96-1333 i , Council File# q�33 3 _ �s � c�sn�c#zoQSd . r� r' � �T-; � ��� �� � ' � _ � �`� .. d � : r ! � S TION a� C OF S PAUL,MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS the Depa ent of Jua ' ,COPS OtTice has requested aubmittal of grant applicationa for the 2 Second round of COPS e technology grant,and 3 4 WHEREAS the Saint Paul Police Department wishea to accesa this grant funding for two projecta,(1)an 5 Enhanced network witLin the police department and(2)an intra network with the seventeen District 6 Councils,and 7 8 WHEREAS this grant requires a 25°/.local match of $322,605,and 9 10 WHEREAS the amount necessary for the two technology projects is$967,815, 11 12 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Saint Paul City Council authorize the Saint Paul Police 13 Department to aubmit a grant application to the COPS Ot'Fice for the second round of the COPS MORE 14 funding. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 eas ays t Blakey ✓ Requested by D ent of: Bostrom ,i Guerin ,i Po� Harris ✓ Megard ✓ B}': Remnan ✓ Thune r Approval Recommended y dger Director: BY� Adop by Council: te: • Fo ppr ved ey: Adop on " ' ed retary: By: � ^Z��y� BY_ P Approved by yor:Date: �d ��l��i A�p�a��vt�by�ayo fo u 'ssion to Council: By: By. I U(i e - � � 9 �•1333 t� 5 ' e• � �J � V� I'OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED � �Saint Paul Police Department 9/17/96 GREEN SHEET AG?PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL - Chief William K. Finney ASSION CI7YATTORNEY CITYCLERK NUNBER FOR MUST BE ON CQUN�,I Ap ) RD�NQ UDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.b MQT.$ERVIGES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR A3SISTANn ���_ TOTAL#OF$�QNATUqE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTEOi Permissionto submit grant application for the second round of COPS MORE in the amount of $967,815. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprcy¢fA)a ReJsct(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _PLANNINCi COMMISSIQN ._CIVIL SERVICE COMMI9SION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMiTTEE _ YES NO _STAFF 2. Has this pereon/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does thls person/firm possess a skill not normally posseesed by any current city employee4 SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNC,��,IECTIVE? YES NO Explsin all y�s answ�rs on wparete shest and ettach to presn shs�t INITIAT�NO PROBLEM,18��;,�P.�TUNITY(Whp,Whak When.Where,Why); The federal COPS Office has requested submission of grant applications for the second round of COPS MORE funding. The Saint Paul Police Department wishes to access this fund by applyin for two technological projects. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVEDi— � The City of Saint Paul via the Saint Paul Police Department would receive $967,815 to complete two projects which would enhance the computer networking capabilities of the SPPD (1) and would link the district councils in a private intranet with the SPPD (2) . There is a 257 local match required for this grant. DI3ADVANTAOES IF APPROU�Bi _ — ----. -__.. ���E��W�� None. � SEP 25 1996 ��� ����R��Y �'., �� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ' -__ _..---_...___.._ The City of Saint Paul would not receive $967,815 to enhance the computer network and to link the Saint Paul Police Department with the District Councils in an intranet system. � �� �� C��'T 1 %� i��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1+29O+42O COST/REVENUE BUDCiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWQ SOURCE COPS Office ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORF�fATION:(EXPLAIN) • � - ' 1 . � � 9,� -1�3� . Commun'r#y Policing Informa�tion Worlcsheet Part 1 This�vorksheet will provide the COPS Office with information about the public safe- ty concerns of your community and your department's community policing goals and activities. For assistance in completing this worksheet, contact the U.S. Department of Justice Response Center at 1-800-421-6770. 1. From the list that follows, please rank in descending order the following public safety concerns of your community. For example,if "weapons" are the greatest con- cern in your community, place the letter "f" in rank No. 1. If "Wildlife crimes" is the lowest concern in your community, place an "n" in rank No. 16. Rank: Major Public Safety Issues: 1. a a.Violent crimes against persons 2. € b. Property crimes 3. e c. Motor vehicle thefts 4. b d.Vandalism 5. h e. Gangs 6. d f. Weapons 7. 1 g. Prostitution 8. i h. Drug crimes 9. k i. Domestic violence 10. o j. Alcohol-related crime, including DWI 11. i _ k. Disorderly conduct 12. g 1. Traffic violations 13. c m. Agricultural crimes 14. m n. Wildlife crimes 15. n o. Hate crimes 16. � p. Other (specify) � . � � � w � � � ' � � °Il. -1333 � Community policing is a policing philosophy that promotes and supports organiza- tional strategies to address the causes and reduce the fear of crime and social disor- der through problem-solving tactics and community-police partnerships. . Your answers to the questions below will provide the COPS Office�vith basic inf�r- mation about your community policing efforts, and how you will use your COPS grant funds to further the implementation of community policing. You are not expected to engage in all of the activities listed. They are examples of the community policing efforts of other law enforcement agencies. If you have a written document that serves as your community policing plan, please attach it to this form. OveraN Approad� 2. Please indicate which of the following are part of your overall approach to com- munity policing, and which you plan to implement under your COPS grant: a) Crime Prevention Efforts: Have Plan to Implemented Implement C� O a. Youth programs (e.g., in-school, after school, weekend police/youth programs) � O b. Anti-drug programs � O c. Regular meetings with community groups to discuss crime �J O d. Anti-violence programs �l O e. Other (specify �„ c„���s�e� .��eg��m b) Problem-Solving Activities: Have Plan to Implemented Implement � O a. Identifying crime problems with members of the community and other government agen- cies (e.g., prosecutor and courts, social ser- vices, probation office) � O b. Identifying crime problems by looking at crime trends (e.g., keeping records of crimes and the types of requests for help) 2 � . , ,, , . �`-, �3 3 � � O c. Identifying top problems by analyzing repeat � calls for service � �1 O d. Preventing crime by focusing on conditions that lead to crime (e.g., abandoned buildings and cars, referrals to other civil agencies) �] O e. Building on information systems to enhance crime analysis capabilities C�7 O f. Other (specify) Victim Program c) Community Partnerships: Have Plan to Implemented Implement [,� O a. Regularly surveying community members to assist in identifying and prioritizing crime problems Q O b. Locating office or stations within neighbor- hoods G� � c. Providing community policing training to citizens Q O d. Meeting with community members to learn more about the nature of specific problems �l O e. Involving community members in selecting responses to problems and determining mea- sures of success �7 ❑ f. Other (specify) �an � and Gurfew Gollaboration d) Infrastructure and Management Changes: Have Plan to � Implemented Implement � O a. Have written strategic plan for community policing � O b. Department currently designates special unit � (or a special officer) for community policing activities 3 - f � ' � q� -��33 ' Cg] O c. Department promotes an agency-wide approach to community policing If your department has implemented or plans to implement an agency- wide approach to community policing, please indicate the approximate percentage of time that patrol officers in your department dedicate (or will dedicate) to community policing: O Less than 10 percent O 10-20 percent � More than 20 percent �7 O d. Personnel are given responsibility for geo- graphical areas �] O e. Call management systems are in place to free „ officer time for community policing (i.e. tele- phone reporting, alternative responses, etc.) C� O f. Personnel evaluations reward participation in collaborative problem-solving efforts �l O g. Decision-making