96-1308 •1 \ ��� Council File # 9G-�.3�� ., \!�� �� � Q\�\ Ordinance # � Green Sheet # � �a RESOLUTION I F SAINT PA L, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Da --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 1 WHEREAS,the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection(LIE has notified the public 2 and the taxicab industry that there are a number of taxicab licenses available in City of Saint Paul; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Office of LIEP has received applications for forty six(46) icab licenses by the pre- 5 established deadline of August 30, 1996; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Office of LIEP has evaluated the applications recei d according to the criteria contained in 8 Chapter 376 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, paragraphs 08 thr gh 10; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Office of LIEP has presented its recommen tions and its rationale for the approval of 19 11 new licenses; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the reco endations and concurs therein; now therefore be it 14 15 RESOLVED,that upon the recommendation of t Mayor,the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby 16 approve the issuance of taxicab licenses to the llowing applicants: 17 Michael Breckman, Yellow Cab-(1 lic se) 18 Gary Tounier, Green& White-(71ic ses) 19 Gholam Sharokhi, Minnesota Tax' (2licenses) 20 Robert Stone, RS Transportatio (7licenses) 21 ______Pat Burket-Jone� City Wide_ _ i_�2licenses�_______________________ ------------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- _________________ = Requested by Department of: B a e Yeas N Absent Office of License, Inspections and Y Bostrom Environmental Protection Guerin Harri s Mecrar Rettm T une BY� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary By: '� � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by ayor: Date Council BY: By: f,� .t'�'y :_ - • 9G_i3�' LIEP � �NmAr�o �REEN SHEET _N_ .3 5 4 6 0 �PHONE Q OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR��� �CITY COUNCII INITIAUD�TE Robett Ressler, 266-9112 ��� �CITYAITORNEY �CITYCLEiiK , M ON L DA , ( ) �� �BUDQET DIHECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVK;E8 DIR. Se tember 25, 1996 °WDE" ❑"'""��°RA�sT""T► ❑ TOTAL#t OF SKiNATURE PAGES� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGINATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: Approval of Taxicab License�0•. � RECOMMENDATIONB:Approw(!1)a Rs�d(R) PERSONAL SElRVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN8WER TNE FOLLOMIIN�CUEBTIGNS: _PLANNINQ t�MMI8810N _CNN.BERV�E CO�iM18810N 1. Hes th�psnOMHrm ever worked under a cOntrect for tMs d�nent4 - _��� _ YE3 NO 2. Mas th�person/firtn ever besn a ciry ert�loyee,4 —�� — YES NO _o�rR�cr c�uH'r _. s. Dosa tnis persoNnrm poesess a skin na nonneur v�d��+r�+��Y�� suPPORT8 WMK�1 COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln NI yes�n�w�n on upuab�Mst and�tach t4�n�n sh�st x�iTU►raro Pnoe�M,issue.o�oRruNm�w►w,whu.wn.�.wn.►..wny►: There are currently a number of taxicab licenses that are available. LIEP has solicited applications and evaluated the submittals and has recommended issuance of 19 license,d. ADYANTAOES IF APPROVED: Will improve taxicab service in the City of Saint Paul through increased eompetition. ��s�cv�r�s�npaaovEO: Ma.intains control on the number of licenses in the City. cis�ov�u+r�s��r��r+o�reo: No improvements in service. COUtiC� I�838�41't�i C6�ite1' OCT 0 9 1996 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANiACT10N i C08T/REYEMU@�1JDtiETEO(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � ; , � 9�-i3d� OFFICE OF LICENSE,INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Robert Kessler,Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOWRYPROFESS/ONAL BUILDING Telephone:6/2-266-9090 Norm Coleman,Mayor Surte 300 Facsimile: 612-266-9099 350 St.Peter Streel 612-266-9124 Saint Paul,Minnesola 55/02-1 S/0 � September 11, 1996 To: Taxicab License Applicants and License Holders Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director �� Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditor(part time Taxicab Inspector) Re: Recommendations For New Licenses The Office of LIEP received forty six(46)taxicab license applications in response to our July 31, 1996, solicitation. Of the 46 applications received, we are recommending City Council approval of nineteen(19) applications. These 19 licenses include the seven(7) licenses declared available by the City Council this past summer, eight(8) licenses voluntarily relinquished by other license holders, and a request for four(4) additional or"new"licenses. We aze asking the City Council to approve the additional licenses because it would be difficult to eliminate 4 of the 19 recommended applications based on the criteria contained in Legislative Code Chapter 376, paragraphs 08 through 10. All 19 are excellent applications and vehicles. If our recommendation is approved by the City Council,the new total license cap