96-1330 Council File # �
�,� �� � � ° � t ��,. 6
�. � �. � ; i '� LL_� Green Sheet # 3� �
Presented By �� d�l��-C-�
Referred To Committee: Date
5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental
6 Protection (LIEP) initiated a contested case hearing relating to all licenses held by J & L
7 Liquors, Inc. d/b/a the Trend Bar, for premises located at 1537 University Avenue West, Saint
8 Paul, Minnesota, seeking adverse action based upon alleged non-cooperation with the Saint
9 Paul Police in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §§ 266.01 and 266.02; and
11 WHEREAS, an administrative hearing was held before Administrative Law Judge John
12 W. Harrigan on July 19, 1996 at 9:30 a.m., with the licensee, Lawrence J. Krenik, appearing
13 on his own behalf, and Philip K. Miller, Esq., appearing on behalf of the Office of LIEP, and
14 each party submitting oral testimony and documents into the record at the heazing; and
16 WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge, in his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of
17 Law and Recommendation found that the bartender's testimony that he did not see the suspect
18 the police were seeking come into the bar was credible, and that he therefore did not willfullv
19 refuse to cooperate with the police, and based upon that finding, recommended that the Saint
20 Paul City Council take no adverse action against the licenses held by J & L Liquors, Inc.; and
22 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on October
23 9, 1996, to consider the report of the ALJ; now, therefore, be it
25 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, after due deliberation based
26 upon all the evidence contained in the files, records and proceedings herein, including the
27 documents and exhibits submitted to the Administrative Law Judge, the adoption of the ALJ's
28 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommendation and the testimony at the public
29 hearing, does hereby order:
31 1. That the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation of the Administrative Law
32 Judge be accepted as the finding of the Council in this matter and be incorporated herein by
33 reference.
1 � ` -��3°
3 2. That no action be taken against the licenses held by J & L Liquors, Inc., d1b/a the
4 Trend Bar for premises located at 1537 West University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
6 3. That a copy of this Resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the
7 licensee and the Administrative Law Judge.
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Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
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J Form Approved by City Attor,
Adopted by Co Da � � j
Adoption ertified by o c' � cretary By: � l
l� �
BY� ti Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approved by Mayo : Date (J `Z ��, Council
�� e.��/'U�� By.
� � DATE INITIATE ���EN SHEET N° 3 6 4 6 4
City Council Oct.16, 199 .-- - --
Councilmember Me ard 266-8640 � �CITYATfORNEY �cmrc��c
October 23, 1996 onoeR ���,,,����� �
Finalizing City Council action taken on October .9, 1996, concerning no penalty be imposed
against licenses held by J & L Liquors, Inc., dba the Trend Bar, 1537 University Avenue.
_PLANNINO G'Ot�Md18810N _GY��RVICE CO�AM18810N 1. Has this psro0111firm ev�wONced under a ContfeCt i0r tllis d�pYrd11�11t? -
_�� _ 2. Has thi�persoNfirm evsr bsen a city employee,9
_asrRwr couaT _ 3. Do�this psnoNfkm pos�ess a sklU not normaBY Possesaed bY�Y���Y emP��
Ezplaln all y�s�navinn on s�p�rat�sM�t�nd�thch to pn�n sM�t
Trmothy E. Marx, City Attorrrey � � 1��O
Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Crty Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710
1 S West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298-5619
Saint Pau1, �nnesota 55102
October 15, 1996
Nancy Anderson
310 City Hall
RE: Wednesday, October 23, 1996 Council Hearing
Item for Consent Agenda:
1 . J & L Liquors, Inc . d/b/a Trend Bar
Attached is the signed resolution identifying that no penalty is
imposed by the council on the Trend Bar. Please schedule this for
the Consent Agenda for the Council Hearing on Wednesday, October
23 , 1996 .
Thank you.
Sincer , .,����
, �'� �. !
� �
/ � , .
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� �
Peter P. Pan�n
Timolhy E. Marx. City Attorney
�l'� - � 33�
Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710
IS West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimrle: 612 298-5619
Sain�Paul, Minnesota 55102
w �
September 30, 1996
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc . dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: All licenses held by J. & L. Liquors, Inc . d/b/a Trend Bar,
for the premises located 1537 University Avenue West, Saint
License ID # 16403
Our File Number: G96-0171
Dear Mr. and Mrs . Krenik:
Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the
Administrative Law Judge concerning the above-mentioned license has
been scheduled for 4 :30 p.m. , Wednesday, October 9, 1996, in the
City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey
County Courthouse. _
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the Judge' s report
with the City Clerk at any time during normal business hours . You
may also present oral or written argument to the council at the
public hearing, however, no new evidence will be received or
testimony taken. The Council will base its decision on the record
of the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and on the
arguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the
recommendations of such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise
of its judgement and discretion.
"�;-,�z.�.�zu�. ��� ���^
Virginia D. Palmer
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP
Christine Rozek, LIEP
Andy Schneider, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,
1564 Lafond Ave . , St . Paul, MN 55104
. qC� -- 133�
60-21 1 1-1 0603-3
In re the Licenses of
J. & L. Liquors, Inc. FINDINGS OF FACT,
1537 University Avenue RECOMMENDATION
The ab for hearing before John W. Harrigan,
Administr 6, at 9:30 A.M., at St. Paul City Hall,
15 W. 55102. The hearing concluded on
City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg
ehalf of the City of Saint
ed on his own behalf.
il, pursuant to Section
aint Paul City
e Council may
\ islative
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action may be
Bar on the groun
On or about M +
establishment re ct who
. . �Lp-133Q
had just been seen running into a corridor and through the back door.
After the officers explained that the individual that they were looking
for was a suspect in an assault, the employee still refused to help.
Noncooperation with the police is a violation of law and furnishes the
basis for adverse action.
This is in violation of Sections 266.01 , 266.02 and 266.03 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code.
The Administrative Law Judge makes the following:
1 . Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik own and operate the
establishment known as J. & L Liquors, Inc., d/b/a Trend Bar, 1537 University
Avenue West, St. Paul, Minnesota.
2. On March 3, 1996, Officer Howard Swintek received a radio call
stating that there was a man down and a shooting in front of Hot Rods. Hot Rods
is a bar about 500 feet west of the Trend Bar. Officer Swintek drove up the alley
and saw a white male trying to hide behind a dumpster near the Trend Bar. Officer
Swintek believes that the man saw the police car and began running south. He ran
up a corridor. Officer Swintek got out of his car and heard a door shut. Officer
Swintek went down the corridor and tried three doors. The last door opened into
the Trend Bar. Officer Swintek testified that the bartender saw Officer Swintek
enter the bar. The bartender at that time was near the front of the bar.
3. Officer Swintek questioned the bartender and said, "Someone just
came in here! Who is it?" The bartender answered, "I didn't see anybody. I heard
the door, I didn't see nobody." Officer Swintek explained, "He had to come in
here." The bartender said, "I didn't see him." The bartender then assisted Officer
Swintek in checking out the basement and other police squads brought a witness
into the bar.
4. A few minutes later other officers came in the front door and picked
up a suspect at a large table. There were six or eight people at the table. Office
Swintek recognized the shirt that he had seen by the dumpster.
5. When the police officers entered the bar, Officer David A. Clemens
stood by the back door while Officer Swintek went in the basement. Officer
Clemens verified that the bartender was told of the serious nature of the search.
. , 9��-��3a
6. The suspect was found sitting at a table in the bar and was identified
by a witness to the assault.
7. The incident occurred about 4:00 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon and
there were 15-25 people in the bar. The bartender, Mark Tester, was walking back
from the front of the bar when the officers came in. Mr. Tester is a part-time
bartender, a married man with two children who lives in New Brighton. He has
worked part-time at the bar for eleven years and he has worked for fifteen years at
McCarthy's Oldsmobile. He works every-other Sunday afternoon.
8. If the bartender was occupied at the front of the bar, he would be
unable to see what is going on in the rear of the bar.
9. The Licensing Department recommends that the license of the bar be
suspended under Section 409.26 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for a period of
five days, with the costs of the hearing being reimbursed. Kris Schweinler, the
senior license inspector, testified that this is the penalty which is dictated by the
Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Administrative Law Judge
makes the following:
1 . The Administrative Law Judge and the Saint Paul City Council have
jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. 340A.503, Subd. 2, and Saint
Paul Legislative Code 310.05(c-1).
2. The notice of hearing was proper in this matter and all procedural
requirements of law or rule have been fulfilled by the City of Saint Paul.
3. Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 409, governs the action of liquor
licensees in the City of Saint Paul.
4. The Office of Licenses, Inspections and Environmental Protection
(LIEP) is responsible for enforcing licensees' compliance with State statutes and
City ordinances. Saint Paul Legislative Code provision 266.01 requires that any
person at the scene of an emergency, who is requested by a police officer . . . to
render reasonable assistance to such officer . . . shall do so if such assistance can
be given without danger or peril to self or others. Section 266.02 defines the
scene of an emergency as, "These areas shall be presumed to be the scene of an
emergency if a police officer . . . announces or advises in connection with a request
for assistance that it is an emergency request." Section 266.03 says that a
violation of 266.01 shall constitute sufficient basis for adverse action against the
. �'�-��30
license under Section 310.061b) of the Legislative Code. Further, Section 266.04
states that any person who violates Section 266.01 above is guilty of a petty
5. On March 3, 1996, an emergency existed in that the police officers
were in pursuit of a person who was suspected of being involved in a shooting with
a man down.
6. The bartender, Mr. Tester, was informed that an emergency existed.
7. The testimony of the bartender, Mr. Mark Tester, is clear and
unequivocal that he did not see the person come into the bar and that the account
that he gave to the police was truthful.
IT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED: That the City Council find that the Licensee
was not in violation of the provisions of Sections 266.01 , 266.02, and 266.03 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code on March 3, 1996.
� �
Dated: � �.3, /9 �I� ��G'G� T/l
Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 14.62, Subd. 1 , the agency is required to serve its
final decision upon each party and the Administrative Law Judge by first class mail.
Reported: Tape recorded
� ��- ��3�
The basis for this complaint by the city is the strong belief of the police
officers that the bartender saw the suspect run into the bar and that he refused to
tell them where the suspect was for various reasons. The officers are convinced
that the bartender saw the individual. The officers further believe that the
bartender may have been afraid of the suspect since he was a pretty big man and
that the bartender saw the man and chose not to inform the police officers that he
had seen him. The officers also speculate that the bartender did not wish to
identify the patron of a neighborhood bar.
In opposition, the bartender testified clearly and unequivocally that he knew
who the suspect was and that the suspect was barred from service in the Trend
Bar because of his previous conduct and, if the suspect had asked for a drink, he
would not have served it to him. The bartender stated that he did not see the
suspect come in. Mr. Tester has worked part-time at the bar for eleven years and
he has worked fitteen years at McCarthy's Oldsmobile. He works every-other
Sunday afternoon at the bar. He testified that, when the back door opens, you do
not see people entering the bar, and that it takes a few seconds to walk from one
end of the bar to the other and when you do so, you cannot see the end that is
behind you.
In final argument, the City Attorney acknowledged that his case is 100%
circumstantial and that there is no direct evidence that the bartender saw the man
come in. It is at least a permissible inference that the person coming in to the bar
was as interested in not being seen by the bartender as he was in not being seen
by the police and, probably, went to great lengths to conceal the fact that he came
into the bar. The testimony of the bar owner and the bartender that the person in
charge of the bar cannot see what is going on behind him if he is doing anything at
the front of the bar with the cigarette machine, cash register, etc., is clear and
convincing and it is not difficult to believe that the bartender did not see this person
come in.
When the police came in, they came in with guns drawn and made a lot of
noise, people obviously would take notice of them.
In addition, the testimony indicates that there were somewhere between 15
and 25 persons in the bar at the time that the suspect came in the back door. The
city did not choose to call any of these persons to back up their theory that the
bartender had seen the suspect come in the back door.
� .� � 9�- 13 3 c�
The burden in this case is on the city to prove, by a preponderance of the
evidence, that the bartender saw the person come into the bar and that the
bartender willfully refused to assist the police officers in conducting their
investigation. The city did not meet that burden.
In addition, the violation of Sections 266.01-.03 is classified in the Saint
Paul �egislative Code as a petty misdemeanor. It would seem that a five-day
suspension of license is an unreasonable penalty for a petty misdemeanor-type
9� - /3.�0
100 Washington Square, Suite 1700
100 Washington Avenue South
".�i;j. .k.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138
August 13, 1996
Fred Owusu
City Clerk
170 City Hall
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: In the Matter of the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Trend Bar;
OAH Docket No. 60-2111-10603-3
Dear Mr. Owusu:
On August 13, 1996 the Administrative Law Judge served the Findings of Fact,
Eonclusions and Recommendations in the above-entitled matter. Enclosed please find
the official record. I will send a copy of the tape recording when our tape duplicating
machine has been replaced. Our file in this matter is closed.
Very truly yours,
�l! • i�'��o
Nancy . omas
Docket Clerk
Telephone: 612/341-7615
Providing Impartial Hearings for Government and Citizens
An Equal Opportunity Employer
, Administrative Law Section&Administrative Services(612)341-7600 �TDD No. (612)341-7346� Fax No. (612)349-2665
Luann K. Skrivseth, of the City of Minneapolis, County of Hennepin, in the
State of Minnesota, being duly sworn, says that on the 13th day of August, 1996,
she served the annexed Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Recommendation on:
Phillip K. Miller
Assistant City Attorney
400 City Hall
15 W. Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Lawrence J. Krenik
Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
by mailing to said person a copy thereof, enclosed in an envelope, postage prepaid,
and by depositing same in the post office at Minneapolis, Minnesota, directed to
them at the last known address of said person.
�__ _ � ��t--t-c.J�NU�
Subscribed and sworn to before me ,�
this 13t day of August, 199 . � _,
� �
G�C% �
otary Public v
. . 9�� -/33a
Exh. No. 9 Photograph of interior of Trend Bar, dated
April 2, 1996;
Exh. No. 10 Plan drawing of Trend Bar, prepared April 1996;
Also attached please find courtesy copies of applicable St .