authority has been decen- tralized �7 O h. Management positions have been eliminated �] O i. Community policing concepts have been integrated into agency's mission statement Q O j. Community policing concepts have been inte- grated into departmental policies and procedures l� O k. Detectives have been integrated into commu- " nity policing efforts � O 1. Department staff routinely collaborate with other municipal agencies to address problems Communities 3. Please indicate which of the following groups you have consulted to address crime and disorder problems in your community: Consulted Plan to Consult �l O a. Other government agencies (e.g. probation office, sanitation) 4 _ � ' , � _ ` � 9 � • t333 �1 O b. Civic groups �] O c. Neighborhood associations f1 O d. Tenants' associations � O e. Organizations of your employees, including collective bargaining groups C7_ O f. Business groups �7 O g. Religious groups C] O h. Schools O O i. Other (specify) Ci'tizens 4. Please indicate which of the following partnership activities are currently per- formed by citizens in your jurisdiction or are planned under your COPS grant: Currently Planned Under Perform Grant �l O a. Neighborhood Watch �7 O b. Citizen volunteer programs Q O c. Citizen advisory groups to your law � enforcement agency �1 D d. Citizen patrols within your community Q O e. Participate in anti-drug or anti-violence pro- grams O O f. Other activities (specify) O�C81'S 5. Please indicate which of the following activities are currently performed by patrol officers or are planned under your COPS grant: 5 . � � � ` , r r � _ a► � -1333 a) Crime Prevention Activities: Currently Planned Under Perform Grant �] O a. Foot patrol,bike patrol or mounted patrol {7 O b. Making door-to-door contact with citizens and businesses �7 O c. Meeting with community leaders and groups to learn more about crime problems and joint- ly develop crime prevention plans G� O d. Using business cards, cellular phones or .� beepers to maintain contact with,and be con- tacted by, citizens regarding public safety concerns C� O e. Working in schools or other public agencies to teach crime prevention • O O f. Other (specify) b) Problem-Solving Activities: ' Currently Planned Under Perform Grant �l O a. Working with citizens to identify and address community crime problems � O b. Using computer systems to collect and ana- lyze information, particularly repeat calls for service i� O c. Coordinating specific problem-solving pro- jects to address problems on their beats � O d. Working with other public agencies to solve disorder problems (e.g. trash collection, pub- lic works agencies to solve lighting problems) Q O e. Mapping crime problems O O f. Other (specify) 6 _ �, � ,� _ � °l � •�333 c) Training:. 1. Departmental-wide community policing training �7 Have implemented O Plan to implement � O Do not plan to implement 2. Where do recruits/officers receive basic training? (Check all that apply.) O State academy O Regional academy O Local academy O Community college O Private contract/outside consultant �� O No recruit training �J Other (specify): �ai„ Pattl Po1 i DeDartment Training Academy 3. How many hours of recruit training dedicated solely to community policing concepts do recruits receive? 38.5 hours 4. Have community policing concepts been integrated into general training received by agency personnel (e.g. training on law, departmental regulations, conducting investigations)? �1 Yes O Plan to implemerit O Do riot plan to implement 5. Where do in-service officers receive community policing training? O State academy O Regional academy O Local academy O Community college O Private contract/outside consultant O No in-service training � Other (specify): Saint Paul Police Denartment Training Unit 6. How many hours of in-service training dedicated solely to community policing concepts do officers receive? �1� hours � _ , , � � 9� -�� �3 7. We would like to know what kind of training your department routinely provides that is pertinent to community policing. Please indicate the community policing training that your department provided in the past fiscal year. Please indicate by checking the appro- priate box. The abbreviation "CP"stands for community policing. � V � ' � � "� � � Cn .� � .., � � � � a� �, °� p-� R � � � � y �� .� Q� ,� � � f.. � � � .� �� � � � ,� .^ E-�i G� v � +. � � .0 � � p u z o a. Concepts and general principles of CP O O �] O O O b. Problem-solving methods (SARA, etc.) O O �,7 O O O c. Causes and consequences of specific O O �] f7 O O problems (e.g. drugs, spousal abuse) d. CP approaches to specific proUlems O O �l O O O e. Organizing/working w/public groups O O �7 �7 O O f. Cultural diversity O O �] O O O g. Victim assistance O O gl O O O h. Working with juveniles O O �7 O O O i. Using code/civil enforcement O O $] � O O j. Alternative dispute resolution O O �7 O O O k. Supervising problem solvers O �] O O O O l. Other (specify): O O O O O O m. Other: O O O O O O n. Other: O O O O O O 8 ' � i � � � � °��. -�'3 3� Compl�te Part 2 only if: • You are applying for a COPS hiring grant and your jurisdiction's population is 50,000 or more; or • You are applying for an ICOP grant with funding of $1 million or more; or • You do not have an established law enforcement agency and wish to establish one; or . • You represent a special law enforcement agency, such as transit, housing, university, school, or natural resource police. � PART 2 1. List any fiscal,budgetary or other limitations on your department's ability to address the public safety needs listed in Question 1,Part 1, of the Community Policing Information Worksheet,without Federal assistance: Fiscal Limitations: Budgetary Limitations: Other Limitations: 2. How does your community policing plan fit with other statewide and local crime prevention and control plans, including statewide Byrne Grant strategy? Coordinated Partially Fully Coordinated O O a) Statewide Byrne Grant strategy O O b) Other statewide strategies O O c) Local crime prevention plans O O d) Local crime control plans 9 - . ' � � , , . , 9 �-�� 33 - 3. Briefly list other governmental or community initiatives that coutplement or will be coordinated with your plans under this grant: 4. Indicate current and anticipated ongoing community support for your commu- nity policing efforts, such as financial support or in-kind contributions. Current Anticipated O O a) Programmatic support from the community O O b) Financial support from the community • O O c) Other community support: O O d) Sought or obtained private financial support 5. Indicate the impact that receiving the requested resources or increasing the number of officers will have on other criminal justice agencies in your jurisdic- tion: Minimal Major No Impact Impact Impact O O O a) Prosecutor's office O O O b) Public defender's office O O O c) Local/state conectional agencies O O O d) Other public criminal justice agencies O O O e) Other private criminal justice agencies If you anticipate any major impact on any of these agencies,please briefly describe that impact below. 10 . � ' � i + . � � 9t, -�� � 3 6. Indicate how you plan to make a good faith effort to retain the new officers follow- ing the end of federal grant support. Have you planned to assume a progressively larger share of an officer's salary and fringe benefits each year over the next three years, leading to full-time retention of the officer at the conclusion of the grant? O Yes O No Do you have assurance from your local government that these officers will be retained? O Yes O No If "yes," attach any written letters or other assurances to this application. If "no," explain how you intend to retain the officers. � (Continued on o�er side.) - � � � �ll. -1 �3� Attach .iyp�tten expianations or supplemerrtal desaiptions if necce.sary. Complete your Community Policing Information Worksheet by signing and dating below. Both the law enforcement executive and the government executive must sign. Applicant Organization's Legal Name: Saint Paul Police Department ORI#: M�0620900 We, the t�nclersigned,attest to the acct�racy of the Communit�Policing Informntion Worksheet subrnitted above. Law Enforcement Executive:Title: Chief of Police Name (typed): William K. Finney �� Department: Saint Paul Police Department Date: pte er , 199 Signature: , • Government Executive: Title: Ma or Name (typed) Government Entity City of Saint Paul Date: September 6, 1996 � Signature: � �� � �-L��� Person Completing Form: Title: Grants Administrator Name (typed) Carrie J. Wasley Date: September 6, 1996 Signature. J- Please reti�rn to: U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 1100 Vermont Ave., NW ,�2 Washington, DC 20530 .. � � i + � ' . _ °l� -1'3 3 3 Bac�cgr�und Ir�forma�tion All requested information must be typed. Applicant Organization's Legal Name: Cgj,at Pg�, Pnl irP n�artmant Applicant Agency EIN Number (Assigned by the IRS): 41 6005521 (If your department Itas been assigned an EIN number b� the Office of Justice Progrnms,please use that assigried nti�mber. Othen��ise,your Internnl Revenue Service EIN nicmber shoticld be used.) Applicant Agency ORI Number (Assigned by FBI for UCR Reporting): MN0620900 Congressional District (number): M� 4 Are you contracting for law enforcement services? �l No O Yes If"yes," enter the name and agency informa- tion of the contract lnzv enforcement department in the Lazv Enforcement Executive Informntion section below. 