar�sMs: ° : , < . CONTRACTS(assumes authorizsd budpst sxiats) ; .. COUNCIL FiESOLIR�N(An�snd BudOsh/Aa�t.O�ts) _ . e.._. . . 1. Outsids Agency 1. beperlrtient DireqOr 2. Dspartme�t Diredor �. 2. Budpet Director 3. City Attorney 3. City At6omey 4. Meryor(for oontracts ov4r 515.000) 4. MayoNAssistant. S. Human Righb(for oon(r�.Ms ovsc i50.OQ0) 5. Ciy Councd 8. Flnancs and Menapement Servk:ea Diroctor . 6._ Chi�(Acccuntan�„�k�r�oe.and Manap�.Se�vioas . �. . _ 7. Flnar�ci Accqunting , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budgst Revision) COtJWCIL RE30LUTION(a11 WMrs.a�d O�a) 1. Activiry Manager t. Departmsnt Director 2. Depnrtment Accountant 2. Gity Attwney 3. Department Director 3. Meya.Aseista�nt 4. Budget D1reCtor 4. City CounCil . 5. Clty Clerk � 6. Chfsf Axountant,Finance and ManagemeM Servkes ADMINfSTRATIVE ORDER3(ail othets) , . 1. Depanment Oiroctor 2. Cly Attorney 3. Finance end Menagement Servkea Directw 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIdNATURE PAOE3 Indicate the#M pepea on which signatures are rsquired and papsrcllp or flp e�ch ol tMss pp�s. ACTION REQUESTED i Desaibe what th�project/request aseka W accompifah in sither chronologi- cal order or ordsr of irnportance,whichsva�ia m�st epproprlate for the issue.Do not write compls6e s�ts�css.Begin each item in your list with a verb. . RECOMMENDATIONS Complsta it ths issus in questio�hae been presehted beforo any body,public or prhrate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE4 Indicats which Council objecdve(s)your projecUnquest supporta by IisUng the key word(s){HOUSIN(i, RECREATION,NEI(iHBORHOODS,ECONOMIG DHVELOPMENT, BU�(3ET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPL�TE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAI.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Thia intonnatbn will bs uaed to d�termine ths cityls iiability tor worlcers compsnsaUon dsims,taxes�nd props►cbN�hMrq n�les. INITIATINa PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explai�the situation or c�nditfons that created a nesd for your project or request. ADVANTAf3ES IF APPROVEO Indicate whsthe►this is simply an annual budget proceduro requlred by law/ charter or whsther there are spscific waya in whi6h the City of Saint Paul and ita citizens wlll benefit iram thia projectiacUon. . DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVEO What negativs eNecte or major chanqas to sxisting cx past procasses might this pro�ad/roque:t prod�e N it ia passed(e.g.,tratt�dstays.noise, tax incroases or aseesaments)4 To Whom4 When�For how bng? OISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative c�nnssquences it the promised action is not approved7 Inability to deliver service?Continued;tugh traNic,noise, aocident rate?Loss o(revenue? FINANCIAI IMPACT Allhough you must tallor the in(ormatbn you provide here to the issue you are,addressir�.in general ycw mUst answsr hve questicros:How much is it ' going to Cost?Who is going to pay4 �`-�3� �' city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 96-55 �te September 27, 1996 MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS SEPTEMBER 1996 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that considering and recommending monthly zoning amendments to the Mayor and City Council is,the most desirable way to keep the zoning code as current as possible; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on proposed minor zoning amendments concerning coffee kiosks, making existing parking spaces in front and side yards nonconforming uses, correcting an error in a previous garage amendment, and no longer requiring prior state and federal approval of helistops and heliports at their September 19, 1996, meeting; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee recommended a revision to the proposed definition of coffee kiosks; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3 . That a determination has been made that the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pioneer Press on August 28, September 4, and September il, 1996. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code amendments in the "Minor Zoning Amendments � SEPTEMBER 1996" study as revised by the Zoning Committee pertaining to coffee kiosks, nonconforming parking spaces, garages, and helistops and heliports and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against- � ����3`� � MINOR ZONING AMENDMENTS SEPTEMBER 1996 DIVISION OF PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q`_� �y� 1. ALLOW COFFEE KIOSKS IN B-2 DISTRICTS Sec. 60.203. C. DEFINITIONS ;....,.;...:.;;:.;:.;,;:;:.;::.,.;:.;:::<.;<.;;>;;:;.;,;:.;�:.;::.:.::.::.:::...:...::.::.::.:}::�:.:y:.p::.::::.::.::..::.::.::.::.::.: :.::.::.::.::.::.:.:::.::.::�:�:.;:.;:.;:.;'�.;:..;;`:.�:.:::.;:.:;.;:.;:<:..::::::::::::::...:::::::::::...:::._:::::::.::::::...::::: ?�:;��::>i���tC::>::::::::A':::��t�:#1':::�a�:::�� . .�s *}� +�::::::::.yy.��.►:; .:. :}.�.,:.� .:>:::�::: ..:�:}�...: s�..,:.,.>...�.:y. ,:..::,.ys.'. yy,p.:;.`,...,...::.. �.}� ::::::�::..:::::::::::::::::..:.::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Jl?ik?,W,.�..>.�7ti..>W;:.;�Ae!h�::,,.,..,.�,..a,,.#j��... .:;1#43��.L1k? .:�4F�.:,,��,.,�F,,,�,�,�.:;!Y,.���'V.,V,..4::����iiA;. .....�::::::::.:�:::::>::�:::::::::>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.� ::i:::':::ii�>:�:; �Y�'�1: ���5'::>:�:[:���:�.I�'I13i��:::b��>;:; ::::i:::>::::>:::":::> .:..>::>::;;:::'<`:;`<"<:#;>:::>:4:,,::>::»:>::.:>>:•c<,,>::>::,.::>::; :>::>:>:>;;;>;::»:><:<_::::»>:>,:::>::>:::<:::>::>::>:�>;>:<:::>:>:::>�:: . . ;::.;:.;:.;:.;:.::�.;:.;:.;�.;:.;:.;:.;.;:.;:.:�.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;;:::..;:.;.:::; � ��� �rza�.;a,;��.v� �a� �a.�.���� �sfiam�€�.�i��� ��i �;;:::::.:::::::::::::;.:..:.:::::.::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: �i�::��i'::<:<::>:::::><.:>::�.,::::::>:::.;;;.:>::::>:;;:::;:::<::>::>:'`>'-><>:::>:::::.''.> `;, : >`.`<``';.`':«.";>::>::>:::>::::;;;:::>:>::.<>:<>>:,;::_;:.::::><::<::>::,,::: :><::;,:::��':'>:'�°':':':': ':``::°::::::::�::>::'°:`":'°:�::: ;���� :�ax���s��������'��..��.�s � ��.��������t-�vr:;��::<�a��.::: ........ .... .. ... ;:. ............... ..................:............. .... .....:.:i:.:::::';�•i::::::: .. ?C�£��'::::���.:.. .:;: ......:.;:.;:.�:.; Sec. 60.532. Principal uses permitted. B-2 DISTRICTS (2) All retail business, service establishments or processing uses as follows: a. Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of inerchandise in an enclosed building. b. Any service establishment of a veterinary clinic, an office, showroom or workshop nature of a contractor (including, but not limited to, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, mechanical), decorator, dressmaker, tailor, baker, painter, upholsterer, or an establishment doing radio or home appliance repair, photocopying, and similar service establishments. c. Private clubs, fraternal organizations, liquor licensed establishments and lodge halls. d. Restaurants and fast-food restaurants when incorporated within a multi- use retail center or planned shopping center and which do not provide drive-through window service. e. Theaters, assembly halls, auction halls, bingo halls, concert halls, reception halls or similar places of assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings. f. Business schools, nonacademic colleges or trade schools operated for profit. g. Colleges, universities, and seminaries, and other such institutions of 2 al �,-��y� higher learning, public and private, offering courses in general, technical, or religious education and not operated for profit; provided, that: 1. Dormitories or other group student housing shall not be permitted within the district; 2. When an institution is established in the district, the institution shall be required to provide the minimum number of off-street parking spaces for employees, staff, or students as set forth in section 62.103(g). The institution shall be required to provide additional parking spaces only when the minimum number of parking spaces will have to be increased due to a more than ten (10) percent or three hundred (300) gain in the total number of employees, staff or students, whichever is less. Thereafter, additional parking spaces will have to be provided for each subsequent gain of more than ten (10) percent or three hundred (300) in the total number of employees, staff or students; and 3. To determine compliance with parking requirements in item 2. above, the institution must file an annual report with the planning administrator stating the number of employees, staff and students associated with the institution. h. Mail order houses. i. Health/sport clubs, conversation/rap parlors, massage parlors and steam room/bathhouse facilities which are not adult uses. j. Food catering establishments. k. Public, parochial and other private elementary, junior high or high schools offering courses in general education, and not operated for pro�t. l. Brew on premise stores as regulated by Minnesota State laws. riri��:»»:::::::>:>:���'e'�`�'a�::: Discussion The amendment incorporates the planning commission's findings in 3 recent zoning cases that coffee kiosks are similar to permitted uses in the B-2 and B-3 districts. 