Paul City ordinances :
St . Paul Legislative Code § 267 . 01
St . Paul Legislative Code � 267 . 02
St . Paul Legislative Code § 310 . 05
St . Paul Legislative Code � 310 . 06
St . Paul Legislative Code � 310 . 17
Respectfully submitted this 19th day of July, 1996 .
� / "�
Philip K. Miller
Assistant City Attorney
Office of The City Attorney
400 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 266-8710
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Location of Incident: • Name of Location/Business =Y
�S 3 n� �v c 2 S i 't' 1--� v-t' �? �� S tS la �2.
Time&Date of Occurrence: D�te& Time of This Report:
Occurred e At ❑ Betveeen:_���(d hrs.on_3—3 - �� �, and hrs.on ��S- �, 3 .__3_ ej (p
Arrest(s)Made: � Yes �-0n View
� No Time /-S S � Date :� - -3- c� � � Citations Issued:�Yes � No
❑Warr..nt/Previous C.N.
• s s o �
Squad�: Unit ;,� Patrol Agency(if other than SPPD): Squad#; Unit: � Pairol Agency(if other thGn SPPD):
�� � Other
Resistance Encountered: Weapons Used By Police: �None Weapons Used By Suspect at Time of Arrest: �None
❑ Yes �-No Chemicai Hands/Feet
Pursuit Engaged In: � � ❑ Stungun ❑Edged Weapon �Firearm �Impact VJeapon
Yes ❑ No ❑Frearm �Impact Weapon �Other �Explosive �Hands/Feet ❑ Other
If Arrestee is a juvenile,write "JUVENILE"in the name box. If the victim is a jwenile,the victim's name,etc. is filied in, unless the juveni!e was a
victim of a CSC or chiid abuse.In those cases,just write"JUVENtLE"in the name box.Also,do not list the name of an adult victim ot CSC.
If a victim or witness wishes to have their name kept private, and the officer has reason to believe that releasing the person's name would put
them or their property in jeopardy,check the"Request Non-public"box and leave the name box blank.
. Q
N�ne�L2st,�=irst,IJiddle): Address: Request
� {Z � �. � � � 1 � U � �c� `1/lU.ti� � , � NOCI-pU�I�C
Was this pers tak n � Yes Health care faciiity 8 Address: —" -'—
to a hea!llicare faciliry? . � No . " : . .
, ..
Name(Last,First,Middle)'_ --- __--___..._ _ ..-- _ Address: _
_ ,.. __ .. . _ _.. ... _ ... . , . -..:.
Was this person taken-_....� � Yes` ... Health care facility&Add�ess:.. " _. . .- -- �. ..._ . _ , . , _ ;--
to a healtti care fecility?,,,�3":�,No _ _,�:,:::. . . ` �`.� ' '�
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�'` Sex .�,LD/C I Burg Theft Pro �
,�, ��y:� � ,�,r z ,k�y 4 P- _�AU . _ In Re the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc.
�,�... . , �..���>_ �s �-�:�' _ ��-.,� . ,.>,. ,. � . — d/b/a Trend Bar
Nanco� . Tg,�� — �
._ `=�a' RPfr' . ` SiU City's Exh. No. 1
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- � - � - �
Offense �.1 ❑2 � 3 . _�Yctim ' wtness'�,_._ � Sex: -
❑ . c�NF: St.Paul Resident Sgnature.of Yctim/Guardian:
• ❑Comp ❑Suspect ❑ Missing Person ❑F �J Y ❑ N. � )( - g�p—
Name(Last,First,Middle): ' ° - Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip): _ - - �
-(.ve �� I GAQL � � � nn�,.,�� �t- � s� o3
. �
. . .. _ _ ,..___ . _ ___ . Wo�tc Phone: Ocupation: Empbyer _ — _
�- �= v ._..__ .,.- '�'� - 67 -- 6`�� --yu�7 -- --- �__ - - . ___ _ . _..- I�.�A-tL. 1'�Jv we�� �:.
If Jwenile-Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Address: p��; �� �
_._ _.... _ ._....___. ___..___�_._ _._._. . _ __ .__ , .
Nickname�A�Ca Gan9: Ciry/State of Origin:
__._..__.___.__.____..__._---._ _—__._._ ______�._._._ _.____...�.._ __._.._�__.... .�_------ .___. ... ____.__ ..___.._ _. __--- �- --
�.� .
Height Weight: Build: Cbthing/Additional Descripfion: . � r +
� _ :. . _ �
._..._._�_. �_ _._______._......._ � HeavY-❑Medium .O Slender.— ____�._��:�.r__.._____:__..�_��..� ._�_._..__:�_.__�_f
Race: Hair. Skin: Identifying Features: Tattoos: In�ry Type: Injury Location: Condition: "
,�.,., .T �> .,. .:.�.:. _ __•--r..� _ ._ _,,, _:._ _ -�: t , �� -- -��- - — , - ' '
❑Asian' ❑.�ald � ❑Kinky ❑Albino'... ❑Acne� ' _.,��,-_ : _ �-- •-- 'T"�' ` ` _.T � .
.,a._ � �,�._;_Q Clean Shaven ❑On Arm � '' ❑None M : Q None� ❑Sober -
Black ❑Black ;:�Recedug _� ❑Black :�. ❑Birthmark _�Stubb�e :�_ D On Cnest ❑►�mnor ' ❑Arms�Hands HBD �"' p ;
-- ... _
❑Ind�an • ❑Bbnd .' �Straght '-`- ❑&own-Lt ❑Freckles ':Q Beard -:' ❑On Hand-- ..--._ ❑Possibie Intemal `��-. d "-. ❑Intox�cated -•
❑Mewcan ❑&own ❑WaveY�CurIY ❑Brown-Med. ❑Glasses ❑Mautache ., ❑Other Appazent Broken mal � '�
, ❑ Bonee, ❑Inte _ /Ucohol
❑��? ❑G�dY�;.`;:`��.:�.�i'�b'*g' ��':� ❑&ow�f-Da�k ❑Mole3,. W� .�.���� .Y'.._�: Q 4�iha� ,,s�..�, o��T�,,� .� a���t;��.r °o� ~
❑Unkrpwn ❑Red/Aubum Q Short ;' ❑Olive "�" . '^ '°':� �_ �",��`.:e ,.ca`: � �.:
. ❑P�erced Ear(s)� Left Handed ❑Name Seoere Laceration _ ❑Neck _., ❑Unknown � �;.
�.; ❑Sandy.�:'� ❑Medium ; ❑Pate ❑Pockmark .❑ Right Handed ❑Number ❑Puncture/Stab ❑Torso Back �Conscious �_
,.:•. .� O wh�ie ---.��ong ::-.- ❑Rudcy �• ❑scar-soay:p ane�_ ❑cunshoc. _...r_V :: p T«so F►«,c _ ❑unconsci«,s
_ ❑Picture/Design__
❑H�^� , »..,;, . ❑Scar-Facial _ ❑Othe�Major Injury ,� � Q DOA rs�'
. r r .
Offense;� 1�❑2_�.�0 3 ;^~�°�vctim_°-❑ Witness_-�-�� Sex: �M: St PauCResident_' Sgnature of�ctim/Guardian:. ` ;��`'�wy� - - ° -
. . _...:. �Comp+�Suspect ❑ Missing Person ❑F ❑ Y ❑ N x . - -___ ____ _.
Name(Last.First,Middle): _:_,_' -..— • _-- ^ _ - ;.: .. Address(Street,Apt.Ci 8tate,Zi "<
. __ _ tv, PI=- -.,_ _.... -_ . _. _. _ ::__. ___�: _..
lr A �v u a`f"A 1 n� J�t L I�C �S U�►� N�A - -
D.O.B t �� ��7� Age �� Home Pho Work Phone Ocu tion: _ ,
..•,.'_�_a;.t,�,� �e.s. , ,;� ,,, -r.�,,,�" :�:*.�''"�,�` � -__ Employer ��
, �. �.:� .::m
y � , - __ .. _.�»_ ._..�..._. . _.�.�. ,_-., ._ o
• � ..•:., . .
. __ _ . _ _
If Jwenile=Parent/Guardian Name: � �-_ � � Parent/Guardian Address: ' - — - -- - , Phone. � "- " �
. _. , _ . - - ,_., r.
Nickname/AKA: Gang: . City/Siate of Origin:
Heght: ._ ' .-_� Weight: " �-„ ' Build: : . '_ r;- � . _-:. �'•-:: Cbthing/Additional Descript'an: .. ,- � ; .. .`,: - , . : _
_ _.. _
_ ❑ Heavy ❑Medium ❑Slender t : . .
Race: Hair. Skin: Identifying Features: Tattoos: Injury Type: Injury Location: Condition:
❑A;ian ❑Ba;d ❑Kinky ❑Albino Acne
❑ ❑Ctean Shaven ❑On Arm ❑None ❑None ❑Sober
❑Slack ❑Black ❑Receding ❑Black ❑Birthmark ❑Stubble ❑On Chest ❑Mina ❑Arms/Hands ❑HBO
❑Indian ❑Bbnd ❑Straight ❑&own-Lt. ❑Freckles ❑Beard ❑On Hand ❑Possible Internal ❑He2d ❑Intoxicatsd
❑Mexican ❑&pwn ❑Wavey/Curly ❑&own-Mad. ❑Glasses� ❑Moustacha ❑Other nnt Broken Bor,as
❑White ❑Gray ❑Brown-Dark Motes ���` ❑In:emat ❑ Alcoho(
❑ ❑Initial ❑Loss of Teeth ❑Legs/Feet ❑Drugs
❑Unknown ❑Red/Autwrn�Short ❑Olive ❑Pierced Ear(s)❑ left Handed Name
❑ ❑Severe Laceration ❑Neck ❑Unknown
❑Sandy ❑Medium ❑Pale ❑Pockmark ❑ Right Handad ❑Number ❑Punctur2<Stab ❑ Torso Back ❑Conscious _
❑White ❑Long ❑Ruddy ❑Scar—Body ❑ Other_ ❑Picture/Oesign ❑Gunshot Torso Front
Q�Hispanic ❑ ❑Unconscious
❑Scar—Facial ❑Other Ma;or Injury ❑DOA
Offense ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 ❑ Victim ❑ N/itness Sex: ❑ M St.Paul Resident Signa?ure of Victim/Guardian: -
❑Comp ❑Suspect ❑ Missing Person ❑ F ❑ Y ❑ N X
Name(Last,First,Middle): Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip):
D.O.B.: Age: Home Phone: Work Phon2: Ocupation: Employer:
If Jwenile-Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Address: Phone:
Nickname/AKA: Gang: City/Stata oI Origin:
Height: Weight Build: Clothing/Additional Description:
❑ Heavy ❑Medium ❑Slendar
R2ce: Hair: Skin: Identifying F2atures: Tattoos: Injury Type: Injury Location: Condi;ion:
❑ Asian Q Bald ❑Kinky ❑ A:bino ❑Acne ❑Clean Shaven ❑ On Arm ❑None ❑Nona
❑Btack ❑B�ack �Raceding ❑Black ❑Birthmark ❑ Stubble ❑ ���r
❑Indian ❑Bbnd ❑�Chest ❑Minor ❑Arms/Hands ❑HBD
❑ Straight ❑&own-Lt. ❑Freckles ❑Beard ❑On Hand ❑Possible Internal ❑Head ❑Intoxicated
❑Mexican ❑&owr, ❑ W��-ey!Curly ❑ Qrown-btzr. I�Glasses ❑P.�oustache ❑ Oth�r ❑A;CZrer.:6rokan Bones ❑Irtamal ❑ A!cohol
❑ Whi!e ❑Gray ❑Brown-Dark �Moles [] Inihal
❑�oss of Teath ❑Legs/Feat ❑ Drugs
❑ U�known ❑Red!A;:bum❑ Short ❑Olive ❑Pierced Ear(s)❑ Le1t Hand�d ❑N3me ❑Savere L3ceration ❑Neck ❑ Unkno�,vn
'i ,. ❑ Sandy ❑ M�dium ❑Pale ❑Poekmark ❑ Ri�h;Hand?d
„ ❑Number ❑Punctur/Stao ❑To-so Back ❑ Conscia.�s
[] �;'hit� ❑`Lonc �R,.,ddy Q Scar—Body ❑ Other_ ❑ Picture/pesign ❑Gu�shAt ❑ To�;o Fron, ❑Unconsc�ous
❑ H'S4�n'� ❑Scar—Facial ❑O,it�r��;�,pr Injury ❑ DOA
D n�._�'�
. , _'/
� •
• Residential Property: Retail Service: Office/Commercial Commercial Government/ Point/Method of Entry:
❑ Occupied ❑Cornenience Store Property: Er�terfainment: PubliC Property: �Front/OH Door ❑Forced
❑Unoccupied ❑Depsrtment/Discourt Stcre �gank/Credit Un�on Bar/Nighiciub/Tavern ❑Air/Bus/Train Terminal ❑Fear poor ❑Not Forced
❑Drug Stwe ��mmercial/Indusirial Hotel/Motel/Etc. °ide/Svc.Door
❑ ❑ Govt./Pubiic Bidg. ❑� ❑Hid Inside
❑ Single,Duplex,Townhome ❑�rocery Store/Superm�rket ��mmercial Yard ❑Restaurant ❑Jail/Prison/Detention ❑Patio Door
❑ Multi,Apartments ❑Liquor Store ���trudion Site/Shed ❑Vehicle ❑Other Public Property ❑Other poor ❑Unbcked Dopr
�Garage ❑Service/Ges Station �Hospital ❑Front Window ❑Lock Removed
❑ Shed/Storage Building ❑Specialty Store �O!;ice/Commercial Religious/EduCational/ PubiiC DOmain: �Fear Window ❑Hole In Ceiling
� Yard ❑Vehicle Recreational:
[]Porch ❑Office/Doctor ❑Fields/Woods/Parks ❑Side Windew
❑Parking Lot/Ramp ❑Church/Syrugogue/Temple ❑Highw2y/Slreet/Road/Ailey ❑Basement Window
❑Rooming House Ren!al/Stor2 e faci!i�
❑ Group/H2lfway/Nursing � 9 'Y ❑Club/Fr2ternity/Rec.Center ❑�ke/Waterway ❑Other Window
❑ Vehicie ❑ SchoollColiege/University ❑Other Pubiic Domain ❑Other Point
� Vehicle Number of
❑Unknown ❑Unknown Point p�emises:
�� '• -. . a
Firearms: Edged/Stabbing Inst.: Bfunt Instruments: ,Burglary Instruments: Miscellaneous instruments:
❑H2ndgun .❑Semi ❑Auto ❑ Axe/Hatchet � grick/Fock/Missi;e ❑Bottcutter Plastic Stri
Riile .. � P ❑&ass Knuckles ❑ Motor Vehicles
❑ ....Q Semi ❑Au;o ❑�ttle/G!ass/Efc. �H�mmer ❑ Drill ❑Pliers/Vise Grips ❑Com uter
❑ Shetoun .❑Semi ❑Auto ❑�ce Pick P ❑ Poison/Gas
�-Other 6!unt Ir,sL ❑ Jimmy/Prybar❑Punch/Chisel ❑Drugs/Narce;ics ❑P,ope/EinCirg inst.