6(6plh11E �I1f017i1�1011: Law Enforcement Executive's Name: w;i i;am K_ Fi nn �Title: Chi f of Po�; Agency Name: Saint Paul Police Department � Address: 100 East Eleventh Street City: Saint Paul State: 1`ZN Zip Code: 55101 Telephone: (612)292-3588 FAX: ___ (612)292-3711 Name of contact person in your department who is familiar with this grant: Carrie J Wasle;� Telephone: (612)292-3513 FAX: (612)292-3580 Government Executive's Name: Norm B. Coleman Title: Mayor Name of Government Entity: Citv of Saint Paul Address: Room 390, City Hall, 15 West Ke11oQg Boulevard City: Saint Paul State: � Zip Code: 5�i n� Telephone: (612)266-8510 FAX: ( 12)266-g��� �!i@I"d� �11f01111�0�: Type of Police Agency: � Municipal O State O County PD O Sheriff O Indian Tribal D Transit O School O University/College (O Public or O Private?) O Public Housing O New Start Up (please specify type of agency) O Other (please specify) **Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)** �3 ' � � � q �-1'3 33 Has your jurisdiction received other COPS grants? �Yes O No , If "yes," under which program(s)? (Choose all that apply.) �1 COPS: Phase I �1 COPS AHEAD O COPS FAST �7 COPS MORE O Universal Hiring Program O Anti-Gang Initiative/Youth Firearms Violence Initiative O Troops to COPS O Community Policing to Combat Domestic Violence O Problem-Solving Partnerships Total amount of Federal funds requested: $ g.b��l����e�s �-��d 2) Total non-Federal matching funds required (local share): $ 322,605 (items 1 and 2) Population served as of 1990 U.S. Census: 272�235 and square miles covered: 55 (Exclude the population and squnre miles primarily served by other lnw enforcement agencies within your jurisdic- tion. For example,sheriffs'departments musf exclude popuintions and areas covered by a city police department for which the sheriff's department has no primary law enforcement authority.) Current authorized sworn force strength: 533 . (Indicate if your department does not have an authorized strength.) Actual sworn force strength as of May 1, 1996: 515 (Include funded vacancies.) Are you requesting a waiver of the local match requirement based upon severe fiscal distress? (Please see the section on waivers stnrting on page four of this application and attach a detailed explanntion of your agency's current fiscal situation and why you are unable to provide a local match.) O Yes �l No What is the source of your agency's local cash match? City of Saint Paul (Please contintce on other side.) �4 **Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)'" - , � ' � °I �-1 �'3 3 I certify that the informntion provided on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knozvledge.I understand that prior to nny grant award, the applicant mtcst comply with plication and program requirements of the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994 an oth r requirements of Federal lazu. Law Enforcement Executive's Signature: Date: �P�amhP,-�_ 199 (signnture of person nam d on the front of this form) Government Executive's Signature: ,C c � � DateSeptember 6, 1996 (signature of person nam d on front of t rs form) Notice: If your state participates in the Executive Order 12372 Intergovernmental Review Process (see the Appendix), please fill in the date on which you made a copy of this application available to the Single Point of Contact for review: � CFDA Number: 16.710 State Application Identifier: (For State SPOC Use Only) "*Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COI'S Office.)*" • 15 - � � � � -�3 �' Sec6on U — Part A ftem#�_ Cost-Ef fec�veness Wor�shee�t Plense t�pe nll responses. Jurisdiction's Legal Name: Saint Paul Police Department. QRj##;MN0620900 CltY, State: Saint Paul, M1�T Contact name: �a,-,-;P Wacl ov Contact phone: {�2)�9�-�s i� �7 Technology/equipment OR �1 Civilians Brief description of requested item, system, or group of like items: Linkage of police information and educational fact sheets to seventeen community district councils for the }��thl;c. Line 1—Entry-level salary of SWORN police officer (as of Jan. 1, 1996) 1. 33,571 Line 2—Fringe benefits of SWORi�1 police officer 2 11,616 Line 3—Add lines 1 ar�d 2 3. 45.187 Line 4—Multiply line 3 by .75 4, 33,890 Line 5—Enter figure on line 4 or$25,000, whichever is less 5. 25,000 Line 6—Total cost of item, system, or group of like items 6. 386,020 Line 7—Federal amount requested 7. 289,51 5 Can be no more than 75%a of total item cost (line 6) Line 8—Divide line 7 by line 5 g_ 11.58 Line 8 is the minimum number of officers that you must redeploy into community policing. To determine how many officer hours this is per year, multiply line 8 x 1,824 hours (1,824 hours/year is the COPS standard full-time equivalent). This is the total number of hours/year that must be saved through the purchase of this item in order to meet redeployment. Certain types of technology or support resources may allow you to rede- ploy more than the amount required by line 8 of the CEW. The actual amount of redeployment calculateci for .each item in Part B, the Demonstration of Time Savings (see page 21), is the redeployment the COPS Office expects that you �vill achieve if awarded that item. "*Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)" �9 ' � �1�-1 ��� Name: Saint Paul Police Department ��: MN 0620900 Section il — Part B Item# 1 Demons�a�ion of Time Savings Describe how this item, system, or group of like items will result in officer time savings. Please use the space provided. For large jurisdictions or complex projects, please attach additional sheets. Sample redeployment summaries can be found in the beginning of this section. The actual redeployment that you calculate in this section is what the COPS Office assumes that you will achieve as a result of this grant. Things you may want to include: • Number of hours saved per day per officer • The number of days these officers will actually work in a one-year period • How many officers will realize this savings • How time will be saved (on what activities) • If the actual redeployment that is calculated in this section is substantially greater than the required amount of redeployment you must achieve for this item (line 8 of the CEW), please indicate that your agency understands that it will be expected to attain this redeployment if funded for this item. A quick look at cities across the country reveals that Saint Paul is truly unique in cultivating partnerships between the City and its neighborhoods. For many years the City has been divided into seventeen district planning councils, each representing a neighborhood and each providing a unique opportunity for government to relate to its citizens at the grass roots level and for citizens to be part of their City and its structure. The police department has long recognized the importance of that partnership opportunity and has taken many steps to cultivate relationships with those community councils to in- volve them into the the Saint Paul Police Department's Community Oriented Policing (COP) program. To further enhance that relationship, this proposal would establish a data com- munications