3 q�•��y�` 2. MAKE OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES IN FRONT OR SIDE YARDS ESTABLISHED WITH PERMITS NON-CONFORMING USES Sec.62.102. Nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures, and nonconforming uses of structures and land. (d) Nonconforming use of land. Nonconforming uses of land are subject to the following provisions: (1) A nonconforming use may continue. (2) A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged to a greater height , nor extended to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this code; (3) A nonconforming use shall not be moved in whole or in part to any other portion of the lot; (4) If such nonconforming use of land ceases for any reason for a period of ninety (90) days or more, any subsequent use of such land shall conform to the regulations specified by this code for the district in which such land is located. This is not intended for those uses which remain on the land but whose activity may cease for a period longer than ninety (90) days , due to reasons associated with the customary operations of such use. (5) Any land on which a nonconforming use is superseded by a permitted use shall thereafter conform to the regulation for the district in which such land is located and the nonconforming use may not thereafter be resumed. >:::>::»::»::>::>::»:«:<.:>:;;_;:.:;:::>:;::.:,:>::::>::>::>:>:;:.::�>::>::>::>::> ::;::;:;.;:,;:;;.:>:>:<:;:<:>::;::>::>:;::;:.::t:;::;:�::>;.;;:.;;;:.;;....:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:;.;.;:.;:.;:.;:.;::.;::;:.;:.;:;�:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;::;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;;:.;:.;:.;:;:.;:.;:.:: �i.::::>::>::>::>::>:::.::::: . . : ::::>:.: : : ;:: :: .. : ..: :.::...:::::.. : ;:� :::.;.:..... .:...:. .......:.;;.. .........;::.....;::..::...:..:....:... �i�i.:�s�l�����.:z�:�€a :::�z�������::>:�?c�:;��s�a€�: •<:��::::�t:��t:;::.. �� :::: �.�::::�::::a>:><..� .�'� �:.�.::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..............�........................... :.::::::::::::�.:.�::::::::::::::::::::::�.:::::.::. .............:.::.:::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::::::.:::::.:::::.:.:::::::::::::................:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::. ;:::..::;�:.;:::::::::::..;:::.:.;:. :.;. .;:.;:.:.::;::.;;;:.::.:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;;::::.::.::.:.;;;:{.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::<.;:::;;:.;;:.: :.;:.:.:.;:.:::.;:.:: fr�r�t::�x::::sid�:::>::��::::���1:>: . ;:::������c�:::: �:>:::�: . :.���� �:>��::::ro�:ic��d:>:.: . �::::::::::.::::.;:.::.;:.;:<�:.::.::.::.::.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.::.::.::.::.:;�.:n..�€�c::::::::�.::::::.::: .::::::::::::.::.�::::::::::::::::::r� �.:::::::::::�!.::::::::::.:::.:::::::::. �:���::::':::::<::;::;:::�;;::>:>>:>:>:;;:<:>:>::<: :>.:.:>:::::>:::;;::�;<:>:::>::::::>:.<>::;;:>;,»>;<<::<.�;:::::::<`::>:::::��::::„::::>:<::.;:.>:;>:>::::;;::':�::::<' ��:°�°::::;;:;.::;;::::��::� �.::>:::::::::>::>::>�..�`a:�: v��� ���l��xs� ��tt��t#+� � ������at;��� T�:r�x� :::::::.::..�:::::::::::: .:::::::.: ...:::::::::.::.;:.:::.::::::::.;;:..:.;:.;::.::.:::::: .::::.::. .:::::::: : ;:.;;::.;..:..,..:.;:.;:.;:.;:::.::.;.:.;;;:.::.::.;;<::. .:..::::::>.>::::::::::::: ci� :�a.� �::a�:�::::. �::::::..: :: :.:. ... ...:...;::....:..:..:.. �.......... .�����..���:::: �:�>:�:::����6�.�:::� ;:>:���::<::��:::::�:::: . x ��� �.:>:��.� ::�.:::::::::::::.:::..:::::::::�.;:.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.;:.::�::.;,;:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::::::::::::�.:�.:::.�?!.:::::::. ::i::i::i::i::iY:i::i::i::i::i::i":::i::i:::::i::i::i::i::i::::i:ti'::i::::i::::i::::i::::i:1::i::::i::::i::::i:::::v:::::.:.:.................................................................. ................................................................ ���>�n`:�a��:�.€�€�u�::::�����::::t�:::: . ��fi::::�as::::�s�d�: ...........................................»::>::�:::»::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>: Discussion This amendment will carry-out recently adopted Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) policy concerning illegal parking in front or side yards. See attached memo from John Hardwick and Joyce Maddox, dated June 11, 1996, and BZA guidelines, dated June 24, 1996. Off- street parking spaces established by a permit from the department of public works before the adoption of the zoning code will be grandfathered-in as nonconforming uses. Parking spaces not established with permits before adoption of the code will be allowed to continue if they meet the guidelines as determined by the BZA. 4 alt,-l�y�- 3. CORRECT ACCESSORY BUILDING ERROR Sec. 62.106. Accessory buildings. (3) In any residential area, accessory buildings shall not exceed e���� fifteen (15) feet in height; provided, however, that accessory buildings with a flat or shed roof style shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height. Exception: accessory building heights shall not apply to property within designated Heritage Preservation Districts nor to designated historic sites. In these cases appropriate building heights for accessory structures shall be determined through the design review process to ensure that heights are acceptable and in keeping with scale and style of development on the property. Discussion "One story" was inadvertently left in this clause when it was revised in the November 1995 Minor Zoning Amendments. 4. DELETE PRIOR STATE AND FAA APPROVAL FOR HELISTOPS Sec. 60.453. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. RM-2 DISTRICTS (5) Private helistop for emergency medical services which are accessory to a hospital, subject to the following conditions: a. The helistop shall be located at least two hundred fifty (250) radial feet from any residentially used or zoned property, measured in a straight line from the closest point of the takeoff and landing area to the closest property line of the residentially used or zoned property. b. The applicant shall perform a noise analysis to determine whether upon establishment of the helistop the Noise Pollution Control Rules, Chapter 7010, of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency would immediately be violated. If the analysis shows that the rules would be violated, the applicant shall take measures to prevent the potential violation before the helistop is established. c. The helistop shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and State of Minnesota. �n n .,.,a �*„*o �,.,.,o ., ,oa *�,e �.o�:�*,... ��..,» �,o :.,,.�„aea «,:*�, +�,o fl��' 5 q,�.-1�4� d. A site plan of the proposed facility and an area map showing the distance between the proposed takeoff and landing area and the nearest residential property shall be provided to the planning commission. Sec. 60.614. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions. I-1 DISTRICTS (9) Heliports and helistops, public and private, located at an airport, subject to the following conditions: a. The heliport and helistop shall be located at least one thousand (1,000) radial feet from any residentially used or zoned property, measured in a straight line from the closest point of the takeoff and landing area to the property line of the closest residentially used or zoned property. b. The applicant shall perform a noise analysis to determine whether upon establishment of the heliport or helistop the Noise Pollution Control Rules, Chapter 7010, of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, would immediately be violated. If the analysis shows that the rules would be violated, the applicant shall take measures to prevent the potential violation before the heliport or helistop is established. c. The heliport or helistop shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and State of Minnesota. d. A site plan of the proposed facility and an area map showing the distance between the proposed take-off and landing area and the nearest residential property shall be provided to the commission. Discussion As the Children's Hospital zoning case showed, neither the State nor the FAA approves helistops or heliports prior to completion of construction. The facilities will still have to meet state and federal rules and regulations. 