❑Firearms,Net Stated �Knite (Club/Bat/Etc.) �Hammer ❑ Screwdriver ❑Explosives ❑Other
❑ Firearm,Other �Screwdriver �Z � Key ❑Other Burg.Tool ❑Fire/Incendi2ry Device
�Cutting Instrument,Other ❑Hands/Fist/Fcet/Eic.
e � • "i%4i
vehic!e ❑ Abandoned ❑ Impounded ❑ Stolen ❑ Used in Crime + �
Status: ❑ Damaged in Crime ❑ Recovered ❑ Theft From Vehicle ❑ Other
Make: Domestic Foreign Vehicle Type: Vehicle Size: Color. poo�; -
❑AMC ❑Jeep ❑ Audi ❑Kawasaki ❑Saab ❑Convertible ❑ Sub-compact ❑Beige ❑Gold ❑Purpie
❑Buick ❑Lincoln ❑BMW ❑Mazda ❑Subaru � � �3 �5
❑F-l�rd Top ❑Compact" ❑Biack ❑Green-Lt. ❑Pink ❑2 ❑4
��.]Cadillac ❑Ner-Cur ❑Datsun ❑IJercedes ❑Suzuki ❑Halchback ❑ Mid-sized ❑Blue-Lt. ❑Green-Mc-0.❑Red '
❑Chevrolet ❑�,Aercury ❑fiat ❑MG ❑To�ota ❑Motercycle ❑Full-sized ❑Blue-Med.Q Green-D2rk Q Silver Tr8nsmissiOn:
❑Chrysler ❑Oldsmobile ❑Honda ❑Mitsubishi ❑Triumph ❑Pickup ❑Station Wagon ❑Biue-Oark Q Gray ❑Turquoise ❑ Au;omatic
❑Dod;e ❑Plymouth ❑Hyundai ❑Nissan ❑Volkswagen ❑Sed2n ❑Brovrn ❑Lavender ❑1Nhite ❑�ual
❑Fwd � ❑Pontiac ❑�suzu ❑Porsche ❑Volw ❑Truck ❑Other ❑Copper ❑Maroon ❑Yelbw
Shift Location:
❑GMC� ❑Saturn ❑,�9�,ar ❑���n ❑Y�yo ❑v-�, ❑Geam Q orar,�
,� �Owe� ` � • .' Q Othe� , � , __ ❑Cdumn
_ ❑�S�?� ._ �pbor_
Year .— ModeL• . License: _._. . : State: Lic.Year. Tab�: . y N
., _ . .,,: :�_ ❑ ❑ a,t�,�
V.I.N.: - _ _ Oamge Prior to Theft: {dentifymg Characteristics ❑ ❑,�tte
. : . ' __ rY_ ,..`_
_, ,.._...- . ... , _ ._. ❑ ❑ C.B.Rad'a
Owner's Locat'an/Time of Thef� ......,,, Location of Keys: .. . Did Owner Allow Myone to Use Vehicle: � � �L�k�
- _ .• - :: . . . _. . _ ❑ ❑ �9nition Locked
: _ ❑No ❑ Yes � ❑ � Mob�ie Phone
Persona�Property in Vehicle::;�.� . Value of Pr ' n
_ -<*et� �`�-€�r�.�'�e""��ur �.�'�"s�z4: r,�: t��..�^ �+ F°. y sa: +s,. z O�I�I'^ .� ,+e� ❑ ❑ F18dp
. r� �` a ;: ..,.. �s�y'm;�.�f.�.'3�?f .sxx?t��..c`�s�'�.� .ai`'�*r .!5• � ��.�� �
Insurance Co _ • Theft Coverage: If Leased Company� - ❑ ❑ Tape P►aYe►
v „ , s .
, ;_ . . � ❑Yes°` , ❑ .,..
. ,. . ._ _ _._ . Mo _, _ - ":. �_.._ M:_ .` _... __ -: . :.;• ❑ ❑ r ocked
_ t runk L
Lienholder. Amount Owed• Date of Last Paymenr , Ie
,_:,, ;,.- ,F> . - , . ,� � M� �;
, .., • _
• :.
..;.. _. � _._..,.,.,__..._ . ._ . .. •�.., _ _. .. .T �. ..... ...
, ti: : ,
: . _ .. _ .�� .. . .. .,,�.:,..__.__ .__. ,_t....__ .__-,.._..� ..,t...:,. ,.
Value :,- tir j.: >:- Owner's Sgnature: ,-,Y, ���:�;.; ECC Broadcast. Teletype#:
� _. .
j . W .' . � �. ' . , � '
.-., e+...;.._.. . ,.....a.. ,e..,<..,.,+,.....�,...y,_:.. y � � . ...
. . , . . :..�..... �_r.,.._.. _'___.._�_ ' _._.,.,. � ..:.-� -+t'� ,..,-_ ..... , ,
. �. � < .�
/\ ._.-._.__,.. ,__. �... .. ;,-....:._ � , � �
- �� �
Relatwnship:.{.,+�,�fl Spou,se�'�� ❑ Relative��`.�,�-❑ Friend(living togetherja;:- °� ��r- ❑ Other ° � ,... ,�-• _ �.� z �
_ (Clieck onljr.l):�O Formei Spouse�..,,��❑ Sharied Child:� � ❑ Friend{fofm`erly Innng together)s�:?..�w�.�•. .; �� �; :
Violation of Court Order e Action Taken -.� Arrest(by officer);..-� ❑ Cdatan.:'� � •-. � . : == , ,ti ._ _..�.;.
' ' ❑'Yes._ _.. . -.__. _. _._.
� �-- __.�. . � Arrest(by citizen)�___ ❑ GOA ��.--- ---•------ ____.._�__ .
� --- - "'--. .-___...._-_- -. �-..
_, ..•... ; : � � , • � .. �• .• ' • - � ' • �._.._. __._....._._.......:...--."-_---�—-'. -.�'. -
-. • .- �;sn•s-.,: . `„ ..�- r-w3x _ Bias/Hate Crime? �
, + •- --..._--.`__...--_.._____-- . -
Can Suspect be Identified? ... �Yes. ❑ No� ❑ Maybe :.. By Whom?�Victim ❑Yes No w
,,.�_ .,:���: . �.�.�_. _ �.;�__ .� .. ,_., . � ..=.,.
Wtness to the crime?--._..-- � Yes-� � No.__-` -.-...:�-=--- __.--- �.wtness�.� _.__._. . --� _ _�. _ _. _�_ .__ _�. �
Bias Motivahon:
Is Stolen Property,Traceable7,� . ❑ Yes. ❑ No..�: - :" :_- ,- . .:,._ ; ❑Pol"�ce _ _°_ _. .:� � ...: j
, ._ __._-. -.-- . _.__�__. _ �.. _ _. _ __ __..� _ __ _ . . _____ _._ ..__ � - ,
Crime Scene Processed? ..... ❑ Yes. �'No �q9e--- �---
.. .__ - - - �. - �
- victim/Suspect Relationship. ❑None ❑Ethnicity/National Origin .;
Photos Taken? -'� ,.,. �..Yes::❑ No.>L• .. °w.° - r- . .
., . ,.. .
. -
. _. • _�_._._- `
Type~ � - -_�__--•-- _ .. '_� �Handicap-- __
Property Turned In? . �Yes. ❑ No • ❑Racial �� g
� , �
EYidence Turned�In? - . . ' � F��� � '' ❑Religrous G �.
,�,�.:'R+ "".��'y�,Y7t��..+F�•i-�"�d.�+ -- z O Y''�n��Sls�e�+"�BIO�OQIC3���'-j_t ..r a.� �'.�' �'� � �;' r '�`_ ❑O.SP._XU�f���-'�,��i�' ���-.'-. �� �
� * - ° �"� ,,�,.:, �7 ❑ Anaysis_Narcotic �,,� tFems to be�Pnnted ' p� �. �.�;`,h '.� �"
r w a.�?.:T.w•. �� .:0. j -
:� �
' . .. � .. � , � ,.. ..
.. . .• . - ..,. . - ., ... . :.. _ .._ . .
�_ _., ....__
. . ._. • .�.. �.
:. , . ....a. _. ❑ x�. „ . ....ae�. , . _ . . � . - . . . . , . . .
. a� �V._ . _ . . � . , - �
. Pa9e 3
_. _
.... ._ ,... __,_ _._�... .. ___ _ �... .. ._ _ , _
. ..
- ... -- .. ..:. .: _ ._ __ _ _ � .�._...
. ,. . _ �.., _...,_..._..__. . �
_ ..� .. _ '.`
, ._ _ . __. . , -E��_
. , ,
Wta Reported Gime: --�- ----- Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip): -• Home Phone; '�••=- Work Phone:.�
�. t,- . `
_ , . - .
� .' _
.. . . .� . �...�. ,.� . . ._ .. 4
. . � .- . . . . �_.-,..�_ _.._.._,-.��—. _.'.' ' �,.___ � �� . C. .:.. S:- �
. -, �.. .. : .
'_ -_ � "..."___.__..._'__ .... _..�..._ ....._...... : -...: . . . . .,
Who Discovered Gime: . - ' .. Address(Street Apt,City.State,Zip): _, Home Phone: �. Work Phone: �.--�:
. __.�,. ,, _„ :; _ _ � -
, ,.;5 - _ c_ : . . _ . .....w_ T , _ .., _ _ _...
,. . , . ___._. _. . ...__ . __.�..__ _..__ _ _.___ .: `: ..
Who Secured Premises After Incident: . , �:- Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip)_ , Home Phone: Work Phone:r t 2
Cause of Fre/Explosion• _ ,:° �_ Origin/Fire Started: , What Burned/Explosive Damage
^, ��� .
�� >.: �-� '-- � .'' ; •.: . . . , ... _ : 3' y_
Property Insured �; Amount of Loss� � Es�timated Vaiue `' Total Loss: K Insurance Com an
a r �s ���„ ,�»c x��..�. _.� � p Y_ _ . . .. - . ` -
�Yes � �,No �„� ��a,,�,_, ,�:::;��-4• •* ���,�.,�.',�.'��, Yes'�`❑ -� ��' ?
.;�'w � ;0 �~ ���' �
� T!f � � �
Insurance Agent =� -- ~ `= Company Address(Street City State Zip) « _ �
.,.... ..�_.��.� «.r .. .. __... .� '�_. . �__�._. _...,.�-_�...��..�...�.. �,:._-._._.,�......:..�-_.� __ �, �...�' .�»,Y-�.�...�.-...�
' --- Company Phone ; c
- , . .r r.. .. .. ;.._ _ ;
,.. _ �
• . ,. , , _ _ . ,t �
_... _ _ .,. ..,_ _... _
• ' � • - � � ' � , • _. _ . __-._"��._
Who Accepted Document �.�-���.;.*� �� Address(Street Crty,State,Zip �,•,�- �. � ,�3�. : *.. `
.,_, .�, � .. . _ �
»;:._........:..._ � .- . , -
-. . . :, -rs a _ _ �„;+�y
r-�+.-:,.�.,___.__«�.,..,.. ..�-,...a ..<-.. •.,:�� . z„��.:r .�.R_..= ^ . -��' �`�. .�:. � _ .
� ��.
. �.,: . ..',-. .,x""�. v_.s,� .�r� �m M a• .> ..a:_ . ..a.. -.�._ti . ._ ,:-S� �_.
Can Identify Suspect: Reason Document Rejected: ., ; Type of Premises. Property/Service Obtamed _ -
.. .
.-0 Yes :'. ❑No _. ❑ Forged ... ❑ Acct.Cbsed ..Q N.S.F. __ ,: ,_- _ . - .
_ _ .. _ _ . __ ,_ . .....�.... .. � .�.,
Value: Identification Used: Check or Receipt Number. Date on Document: ,_ , Amount of Transaction: . � <
........� _ _,. ,v.. _ . _ _ .. ..... . ___ _ __
Account Holder Name(L,F,M): ; : Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip): Home Phone: Wo�k Phone: �� �
_.. . _ .
.. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ...Y.� . ...
, •
Prescription Ordered: - - Prescribing Authority: - . : .. ' Prescription Number. : - _. Prescription Heading(Doctor's Name): ; _,..
_.. . :.
❑ Phone ❑ In Person �Doctor's Office ❑ Clinic ❑ Hospital -- . �
Authorization(Doctor's Signature): Name&Address on Prescription(Patient): - _ _ r , ,
❑Yes ❑No
-_ ; ,'
Prescription Status: Who Accepted Prescription: Suspect Receive Drug: Name of Drug: -.--.- How Drug Paid For. ❑ Credit Card
❑ Original ❑ Renewal ❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Cash ❑Check ❑ Welfare ID
. . � . � , � , � �
••. . ..-
� Owner ,Item#; Quantity Article � Brand Model#,Seriat#,and/or Description Value Date Property
� I ' ` Recovered Code
�; --- --- ..------- .. ._ _ . . _.. ._ __ __ __ ___ �
•--- --- - _. _. . --------_ _ -- - =--- - ----
i _ _ -- - -- _._. .