infrastructure between the police department and the community councils. Most officers spend at least fifteen minutes per day dealing with the community and pro- viding information to citizens. That information might deal with crime statistics, sig- nificant events that have occurred recently, sex offender notifications in compliance with recent federal and state legislation, questions such as "how to obtain a restraining order" or how to obtain a permit to purchase a f irearm are but a few of the capabilities of this communications system. E-mail capabilities to allow secure and timely transmission of messages would also be a feature of this Wide Area Network (WAN) . Much of the time spent **Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)"' 23 � � � q � - i�3 � Name: Saint Paul Police Department ORI: MN0620900 Section II - Part B Item �� 1 Demonstration of Time Savings, page two by officers to give information would be eliminated by this network. Not only is the patrol officer time saved, surveys of investigative personnel reveal that they also spend at least that amount of time each day answering questions and pro- viding information. Fifteen minutes of time per day for 305 patrol officers and 87 investigators would be saved each day for a total of 98 hours per day. 98 hours per day times multiplied by 365 days equal 35,770 hours per year. This amount of hours divided by 1,824 officer hours (FTE) per year results in a time saving equivalent to 19.6 officers. The Cost Effectiveness Worksheet determines that a minimum of 11.58 officer's time must be redeployed. The 19.6 officer figure well exceeds that minimum. In summary, this project would create a secure data network that would link the seventeen district planning councils which comprise the City of Saint Paul to the Saint Paul Police Department. � � q G � l ��3 ' Name: Saint Paul Police Department ORI: MNO620900 $BCtlOt1 �� — P'dl't C 1�'�11,�$ 1 Communi�y Poti�in� A ' ' 'es S�mmary In Part B, you demonstrated the time savings that you expect to achieve through the purchase of this item. Please indicate which of the following activities your officers will engage in as a result of this time savings. �l Looking at repeat calls for service to identify problems or hot spots � Working with neighborhood residents to identify and prioritize crime problems �7 Conducting citizen surveys ... � Addressing conditions that lead to crime C� Assessing the impact of community policing efforts on levels of crime and fear CJ Working with local governmental/community agencies to address crime and disorder problems Q Attending community meetings �7 Helping coordinate neighborhood watch groups �7 Working with businesses to address crime problems C� Training officers/citizens in community policing Cl Conducting crime prevention workshops/disseminating information on ways of preventing crime � Engaging in strategic planning related to implementing community policing Briefly describe any other community policing activities your officers will engage in as a result of the time savings for this item. Please be as detailed as possible in the space provided,using the back if necessary. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. 26 *'Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)** _ � °l(, • 1'3 3 3 O�1B APPROVAL NO 1121-0188 EXPIRES 5�98 �udge� De��� ���G� Item 4� 1 Agency Name and State: Sainx p�ul ��lic� neTartment� Lta.as�PSO-ta ORI # (FBI ID Number): M�10620900 A Persanne! List each position by title and name of employee,if available. Show the annual salary rate and the pementage of time to be devoted to the project. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization. Name/Position Computation Cost 2 FTE Community Liaison Workers to train @ $30,000 each neighborhood groups/district councils in use of and retrieval of information from police information and education system Total: $ 60,000 B. Fringe Benefits Fringe benefits should be based on known actual costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed in budget category (A) and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Uniforms, equipment, and vehicles are unallowable costs under this grant program. Please list FICA and Workers Compensation, if applicable. Name/Position Computation Cost 2 FTE's @ 28.17 = $16,860 each Total: S 33,720 "*Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)'* 4� . � �l(. -1�33 Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Department, rIIV ORI # (FBI ID Number): t�0620900 Item �� 1 C. Trave! Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g. staff to training, field interviews, advisory group meetings). Show the basis of computation (e.g. six people to 3-day training at$X airfare,$X lodg- ing, �X subsistence). In training projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately. Show the number of trainees and the unit costs involved. Identify the location of travel, if known. Purpose of Travel Location Item Computation Costs None •• Total: � D. Equipment List nonexpendable items that are to be purchased. Nonexpendable equipment is tangible property having a useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of$5,000 or more per unit. Expendable items should be included either in the "Supplies" category or in the "Other" category.Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially for high-cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" cate- gory. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the success of the project.Attach a narrative describing the procurement method to be used. Item Computation Cost 17 Saint Paul District Planning Council Sites Equipment: 17 work stations @ 3,400 57,800 17 printers @ 1,400 � 23,800 17 routers @ 1,000 17,000 17 CSU/DSU modems @ 500 8,500 line costs @ 1,600 27,200 Central Site: Router and frame relay interface 20,000 District Council Server and Software 8,000 Total: � 162,300 42 *"Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)" , �IL•1333 Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Department, 1�Pi1 Ite� # 1 ORI # (FBI ID Number): 1�iI0620900 F �AnSU�tT�.S�LOfiti'BC�S Co�isc�ltant Fees: For each consultant enter the name, if known,service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of�250 per day require additional justification. Name of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost To Be Determined Software design, integration of applications into police systems, security, networking, system design. . Approximately 520 FTE days St�btotal:$ 130,000 Consultant hired through competitive RFP process and under contract to SPPD. .................................................................................................................................. ConsultanE Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants in addition to their fees (e.g. travel, meals, lodging). Item Location Computation Cost St�btotal:$ .................................................................................................................................. Contracts: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost.Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracts.A separate justification must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of$100,000. Item Cost Sc�btotal: $ Total: $_ ,��_ 44 ""Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS OEfice.)** _ , , , _ q � -1�33 Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Department, MN , ORI # (FBI ID Number): MN0620900 Item 4� 1 Budget Summary When you have completed the budget worksheet, transfer the totals for each category to the spaces below. Compute the total direct costs and the total project costs. Indicate the amount of Federal funds requested. Budget Category Amount A. Personnel $ 60,000 B. Fringe Benefits $ 33.720 C. Travel $ D. Equipment $162,300 E. Supplies $ F. Consultants/Contracts �,�_ G. Other $ Total Direct Costs �_ _ _ Total Project Costs � 386,020 Federal Request $ 289,515 � 75 qa� Non-Federal Amount $ 96,505 ( 25 %) 4s "'Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)•* � � � 9� •�'31S Section il — Part A item# 2 Cost-Effectiveness Worksheert Please type nll responses. Jurisdiction's Legal Name: Saint Paul Police Department. QRj##;MN0620900 City, State: Saint Paul, MN Contact name: ra,-,-iP wa�ia�. Contact phone: (6�)..?92-�5 i� �J Technology/equipment OR g] Civilians Brief description of requested item, system, or group of like items: Installation of a Mobile . Data Network for the Saint Paul Police Department's sworn personnel Line 1—Entry-level salary of SWORN police officer (as of Jan. 1, 1996) 1. 