01-256OR(GlNAL 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 Presented Ey 8 Re£erred to 9 10 council File # O \ — �.5 G Green Sheet # 101391 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL.�M� n Date lo 11 WIiEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City o�Paul (PHA) has provided 12 funding through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug 13 Elnnination Program for the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and Youth 14 Acrivities program since 1993; and i5 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2001 Drug Elimnzation 16 Program Grant wluch includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at 1 � McDonough Recreation Center; and 18 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award the Division of Parks and Recreation has i9 been awarded $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 2 0 Activities Program in the McDonough Recreation Center communiry; and 21 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal 22 contract with ffie Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose of 23 unplementing youth programs at McDonough Recreation Center; and 24 VJHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.071 of the City charter does certify 25 that there are available for funds of $47,800 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; 26 and 27 WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special 28 Fund Polices; and 29 30 31 3a 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2001 budget: Division of Pazks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Current Amended Financing Plan Budget Changes Budget 325-23102-3400 State Direct Grants in Aid 325- All Other Financing 0.00 1,131,828.00 37 TOTAL 1,131,828.00 47,800 47,800.00 0.00 1,131,828.00 47,800.00 1,179,628.00 ORlGlNAL 3 s Spending Plan 3 9 -------- 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 325-231�2-0219 Fees-Other Pro Services 325-23102-0283 Rental-Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Services 325-23102-0357 AthleticlRecreation 325-23102-0370 Data Processing Software 325- All Other Spending Current Budget 75,000.�0 30,000.00 37,000.00 186,428.05 0.00 803,399.95 Changes 13,214.� 7,159.00 22,177.00 3,750.00 1,SOQ.00 0.00 Amended Budget p 1-ZS(v 88,214.00 37,159_00 59,177.00 190,178.05 1,5Q0.00 803,399.95 47 TOTAL 1,131,828.00 47,800.00 1,179,628.00 48 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper 49 city officials to enter into the necessary agzeements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing 50 and Urban Development, Drug Eliminarion Grant program funding available through the 51 Public Housing Agency and approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ Blakey / Bostrom f Coleman � Harris _ �/ Lantly ✓ Reiter ✓ S � C�+ Adopted by Council: Date � �1 ZciA \ t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � \.—� �- . � \ — Approved by Mayo S Date:__�J�.urrrrv�.L/%�/ / By: By Approval ��� Form Approved by City Attomey By: '��Gk.Pyw.�� ��Ca��.ti,� /� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-y=�%� Requested by: � DEPAPTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINIiIATED GREEN SHEET (� �� NO. 101391 Parks and Recreation 001 7 i� v � O \—� CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INIiIAVDATE INff1ALJDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 q 5 SSIGN � �EPARTMFM DIRECTOR 1 ❑ CRY COUNCIL NUMBER W � HOUi1NG ❑ CRV ATTORNEY J � CITY CIERK OPDEfl -- ❑ FlNANCIAI. SERVICES OIR. Z ❑ FINANdAL SERV/ACCTG 6 ❑ MAVOR �OR ASSISTANn�4 ❑ _Rossberg - 300 CHA�7_ MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY �DA� March 21, 2001 TOTAL S OF SIGNA'fUHE PAGES � CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR $IGNANREI ACTION FEQUESTED: Signatures authorizing a budget amendment which wiil allow Parks and Recreation to accept $47,800 in funding from the Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program for use in providing youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Reject (fl! PERSONALSEqVICE COORRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE FOILOWMG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION �. Has [�is persoNfirm ever worked under a conVact tor Mis tlepartmenR CIB COMMI'ffEE VES NO -- CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? A STAFF vES No 3. Does Nis Derson/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any <urrent city employee? YES NO , 4. Is this person/Flrm a targete0 veneor? VES NO r Eq�lain a11 yes arewera on separate shee[ and anac� to green sheat. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Who, Wha4 When, Where. Why): The Public Housing Agency's award of 547,800 to Parks and Recreation to provide youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center during 2001 requires an amendment to the Parks and Recreation budget. ADVANTAGE$ IF APPROVED: This budget amendment will allow McDonough Recreation Center to provide a range of w w' � cY ' ring 2001 to at risk youth who frequent the facility. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED: �AR `�' `� F ui-E `� None. a DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �re P�i'� �oi ` Without this necessary budget amendment, Parks and Recreation will lose the opportunity to pro,�ide activities for the at risk youth who frequent McDonough Recreation Center. �,�°'� ����� � ���� e.r�`� ,�''� �S �� TOTAL AMOUM OF TFANSAC710N y 47,HOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO RINDINC+SOURCE Saint Paul PubliC HoUSinq AqencV ACiNRYNUMBER 23102 FINANCIAL INFDRMATIOM (EXPLAIN� � 6K ,�w' A $47,800 in grant funds to be added to Parks and Recreation budget. -.