, � ;
. ,
--- --..--------------- —
: . M _ .'_��..._. ._______. .. _.. _ ._..__—________..�__._.�.__.__.....__'_.._____�."_.._....�_'___.. ._.._.
' '
.._ ... .... .__ '_�_.. -_ . .._._
r � •
-.. . � �
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' Pa,?e_s-2 0� �3 ST. PAUL POUCE DEPARTMENT ��-�`33�
Date 8�Time of Report: Offensa/incident: Team: Time of Anest:
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Arrest Number Last Name First Middle Address DOB Age Sex Race
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Assisting Officer. • Emp.No.: Reporting �cer - . n E,-m� .No.•
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Report Reviewed ByNnit Commander. Emp.No.: O.T.: Typist: R.O.: Code: Name Entry:
_ _• , . _�,. �Yes�-No � .
❑CHF ❑Hom ❑Rob ❑Juv ❑Coord ❑ID ❑Lab ❑Rec ❑Team ❑Sex ❑ Rptr ❑Other
❑D/C ❑Burg ❑Theit�Prop ❑CAU ❑F8F❑Auto ❑DAO ,Q CO ❑HumServ
❑Type , PM 622-93R
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Assisting Officer. Emp.No.: Reporting Otticer. Emp.No.:
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Report Reviewed By/Unit Commander: Emp. No.: O.T.: ,Typist: R.O.: Code: Name Entry:
�Yes �iJo
❑CHF ❑Hom ❑Rob ❑Juv ❑Coord ❑ID ❑Lab ❑Rec ❑Team ❑Sex ❑ Rptr ❑Other
❑D/C ❑Burg ❑Theft �Prop []CAU ❑F8F Q Auto ❑ DAO ❑CO ❑HumServ �Ty� f PM 622-93R
;.. •
Date 8� �irrie o�kepoR: Ottense/IncidenG Team: Time of Arrest:
March 3 1996 � A Assault � n/a
-`:. . ......: .� . .:� : ..�.. �..>: .:. ... . ,. ',.:., ,..'..< NARRATiVE:;
..:;.: . >:.. _, . ..::, � . :::. � ...,.::. .!.
Arrest Number Last Name First Middle Address DOB Age Sex Race
— —-___._._..-----_.---- _..._-- __
We responded to $ call at Hot Rods Bar on an agg. assault. As we got
_-_-- --
close-to-tYie ar,�w�turned--left�-off-of-south bound--Snelling--into-the-- -
__ ._
alley between Uii�versity and Sherburne. As we approached the rear of the
bar- in the :a3.ie� S�ads-that were-in--the-front put-out--over-the air�the--�-- -- ---- -
st�s ec, had��run..�:}n�o�.the allge . No one was in the rear of the bar so we
�...�.�.�.�..___�� -�--- --- --
drove East down the alle - � " —""'
Y• �I�.,�the_y.reart of�the';T=end`Bar(-1J2-- bl-ock away�____. __ _____
from_.Hot Rod_s_j_i� saw-a�white>_guy hi inq. _ y a:trash�`diunp ter:_ _We drove
up to the dumpster:the:�:gug�rar�;`soutli=�between��.the.< two` buildings. He was �
runninq__down_the_area._between_the_two buildings,__it _is_a.bout 3 feet_wide___ ___
_ _ ._ __
and the walls ( 25 feet high ) of the buildings are the sides of this
corridor.---There-�re- three- doors--that-are- for.._.the_buildinq__on___the.__west _ ___ _ __ ___
side of the corridor that is the Trend Bar building. As he ran down the
corridor--I--was- getting- out--of-the-squad-car-and-going--after-.him-on-foot.—._ _ __._' '
As I got to the corrido==�I�heard:;�aw door�shut. I looked down the corridor �
and-didn't-see-aiiyone:----I-walked-down-it-checking the-doors�.-the,.,only�„one---- . -----
that opened was the last one. I�opene_sk;.,i,,�ans�:''�saw�it�~lead�into:.the; Bar.�
'_ . -w7T^..� �5 �I.L:� .
' a�'"m�� ,� ` � �ced;�what�-was-�'ii� �
T e a ende�came�.0 r:,
,,,�„� P":� �. p:�....3�.told-him-we=-kn�w--_ __ _ � __._
sbmeorie us � ra x ns e;;;.and�wanted-to°-lrnow whoz ity was:-�°� He�sa�a�`he�"aian�t
se� :a�y_ n com �4 n He may have heard-the door-open but-he-didn't-see------ -- -- -
a thing. At this point we were still under the impression that we had
an aqq. assaul wi a gun, and we had a s�hot victim. We knew-that--------�--��-
Officer Iiavel was in the front of the bar when the guy ran in the back
so we knew he had not ran out the front door. I was no v�ery' impressed� - -" "�""--
with_�h�Ba�tend�r�_f���t a�swer and advised him of .the serious nature
- ----- —--
of the. incident:. ;A�'��"'�'�a�',��i ' se�riyene:� --We asked around
the-ba�but-nobody_.saw_-a_thinq._.A�th��n�we�decided�o�.�e�k the
basement which is right off the back door we/he came in. We didn't find
anythinq-in-the-basement-.---By-this-time-Office�Has�cam�in_the�a�with �___._._
a witness and she pointed out the suspect LaFountaine, Richard who was
sittinq-at a-taxi�e- with-about five-other- guys.He-was-cuffed-and-taken ;--------- -__ _
to HQ.
------ — A
We also went to Midway Hospital and took photos of the victim Barry Z
Wendell and`the—cu'�oi� the-liack-of hi�head�A�it-turns-out-h�-was-hi�----
in' the' head with a pipe not shot. �
�` — _- � �
We also took photos at SPRH of a second suspect LaFountaine, Terry he had A
been punched in the mouth. -------- - -�^-- - W
_ _� • 0
The f ilm was turned in at records. � �---�� --- `
-- ----- --- „�
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_.-----_...� _._._. ___..-- ------______ __ --- - ---__..____�___-----------.`_
_-----_ .
Assisting Oflicer. Emp,No.: Re icer. /'����p.No.:
RepoR Reviewed ByNnit Commander. Emp.No.: O.T.: Typist: R.O.: Code: Name Entry:
�Yes � No
❑CHF ❑Hom ❑Rob ❑Juv ❑Coord ❑ID ❑Lab ❑Rec ❑Team ❑Sex ❑ Rptr ❑Other
❑D/C ❑Burg �TheR�Prop ❑CAU ❑FB�F Q Auto ❑ DAO Q CO ❑HumServ
❑Type PM 622-93R
• , -- �""�`-"'1`�7�L`iC'E"'fi��E'�`� T
Squad: /O, Team �/ Cross Reference CN:
� � �
• � s
� � �. 0 Attempt 2 � ❑ Attempt ❑Atternpt
�Y Y ,v�.���G� 3 3.
Location of Incident: Name of Location/Business:
`"S � ,.rl;vG`''2.�r %�
Time&Date of Occurrence: .� � Date& Time of This Report:
l /1!���' " /i i
Occurred �At,� Betv✓een! SJ 5 � hrs.on and hrs.on � .��J j.!'/'I,L_ 3 �;�L�
Arrest(s)Made: � Yes �On View —
❑ No Time Date Citations Issued:�Yes ❑ No
0 Warrant/Previous C.N.
�e � • e
Squad#: Unit � Patrol Agency(if other than SPPD): Squad#: Unit: � Patrol Agency(if other than SPPD):
Other Other
Resistance Encountered: Weapons Used By Police: �None VJeapons Used By Suspect at Time of Arrest: �None
❑ Yes ❑ No Chemical Hands/Feet
Pursuit Engaged In: � � ❑ Stungun �Edged Weapon �Firearm �Impact 4Neapon
❑ Yes ❑ PJo ❑Firearm �Impact Weapon �Other �Expiosive []Hands/Feet ❑ Other
If Arrestee is a juvenile,write "JUVENILE"in the name box. If the victim is a juvenile, the victim's name, etc. is fiiled in, unless the juvenile was�a
victim of a CSC or chiid abuse.In those cases,just write"JUVENILE"in the name box.Also,do not list the name of an adult victim of CSC.
If a victim or witness wishes to have their name kept private, and the oiticer has reason to betieve that releasing the person's name wouid put
them or their property in jeopardy,check the"Request Non-pubiic'box and leave the name box blank.
.,..�,� -..,�.�,.,.... ��_ ......� .
Name(Last,First,Middl�: � '�� � Address: , ` � Request
l��-i"�.: �?;G lL�� �. „"�cY. ,,� n ,j� .�f�`- v� � Non-public
Was this person iaken � Yes Health care facility 8 Address:
to a health care faciliry? � No ,
Name(Last,First,Middle): Address
Was this person taken � Yes Health care facility&Address
to a hea1�1].care faciiiry? � No _
• • •
Name(Last,First,Middle): Address: , Rcquest
Was this erson taken Yes Health car ` :, ' ~�
� �; �.--•, � •::� � Non:puWic
, _•,„ , _, ,-. - �., � .
, P ❑ e faciiity 8 Address: . � - •
to a health care facitity? � No ; - . .
� •
` Name(Last,First,Middle):.: > ; : Address: :. ,
„ ,
- ;. , -. � Request
- _ _ , _._.. �_._. ��.
{ � . . , , . _ ,` . Non-public
Was this person taken � Yes � Health care faci�ity 8 Address: , , l
'•; to a health care facility? � No .`.
� >; ;
• �
� • . . , , , _ _ _ _
ar. ,. � Q _ �` �
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, �
• Case: Assigned ❑ Noted , �
� F _ om Rob Jw Oper / / 0 �
-� � �.,, '.
_Sex �D/C Burg Theft Prop __In Re the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc._ � �
�" d/b/a Trend Bar
._CO _Rptr Vice ._Nanco SIU ' _ City's Exh. No. 2 '92R �
�� , rt- �
. . + .. . .. � � .-.. /� . . . . ._.
• • •
Who Reported Crime: Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip): Home Phone: Work Phone:
Who Discovered Crime: Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip): Home Phone: Work Phone:
Who Secured Premises After Incident: Address(Street,Apt.,City,State,Zip): Home Phone: Work Phone:
Cause of Fire/Expiosion: � Origin/Fire Started: What Burned/Explosive Damage:
Property insured: Amount of Loss: Estimated Value: Total Loss: Insurance Company: �
❑ Yes ❑ No ❑Yes ❑ No �
Insurance Agent: Company Address(Street,City,State,Zip): Company Phone:
� ' � � � ' � • �'
Who Accepted Document: •��• - - Address(Street,City,State,Zip): . . - > Home Phorie: Work Phone: , �i ;'
_ _ _ _ _ °- a.
� . . � .�, '� ; , . . _ . �
Can Identify Suspect:^ Reason Document Rejected: - Type of Premises: Property/Service Obtained: �
❑Yes ❑No ❑ Forged � ❑ Acct.Closed Q N.S.F. _
Value: : Identification Used: Check or Receipt Number. Date on Document: Amount of Transaction:
��'� r�:�-, , �-ti r� ,.��,.�R..- „� � . �
Account Holder Name(L,F,M): ° Address(Street,Apt.,City.State,Zip): Home Phone: Work Phone: • .
� •
Prescription Ordered: Prescribing Authority. Prescriptan Number. Prescription Heading(Doctor's Name):
_ ,, . .. ..: „ . .
.. - . ._
❑ Phone ❑ !n Person ❑Doctor's Office '' ❑ Clinic '❑ Hospital . ` '
Authorization(Doctors Signature):- Name&Address on Prescription(Patient): : .
❑Yes ❑No
Prescription Status: Who Accepted Prescription: Suspect Receive Drug: Name of Drug: How Drug Paid For: ❑ Credit Card
❑ Original -❑ Renewal ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Cash ❑Check ❑ Welfare ID
. - • • • • � • � • � �.. . ..-
i Owner item# Quantity Article ' Brand , Model#,Serial#,and/or Description � Value Date Property
, , R2covered Code
�------._._. .---°- -- ---- _ --- -- -------------- _ - ---- ----
_ . _ _ __ _ _
. . ; ___.
----.___..._ _ _ ._ _ _ . . _- -- - _ � .
Paga 4
PaoEE 1 Ct ' �,^ -'/���
a •— !'�
I hereby authorize the release of 2ny and all reques;ed medicai inform�;ion to the St.Paui Pclice Department,including copies or photostats o(medical records
concerning my tre2tment.
, _ � �� � 3� � _ � G
Sig �ature(Patient,Paren Guardian)�
, -
Patient: Attending Physician: -'_ J �L �
D.O.B. Daytime Phone#:
. ,
Arrest Nurnber Last Name First Middle Address DOB• Aoe Sex Race
' . _ . ,.__.__
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Assisting Ofiice Emp_No.: Reporting�if er. _���� Emp.No.: � ?
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Yes ONo �t�'l 'J.� !
. Page 5
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. a • . .
Lic ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16403
STAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AC
Business Name. . . . . . . . . . . . J & L LIQUORS INC
Doing Business As . . . . . . . . TREND BAR
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537 UNIVERSITY AVE W
Zip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55104
Exp Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O1/31/97
License Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . RESTAURANT (B) -MORE THAN 12
NOTE AREA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO O1 ON 3/20/92
. 10551
. 60 SEATS 5-5-87
Press <RETURN> to continue. . .
Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF °
. N LICENSE APP'D C.F. 90-1796
. 012392 " " " " RESOLUTION 92-122 APP'D �
. 3/8/96 CIG CODE ADDED FR/ID# 42077--LAP-LIC
Press <RETURN> to continue . . .
Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF °
Bond Policy Number. . . . . . .
Bond Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . � �
Bond Effective Date . . . . . . In Re the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc.
— d/b/a Trend Bar —
City's Exh. No. 3
' . gl� - �3 34
Bond Expiration Date . . . . .