3.3 S�t Line 2—Fringe benefits of SWORN police officer 2. 11.616 Line 3—Add lines 1 and 2 3, 45,187 Line 4—Multiply line 3 by .75 4, 33,870 Line 5—Enter figure on line 4 or$25,000, whichever is less 5. 25,000 Line 6—Total cost of item,system, or group of like items 6, 904,400 Line 7—Federal amount requested � 678,300 Can be no more than 75% of total item cost (line 6) Line 8—Divide line 7 by line 5 8. 27.132_ Line 8 is the minimum number of officers that you must redeploy into community policing. To determine how many officer hours this is per year, multiply line 8 x 1,824 hours (1,824 hours/year is the COPS standard full-time equivalent). This is the total number of hours/year that must be saved through the purchase of this item in order to meet redeployment. Certain types of technology or support resources may allow you to rede- ploy more than the amount required by line 8 of the CEW. The actual amount of redeployment calculated for ,each item in Part B, the Demonstration of Time Savings (see page 21), is the redeployment the COPS Office expects that you will achieve if awarded that item. **Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)** �9 _ . � � � �l �. -133 '3 Name:_�t. Paul Police Department ORI: MN0620900 Section II - Part B Item # 2 Demonstration of Time Savings Information is the lifeblood of any organization,particularly a law enforcement organization. This proposal will streamline the delivery of information to officers and investigators thereby expanding the time available to more effectively interact with the community. In addition to gaining valuable time in the workday, more efficient flow of information will have a positive effect on the community by enabling officers to quickly and efficiently detain or arrest those adult and juvenile offenders who pose a threat to public safety. This proposal will use Cellular Digital Packet Data(CDPD) architecture to greatly expand the amount of information delivered to patrol officers and investigators in a mobile environment. In addition, this system will be compliant with NCIC 2000 standards that will allow officers to view photographs and transmit fingerprints of offenders to enable positive identification. (NCIC 2000 is scheduled to be operational in 1999.) The amount of time each patrol officer will save each day with this system is conservatively estimated at .5 hours. That .5 multiplied by 305 patrol officers= 152.5 hours per day; 152.5 hours per day times 365 days per year= 55,662.5 officer hours per year divided by 1,824 hours/officer/year= 30.52 officers' time saved each year. The formula on the Cost Effectiveness Worksheet requires a minimum of 27.13 officers FTE's to be saved. The 30.52 officers exceeds that amount. Conventional Mobile Digital Terminal (MDT) systems typically perform functions such as want and warrant checks,motor vehicle and drivers license checks etc. but are limited in the amount of data that can be transmitted via a radio frequency. CDPD systems use cellular telephone rype technology to transmit encrypted, secure data over the cellular network. This type of system utilizes many channels or frequencies to allow an unlimited amount of information to be conveyed to mobile units. This system is the way of the future. A typical private, police MDT system uses a radio frequency with a finite limit to its capacity. No matter what the technology, compression etc., only a finite amount of data can be sent over a radio frequency. Private law enforcement systems will not be able to deal with the volume of information that will be available and needed in a mobile environment by officers and investigators. Today's client/server information systems allow the transmission of data such as arrest or contact information for juveniles and adults; gang information; past history of complaint or involvement with law enforcement. All of this information is available to the officer or investigator in the "office"but not via pc in the field. Because conventional MDT systems will not allow this **Application Form:COPS MORE`96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office)** _ , � � . � � q� - ��� � volume of information to be used in a mobile environment beat officers must make phone calls, stop in at the "station" or use some other time consuming method to obtain this information. This proposal will make that type of information quickly available to field officers and investigators. Perhaps the single,most significant aspect of this proposal is its scalability and expansion capabilities for the future. The system's architecture will use a CDPD server to link and direct queries to a want and warrant system, NCIC, Minnesota Crime Information System(MINCIS), intelligence system, records system, criminal history system or any other automated information that would be available to the officer in a fixed location on a personal computer(pc). The system doesn't know or care where the query comes from; it simply responds. Should the query come from a mobile user, the CDPD server sends it back there. Another significant aspect of this system is its ability to allow hand held data terminals for beat � officers, horse patrol, bicycle patrol officers etc. Currently, MDT technology is almost always tied to a patrol vehicle. True, laptops can be removed and used to write reports, but there is seldom a mobile, radio frequency(r fl capability when out of the car. In addition,the officers mentioned above simply have no mobile data capabilities. This technology will give them the ability to carry a 3i, Badger(trade names) or other type of hand held pc on their belt giving them instant access to data wherever they happen to be. The St. Paul Police Department(SPPD) is currently implementing a Records Management System enabled by a previous COPS MORE grant. We are very grateful for that opportunity and this project will compliment that effort. You may notice that the project under way also contains some laptop computers but not enough to outfit the entire mobile fleet. This proposal will complete the installation of laptops in all SPPD patrol vehicles. Please contact us if necessary for more information about how this project interfaces and compliments the project currently underway. **Application Form:COPS MORE`96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office)** - , . 9.C-�133 Name: Saint Paul Police Department ORL• MNO620900 $�L�011 �� — P'dl't C �m$# 2 Communi�y poliang Activities Summary In Part B, you demonstrated the time savings that you expect to achieve through the purchase of this item. Please indicate which of the following activities your officers will engage in as a result of this time savings. L�I Looking at repeat calls for service to identify problems or hot spots Q Working with neighborhood residents to identify and prioritize crime problems p Conducting citizen surveys •.. � Addressing conditions that lead to crime C� Assessing the impact of community policing efforts on levels of crime and fear C7 Working with local governmental/community agencies to address crime and disorder problems � Attending community meetings [� Helping coordinate neighborhood watch groups � Working with businesses to address crime problems C� Training officers/citizens in community policing f� Conducting crime prevention workshops/disseminating information on ways of preventing crime C� Engaging in strategic planning related to implementing community policing Briefly describe any other community policing activities your officers will engage in as a result of the time savings for this item. Please be as detailed as possible in the space provided, using the back if necessary. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. 26 *"Application Form:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COI'S Office.)