96-1318 � L � . 2 � ���� r� ' ' . .. P ' �- 131�' 17 CITY QF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE O . PREL�ARY ORDER HY FI7.E �10. 18834 VOTIN6 WARD 3 Ia the Metter of assessments far the Morc�an/Edgcumbe Aree 5treet Pavir�g �ir�d Ligh.ting Project, includinq c�ncrete curbs and gutt6rs, bitliminc=u� surface roadway�, concrete driveway aprons, a lantern stylE lighting system, and other work incider�tel to the paving and lighting work tc, be dane on: Bordner Avenue Cleveland to Return C",aurt Galette Flace Morgan to Worcester Edqcumbe R�a� Fairview to Davern Edgcumbe Road(Westb�und Side Only) Davern t� Snelling Edgcumbe Raad Snellinq to Montreal Itasca Avenue Glevelsnd to Returr� Caurt Meqoffin Avenue Gleveland to Return Court Margan Avenue Cleveland to Return Caurt Morgan Avenue Colette Flace to Warcester Morgan Avenue Edgcumbe to Davern �Quirnia Avenu� Seint Paul Ave to Edgcumbe Ramlc,w Place Cleveland to Return Gourt �Return Caurt Itasca to Field Avenue *Shelby Place Edgcumbe Rd to cul-de-9ac Sunnyslc�pe Lane Edgcumbe Rd tc cul-d�-sac Thure Avenue Cleveland to Return Court Worc�ster Avenue Clevel$nd ta Return Gourt Worcester Avenue Golette to Saint Paul Avenue *To be paved at 1e3� than �tandard width. Will be assess�d at a reduc:Ed rate. � g� � �� � ��p �"� � � �- 13I �' , .t The Council af thE City af Saint Psul having reaeived the report of the Mayc,r upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, t�ereby r�solves: 1. That the ssid repart and th� seme is hereby epproved with ncr alternativea, and that the eatimated cost thereaf is $2,217, 616 financed by 1997 Gapital Improvement Bands $1, 6A9�505 and A�sessments $518, 111. 2. That e public hearing be had on said impravement or� tr�e ilth day cf pecember. 1996, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., in the Cauncil Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice af said pul�lic hearing be given to the persans and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place af hearing, the nature of the improvement and the t�tal cost thereaf as estimat�c3. COUNCILPERSUNS P,dopted by Council: Date , ` � ��� Yeas / Nays ✓ B�akey i/ostrom Certified Pessed by Council secretary ✓��, rin ✓Tiarris � In Favor By . �gard Rettman— ��(jg¢„N�- QAgainst /j�_ ✓'Fhune C Mayor AbS�.n�- D►IQ�re�urn DII�t leuen N019 91996 NOV i 61996 . ' ' r. . . . j . � . Public Hearing Date — December 11, 1996 RE 10-4-96 �� � `�� F.M.S.lR.EAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: October 1, 1996 Green Sheet Num6er: 39485 EPARTMEI`fT DIRECTOR ITY CAUNCIL ontact Peraon and Phone Number: ,e,,,, w..�,.A, �� °"0°" TfY ATTORNEY I"CY CI.ERK eter White 266-885 LTDGE'1'DIItECTOR 11Y.d11r1C1'.SVC.DIIL uat be on Council Aeenda: no later than Oc�23,1996, YOR(OR ASSISTA1+fI) 1 OUIVCIL RESEARCH or Public Hearin on December 11,1996 OTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S(GNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1.Set date of December 11,1996,for the Pubilc Hearing to Ffnal Order the con�truction of bitum[nous roadway,�oncrete curba& utters,driveway aprons,concrete outwallcs,nece�aary sewer repafrs,and a lantern style l�ghting system tor the ORGAN/EDGCUMBE AREA RESIDENT�AL STREET PAVING&LIGHTING PROJECT,Finance File#18834. .Approve said projec� COhIl�iEIVDATIOIYS:APPROVE(A)OR REJECT(R) ERSONAL SERVICE COIVTRACTS MUST ANSWER T1iE FOLI,OWINC: . Has the person/Qrm ever worked under a controct for tlJs departlhent? YES NO PLANNIt1GCOMMISSION A STAFF . Has thla per�on/6rm ever been a CYty employee? YES NO CML SERVICE COMMISSION . Dces thi�peroon/firm po�aess a sldll not normally possesxd by any YES NO � current City employee? CIB COMMITTEE ' Ei laln all YES answero on a x arote sheet and attach UPPORTS WF[ICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Better& Safer Streets COUNCIL WARD(S� � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 15 1VITIATIIYC PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why?): , his project is being completed under the Residential Street Paving Program. Thts is one of four RSSP projects selected by the epartment of Publ�c Works for 1997 construction,approved by the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee and the Cit Council. 1DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: neral improvement of the Right-of-Way will enhance and add quality to the nelghborhood. The newly rebuilt roadway�will restore rivability in the neighborhood,and continue the City's eRorts to improve the street system in Salnt Paul. Street oiling wili be liminated. Lantero st le street li htin will also im rove sesthetics and safet . ISADVANTACES IF APPROVED: ormal problems associated with construction,suc6 as noise,dust and general disruption will occur. ISADVANTACES IF NOT APPROVED: avement structure will continue to deteriorate,matntenance costs will rlse,and the level of�ervice provided by these streets will drop. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: $2�21']�616 COST/REVENUE BUDC�TED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO NDINGSOURCE: 1997 CIB & Assessments ACfMTYNUMBER: PIANCIAL INFOR1�fATION:(EXPLAII� ��i� ������.f i �.����� Funded by 1997 CIB: $1,699,505 Funded by Asse�sments:_ $ 518.111 0�� � 0 � 19`�6 TOTAL: $2,217,616