Insurance Carrier. . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYDS, LONDON
Ins . Policy Number. . . . . . . BINDER1195/1
Insurance Effective Date . 12/29/95
Ins . Expiration Date . . . . . O1/31/97
Associated Stock Holder. . LAWRENCE J KRENIK
Dealer No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tax Id. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5328674
Worker Comp Exp Date . . . . . 02/02/95
Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-3536
Press ' C' to continue, ' P' to print, or 'R' to redisplay. . .
Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF °
•+ �� �mo1 arx, Crty AtJOrney
Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 6l2 266-8710
1 S West Kellogg Blvd. FacsimiJe: 612 298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
April 23, 1996
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc. dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: All licenses held by J. & L. Liquors, Inc . d/b/a Trend Bar,
for the premises located 1537 University Avenue West, Saint �
License ID # 16403
Our File Number: G96-0171
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Krenik:
The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is
recommending adverse action against your licenses . This
recommendation is based on the following:
On or about March 3, 1996, you and/or another eanployee of
the licensed establishment refused to assist the police
in identifying an individual that had just been seen
running into the establishment through the back door.
Even after officers explained that the individual they
were looking for was a suspect in an assault, you and/or
the other employee still refused to help. The suspect
was found sitting at a table in the bar and was
identified by a witness to the assault. Non-cooperation
with the police is a violation of law, and furnisizes the
basis for adverse action.
If you do not dispute that the above-stated actions took place,
this matter will be scheduled before the City Council for a hearirig
on what penalty, if any, to impose. You will be allowed to speak on
your behalf at that hearing. I will need to have a letter from you
saying that you do not dispute the facts if we are going to follow
that path.
On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, I will schedule
the evidentiary hearing on the facts before an Administrative Law
Judge. In that event, you will receive a notice of hearing so you
will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the
� ■
In Re the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc.
— d/b/a Trend Bar —
City's Ezh. No. 4
r . - � • g�--i�3a
.: � ,
hearing will be.
In either case, you should contact me within ten days from the date
of this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will schedule the
hearing, and you may be responsible for the costs of the hearing if
you do not then appear and contest the facts . Please call me or
have your attorney call me at 266-8710 .
Very truly yours,
��� ,�
Vir ini���D Palm
g er
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP
Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LIEP
, • � �� � � g� -�33�
JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says
that on April 24, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION
on the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy
thereof in an envelope addressed as follows :
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc. dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN. 55104
(which is the last known address of said ersons) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the ni ed States mails at St .
Paul, Minnesota.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 24th day of April, 1996 .
Notary Public
AAy Comm.ExPires Jan.31.2000.
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In Re thc Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc.
— d/b/a Trend 13ar —
_ K
Trmolhy arx, Ciry Attorney /
�C��/ �
A�orm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 612 266-8710
1 S West Kellogg Blvd. Facsrmile: 611 298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
May 20, 1996
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc. dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: All license held by J & L Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Trend Bar
Our file Number: G96-0171
Dear Mr. and Mrs . Krenik:
I have not heard from you since we sent you copies of the police
reports on May 3, 1996 . At this time I ask that you respond to my
original letter of April 23, 1996 and either admit to the incident
and request a hearing before the City Council, or deny the incident
and request an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law
judge. If you chose to proceed to a hearing, I will send you a
hearing notice, so you will know when and where to appear, and what
the basis for the hearing will be.
In either case, you should contact me within five days from the
date of this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will schedule the
hearing, and you may be responsible for the costs of that hearing
if you do not then appear and contest the facts .
You can reach me at 266-8710 .
Very truly yours,
_�'/ � �
� ���
Virginia D. Palmer
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP
Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LIEP
� �
In Re the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc_
— d/b/a Trend Bar
City's Exh. No. 5
' i
� � 9�-�330
JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says
that on May 22, 1996, she served the attached LETTER on the
following named persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof
in an envelope addressed as follows :
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc. dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
St . Paul, MN. 55104
(which is the last known addresses of said persons) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St .
Paul, Minnesota.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 22nd day of May, 1996 .
Notar Publi
Pr.U�F i:� _�;SKEY,JR.
My Comm.Expires Jan.31,2000
Timot Marx, Ciry A�torney
Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Ha!! Telephone: 612 166-8710
15 West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 612 298-5619
Sain1 Paul, Minnesota 55102
June 18, 1996
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc . dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: All licenses held by J. & L. Liquors, Inc . d/b/a Trend Bar,
for the premises located 1537 University Avenue West, Saint
License ID # 16403
Our File Number: G96-0171
Dear Mr. and Mrs . Krenik:
Please take notice that a hearing will be held at the following
time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises
stated above :
Date: Friday July 19, 1996
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Room 40-B
St. Paul City Hall
15 W. Rellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, NII�T. 55102
The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge
from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings :
Name: John Harrigan
1900 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, IrIIJ. 55403
Telephone: 872-0222
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide
for hearings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action
against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310 . 05
and 310 . 06 , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code . In the case of
licenses for intoxicating and non-intoxicating liquor, authority is
� �
In Re the Licenses of J & L Liquors, Inc.
— d/b/a Trend Bar —
City's Exh. No. 6
� � � � g�-��3�
also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.415 . Adverse
action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other
penalties or conditions .
Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse
action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as
follows :
On or about March 3, 1996, you and/or another employee of
the licensed establishment refused to assist the police
in identifying an individual that had just been seen
runniag into the establishment through the back door.
Even after officers explained that the individual they
were looking for was a suspect in an assault, you and/or
the other employee still refused to help. The suspect
was found sitting at a table in the bar and was
identified by a witness to the assault. Non-cooperation
with the police is a violation of law, and furnishes the
basis for adverse action.
You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and
during the hearing or you can represent yourself . You may also
have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not
prohibited as unauthorized practice of law.
The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements
of Minnesota Statutes sections 14 . 57 to 14 . 62 and such parts of the
procedures under section 310 . 05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
as may be applicable.
At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties
identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its
witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may
cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any
witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the
City' s attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge
may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons
not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial
interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners
or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed
premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the
proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties.
Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be
taken by the City Council.
You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and
witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas
may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the
production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part
1400 . 7000 .
Notice of Hearing - Page 2
'- ` ' � � 9C�-/�3�
If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a
formal hearing, please contact or have your attorney contact the
undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to
the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative
Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for
Council action.
If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the
allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which
have been .stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true. If
non-public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may
become public unless objection is made and relief requested under
Minnesota Statutes, Section 14 . 60, subdivision 2 .
Very truly yours,
n �
� ,
Philip K. Miller
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP
Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LIEP
Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100
Washington Square, Mpls, MN 55401
Judge John Harrigan, 1900 Hennepin Ave. , Mpls, NII�T. 55403
Andy Schneider, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,
1564 Lafond Ave . , St . Paul, MN 55104
Notice of Hearing - Page 3
-� � �� � • 9� -���o
JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says
that on June 19, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF HEARING on
the following named persons by placing a true and correct copy
thereof in an envelope addressed as follows :
Lawrence J. Krenik and
Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc. dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN. 55104
(which is the last known address of said persons) and depositing
the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St .
Paul, Minnesota.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 19th day of June, 1996 .
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tar Pu li
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, My comm.Exp�a,�n.at.2000
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Chapter 266. Emergency Assistance to Chapter 267. User Charge for Ezcessive
Police Officers Consumption of Police Services*
Sec. 266.01. Duty to assist. Sec. 267.01. Purposes.
It is the intent of the city council by the adop-
Any person at the scene of an emergency,who is tion of this chapter to impose on and collect from
requested by a police officer, sheriffs deputy or the person or persons in charge of or responsible
state highway patrol officer to render reasonable for any nuisance event or activity that generates
assistance to such officer or deputy, shall do so if egtraordinary cost to the city that cost over and
such assistance can be gi�•en without danger or above the cost of providing normal law enforce-
peril to self or others. Reasonable assistance may ment services and police protection city-wide.
include obtaining or attempting to obtain aid (C.F. No. 95-204, § 1, 7-19-95)
from other law enforcement or medical personnel
or calling 911 emergency assistance on the tele- Sec. 267.02. Definitions.
phone, if a telephone is readily available.
(Ord. No. 17768, § 2, 9-20-90) For the purpose of this chapter, the terms
defined in this section shall have the meanings
ascribed to them:
Sec. 266.02. Scene of an emergency.
Last known address shall be the address shown
The scene of an emergency for the purposes of on the records of the R.amsey County Department
this chapter includes, but is not limited to, azeas of Property Taxation or a more recent address
threatened by or exposed to spillage, seepage, �own to the police department. In the case of
fire, esplosion, releases of hazazdous materials, P�es not listed in these records,the last l�own
and azeas in which criminal conduct is threatened address shall be that address obtained by the
or occurring or has just occurred.An azea shall be police department after a reasonable search.
esumed to be the scene of an emergency if a Mail: Service by mail shall mean by depositing
police officer, s e ' s eputy or state highway �e item with the United States Postal Service
patrol officer announces or advises in connection addressed to the intended recipient at his or her
4eit quest or assistance i is an emer- last known address with first class postage pre-
gency request. paid thereon.
(Ord. No. 17768, § 3, 9-20-90)
Nuisance event is one requiring special security
Sec. 266.03. Liceases. assignment in order to protect the public peace,
health, safety and welfare. A nuisance event in-
cludes, but is not limited to, the following: loud
A violation of section 266.01 above by a licensee �d boistemus conduct; noises and activities dis-
or one(1)or more employees of the licensee while �.bing the peace;congregation of two(2)or more
wor�ng at the licensed premises or while en- persons in into�cated conditions or und�r.the
gaged in the licensed activity shall constitute �uence of drugs or alcohol; fighting or use of
sufficient basis for adverse action against the obscene or inflammatory language; loud music
license under section 310.06(b), of the Legislative constituting a nuisance or disturbing the peace;
Code. activities causing egcessive pedestrian or vehicu-
(Ord. No. 17768, § 4, 9-20-90) laz traffic and parking problems and congestions;
events occurring after 11:00 p.m.to sunrise of the
Sec. 266.04. Penalty. following day which disturbs the peace and tran-
Any person who violates section 266.01 above is 'Editor's note—Council File No.95-204,§i,adopted July
19, 1995, amended this Legislative Code but did not specify
guilty of a petty misdemeaIIOi. the manner of inclusion thereof. Such provisions have been
(Ord. N0. 17768, § 5, 9-20-90) included as Chapter 267 at the discretion of the editor.
Supp.No. 31 1859
_ . ��-f��3o
LICE:�SES $ 3]0.05
(b) Class II licenses. �'►'here an application for except on the request of a councilmember,
the grant,issuance or rene�•al of a Class II license v��hich request shall be incorporated in the
meets all the requirements of law, and there form of a council resolution. Upon the pas-
exists no ground for denial, re�•ocation or suspen- sage of such resolution, the director shall
sion of, or the imposition of conditions upon, such give written notice of such hearing to the
license, the director shall grant, issue or renew affected neighborhood organizarions. Such
said license in accordance w-ith the application. public hearing does not replace or amend
any of the procedures set forth in section
(c) Class I and Class II licenses, zf denied by 310.05 of the Legislati��e Code. If no re-
director. in the event the director, in the case of quest for a public hearing is made before
both Class I and Glass II licenses, determines the expiration of any such license, and
that the application for grant, issuance or re- where there exists no ground for adverse
nev�al of the license does not meet all the require- action, the director shall issue the license
ments of law or that there eaist grounds for in accordance with law.
denial, revocation, suspension or other adrerse
action against the licen�e or the licensee, the �e) Appeal; Class I or Class 11 licenses. An
director shall recommend denial of the applica- aPPeal to the city council may be tal�en by any
tion and follow the procedures for notice and Person aggrie��ed by the grant, issuance or re-
hearing as set forth in section 310.05. nev�al of a Class I or Class II license; pro�-ided,
however, that the appeal shall ha�•e been filed
(d) Class 111 licenses. ��ith the city clerk v��thin thirty (30) days after
(i) Grant, issuance or transfer. Upon receipt of �e action by the director. The only grounds for
appeal shall be that there has been an error of law
a fully completed application znd required � the grant, issuance or renex•al of the license.
fees for a Class III license, and after the �e appeal shall be in writing and shall set forth
investigation required, the director shall �p�cular the alleged errors of law.The council
notify the council.A public heari.ng shall be shall conduct a hearing on the appeal vs-ithin
held on the grant or issuance of a11 Class III t��y (30) days of the date of filing and shall
licenses. In any case v�•here the director notify the licensee and the appellant at least ten
recommends denial of the grant, issuance (10) days prior to the hearing date. The proce-
or renewal of a Class III license, or where dures set forth in section 310.05, insofar as is
the council believes that there is e�-idence practicable, shall apply to this hearing. Following
which might result in action ad�•erse to the �e heari.ng,the council may affirm or remand the
original or renevval application, the direc- matter to the inspector or director,or may reverse
tor on his or her ov�•n initiati��e, or at the or place conditions upon the license based on the
direction of the council, shall follow the council's determination that the decision was based
procedures for notice and hearing as set on an error oflaw.The filing of an appeal shall not
forth in section 310.05.Where the applica- stay the issuance of the iicense.
tion for the grant, issuance or renewal of a
Class III license meets all the require- �fl No waiver by renewal. The renevval of any
ments of law, and where there exists no license, whether Class I, II or III, shall not be
ground for adverse action,the council shall deemed to be a waiver of any past viola�ions or of
by resolution direct that the director issue any �'��ds for imposition of adverse action
such license in accordance v��ith law. against such license.
(Code 1956, §510.04;Ord.No. 17455, § 1,5-21-87;
(2) Renewal. The director shall i.n v�-riting no- Ord. No. 17551, § 1, 4-19-88; C.F. No. 94-500, § 1,
tify the council, and the affected neighbor- 7-6-94; C.F. No. 95-473, § 3, 5-3i-95; C.F. No.
hood organization(s) established for citizen 95-1517, 1-31-96)
participation purposes, at least sixty (60)
days before the ea-piration date of all Class Sec. 310.05. Hearing procedures.