6 �I �, -�'�y�► � C1TY OF SAINT PAUL 1NTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 11, 1996 TO: City Council Members, Mayor Coleman FROM: John Hardwick, LIEP Zoning Staff Joyce Maddo�hair Board of Zoning Appeals RE: Parking issues related to street repaving projects. LIEP in a cooperative effort with Public Works initiated a proactive program to eliminate existing illegal parking spaces within required front yards. This past summer Public works staff while surveying neighborhoods in preparation for street repaving projects notified property owners that curb cuts and driveway aprons will not be restored or provided for driveways leading to illegal front yard parking spaces. The notification also included information on the procedure to apply for a variance in order to legalize these spaces. This resulted in several variance applications for front yard parking coming before the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board, without any forewarning, was faced with a flurry of cases, each with different situations and histories.The Board heard these cases and decided each on their individual merits. However, this resulted in some consternation for the applicants who thought that since their parking space had been used for 15 or 20 years and no one objected to the continued use, that their variance should be approved. When their variance application was denied this �resulted in some decisions being appealed to the City Council. We expect to see many more cases resulting from future street repaving projects. The Board, working with staff, in an effort to simplify the process for applicants, provide some guidance to the Board and reduce the number of appeals to the Council, is proposing the following: 1. Amending section 62.102 (d) to include a paragraph which states. . . " In residential zoning districts, an existing off-street parking space in a required front or side yard shall be considered a legal nonconforming use provided the parking space was established pursuant to a permit issued by Public Works prior to October 25, 1975 and that the use has been continuous since the permit was issued." 2. Adopting the attached Guidelines in order to assist Staff in making recommendations and the Board in evaluating variance requests concerning parking within a required yard. 3. Establishing a reduced i$90) application fee for variance requests relating to one and two family residential parking and specifically parking within a required yard. cc: Bob Kessler Jan Gasterland Wendy Lane Paul St Martin Roger Ryan LI f GUIDELINES FOR VARIANCC REQUESTS TO ALLOVV PARKIn'G �'VITHIN A REQUIRED YARD �OR O\E AND T�'4'O FAn'IILY D`�'ELLInGS. Staffwill recommend denial of variance requests to allow the continuation of parl:ing within a required yard unless the follo�vin� conditions are met: ]. The parkin� space has been in existence and used continuously since October 25, I975. ' 2. The applicant can demonstrate I�ardship in tl�at tl�ere is no feasible alternative location for the parking space. For the purpose of tllis condition I�ardship shall include ; a disability by a resident of the property that qualifies for a State Handicap Parking Permit, topography that makes rear yard parking impossible, tlie lack of�lley access to the property, or insuf�icient lot size to provide off-street parking in a non- required ��ard. 3. The applicant siibmits a petition from property o���ners ���ithin l00 feet of the property along either side of t1�e street statin� that tl�ey ha��e no objection to the parkin�. 4. The parking space is paved or the applicant a�rees to pave the space within l20 days. . ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ON JUNE 24, 1996 MOVED BY: T�i�,� SECOI�TDED BY: w�i��� IN FAVOR: � AGAII\'ST: o a�- ��� �'��� GUIDELINES FOR VARIANCC RCQUCSTS TO ALLOVV PARKII\TG �'VITHIN A REQUtRED 1'ARD T'OR 01�'E AND TVVO FAn7ILY DWELLINGS. Staffwill recommend denial of vai•iance requests to allow the continuation of parlcing within a required yard unless the follo���ing conditions are met: l. The parkin� space has been in existence and used continuously since October 25, 1975. 