*' - � � � � � qC -1133 OMB APPROVAL NO 1121-0188 EXPIRES S98 Budget De�t�it Woric,she� Item �� 2 Agency Name and State: c�;.,� v�„�Al.ice�eTartment, l�innes�ta ORI# (FBI ID Number): tv1t�10620900 A. Persanne! List each position by title and name of employee,if available.Show the annual salary rate and the pe�entage of time to be devoted to the project. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant activities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization. Name/Position Computation Cost 1 FTE Network Specialist to Integrate System into SPPD's current system and to Manage the Network Total:S 55,000 B. kinge Benefits Fringe benefits should be based on known actual costs or an established formula. Fringe benefits are for the personnel listed in budget category (A) and only for the percentage of time devoted to the project. Uniforms, equipment, and vehicles are unallowable costs under this grant program. Please list FICA and Workers Compensation, if applicable. Name/Position Computation Cost 1 FTE @ 28. 1 15,455 Total:S 15,455 *'Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)" 41 _ �� , � , � q�, -13�3 Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Devartment, I�PI Item 4l 2 ORI # (FBI ID Number): M�10b2o900 T C. Travel Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g. staff to training, field interviews, advisory group meetings). Sho�v the basis of computation (e.g. six people to 3-day training at$X airfare,$X lodg- ing, $X subsistence). In training projects, travel and meals for trainees should be listed separately. Sho�v the number of trainees and the unit costs involved. Identify the location of travel, if known. Purpose of Travel Location Item Computation Costs Site visit of TBA Air/Hotel/3 days per diem comparable system . Totdl: $ 945.00 D. Equipmerrt List nonexpendable items that are to be purchased. Nonexpendable equipment is tangible property having a useful life of more than two years and an acquisition cost of$5,000 or more per unit. Expendable items should be included either in the "Supplies" category or in the "Other" category.Applicants should analyze the cost benefits of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially for high-cost items and those subject to rapid technical advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" cate- gory. Explain how the equipment is necessary for the success of the project.Attach a nanative describing the procurement method to be used. Item Computation Cost CDPD Access Server 45,000 Router 9,000 150 CDPD RF Modems @ 1,000 each 150,000 150 CDPD RF Access Software (GUI) @ $200 each 30,000 75 Laptop Computers @ 4,500 each 337,500 50 hand-held computers @ 3,500 each 175,000 Total: $746,500 42 *"Budget Worksheet:COPS hfORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)" ; , . °l�-1�3'3 Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Department, 1�L�1 Item 4� 2 ORI# (FBI ID Number): MN0620900 E Supplies List items by type (office supplies; postage; training materials; copying paper; and expendable equipment items costing less than$5,000, such as books, hand-held tape recorders) and sho�v the basis for computa- tion. Generally,supplies include any materials that are expendable or consumed during the course of the project. Supply Items Computation Cost Miscellaneous cables, hardware, etc. for system 1,500 Total: $ 1 ,500 "*Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COPS Office.)*' 43 , � , , � � :. "�� -1�3 3 Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Department MN • ORI # (FBI ID Number): MN0620900 Item 4� 2 E �;OtlSil�ii�S/�011b'8C'�S Corzsi�ltant Fees: For each consultant enter the name, if known, service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (8-hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees in excess of$250 per day require additional justification. Name of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost TBA Software development to interface CDPD data into server and SPPD information system and state and federal . interfaces (340 FTE days @ 250.00/day) SubEotal:$ 85,000 Software developer to be contracted based on published RFP with a competitibe process. .................................................................................................................................. Co�tsi�ltant Expenses: List all expenses to be paid from the grant to the individual consultants in addition � to their fees (e.g. travel,meals, lodging). Item Location Computation Cost Sttbtotal:$ .................................................................................................................................. Contracts: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estimate of the cost.Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracts.A separate justification must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of$100,000. Item Cost Subtotnl:$ Total: $ 85.000 44 **Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(This page must be returned to the COI'S Office.)"' , , � � � �• 9G�•1�33 . Agency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Department, rIN . ORI # (FBI ID Number): M�Ii 0620900 Item 4� 2 Budget Summary When you have completed the budget worksheet, transfer the totals for each category to the spaces below. Compute the total direct costs and the total project costs. Indicate the amount of Federal funds requested. Budget Category Amount A. Personnel $ ��'nn ,n B. Fringe Benefits $ 15,455 C. Travel $ 945 D. Equipment $ 746•500 E. Supplies $ 1,500 F. Consultants/Contracts $ 85,000 G. Other $ Total Direct Costs �_ Total Project Costs $904,400 Federal Request $ 678,300 ( 75 %) Non-Federal Amount $ 226,100 � 25 %� '46 "*Budget Worksheet:COPS MORE'96(T'his page must be returned to the COPS Office.)'* . . �4 . 9 t�-1�3 3 _ . U�ep�rtment of Justice . �Uffice of Community Oriented Policing Services Assurances Several pmvisions of Federal law and policy apply to all grant programs. We(the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services)need to secure your assurance that you(the applicant)will comply with these provisions. If you would like further information about any of the matters on which we seek your assurance,please contact us. By your authorized representative's signature,you assure us and cex�tify to us that you will comply with all legal and adminis- trative requirements that govern the applicant for acceptance and use of Federal grant ftznds. In particular,you assure us that: 1. You have been legally and officially authorizeci by the appropriate 8. You will not,on the ground of race,color,religion,national origin, governing body(for exampie,mayor or city council)to apply for this gender,disability or age,unlawfully exclude any person from partic- grant and that the persons signing the application and these assur- ipation in,deny the benefits of or employment to any person,or sulr ances on your behalf are authorized to do so and to act on your ject any person to discrimination in connection with any programs behalf with respect to any issues that may arise during processing of or activities funded in whole or in part with federal funds. These this application. civil rights requirements are found in the nondiscrirnination provi- sions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,as 2. You will comply with the pmvisions of federal law which limit amended(42 U.S.C.§3789(d));Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of certain political activities of your employees whose principal 1964,as amended(42 U.S.C.§2000d);the Indian Civil Rights Act(25 employment is in connection with an activity financed in whole or in U.S.C.§§1301-1303);Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,as part with this grant. These restrictions are set forth in 5 U.S.C.§ amended(29 U.S.C.§794);Title II,Subtitle A of the Americans with 1501,et seq. Disabilities Act(ADA)(42 U.S.C.§12101,et seqJ;the Age Discrinunation Act of 1975(42 U.S.C.§6101,et seq.);and 3. You will comply with the muumum wage and maximum hours Department of Justice Non-Discrimination Regulations contained in provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standaids Act,if they apply to Title 28,Parts 35 and 42(subparts C,D,E and G)of the Code of you. Federal Regulations. 