III licenses. A public hearing on the re- (a) Adverse action; notice and he¢ring require-
newal of any such license shall not be held ments. In any case where the council may or
Supp.No. 33 2027
. . ��-��30
intends to consider any adverse action, including The council shall consider the evidence con-
the revocation or suspension of a license, the tained in the record, the hearing examiner's rec-
imposition of conditions upon a license, or the ommended findings of fact and conclusions, and
denial of an application for the grant, issuance or shall not consider any factual testimony not pre-
renewal of a license, or the disapproval of a viously submitted to and considered by the hear-
license issued by the State of ?�'Iinnesota, the ing examiner. After receipt of the hearing
applicant or licensee shall be given notice and an examiner's findings, conclusions, and recommen-
opportunity to be heard as pro��ided herein. The dations, the council shall provide the applicant or
council may consider such ad�•erse actions when licensee an opportunity to present oral or written
recommended by the inspector,by the director, by arguments alleging error on the part of the exam-
the director of any executive department estab- iner in the application of the law or interpretation
lished pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Charter, by of the facts, and to present argument related to
the city attorney or on its own initiati��e. the recommended adverse action. Upon conclu-
sion of that hearing, and after considering the
(b) Notice. In each such case v�•here adverse record, the examiner's findings and recommenda-
action is or��ill be considered by the council, the tions, together with such additional arguments
applicant or licensee shall ha��e been notified in presented at the hearing, the council shall deter-
writing that adverse action may be taken against mine what, if any, adverse action shall be taken,
the license or application, and that he or she is ��ch action shall be by resolution. The council
entitled to a hearing before action is taken by the may accept, reject or modify the findings, conclu-
council. The notice shall be served or mailed a sions and recommendations of the hearing exam-
reasonable time before the hearing date, and iner.
shall state the place,date and time of the hearing.
The notice shall state the issues involved or (c-2) Ex-parte contacts. If a license matter has
grounds upon which the adverse action may be been scheduled for an adverse hearing, council
sought or based. The council may request that members shall not discuss the license matter with
such written notice be prepared and served or each other or with any of the parties or interested
mailed by the inspector or by the city attorney. persons involved in the matter unless such dis-
- cussion occurs on the record during the hearings
(c) Hearing. Where there is no dispute as to the of the matter or during the council's final deiiber-
facts underlying the violation or as to the facts ations of the matter. No interested person shall,
establishing mitigating or aggravati.ng circum- with knowledge that a license matter has been
stances, the hearing shall be held before the scheduled for adverse hearing, convey or attempt
council. Otherwise the hearing shall be conducted to convey, orally or in writing, any information,
before a hearing examiner appointed by the coun- argument or opinion about the matter, or any
cil or retained by contract with the city for that issue in the matter,to a council member or his or
purpose. The applicant or the licensee shail be her staff until the council has taken final action
provided an opportunity to present evidence and on the matter; provided, however, that nothing
argument as well as meet adverse testimony or herein shall prevent an inquiry or communica-
evidence by reasonable cross-e�amination and tions regarding status, scheduling or procedures
rebuttal evidence. The hearing examiner may in concerning a license matter.An interested person,
its discretion permit other interested persons the for the purpose of this paragraph, shall mean and
opportunity to present testimony or evidence or include a person who is an officer or employee of
otherwise participate in such hearing. the licensee which is the subject of the scheduled
adverse hearing, or a person who has a financial
(c-1) Procedure;hearing examiner. The hearing interest in such licensee.
examiner shall hear all evidence as may be pre-
sented on behalf of the city and the applicant or �d) Licensee or dpplicant may be represented.
licensee, and shall present to the council written The licensee or applicant may represent himself
findings of fact and conclusions of law, together or choose to be represented by another.
with a recommendation for adverse action.
Supp.No. 33 2�28
. . c�lv_� 3 3�
(e) Record;evidence. The hearing eaaminer shall
(j) If the council imposes an ad�•erse action as
receive and keep a record of such proceedings, defined in section 310.01 above,a generic notice of
including testimony and exhibits, and shall re- such action shall be prepared by the license in-
ceive and give weight to e�-idence,including hear- spector and posted by the licensee so as to be vis-
say evidence,which possesses probati�•e value com- ible to the public during the effective period of the
monly accepted by reasonable and prudent persons adverse action. The licensee shall be responsible
in the conduct of their affairs. for taking reasonable steps to ma};e sure the no-
tice remains posted on the front door of the li-
(fl Council action, resolution to cor:tain find- censed premises, and failure to take such reason-
ings. VVhere the council takes ad�•erse action�ith able precautions may be grounds for further
respect to a license, licensee or applicant for a adverse action.
license,the resolution by�•hich such acrion is tak-
en shall contain its findings and det�rmination, �k) Imposition of costs. The council may impose
including the imposition of conditions, if an}: The upon any licensee or license applicant some or all
council may adopt all or part of the fiadin s con- of the costs of a contested hearing before an inde-
clusions and recommendations of the hearing ex_ pendent hearing examiner. The costs of a contest-
aminer, and incorporate the same in its resolution ed hearing i.nclude,but are not limited to,the.cost
taking the adverse action. of the administrative law judge or independent
hearing examiner, stenographic and recording
(g) Additional proce�ures where required.�'4�ere costs, copy-ing costs, city staff and attorney time
the provisions of a.ny statute or ordin�ce require for which adequate records have been kept,rental
additional notice or hearing procedures;such pro- of rooms and equipment necessary for the hear-
visions shall be complied �i-ith and shall super- �g� �d the cost of expert K•itnesses. The council
sede inconsistent pro�zsions of these ch�pters.This may impose all or part of such costs in any gi�•en
shall include, without limitation by rea.son of this case if (i) the position, claim or defense of the
specific reference,Minnesota Statutes,Chapter 364 licensee or applicant was frivolous, arbitrary or
and Minnesota Statutes, Section 340_�.41b. capricious,made in bad faith,or made for the pur-
pose of delay or harassment; (u)the nature of the
(h) Discretion to hear notwithstanding with- �olation was serious, or involved �zolence or the
drawal or surrender of application or license. The t�'eat of violence by the licensee or employees
council may, at its discretion,conduct a hearing or �ereof, or involved the sale of drugs by the lic-
direct that a hearing be held regardi.ng revocation ensee or employees thereof, and/or the circum-
or denial of a license, notwithstanding that the stances under which the violation occurred were
applicant or licensee has attempted or purported ag�Tavated and serious; (iii)the violation created
to withdraw or surrender said license or applica- a serious danger to the public health, safety or
tion, if the attempted v�-ithdrawal or surrender �'e�az'e; (iv) the violation involved unreasonable
took place after the applicant or licensee had been risk of harm to vulnerable persons, or to persons
notified of the hearing and potential ad��erse ac- for whose safety the licensee or applicant is or
tion. was responsible; (v)the applicant or licensee was
su�ciently in control of the situation and there-
(i) Continuances. VVhere a hearing for the pur- fore could hat�e reasonably avoided the violation,
pose of considering re��ocation or sus ens such as but not limited to, the nonpayment of a
p .. ion of a required fee or the failure to renew required in-
license or other disciplinary action inro?�-ing a li-
cense has been scheduled before the :ouncil, a surance policies; (�*i) the violation is covered by
continuation of the hearin ma be �e matrix in section 409.26 of the Legislative Code;
g Y �'an:ed by the or(�zi)the violation involved the sale of cigarettes
council president or by the council at the request
of the licensee, license applicant, an interested to a minor.
person or an attorney representing the fcregoing, (1) Im osition o
upon a showing of good cause by the pam•makin p f l�nes. The council may impose
the request. g a fine upon any licensee or license applicant as an
adverse license action. A fine may be in such
Supp. I�'o. 30 2029
� - 9C�-�33�
amount as the council deems reasonable and ap- (3) The license was issued in violation of any of
propriate, having in mind the regulatory and en- the provisions of the Zoning Code, or the
forcement purposes embodied in the particular li- premises which are licensed or which are to
censing ordinance.A fine may be in addition to or be licensed do not comply with applicable
in lieu of other adverse action in the sole discre- health, housing, fire, zoning and building
tion of the council. Zb the extent any other provi- codes and regulations.
sion of the Legislative Code pro�-ides for the im-
position of a fine, both provisions shall be read �4� The license or permit was issued in viola-
together to the extent possible; pro�-ided, howev- tion of law, w�ithout authority, or under a
er,that in the case of any conflict or inconsistency, material mistake of fact.
the other provision shall be controlling. (5) The licensee or applicant has failed to com-
(Code 1956, §510.05;Ord.No. 17551, §2,4-19-88; ply with any condition set forth in the li-
Ord. No. 17559, §§ 1, 2, 5-17-88; Ord. No. 1i659, cense, or set forth in the resolution grant-
§ 1, 6-13-89; Ord. No. 17911, § 1,3-10-92; C.F.No. ing or renewing the license.
94-46, § 7,2-2-9-�;C.F.No.94-898,§§2,3, 7-13-94;
C.F. No. 94-1340, § 2, 10-19-94; C.F. '�o. 9�-473, § �6) a. The licensee or applicant (or any per-
4, 5-31-95) son whose conduct may by law be im-
puted to the licensee or applicant)has
Sec. 310.06. R.evocation;suspension;adverse violated, or performed any act which is
actions; imposition of condi- a violation of, any of the provisions of
tions. these chapters or of any statute, ordi-
nance or regulation reasonably related
(a) Council may take adverse action. The coun- to the licensed activity, regazdless of
cil is authorized to take adverse action, as defined whether criminal charges have or have
in section 310.01 above,against any or all licenses not been brought in connection there-
or permits, licensee or applicant for a license, as with;
provided in and by these chapters. Adverse ac- b. The licensee or applicant has been con-
tions against entertainment licenses issued under victed of a crime that may disqualify
Chapter 411 of the Legislative Code may be initi- said applicant from holding the license
ated for the reasons set forth in subsection (b) in question under the standards and
below, or upon any lawful grounds which are com- procedures in Minnesota Statutes
municated to the license holder in v��-iting prior to Chapter 364; or
the hearing before the council. Such actions shall
be initiated and carried out in accordance with �• �e licensee or applicant (or any per-
the procedures outline in section 310.05; provid- son whose conduct may by law be im-
ed,however,that the formal notice of hearing shall puted to the licensee or applicant)has
be used to initiate the adverse action v�ithout the engaged in or permitted a pattern or
use of prior procedural steps. practice of conduct of failure to comply
with laws reasonably related to the li-
(b) Basis for action. Such adverse action may censed activity or from which an infer-
be based on one (1) or more of the following rea- ence of lack of fitness or good character
sons, which are in addition to any other reason may be drawn.
specifically provided by law or in these chapters: �
(7) The activities of the licensee in the licensed
(1) The license or permit was procured by mis- activity created or have created a serious
representation of material facts, fraud, de- danger to the public health, safety or wel-
ceit or bad faith. fare, or the licensee performs or has per-
(2) The applicant or one(1)acting in his or her formed his or her work or activity in an
behalf made oral or written misstatements unsafe manner.
or misrepresentations of material facts in (8) The licensed business, or the way in which
or accompanying the application. such business is operated,maintains or per-
Supp. No. 30 2030
• - ��/33�
mits conditions that unreasonably annoy, (12) The licensee or applicant has �-iolated sec-
injure or endanger the safety, health, mor- tion 294.01 of the Legislative Code, or has
als, comfort or repose of any considerable made or attempted to make a prohibited ex
number of inembers of the public. parte contact v�•ith a council member as pro-
(9) Failure to keep sidea•alks or pedestrian v��a3•s �'�ded in section 310.05(c-2) of the Legisla-
reasonably free of snow and ice as required tive Code.
under Chapter 114 of the Saint Paul Leg- The terms "licensee" or "applicant" for the pur-
islative Code. pose of this section shall mean and include a.ny
(10) The licensee or applicant has she�cn by past Person who has any interest, whether as a holder
misconduct or unfair acts or dealings:phys- of more than five (5)percent of the stock of a cor-
ical abuse, assaults or�-iolent a:tions done Poration, as a partner, or other��ise, in the prem-
to others, including, but not lirr�ited to, ac- ises or in the business or activity which are li-
tions meeting the definition of c��inal sex- �ensed or proposed to be licenced.
ual conduct pursuant to ?�Zi.nne;ota Stat- «'ith respect to any license for actiti�ities entitled
utes Sections 609.342 through 609.3451; to the protection ofthe FirstAmendment,notwith-
sexual abuse, ph}•�ical abuse or maltreat- standing the foregoing pro��isions,neither the lack
ment of a child as defined in�1inr:esota Stat- of good moral character or fitness of the licensee
utes Section 626.556,subdi�-isions 2 and 10e, or applicant nor the content of the protected speech
including,but not li.m.ited to,acts v�-hich con- or matter shall be the basis for adverse action
stitute a violation of'�Zi.nnesota St�tutes Sec- ab�nst the license or application.