2. The applicant can demonstrate I�ardship in tl�at tl�ere is no feasible alternative location for the parking space. For the purpose of tl�is condition l�ardship shall include ; a disability by a resident of the property that qualifies for a State Handicap Parking Permit, topography that makes rear yard parking impossible, the lack of alley access to the property, or insuf�icient 1ot size to provide off-street parking in a non- required yard. 3. The applicant submits a petition from property o�vners within l00 feet of the property along either side of the street stating that tl�ey ha��e no objection to the parking. 4. The parking space is paved or the applicant agrees to pave the space within 120 days. � ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ON JUNE 24, 1996 MOVED BY: Tun,� SECONDED BY: �v��s�n IN FAVOR: � AGAINST: o al,�-l�`� a' MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON SEPTENIBER 19, 1996 • �-, PRESENT: Mmes. Faricy, Morton and Wencl; Messrs. Chavez, Field, Kramer and Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadlez and Sanders and Mr. Ryan of the Planning Division. ABSENT: Gurney, excused �v'#: ;�. .>, i' .�, Time: 4:45 - 4:50 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. September, 1996 Minor Zonincr Text Amendments Roger Ryan, Planning Division staff, reviewed the staff report. The only discussion was as it related to Zoning Amendment No. 1. 1. ALLOW COFFEE KIOSKS IN B-2 DISTRICTS Commissioner Kramer recommended amending the definition as follows: �C,�f��e k���2� 3� re�ail ��c�� �iu�3ness ir,, a ���:e ��aric��g .b�.�.diu�.�ha� ;:.;::: ::;:::: .:.;., ;...:::.. ..:::.. . ... :.:;:: -. •: ;:..:.:::>: .:.....:::::.;::::..:..:..:>::>:>::: ::<.::::;..:<,...,... ... ;. .::.::>::::.>_.:_,;:,.:.,::.:::;.,..::::.;.;:::::>::<::::::::a:>:>::►t: ��>:.:>:.:�:=::>�Q>.;:;:��?::r:>:::<Q�:::<�a�h�r:>::���:::>��rexa :e�:r;:.;a�zd:.;; x�mads.;:bak� ;.;:.;> .00ds.:::..:.:.:... ,,.,...,�............w.:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::..�....:.....:::::::::::::.F...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::.�:....:.....:::::�.:..:..:::. 2. MAKE OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES IN FRONT OR SIDE YARDS ESTABLISHED WITH PERMITS NON-CONFORMING USES 3. CORRECT ACCESSORY BUILDING ERROR 4. DELETE PRIOR STATE AND FAA APPROVAL FOR HELISTOPS Commissioner Vaught moved approval of the Zoning Text Amendments, with the amendment to Zoning Text Amendment No. l. Commissioner Kramer seconded the motion. The motion carried with a unanimous voice vote of 6 to 0. Commissioner Wencl was not present for the vote. Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: � Sa.rol�r�0--.. Donna Sanders Ro e Ryan Gladys Morton Chairperson A�_.v`��� Yr CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 City Hall Telephone: 612-266-8510 Norm Coleman, Mayor IS West Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile: 612-228-8513 Saint Paul, MN 55102 � September 30, 1996 Council President David Thune and Members of the City Council 3rd Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Thune and members of the City Council: Beginning in 1982, the Planning Commission periodically considered and recommended to the City Council a series of minor zoning amendments contained in 40-acre studies called Zoning Amendments I, II, etc. There have been eight of them. The zoning amendments made changes needed to bring the code up to date with new living or business practices, carry-out newly adopted plans, clarify regulations, correct errors, and incorporate zoning administrator interpretations and Planning Commission findings. Since these 40-acre studies were done only periodically, needed zoning amendments were delayed until staff, the Commission, and City Council had the time to work on them. In order to avoid such delays and to keep the code as current as possible, the Commission will consider and recommend to the City Council several minor zoning amendments most months. The most recent Minor Zoning Amendments recommendations concerning coffee kiosks, making existing parking spaces in front and side yards nonconforming uses, correcting an error in a previous garage amendment, and no longer requiring prior state and federal approval of helistops and heliports are attached. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments on September 19, 1996. The Commission recommended their approval on September 27, 1996, as set forth in the attached resolution. 1