�1 Q� � OR(GlNAL 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 Presented Ey 8 Re£erred to 9 10 council File # O \ — �.5 G Green Sheet # 101391 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL.�M� n Date lo 11 WIiEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City o�Paul (PHA) has provided 12 funding through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug 13 Elnnination Program for the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and Youth 14 Acrivities program since 1993; and i5 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2001 Drug Elimnzation 16 Program Grant wluch includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at 1 � McDonough Recreation Center; and 18 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award the Division of Parks and Recreation has i9 been awarded $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 2 0 Activities Program in the McDonough Recreation Center communiry; and 21 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal 22 contract with ffie Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose of 23 unplementing youth programs at McDonough Recreation Center; and 24 VJHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.071 of the City charter does certify 25 that there are available for funds of $47,800 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; 26 and 27 WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special 28 Fund Polices; and 29 30 31 3a 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2001 budget: Division of Pazks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Current Amended Financing Plan Budget Changes Budget 325-23102-3400 State Direct Grants in Aid 325- All Other Financing 0.00 1,131,828.00 37 TOTAL 1,131,828.00 47,800 47,800.00 0.00 1,131,828.00 47,800.00 1,179,628.00 ORlGlNAL 3 s Spending Plan 3 9 -------- 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 325-231�2-0219 Fees-Other Pro Services 325-23102-0283 Rental-Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Services 325-23102-0357 AthleticlRecreation 325-23102-0370 Data Processing Software 325- All Other Spending Current Budget 75,000.�0 30,000.00 37,000.00 186,428.05 0.00 803,399.95 Changes 13,214.� 7,159.00 22,177.00 3,750.00 1,SOQ.00 0.00 Amended Budget p 1-ZS(v 88,214.00 37,159_00 59,177.00 190,178.05 1,5Q0.00 803,399.95 47 TOTAL 1,131,828.00 47,800.00 1,179,628.00 48 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper 49 city officials to enter into the necessary agzeements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing 50 and Urban Development, Drug Eliminarion Grant program funding available through the 51 Public Housing Agency and approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ Blakey / Bostrom f Coleman � Harris _ �/ Lantly ✓ Reiter ✓ S � C�+ Adopted by Council: Date � �1 ZciA \ t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � \.—� �- . � \ — Approved by Mayo S Date:__�J�.urrrrv�.L/%�/ / By: By Approval ��� Form Approved by City Attomey By: '��Gk.Pyw.�� ��Ca��.ti,� /� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-y=�%� Requested by: � DEPAPTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINIiIATED GREEN SHEET (� �� NO. 101391 Parks and Recreation 001 7 i� v � O \—� CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INIiIAVDATE INff1ALJDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 q 5 SSIGN � �EPARTMFM DIRECTOR 1 ❑ CRY COUNCIL NUMBER W � HOUi1NG ❑ CRV ATTORNEY J � CITY CIERK OPDEfl -- ❑ FlNANCIAI. SERVICES OIR. Z ❑ FINANdAL SERV/ACCTG 6 ❑ MAVOR �OR ASSISTANn�4 ❑ _Rossberg - 300 CHA�7_ MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY �DA� March 21, 2001 TOTAL S OF SIGNA'fUHE PAGES � CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR $IGNANREI ACTION FEQUESTED: Signatures authorizing a budget amendment which wiil allow Parks and Recreation to accept $47,800 in funding from the Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program for use in providing youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Reject (fl! PERSONALSEqVICE COORRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE FOILOWMG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION �. Has [�is persoNfirm ever worked under a conVact tor Mis tlepartmenR CIB COMMI'ffEE VES NO -- CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? A STAFF vES No 3. Does Nis Derson/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any <urrent city employee? YES NO , 4. Is this person/Flrm a targete0 veneor? VES NO r Eq�lain a11 yes arewera on separate shee[ and anac� to green sheat. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Who, Wha4 When, Where. Why): The Public Housing Agency's award of 547,800 to Parks and Recreation to provide youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center during 2001 requires an amendment to the Parks and Recreation budget. ADVANTAGE$ IF APPROVED: This budget amendment will allow McDonough Recreation Center to provide a range of w w' � cY ' ring 2001 to at risk youth who frequent the facility. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED: �AR `�' `� F ui-E `� None. a DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �re P�i'� �oi ` Without this necessary budget amendment, Parks and Recreation will lose the opportunity to pro,�ide activities for the at risk youth who frequent McDonough Recreation Center. �,�°'� ����� � ���� e.r�`� ,�''� �S �� TOTAL AMOUM OF TFANSAC710N y 47,HOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO RINDINC+SOURCE Saint Paul PubliC HoUSinq AqencV ACiNRYNUMBER 23102 FINANCIAL INFDRMATIOM (EXPLAIN� � 6K ,�w' A $47,800 in grant funds to be added to Parks and Recreation budget. -.