tions 609.02, subdi�zsion 10; 609.321
through 609.3451;or 61i.246;neglect or en- �c) Imposition of reosonable conditions and/or
dangerment of a child as defined;'n AZin.ne_ restrictions. When a reasonable basis is found to
sota Statutes Section 626.5�7, subditizsion impose reasonable coaditions and/or restrictions
2; the manufacture, dictribution, sale, gift, uPon a license issued or held under these chap-
delivery, transportation, exchange or b�_ ters, any one (1) or more such reasonable condi-
ter of a controlled substance as defined in �0�and/or restrictions may be imposed upon such
Mirmesota Statntes Chapter 152; the pos- license for the purpose of promoting public health,
safety and welfaze, of advancing the public peace
session of a controlled substance as defined �d the elimination of conditions or actions that
in Muinesota Statutes Chapter 152 in such constitute a nuisance or a detriment to the peace-
quantities or under circumstances givi.ng ful enjoyment of urban life, or promoting security
rise to a reasonable inference th�t the pos- and safety in nearby neighborhoods.Such reason-
session was for the purpose of sale or dis- able conditions and/or restrictions may include or
tribution to others; or by the abuse of alco- pertain to, but aze not limited to:
hol or other drugs, that such licensee or
applicant is not a person of the good moral �1� A limitation on the hours of operation of
character or fitness required to engage in a the licensed business or establishment, or
licensed activity, business or profession. on particular types of activities conducted
(11) The licensee or applicant has materiall � or on said business or establishment;
changed or permitted a material change in �2� A limitation or restriction as to the Incation
the design, construction or configu.*ation of K'ithin the licensed business or establish-
the licensed premises v��ithout the grior ap- ment �•hose [sic] particular type of activi-
proval of the city council in the case of Class ties may be conducted;
III licenses,the director in the case of Class (3) A limitation as to the means of ingress or
II licenses, and the inspector in thF case of egress from the licensed establishment or
Class I licenses, or�•ithout first ha�-ing ob- its pazking lot or immediately adjacent area;
tained the proper building permits from the (4) A requirement to pro��ide off-street parking
city. in excess of other requirements of law;
Supp, tio. 30 2031
d � � � 9�-�33a
(5) A limitation on the manner and means of (5) The extent to which adverse action against
advertising the operation or merchandise less than all of the licenses or applications
of the licensed establishment; would result in difficulty in enforcing and
(6) Any other reasonable condition or restric- monitoring the adverse action taken;
tion limiting the operation of the licensed (6) The hardship to the licensee or applicant
business or establishment to ensure that that would be caused by applying adverse
the business or establishment will harmo- action to all licenses or applications; and
nize with the character of the area in which �7� �e hardship and/or danger to the public,
it is located, or to prevent the development
or continuation of a nuisance. or to the public health and welfaze, that
The inspector may impose such conditions on Class �'�'ould result from adverse action against
I licenses with the consent of the license holder, or less than all of the licenses or applications.
may recommend the imposition of such conditions �Code 1956, §510.06;Ord.No. 17584, § 1,8-25-88;
as an adverse action against the license or licens- Ord. No. 17657, § 15, 6-8-89; Ord. No. 17659, § 2,
es; the inspector has the same povver v��ith respect 6-13-89; Ord.No. 17901, §§ 2, 3, 1-14-92; Ord.No.
to Class II licenses. The council may impose such 17917, §§ 2, 3, 3-31-92; Ord. No. 17922, § 1, 4-28-
conditions on Class III licenses ��ith the consent 92; C.F. No. 94-500, § 3, 7-6-94; C.F. No. 94-1340,
of the license holder, or upon any class of license § 3, 10-19-94; C.F. No. 95-473, § 5, 5-31-95)
as an adverse action against the license or licens- Sec. 310.07. Termination of licenses; surety
es following notice and hearing as may be re-
quired. Such conditions may be imposed on a li- bonds; insurance contracts.
cense or licenses upon issuance or renewal thereof, (a) Automatic termination, reinstatement; re-
or upon and as part of any adverse action against sponsibility of licensee.All licenses or permits which
a license or licenses, including suspension. Con- must, by the provisions of these chapters or other
ditions imposed on a license or licenses shall re- ordinances or laws, be accompanied by the filing
main on such licenses when renewed and shall and maintenance of insurance policies, deposits,
continue thereafter until removed by the council guarantees,bonds or certifications shall automat-
in the case of conditions on Class III licenses or ically terminate on cancellation or withdrawal of
conditions imposed by adverse action, and by the said policies, deposits, bonds or certifications. No
inspector in the case of Class I and II licenses. licensee may continue to operate or perform the
(d) Standards for multiple license determina- licensed activity after such termination. The lic-
tion. In any case in which the council is autho- ensee is liable and responsible for the filing and
rized to take adverse action against less than all m�tenance of such policies, deposits, guaran-
of the licenses held by a licensee, or applied for by �es,bonds or certifications as aze required in these
an applicant,the following standards may be used: chapters, and shall not be entitled to assert the
(1) Thenatureand avi ofthe acts or omissions of agents, brokers, employees,
gr ty grounds found a��eys or any other persons as a defense or
by the council to exist upon which the ad- justification for failure to comply with such filing
verse action would be based; and maintenance requirements. In the event the
(2) The policy and/or regulatory goals for the licensee reinstates and files such policies, depos-
particular licenses involved, either as em- its, bonds or certifications within thirty(30)days,
bodied in the Legislative Code or as found the license is automatically reinstated on the same
and determined by the council; terms and conditions, and for the same period as
(3) The interrelationship of the licenses and °����y issued.After thirty(30)days,the appli-
their relative importance to the overall busi- cant must reapply for a renewal of his license as
ness enterprise of the licensee or applicant; though it were an original application.
(4) The management practices of the licensee (b) Bonds and insurance requirements:
or applicant with respect to each of such (1) Surety Companies: All surety bonds run-
licenses; ning to the City of Saint Paul shall be writ-
Supp. No. 30 2032
�T rl���
§ 310.15 LEGISL9TI�'E CODE
definition in section 310.01, shall for the purpose posted in the office of the director of the office of
of this section include the indi��idual partners or license, inspections and environmental protec-
members of any partnership or corporation, and tion. These fees shall be effective for license
as to corporations, the officers, agents or mem- renewals and new license applications occurring
bers thereof, who shall be responsible for the on and after January 1, 1995, or on the effective
violation. date of this section, whichever is later; provided,
(Code 1956, § 510.15) however, that with respect to all licenses whose
renewal dates occur after the effective date of this
Sec. 310.16. R.eserved. new schedule, there shall be no increases in, nor
Editor's note�ection 310.16, pertaining to license fees offsets or refunds of,the existing fees paid, or due
and annual increases, and derived from Ord. No. 16855, and owing.
adopted Feb. 11, 1982;Ord.\o. 17059,adopted Oct.20, 1983;
and Ord. No. 17303, adopted Oct. 29, 1985, a•as repealed b��
Ord. No. 17884, § 1, adopted :�ov. 19, 1991. (a) ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 1
Sec. 310.17. Licensee's responsibility. Chapfer/Section
No. License Description Fee
Any act or conduct by any clerk, employee,
manager or agent of a licensee, or by any person 167 Compm�cial Vehicle $ss.00
198.04 Kee in of animals(Exotic Pets) 66.00
providing entertainment or working for or on 31s Animal Foods Management&Dis-
behalf of a licensee, whether compensated or not, tribution ss.00
which act or conduct takes place either on the 317 Amusement Rides ss.00
licensed premises or in any pazking lot or other 323 Christmas T�ee Sales 66.00
area adjacent to (or under the lease or control ofl 325 Close out Sale ss.00
327 Dry Cleaning Pickup Station 66.00
the licensed premises, and which act or conduct 332 Liquid Fuel Vehicle ss.00
violates any state or federal statutes or regula- 333 Solid Fuel Vehicle 66.00
tions,or any city ordinance,shall be considered to 3ss Private Fuel Pump ss.00
be and treated as the act or conduct of the licensee 34o Mercantile Broker ss.00
for the purpose of adverse action agai.nst all or 345 Peddler(Solicitor/T�ansient) ss.00
any of the licenses held by such licensee. To the 348 �atal of Clothing&Vehicle ss.00
349 Rental of Clothes Attire Vehicle 66.00
extent this section is in conflict with sections 350.02 Rental of Hospical Equipment 66.00
409.14 and 410.09 of the Legislative Code, t�11S 350.02 Rental of Hospital Equipment Ve-
section shall be controlling and prevail; but shall hicle ss.00
not otherwise amend, alter or affect such sections. 351 Rental of Kitchenware 66.00
(Ord. No. 17629; § 1, 1-31-89) 353 Roller Rinks 66.00
355.01 Secondhand Dealer-
(a)&(b) Single Location 66.U0
SeC. 310.18. License fee schedule. 357.03 Refuse Hauler-Each Vehicle Over
One 66.00
Notwithstanding the provision of any other 359 Sound T�-ucks & Broadcast vehi-
ordinance or law to the contrary, the following ��eS ss.00
fees are hereby provided for all the licenses listed 371 Finishing Shop ss.00
herein. These fees supersede all inconsistent ro- 361.14 Tbw T�vck/Wrecker Vehicle ss.00
P 362 T�ee Ty-immer-Additional Vehicle 66.00
visions, including, but not limited to, graduated 3�2 Tire Recapping Plant ss.00
fee provisions, in these chapters and in other 37s.�6(d) Taxicab Driver(new) ss.00
ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the 377 Lawn Fertilizer & Pesticide Ap-
license application as part of the license fee; plication ss.00
provided, however, that this section does not 380 Tanning Facility ss.00
amend or modify sections 310.09(a)or 310.09(d)of 4o9.i1 Outdoor�Change in Service Area ss.00
the Legislative Code with respect to exempt orga- 412 A4assage Center(Class B) 66.00
nizations or late fees.Pursuant to section 310.09(b) 414 Massage Therapist ss.00
of the Legislative Code, these schedules shall be 424.02 Gasoline Filling Stations ss.00
Supp. No. 33 2036
%� °�/33�
TO: Officer David Ciemens
St. Paul Police Department
100 E. 11 th Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses
and to appear before Administrative Law Judge John Harrigan of the Office of
Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at the St. Paul City Hall, 15 West
Kellogg Boulevard, Room 40-B, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on
the 19th day of July, 1996 at�Qo'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the
matter of thP � ic-�nses held by J & L Liauors Inc , d/b/a Trend Bar for th PramiaPc
Located at 1537 University Avenue.
Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness; the Honorable Kevin
E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this,�j of
,�, 1996.
Chief Administrative Law Judge
Subpoena requested by:
Peter P. Pangbom
Telephone: 266-8710
TO: Offioer Howard Swintek
St. Paui Police Department
100 E. 11th Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses
and to appear before Administrative Law Judge John Harrigan of the Office of
Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at the St. Paul City Hall, 15 West
Kellogg Boulevard, Room 40-6, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on
the 19th day of July, 1996 at�3Qo'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a w�ness in the
matter of the Licenses held by J. & L. Liauors. Inc.. d/b/a Trend Bar for the PremisPc
Located at 1537 University Avenue.
Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin
E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this 1�of
,�y, 1996.
Chief Administrative Law Judge
Subpoena requested by:
Peter P. Pangbom
Telephone: 266-8710
q� -� 3� c�
TO: Michael Bums
1305 Selby Avenue, #1
St. Paui, Minnesota 55104
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to lay aside all your business and excuses
and to appear before Administrative Law Judge John Harrigan of the Office of
Administrative Hearings of the State of Minnesota, at the St. Paul City Hall, 15 West
Kellogg Boulevard, Room 40-B, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on
the 19th day of July, 1996 at �:30 o'clock in the forenoon, to appear as a witness in the
matter of the Lic-�nses held by J. & L. Liauors. Inc., d/b/a Trend Bar for the Prem�sP�
Located at 1537 University Avenue.
Pursuant to the authority granted at Minn. Stat. § 14.51, Witness, the Honorable Kevin
E. Johnson, Chief Administrative Law Judge, at Minneapolis, Minnesota this � of
,�ubt, 1996.
Chief Administrative Law Judge
Subpcena requested by:
Peter P. Pangbom
Telephone: 266-8710
Timothy E. Marx, City Attorney �'�`"
9� i33�
CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division J�� � 5 1996
Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 City Hall AQ���HoH"e.'K�6-8710
IS West Kellogg Blvd. ��'���°.,y�2 298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
July 12, 1996
Judge John Harrigan
c/o Louise Cooper
Office of Administrative Hearings
100 Washington Square, Suite 1700
Minneapolis, Minnesota. 55401-2138
RE: Licenses held by J. & L. Liquors, Inc. dJb/a Trend Bar for the premises located at 1537
University Avenue, Saint Paul
Dear Judge Harrigan:
The purpose of this letter is to request subpoenas pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7000
relating to the above-mentioned contested case hearing that is scheduled to be heard before you
on Friday, July 19, 1996. This request is made of behalf of Mr. Philip Miller, the attorney
assigned to this matter. The City of St. Paul License Division will be calling these witnesses to
testify regarding the incident which serves as a basis for the action against the licenses of J. &
L. Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Trend Bar.
In order to ensure these individuals will be in attendance to testify, the City of St. Paul requests
from the State Office of Administrative Hearings subpoenas for the following individuals:
1.) Officer Howard Swintek 2.) Officer David Clemens
St. Paul Police Dept. St. Paul Police Dept.
100 E. l lth Street 100 E. l lth Street
St. Paul, MN 55101 St. Paul, MN 55101
3.) Michael Burns
1305 Selby Ave., #1
St. Paul, MN 55104
The hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, July 19, 1996, in Room 40-B, St. Paul
City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102.
If you need additional information or have any questions regarding this request, please do not
hesitate to contact me at 266-8776. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Sincer y,
Peter P. Pangborn
Timu/irv E ,l/an. Crn'.4uvr�:v
__ gs��/.� 30
CITY C)�' SAINT PAUL c.n��r nn�,.�r,�,�
�'orn�l'nlemun, 14iq•n� dr)0 C:in•llall TeG:phune 612>Ob-S?lr)
�� {ICSr f:rlfq�C eivd. Facslmi4': 613?95-56/9
Sar��r Paed. !flnnE<suia SSJD?
DAT�: July 5, 1996
TQ: Judge John H�rrigan FAX No.: 349-2665
c/o Louise Cooper
Office of Administrative Hearings
NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover page). � �r
FROM: Peter Pangborn FAX No.: 298-5619
St. Paul C�ty Attorney's Office
400 City Hall
!f you do not recerve al!pages of th�s fransmission, please c�ntact
Peter Pangborn Telephone No. 26�8776
li:�',J ;'_�'_��-'�_,t:_.�_ Cil �_�IJJCi '_�:'._Jll;�iillta .'.1[ _� I1CidJ �.:;._ : IT '±[,�=,I ,_T 1111
; �
TtmoU�t E. �f�n.�, Cif� ,dttorr�eV
___ _- ��.p I �'�
CITY OF SA1NI, PAUL (:nilUn-rs7on
.M1'orm Colemttn, .Nuror .{p!1 Cin'HQII T�•lephone: 6!?'(�6-8.!�
IS Ifast KelloC.g/�h�t. Fuwrmilr. (il_^:fih-5619
.StiuU Pau1, Adinneso�a 5�11)?