4. You will establish safeguards,if you have not done so already,to A. In the event that any court or admuustraHve agency makes a prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is, finding of discrimuiation on grounds of race,color,religion, or gives the appeazance of being,motivated by a desire for private national origin,gender,disability or age against you after a due gain for themselves or others,particularly those with whom they process hearing,you agree to forward a copy of the finding to the have family,business,or other ties. COPS Legal Division,1100 Vermont Avenue,N.W.,Washington, DC 20530. 5. You will give the Department of Justice or the Comptroller General access to and the right to examine records and documents B. If you are applying for a grant of$500,000 or moie and related to the grant. Department regtdations(28 CFR 42.301 et seqJ require you to submit an Equal Opportunity Employment Plan,you will do so 6. You will comply with all requirements imposed by the within 60 days of your grant awazd,if you have not done so in Department of Justice as a condition or administrative requirement the past. If you are applying for a gmnt of less than$500,000 and of the grant,with the program guidelines,with the requirements of the regulations require you to maintain a Plan on file in your OMB Circulars A-87(governing cost calculations)and A-128 or A- office,you will do so within 120 days of your grant award. 133(goveming audits),with the applicable provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,as amended, 9. You will insure that the facilities under your ownership,lease or with 28 CFR Part 66(Uniform Administrative Requirements),with supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the the pmvisions of the current edition of the COPS Universal Hiring project are not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's Owners Manual,and with all other applicable laws,o�lers,regula- (EPA)list of Volating Facilities and that you will notify us if you are tions,or circulars. advised by the EPA indicating that a facility to be used in this grant is under consideration for listing by EPA. 7. You will,to the extent practicable and consistent with applicable law,seek,recruit,and hire qualified members of racial and ethnic 10. If your state has established a review and comment procedure minority groups and qualified women in order to fixrther effective under Executive Order 12372 and has selected this program for law enforcement by increasing their ranks within the sworn posi- review,you have made this application available for review by the tions in your agency. State Single Point of Contact. I hereby tify comp c he above assurances that govern the application and use of Federal funds. . Signature: • • Date: R eTn,t am}�a r �_ t 4 q� °1�.-��33 epartment of Justice �f'ice of Community Oriented Policing Services , ����� Regarding Lobbying; Debarment; Susper�sion and Other Responsibilily Mat�e�s; Drug-Free Woriq�lace Requirements; Coordination with Afie�ed Agenaes; and Non�p�anting. Although the Deparhnent of Justice has made every effort to sunplify the application process,other provisions of Federal law require us to seek your certification regarding certain matters. Applicants should read the regulations cited below and the instructions for certification included in the regulations to understand the requirements and whether they apply to a particular applicant. Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69,"New Resirictions on Lobbying"and 28 CFR Part 67,"Government-wide Debarment and Suspension(Nonprocurement)and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace(Grants);'and the coordination and non-supplanting requirements of the Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994. The certifications shall be treated as a material represen- tation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered grant, 1. Lobbying (i) Are not presently debarred,suspended,proposed for As required by Section 1352,'Iitle 31 of the U.S.Code,and imple- debarment,declared ineligible,sentenced to a denial of mented at 28 CFR Part 69,for persons entering into a grant or coolr Federal benefits by a State or Federal murt,or voluntarily eraHve agreement over$100,000,as defined at 28 CFR Part 69,the excluded from covered transactions by any Federal depart- applicant certifies that: ment or agency; A. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be (ri) Have not within a thnee-yeaz period preceding this appli- paid,by or on behalf of the undersigned,to any person for influ cation been convided of or had a avil judgment rendered encing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of connection with obtaining,attempting to obtain,or perform- Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection ing public(Federal,State,or local)transaction or contract with the making of any Federal grant,the entering into of any under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State cooperative agreement,and the extension,continuation,renewal, antitrust statutes or commission of ernbezzlement,theft, amendment,or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative forgery,bribery,falsification or destiuction of records,making agreement; faLse statements,or receiving stolen properly; B. If any funds other than Federal appmpriated funds have been (rii) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting civilly charged by a governmental entity(Federal,State,or to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a Member of local)with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of pazagraph(A)(ri)of this certification;and a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or cooperaHve agreement,the undersigned shall complete and sulr (iv) Have not within a three-year period preceding this appli- mit Standard Form—LLL,"Disclosure of Lobbying Activities;'in cation had one or mote public transactions(Federal,State,or accordance with its instrudions; local)ternunated for cause or default; and C. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certifi- B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the stat� cation be included in the award documents for all subawards at ments in this certification,he or she shall attach an explanation to all tiers(including subgrants,contracts under grants and coopera- this application. tive agreements,and subcontracts)and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 3. Drug-Free Workplace(Grantees Other Than Individuals) 2. Debarment,Suspension,and Other Responsibility Matters As required by the Dnzg-Free Workplace Act of 1988,and imple� (Direct Recipient) mented at 28 CFR Part 67,Subpart F,for grantees,as defined at 28 CFR Part 67,Sections 67.615 and 67.620— As required by ExecuHve Order 12549,Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 28 CFR Part 67, for prospective participants in A. The applicant certifies that it will or will continue to provide a primary covered transactions,as defined at 28 CFR Part 67,Section drug-free workplace by: 67.510— (i) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the A.The applicant certifies that it and its principals: unlawfizl manufactune,distribution,dispensing,possession,or �� � use of a controlled substance is pmhibited in the grantee's (b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against drug abuse assistance or rehabilitaHon prograrn approved f employees for violaHon of such pmhibition; such purposes by a Federal,State,or local health,law enfom ment or other appropriate agency; (u) Establishing an on-going drug-free awareness program to inform employees about— (vii) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementaHon of paragraphs (a) The dangers of dn.ig abuse in the workplace; (i),(n),(rii),(iv),(v),and(vi). (b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-iree workplace; B. The grantee may insert in the space pmvided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific (c) Any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,and employ- grant: ee assistance programs; and Place of Performance(street address,city,county,state,zip code) (d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violaHons occurring in the workplace; (ui) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a mpy of the statement required by paragraph(i); Check O if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here. (iv) Notifyutg the employee in the statement mquired by paragraph(i)that,as a condiHon of employment under the Section 67.630 of the regulations provides that a grantee that is a grant,the employee will— State may elect to make one certification in each Federal fiscal year,a copy of which should be inciuded with each application (a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and for Department of Justice funding. States and State agencies may elect to use OJP Form 4061/7. (b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the work- Check O if the State has elected to complete OJP Form 4061/7. place no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 4. Coordination (v) Notifying the agency,in writing,within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph(iv)(b)from an The Public Safety Partnership and Community Policing Act of 1994 employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such convio- requires applicants to certify that there has been appropriate coonii- Hon. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, nation with all agencies that may be affected by the applicant's grant including position title,to: COPS Office,1100 Vermont Ave., proposal if approved. pffected agencies may include,among others, NW,Washington,DC 20530. Notice shall include the identifi- the Office of the United States Attorney,state or local prosecutors,or cation number(s)of each affected grant; correctional agencies. The applicant certifies that there has been appropriate coordination with all affected agencies. (vi) Taking one of the following actions,within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph(iv)(b),with 5. Non-Supplanting respect to any employee who is so convicted— The applicant hereby ceriifies that Federal funds will not be used to (a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an replace or supplant State or local funds,or funds supplied by the employee,up to and including ternunation,consistent with Bureau of Indian Affairs,that would,in the absence of federal aid,be the requirements of the RehabilitaHon Act of 1973,as amend- made available to or for law enforcement purposes. ed; or As the duly authorized representative of the applicant,I hereby certify that the applicant will comply wit/T the above certifications: Grantee Name and Address: 5101 Application No.and/ r ject Name: Grantee IRS/Uendor Number: i i_�nn c c�i Typed Name and tl 'thorized RepresentaHve: William K. Finney, Chief of Police Signature: � ,. Date:�p t emb e r 6 19 9 6 ,. J �' �' •�r ` ��. 13'+3 _ � U.S. Department of Justice . ", Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Disdosure of Lobbying . . .es Insbvctions for Com�tion of SF-W., D�re of Lobbying Activides This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime Federal recipi- ent, at the initiation or receipt of a covered Federal action, or a material change to a previous filing,pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The filing of a form is required for each payment or agreement to make pay- ment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in con- nection with a covered Federal action. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information. 1. Identify the type of covered Federal action for w.hich lob- ered Federal action(item 1). If known,enter the full Catalog bying activity is and/or has been secured to intluence the out- of Federal Domestic Assistance(CFDA)number for grants, come of a covered Federal action. cooperative agreements,loans and loan commitments. 2.Identify the status of the covered Federal action. g.Enter the most appropriate Federal identifying number available for the Fedexal action identified in item 1 (e.g., 3.Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If this Request for Proposal(RFP)number;Invitation for Bid(IFB) is a follow-up report caused by a material change to the infor- number;grant announcement number;the contract,grant,or maHon previously reported,enter the year and quarter in loan award number;the application/proposal control number which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last previ- assigned by the Federal agency). Include prefixes,e.g.,"RFP- ously submitted report by this reporting entity for this cov- DE-90-001:' ered Federal action. 9.For a covered Federal action where there has been an 4.Enter the full name,address,city,state and zip code of the award or loan commitment by the Federal agency,enter the reporting enHty. Include Congressional District number,if Federal amount of the award/loan commitment for the prime known. Check the appropriate classification of the reporting entity identified in item 4 or 5. entity that designates if it is,or expects to be,a prime or sub- award recipient. Identify the tier of the subawardee,e.g.,the 10.(a)Enter the full name,address,city,state and zip code of first subawardee of the prime is the lst tier. Subawards the lobbying entity engaged by the reporting registrant identi- include but are not limited to subcontracts,subgrants and fied in item 4 to influence the covered Federal action. contract awards under grants. ' (b)Enter the full name(s)of the individual(s)perfornung ser- 5.If the organization filing the report in item 4 checks vices,and include full address if different from 10(a). Enter "Subawardee;'then enter the full name,address,city,state Last Name,First Name,and Middle Initial(MI). and zip code of the prime Federal recipient. Include Congressional District,if known. 11.The certifying official shall sign and date the form,print his/her name,title and telephone number. 6.Enter the name of the Federal agency making the award or Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to loan commitment. Include at least one organizational level aUerage 30 minutes per response,including time for reviecuing instructions, below agency name,if known. For example,Department of searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed, Transportation,United States Coast Guard. and completing and reUiewing the collection of infornwtion. Send com- ments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspecE of this collection of infornwtion,including suggestions for reducing this burden,to the Office of 7.Enter the Federal program name or description for the cov- Management and Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(0348-0046), Washington,D.C.20530. - • . �. �� �- iti w ; �losure of �obbying Ac�ivities ApProved by OMB • "�11�. 0348-0046 , (as amended) Complete this form to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352 , (See reverse for instructions and public burden disclosure) 1. Type of Federal Action: b 2. Status of Federal Action: 3. Report Type: a. contract i a. bid/offer/application a. initial filing b. grant b. Initial award b. material change � c. cooperative agreement c. post-award � d. loan For Material Change Only: e. loan guarantee Year: f. loan insurance Quarter: Date of last report 4. Name and Address of Reporting Entity: 5. If Reporting Entity in No.4 is Subawardee,Enter O Prime O Subawardee Name and Address of Prime: Tier , if known: Congressional District(number),if known:�4 Congressional District(number),if known: 6. Federal Department/Agency: 7. Federal Program Name/Description: HUD CFDA Number,if applicable: 16.710 8. Federal Action Number,if known: 9. Award Amount,if known: $ 10. a. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant 10.b. Individuals Performing Services (if individual,last name,first name,MI): (including address if different from No.lOa) (last name,first name,MI): 11.Information requested through this form is authorized by Signature: . . title 31 U.S.C.section 1352. This disclosure of lobbying activi- ties is a material representation of fact upon which reliance William K.�in e was placed by the tier above when this transaction was made Print Name: Y or entered into. This disclosure is required pursuant to 31 Chief of Police U.S.C.1352. This information will be reported to the Title: Congress semi-annually and will be available for public inspection. Any person who fails to file the required disclo- sure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than$10,000 Telephone No.: �h 1�1� �—�5RR Date: 9/(,/46 and not more than$100,000 for each such failure. Federal Use Only: Authorized for Local Reproduction,Standard Form-LLL '