�1 Q� � OR(GlNAL 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 Presented Ey 8 Re£erred to 9 10 council File # O \ — �.5 G Green Sheet # 101391 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL.�M� n Date lo 11 WIiEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City o�Paul (PHA) has provided 12 funding through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug 13 Elnnination Program for the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and Youth 14 Acrivities program since 1993; and i5 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2001 Drug Elimnzation 16 Program Grant wluch includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at 1 � McDonough Recreation Center; and 18 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award the Division of Parks and Recreation has i9 been awarded $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 2 0 Activities Program in the McDonough Recreation Center communiry; and 21 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal 22 contract with ffie Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose of 23 unplementing youth programs at McDonough Recreation Center; and 24 VJHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.071 of the City charter does certify 25 that there are available for funds of $47,800 in excess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; 26 and 27 WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special 28 Fund Polices; and 29 30 31 3a 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2001 budget: Division of Pazks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Current Amended Financing Plan Budget Changes Budget 325-23102-3400 State Direct Grants in Aid 325- All Other Financing 0.00 1,131,828.00 37 TOTAL 1,131,828.00 47,800 47,800.00 0.00 1,131,828.00 47,800.00 1,179,628.00 ORlGlNAL 3 s Spending Plan 3 9 -------- 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 325-231�2-0219 Fees-Other Pro Services 325-23102-0283 Rental-Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Services 325-23102-0357 AthleticlRecreation 325-23102-0370 Data Processing Software 325- All Other Spending Current Budget 75,000.�0 30,000.00 37,000.00 186,428.05 0.00 803,399.95 Changes 13,214.� 7,159.00 22,177.00 3,750.00 1,SOQ.00 0.00 Amended Budget p 1-ZS(v 88,214.00 37,159_00 59,177.00 190,178.05 1,5Q0.00 803,399.95 47 TOTAL 1,131,828.00 47,800.00 1,179,628.00 48 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper 49 city officials to enter into the necessary agzeements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing 50 and Urban Development, Drug Eliminarion Grant program funding available through the 51 Public Housing Agency and approves these changes to the 2001 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ,/ Blakey / Bostrom f Coleman � Harris _ �/ Lantly ✓ Reiter ✓ S � C�+ Adopted by Council: Date � �1 ZciA \ t Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � \.—� �- . � \ — Approved by Mayo S Date:__�J�.urrrrv�.L/%�/ / By: By Approval ��� Form Approved by City Attomey By: '��Gk.Pyw.�� ��Ca��.ti,� /� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-y=�%� Requested by: � DEPAPTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINIiIATED GREEN SHEET (� �� NO. 101391 Parks and Recreation 001 7 i� v � O \—� CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INIiIAVDATE INff1ALJDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 q 5 SSIGN � �EPARTMFM DIRECTOR 1 ❑ CRY COUNCIL NUMBER W � HOUi1NG ❑ CRV ATTORNEY J � CITY CIERK OPDEfl -- ❑ FlNANCIAI. SERVICES OIR. Z ❑ FINANdAL SERV/ACCTG 6 ❑ MAVOR �OR ASSISTANn�4 ❑ _Rossberg - 300 CHA�7_ MUST BE ON COUNGIL AGENDA BY �DA� March 21, 2001 TOTAL S OF SIGNA'fUHE PAGES � CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR $IGNANREI ACTION FEQUESTED: Signatures authorizing a budget amendment which wiil allow Parks and Recreation to accept $47,800 in funding from the Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program for use in providing youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Reject (fl! PERSONALSEqVICE COORRACTS MUST ANSWERTHE FOILOWMG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION �. Has [�is persoNfirm ever worked under a conVact tor Mis tlepartmenR CIB COMMI'ffEE VES NO -- CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? A STAFF vES No 3. Does Nis Derson/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any <urrent city employee? YES NO , 4. Is this person/Flrm a targete0 veneor? VES NO r Eq�lain a11 yes arewera on separate shee[ and anac� to green sheat. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Who, Wha4 When, Where. Why): The Public Housing Agency's award of 547,800 to Parks and Recreation to provide youth activities at McDonough Recreation Center during 2001 requires an amendment to the Parks and Recreation budget. ADVANTAGE$ IF APPROVED: This budget amendment will allow McDonough Recreation Center to provide a range of w w' � cY ' ring 2001 to at risk youth who frequent the facility. DISADVANTAGES IF APPFOVED: �AR `�' `� F ui-E `� None. a DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �re P�i'� �oi ` Without this necessary budget amendment, Parks and Recreation will lose the opportunity to pro,�ide activities for the at risk youth who frequent McDonough Recreation Center. �,�°'� ����� � ���� e.r�`� ,�''� �S �� TOTAL AMOUM OF TFANSAC710N y 47,HOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) VES NO RINDINC+SOURCE Saint Paul PubliC HoUSinq AqencV ACiNRYNUMBER 23102 FINANCIAL INFDRMATIOM (EXPLAIN� � 6K ,�w' A $47,800 in grant funds to be added to Parks and Recreation budget. -.�1 Q� �