96-1322 Council File # _ - 1 a � Green Sheet # �� �� (o � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through and by its Department of Fire and 2 Safety Services, hereinafter the "City", desires to conduct various fire training exercises at the 3 property commonly known as 955 Aurora, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Aurora St. Anthony Block Club Inc., hereinafter "Block Club", had 6 advised the City that it owns the described property in fee and that the property is subject to 7 demolition as ordered by the Council of the City of Saint Paul; and 8 9 WHEREAS, the Block Club has proposed that the City conduct fire training exercises 10 at the subject property prior to the demolition of the property and the Block Club has 11 indicated willingness to accept the City's proposal to conduct fire training exercises upon the 12 signing of an agreement between the City and the Block Club wherein the Block Club will 13 indemnify, save and hold harmless the City from any and all claims for damages or injuries 14 arising directly or indirectly as a result of the City's fire training exercises at the subject 15 property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT 16 17 RESOLVED, that the proper officials of the City are hereby authorized and directed to . 18 execute such an agreement with the Block Club for the purposes of permitting fire training 19 exercises at the property commonly known as 955 Aurora, Saint Paul, Minnesota; AND BE 20 IT FURTHER 21 22 RESOLVED, that a copy of said agreement shall be filed and kept as a record in the 23 Department of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paul. 24 Yea� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: ��CJ a e � os rom � arris uerin e ar `%r/C��� e t tman � �— une B�'� �� q Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� �9, � �1,o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g�,: ��� BY� a- - -- Approve Mayor for ission to Counci Approved by y r: Date - q� B By; V Y� � q;(�- 13� a.. IL TE INISIA o N_ 3 6 4 6 6 Citq Council 10/1�6J96 CaREEN SHEET - PE 8 O DEPARTMENT DIRECTORNITIAUOATE. ❑CITY COUNCIL INRIAU0/1TE Councilmember Jerry Blakey 266-861 �a �CITYAITORNEY �CITYCLERK N11MlEII WR NQ1�BY( ) W�� �SUpOET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.8ERWCEB DtR. October 16, 1996 ��EW ❑"�^��ORA��T""T► ❑ TOTAL#E OF SKiNATURE PAbES ' � (CLIP ALL LOCATIOI�IS FOR$KiNATtJRE) ACTION REGUESTED: Authorizing the execution of an agreement raith tY�e Aurora St. Anthony Block Club, Inc. , and e Department of Fire and Safety Services fox the purposes of permitting fire training exercise at 955 Aurora Avenue. REOOMMIENGATIONB:Appow(A)a R�Ct(i� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWBN THH FOLLOWIN3 QUE8TIONS: _PLANNMIO COMMI8810N _GVII SERVICE COMMI8810N 1. Has tl�is psrsonflirm sver wOrked under a corltraCt t0[tlNS deperhllsnt? - _CIS t�MM(TTEE _ YES NO 2. Mas Mi�Pe►soMirm evsr basn e dly smployes� —�� — YES NO ._oIBTR1Cr cOURr _ 3. ooes enis person/�um poaesss e ekiu not normalN aossessed by amr cur�se�t clty�rtq�oy..9 SuPPOR'T�w►1K:FI COUNCIL OBJECfIVE7 YES NO Ezptain�il y„answsn on Npa�shsst and stt�eh to�r�shat �m�o Pnoet,EM.�euE.o�oaruNm lwno,wnn.wn.n,wn.n,wnv►: ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: DIBAWANTI�(iES IF MPftOVED: as,�ov�wr�s��n�ROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C0�7'YAEYENUE BUDGETEO(CIAGLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIN6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FNiANC1AL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)