would be one- hundred twenty-four(124) licenses. All of these should be active, and LIEP will continue to monitor trip sheets to verify activity. Selecting the best applications is a difficult, and time consuming process. LIEP staff carefully evaluated each submittal against the criteria specified in Chapter 376. We have attached a chart showing how each applicant was evaluated and where eliminations were made. We have not discussed our evaluation process, nor the details of the applications received, with the Business Review Council or any other group. The salient criteria is the condition and age of the vehicles proposed to be licensed as determined by inspection by the City's Equipment Services Garage. We stand ready to answer your questions about the process and our recommendations. Recommendations for taxicab license approvals are as follows: ■ Michael Breckman, Yellow Cab-(1 license) ■ Gary Tounier, Green& White-(7licenses) ■ Gholam Shahrokhi, Minnesota Ta�ci-(2 licenses) ■ Robert Stone, RS Transportation-(7 licenses) ■ Pat Burket-Jones, City Wide Taxi-(2licenses) �` � ��- �.�o�- As a final note, we expect that at least four more licenses will become available in the near future. We will therefore, once again, announce a deadline for accepting applications for those four licenses and any others that become available in the interim through our regular enforcement efforts. T'he four licenses in question are currently in litigation and we have no way of knowing for sure when they will become available. Our best estimate is sometime before the end of November, 1996. Again, Please let us know of any questions or concerns. I am asking that this matter be placed on the City Council agenda for September 25, 1996, but you should check the City Council agenda to make sure that the date is confirmed. The agenda for the 25`''will be published on September 18`h. c: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers Ginger Palmer,Assistant City Attorney Business Review Council Members LIEP Staff �G-i�op' Z 0 � z I j � � o � � w H � ' o ; � o � � ' I, ° o a � I � � ° a � � � � � � � � � � �� a = � o0 � w i o u; E� Ei I �n � � a � � � � O _ w a � � � � � � � � � � � � � ° � � � � � � � � � � � � � � WWWW wwWWw WW; � Z [..� �.a ..a a a a ,..a a a a ..a�.�; w o w� � o_ o Z A c. �a �¢ �¢ �¢ �¢ �¢ �¢ �¢ �¢ a I¢I Q A w W c� � c� c� c� � � � � t� c.� W � � � �.. �., � � �.., ,-, � �... � � W W ..a a ..a �...a ,..a a ...� ..a ,..a ...� ,..a J i-- �" i-- E-� � � aaaa aaaaa, aa o � Q z ¢� d �¢ �'a ¢ `�¢ �'¢ �'¢ �'¢ �¢ �I � zZz w �'' V HHF- H HHFHH FH W � � � 0000 00000 00 � w w � o a zzzz zzzzz zlz wz � z a � A i Q � � � z a aW '� � ZZZ ° w ° oM � �; ZZZZ � � a W I ' J J J J a � �� � � � � � � � � � � �i UV V V � � °.�° Q � � � � � � � � � � �'' ww � w » > � `�" � UUVU � � �d z I � �. � �. 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Q ,� � A A o � a �° � W '� A � � � � I� x o � .� � � Q � �� � � � w �G -i.�op' CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTIv1ENTAL MEMORANDUM . July 31, 1996 To: Licensed Taxicab Owners Other Interested Parties - - Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director Re: Taxicab Licenses Available--Application deadline August 30, 1996 The Saint Paul City Council recently declared seven(7) existing Saint Paul taxicab licenses as abandoned and available for reissuance to eli�ible applicants. We expect the Council to declare up to six (6) more licenses as available in the near future. Therefore, this is the otl'icial notice to the public that licenses are available and that the Office of License,Inspections, and Environmental Protection will be accepting applications until 4:30 p.m. on Friday,August 30, 1996, at 350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102. Applications will be reviewed according to the regulations contained in Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 376.10, paragraphs (a)through(c). A copy of the application, the required . supplementary application questionnaire, and the pertinent regulations are attached for your information. You must have a vehicle in possession or identified in order for us to complete the evaluation of your application. The condition of the vehicle can only be deternuned by an actual. inspection at the City garage for the customary fee of$55.00. A vehicle inspection report must accompany your completed application. Questions regarding this process can be answered by either Troy Gilbertson at 266-9101 or Ted Koeppl at 266-9123. We intend to have our recommendations to the City Council for their consideration before the end of September, 1996. cc: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers Mark Shields, Chief of Staff Fred Owusu, Citizen Service Director Robert Sandquist, Equipment Services Manager Phil Byrne, Assistant City Attorney Ginger Palmer, Assistant City Attorney William Cosgriff, Business Review Council Chair Business Review Council Members License Managers &Enforcement Staff Minneapolis, Bloomington, & Airport Licensing Officials ���� , . ; �li-/�08� Excerpt