Jt�v 1�, 1996
,Iud�e John Harrigaia
c/o Louise Coopr.r
(�ffice of adrr�inistrative Hearings
100 Wr�.Sh�ngt��n Sc�u��rc, Suitc 1700
Minneapi�lis. Minnesota »=1U1-21 �g
f:.C�,: L..icr.nscs hcld b}' J. & I.,. Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Trcnd Bar for the prcmiscs located at l�37
U►uversity A�•enue, Saint Paul
I�c��r Judge Harri�an:
"I�1�e purpose of this letter is to request subpoenas pursuant to N1irulesota Ru1es, part 1400.7000
relating tu the above-nieotioned contested case he.arina that is scheduled to be heard before you
���, F��ieldy, July 19, 199G. Tliis I'C(�llCSt is riiade of 1�el�alf �f M.��. Phili�� Miller, tlie attorney
assiened to tlus ivatter. The City of St. Paul License Division w-ill be c.alling these witnessr.s to
testify regv-diiio [he incident w�hich servES as a basis for the action against the licenses of.T. &
L. Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Trend Bar.
In order to enst�re the� individuals v��ill be in attendance to testify, the City ot St. Paul rec�uesis
from the State Of2ice of Administrati�-e Hearings subpoenas for the follov��Fig individua.ls:
l.) Officer Ho��•ard Swintek 2.) Officer David Clemens
St. Paul Police Dept. St. Paul Police Dept.
100 E. 1 1 th Street 100 E. 1 1 th Street
St. Pa�il. I��IN »101 St. P3u1, MN �5101
�.) Michael Burn�
13U5 Sclby Avc., #1
St. Pa�.il. MN 5�104
I�l�c }�c<u�in; i� �chcdulcd to sta.z-t at �):�0 a.m. oii Friday, Julv 19, 19�<, in Rooili 40-B. St. Paul
(.ity Flall, I 5 We�t Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102.
I f vo�� rn�2d aciil�tional inforrnation or have any questions recarding thiS requeSt, please do not
I��s�t.�t� ti, c��ntact ��iz at ?(i6-877fi. "T�t���k vou Cuc� vuur cuusideralic�u iri tliis Ill:1l�CP.
r . .
�ii►cer y, / �
////� � . �
,.��/ -_.." /. -- �
.F_ / "� �--�' ��_``
Peter P. Pan�born ,
_ �
,�Ci'•_J .��_,.-,,��=,t--_-'-' pl 3=�I.�.Ji_i ,-,.'.�11 l,JCil1H .'.L 1 _� f 1[i,�J =_.-_ :i T �ai-,�=,T ._T �1 il
7imodn�L: :ldurs-. CiN.lrturrurt'
----------------- _ -- �j� -l3��
C I'I'Y O F S AIN"T P A UY., <'n��r�n�,s�,�n
ti'or�n Colamart ,t/m•o� J00 C�ity Nul( T-lepirone. 617�66-�5','fQ
/.S H`es�Itrlingg 6(vd. Fuc.simiG-: GJ:?98-j619
Sarn1 Pau(, .4linntsota SS/Ol
DA7E: July 5, 1996
TO: Judge Suzanne Born FAX No.: 349-2665
clo Louise Cooper
Office of Administrative Hearings
NUMBER OF PAGES (including cover page}: � 2-----
FROM: F'eter Pangborn �AX No.: 298-5619
St. Paul City Attorney's Office
400 City Hall
11 you do nol rece�ve a!I pages of th;s transmission, please contact
Peter Pangborn Telephone No. 266-8776
`���'�J �','_�,_'�=:.t��.�.:, Ol �_�[JJC� '=�.'.JI 1.`U-i11Fi ,'.1 I �� I U=i.�i_J ��: T T '=n=.r�T �=T �1 I1
t'i i';� 1�-+1i i1.
.-----f —Timotln E. :laan. Crh'.�tlorti�)�
�/� �
CI"1'Y U� �AIN"1' YAUL Cnil Uivrsipn
�V(�rm C�lcrru�rc 11m�nr 1�0 Cin Hal! Telephone: oll 266,5-10
IS N�esr Ke(lo,�z Bh�d Faceirn�lr: 61? ?9h-SG19
Suint Pnul, :�Rnr�soru S�10?
.luly 12, lyy6
Judge Suz2ulne 13orn
c/o Louise Cooper
Office of Aciministrative Hearings
100 Washin���n Syuare, Suite 1700
vlinneapolis, Minnesota 55401-213b
[ZT� Licenses held by Debra R. Johnson d;'b;a Sports Brca}: for the premises located at 1199
I:ice St., Saint Paul
C)car Judge Born:
'l�lle purpose of this tetter is to request subpoenas piu-suant to Minnesota Rules, part 1400.7U00
rel,�rinQ to the �h<�ve-menti��ne.d c�nt,ested casz hearin� that is ,cheduled to be heard before yau
on �fhursday, .1uly 18, 1�)�6. This requcst is made of bchalf of I�Ts. Virginia Palmer, the attorney
assigned to this matter. 1�he City of St. Paul License Division wxll be callzng tt�ese v�,7tnesses to
testif�� re��rding the incident which serves as a basis for the actioi� ��ainst the licenses of Debra
R. .iohnson d,�b/a Sports Break.
ln order to e►isure tliese individuals w-ill be in attendance to testify, the Ciry of St. Paul requests
from tl�e State Office of Adininistrative Hearings subpoenas for the followuig individuals:
1.) Officer lla��id Stokes 2.) Ufficer Jon Grahek
St. Paiil Police Dept. St. Paul Police Dept.
I 00 E. ] l th Street 1 UO E. 11 th Street
St. PauJ, NII�J 5�101 St. Paul. A�1N »101
The he�rin� is scheduleci to start at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, J�21y' l8, 1996, i�z Rootn 40-B, St.
Paul City Hall, 1� West Kcllogg Boulcvard, St. Paul, MN ��102.
If� }�OLI need additional information or have any questions re�ardin� this reqilest, please do not
hesitate ro contac[ me at 266-8776. -I-hanl: you for your consideration in this matter.
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07-12-1996<FRI) 11:42
C R E C E I V E ]
13061 7-12 11:4� 612 298 5619 4 0°01'44" NORM.E OK
4 0°01 '44"
� ~ Timothy E. Marx, Ciry Attorney
4�,-/ �
CITY OF SAINT PAi�s.:{�;1-_°,',':"°.�.� Civil Division
Norm Co%mon, Mayor 400 City Hall Telephone: 6/1 266-8710
�� ����, `'r`''(� �{�'� ��� ��� 15 West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 611 298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
� �k'.Jt !,:? I r;�{U`t.
June 18, 1996
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L Liquors, Inc . dba Trend Bar
1537 liniversity Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: All licenses held by J. & L. Liquors, Inc . d/b/a Trend Bar,
for the premises located 1537 University Avenue West, Saint
License ID # 16403
Our File Number: G96-0171
Dear Mr. and Mrs . Krenik:
Please take notice that a hearing will be held at the following
time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises
stated above :
Date: Friday July 19, 1996
Time: 9 :30 a.m.
Place: Room 40-B
St. Paul City Hall
15 W. Rellogg Blvd.
Saint P.aul, I�T. 55102
The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge
from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings :
Name: John Harrigan
1900 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, NIl�T. 55403
Telephone: 872-0222
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide
for hearings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action
against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310 . 05
and 310 . 06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the case of
licenses for intoxicating and non-intoxicating liquor, authority is
_ ql� —i 33c�
also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.415 . Adverse
action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other
penalties or conditions.
Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse
action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as
follows :
On or about March 3, 1996, you and/or another employee of
the licensed establishment refused to assist the police
in identifying an individual that had just been seen
running into the establishment through the back door.
Even after officers explained that the individual they
were looking for was a suspect in an assault, you and/or
the other employee still refused to help. The suspect
was found sitting at a table in the bar and was
identified by a witness to the assault. Non-cooperation
with the police is a violation of law, and furnishes the
basis for adverse action.
You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and
during the hearing or you can represent yourself . You may also
have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not
prohibited as unauthorized practice of law.
The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements
of Minnesota Statutes sections 14 . 57 to 14 . 62 and such parts of the
procedures under section 310 . 05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
as may be applicable.
At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties
identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its
witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may
cross-examine . The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any
witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the
City' s attorney may cross-examine . The Administrative Law Judge
may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons
not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial
interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners
or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed
premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the
proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties.
Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be
taken by the City Council .
You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and
witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas
may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the
production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part
1400 . 7000 .
Notice of Hearing - Page 2
• � 9��-/33�
If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a
formal hearing, please contact or have your attorney contact the
undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to
the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative
Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for
Council action.
If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the
allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which
have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true . If
non-public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may
become public unless objection is made and relief requested under
Minnesota Statutes, Section 14 . 60, subdivision 2 .
Very truly yours,
, � �� ,
Philip K. Miller
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP
Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LIEP
Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100
Washington Square, Mpls, MN 55401
Judge John Harrigan, 1900 Hennepin Ave . , Mpls, MN. 55403
Andy Schneider, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,
1564 Lafond Ave . , St . Paul, MN 55104
Notice of Hearing - Page 3
Timolhy E. Marx, Ciry Allorney
Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Nall Telephone: 612 266-8710
I S West Kellogg Blvd. Facsimile: 6/2 298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
June 18, 1996
Lawrence J. Krenik and Judith S. Krenik
J & L :�iquors, Inc . dba Trend Bar
1537 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
RE: Al1 licenses held by J. & L. Liquors, Inc . d/b/a Trend Bar,
for the premises located 1537 University Avenue West, Saint
License ID # 16403
Our File Number: G96-0171
Dear Mr. and Mrs . Krenik:
Please take notice that a hearing will be held at the following
time, date and place concerning all licenses for the premises
stated above :
Date: Friday July 19, 1996
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Room 40-B
St. Paul City Hall
15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint P.aul, I�II�T. 55102
The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge
from the State of Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings :
Name: John Harrigan
1900 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, I�T. 55403
Telephone: 872-0222
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has the authority to provide
for hearings concerning licensed premises and for adverse action
against such licenses, under Chapter 310, including sections 310 . 05
and 310 . 06, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code . In the case of
licenses for intoxicating and non-intoxicating liquor, authority is
� �jl�,-/330
also conveyed by Minnesota Statutes section 340A.415 . Adverse
action may include revocation, suspension, fines and other
penalties or conditions .
Evidence will be presented to the judge which may lead to adverse
action against all the licenses you hold at the above premises as
follows :
On or about March 3, 1996, you and/or another employee of
the licensed establishment refused to assist the police
in identifying an individual that had just been seen
running into the establishment through the back door.
Even after officers explained that the individual they
were looking for was a suspect in an assault, you and/or
the other employee still refused to help. The suspect
was found sitting at a table in the bar and was
identified by a witness to the assault. Non-cooperation
with the police is a violation of law, and furnishes the
basis for adverse action.
You have the right to be represented by an attorney before and
during the hearing or you can represent yourself . You may also
have a person of your choice represent you, to the extent not
prohibited as unauthorized practice of law.
The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the requirements
of Minnesota Statutes sections 14 . 57 to 14 . 62 and such parts of the
procedures under section 310 . 05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
as may be applicable.
At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will have all parties
identify themselves for the record. The City will then present its
witnesses and evidence, each of whom the licensee or attorney may
cross-examine. The licensee may then offer in rebuttal any
witnesses or evidence it may wish to present, each of whom the
City' s attorney may cross-examine. The Administrative Law Judge
may in addition hear relevant and material testimony from persons
not presented as witnesses by either party who have a substantial
interest in the outcome of the proceeding; for example, the owners
or occupants of property located in close proximity to the licensed
premises may have substantial interest in the outcome of the
proceeding. Concluding arguments may be made by the parties .
Following the hearing, the Judge will prepare Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law, and a specific recommendation for action to be
taken by the City Council.
You should bring to the hearing all documents, records and
witnesses you will or may need to support your position. Subpoenas
may be available to compel the attendance of witnesses or the
production of documents in conformity with Minnesota Rules, part
1400 . 7000 .
Notice of Hearing - Page 2
g(o -/ 33�
If you think that this matter can be resolved or settled without a
formal hearing, please contact or have your attorney contact the
undersigned. If a stipulation or agreement can be reached as to
the facts, that stipulation will be presented to the Administrative
Law Judge for incorporation into his or her recommendation for
Council action.
If you fail to appear at the hearing, your ability to challenge the
allegations will be forfeited and the allegations against you which
have been stated earlier in this notice may be taken as true . If
non-public data is received into evidence at the hearing, it may
become public unless objection is made and relief requested under
Minnesota Statutes, Section 14 . 60, subdivision 2 .
Very truly yours,
r � '
Philip K. Miller
Assistant City Attorney
cc : Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary
Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP
Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LIEP
Nancy Thomas, Office of Administrative Hearings, 100
Washington Square, Mpls, MN 55401
Judge John Harrigan, 1900 Hennepin Ave. , Mpls, MN. 55403
Andy Schneider, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition,
1564 Lafond Ave. , St . Paul, MN 55104
Notice of Hearing - Page 3
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100 Washington Square, Suite 1700
__ 100 Washington Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138
August 14, 1996
Fred Uwus�
City of St. Paul
170 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Tape duplication.
Dear Mr. Owusu: ��`� ���u
Enclosed please find the duplication of the hearing tape from the case of
the Trend Bar v. City of St. Paul. The record was sent to you August 13, 1996.
Very truly yours,
�� �� -����°
Nancy M. Thomas
Docket Clerk
Telephone: 341-7615
Providing Impartial Hearings for Government and Citizens
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Law Section&Administraave Services(612)341-7600 �TDD No. (612)341-7346 • Fax No. (612)349-2665