trom the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Sec.376.08.Applicant—Requirements. (a)Each applicant for license to operate for hire a public vehicle must comply with the following conditions to ihe satisfaction of the inspector: . (1) Be the state license registered owner or a lessee,if the motor vehicle is the subject of a lease having an initial term of six(6)months or longer,of the public vehicle. (2) Be of the age of eighteen(18)years,or o�•er,in the case of an individual,and in the case of any copartnership or corporation,must be authorized to operate taxicabs and cazry on business in accordance with the laws of the - State of Minnesota. (3) Must obtain a license for each and every such vehicle to be operated. (4) Must fill out upon a blank form to be pro�7ded by the inspector a statement covering each vehicle lo be so licensed,giving full name and address of the owner,the class and passenger-canying capacity of the vehicle for which a license is desired;the length of time the vehicle has been in use;the make of car,the engine number,the serial number and the state license number,what insurance or bond against personal injury or property damage is carried,and in what amount.If said application is made by an individual ow�ner,said owner shall sign and swear to said application;if said application is made by a partnership,then by one(1)of the partners;and if by a corporation,then by one(1)of the duly elected officers of said corporation. � (b)Said application shall also include an accurate and detailed description of the color scheme of the public vehicle,if it is to be used as a ta�:icab,including inscriptions or monograms thereon,proposed to be operated by said applicant,which shall be distincdy different from that of the ta�:icabs of any other licensed owner or operator,so that the ownership and identity may be readily aseertained by the department of police and patrons of any taxicab,except that one(I)or more applicants who are members of the same association and who are authorized to use the color scheme of taxicabs,including the inscriptions or monograms thereon,of such associations may be licensed to do so when proper evidence of their right from such association to use such color scheme and inscriptions or monograms shall be filed with their application;and it shall be unlawful for the owner of any such taxicab,or the operator or driver thereof,licensed under the terms of this chapter to make any change whatever in the color scheme of the taxicabs or the inscriptions or monograms thereon without first obtaining the approval of the city council. (c)Applicants for available public vehicle licenses shall make application with the license inspector at such time as designated.The license inspector shall provide notice to the public at least tlurty(30)days in advance of the designated deadline. Sea 376.09.Vehicles—Requirements. , No public vehicle shall be licensed until it has been thoroughly and carefully examined and found to comply with the following: (1) To be in a thoroughly safe condition for the Vansportation of passengers,each vehicle shall be inspected at the city service garage,at a cost detemuned by the license inspector to be paid by the applicant The inspection shall include,but not be limited to,inspection of tires,brake system,lights,electrical system,steering,wheel alignment,suspension,exhaust system,engine,transmission,drive train and frame in accordance with standards adopted by the inspector.Any taxicab ow�er failing to show proof of vehicle passage of the Minnesota Motor Vehicle Inspection Progam,pursuant to rules established under Minnesota Statutes,Section 116.62,in a period of six(6)months prior to the September and/or April inspection date,shall be required to submit the vehicle or vehicles to a similar emissions test performed at the firefpolice equipment garage at a cost to be determined by the license inspector.If such test shows repairs to be required,the owner shall order the repairs made by an authorized dealer or licensed repair garage and the taxicab retumed to the city garage to pass inspection,For purposes of this subsection,"suthorized dealer"shall mean an sutomobile dealership which deals in that particular make of automobile. : (2) Every public vehicle shall have a means to raise and lower windows and to open the doors from the inside of the rear passenger area,if so equipped by the manufacturer. - . ... (3) Every taxicab shall be equipped with safety belts for all passengers in both front and rear seats. � . � J y�- ��o� (4) Every taxicab,except those operated solely upon the hour basis,shall be equipped with a ta.�cimeter in good working order,having a light,and sealed,and so placed as to enable the passenger at all times to see the fare registered when operating on the meter basis.No taxicab shall be operated except upon the meter or hour basis. (5) There shall be conspicuously displayed in the compartment of the taxicab occupied by the passenger and on the outside right and left rear doors of the ta�icab a printed card or sign sho�ving the rate of fare charged,as hereinafter provided. , (6) Each taxicab shall be equipped with a top light on the roof of the cab which shall be lighted when the cab is in service and available to receive passengers.Such light shall be visible from all directions. (7) Each taxicab shall be equipped with a radio or mobile telephone capable of two-way voice communication writh the taxicab licensee's or�liated licensee's base station from all locations within the city limits.The radio or � mobile phone shall be in operation at all times that the vehicle is available for service or in service for the purpose of dispatching taxicabs and recei�•ing calls from drivers of such taxicabs.Every taxicab licensee shall provide twenty-four-hour taxicab service and twenty-four-hour radio dispatch service within the city. (8) The license inspector shall make,or have made,by competent inspectors,such examination and inspection before a license is issued.A license shall be refused to any vehicle found to be unfit or unsuited for public patronage. (Code 1956,§ 152.09;Ord.No. 16874, 1-7-82;Ord.No. 16981, 12-7-82;Ord.No. 16992, 1-18-83;Ord.No. 17381,§ 1,7-31- 86;Ord.No. 17525,§ 1, 1-6-88;Ord.No. 17764,§4,8-28-90;Ord No. 17881,§4, 11-7-91;C.F.No.94-199,§9,3-23-94) Sec.376.10.License—Issuance. (a)Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements of sections 376.08,376.09 and the following threshold criteria enumerated below,it shall be the duty of the license inspector to issue licenses to qual�ed applicants.The threshold criteria shall be: (1) Affiliation with a capable service company providing radio dispatching,advertising,record keeping and other common services to a group of ta�icab oarers and operators using a distinctive color scheme and company name. (2) Demonstration of fmancial ability to operate taxicab services. (3) Adequate level of past service,if any. (b)If there are more license applications than available licenses,the license ins�ector shall recommend and the city council shall approve those applications that meet or exceed the additional criteria set forth in this section: (1) That the applicant intends to be an owner-operator and/or the proposed lease rates for drivers are comparatively low; (2) Level and quality of past taxi service has been good or better, � (3) Drivers are experienced and competent; (4) Age and condition of vehicles(the newer the better);and (5) Enhancement of competition and innovation in the provision of services to the public. (c)The city council shall act on the license inspector's recommendations and approve by resolution,up to the number of suthorized unissued public vehicle licenses,those applications that meet or exceed the requirements of this section.Once approved, the license inspector shall then issue each public vehicle license,which shall be in such form as customary. �. r y� - ���� SAINT PAUL TAXICAB LICENSE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE l. Are you licensed to operate a taxicab by any other municipality,county or the Airport? o YES ❑NO If YES,by whom? 2. Who will provide your dispatching service(Company Name and Address)? 3. What hours will your dispatching operate? From to for days per week. 4. What are the lease rates for all shifts each day of the week(Fill in Chart)? DAY FIRST SHIF"I' SECOND SHIFT Monday Tuesday Wednesday � Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5. Do you intend to charge for anything in addition to the lease rate? ❑YES o NO , If YES,what are the charges and what will they cover? 6. Do you intend to be an owner operator? o YES ❑NO 7.* Please include the following information about the vehicle to be licensed: Make: Model: Year: Present Mileage: 8. Attach a current inspection report from the City Gara�e on the vehicle to be licensed. THIS COMPLETED FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 4:30 P.M.,AUGUST 30, 1996 TO: Office of License,Inspection and Environmental Protection � 350 Saint Peter Street,Suite 300 Saint Paul,MN 55102,Telephone: (612)266-9090 Name of OW�ner/Operator: (Print) (Sign) (Date} Applicant# " In the case that no vehicle has yet been purchased for use as a taxicab under the authority of a Saint Paul license,applicants must submit a signed statement from the owner(Dealer)of the vehicle to be purchased for such use. The statement must include all information listed in question"7. - ANY FALSE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON'fH1S QUESTIONNAIRE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DISQUAUFICATION. -- �� � I 3 0� RECOMMENDED ' `COMPLETED �VEHICLE iAGE OF � FOR APPROVAL 'DBA 'APPLICATION INSPECTED 'VEHICLE i MICHAEL BRECKMAN YELLOW CAB YES ;YES ; 1992 ,. P.A. BURKET-JONES CITY WIDE CAB ;YES jYES � 1991 ; P.A. BURKET-JONES �CITY WIDE CAB �,YES �YES j 1991 ', GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE iYES YES ; 1993 � GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE iYES 'YES � 1993 GARY TOURNIER GREEN 8� WHITE �YES iYES 1993 GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE ;YES YES 1993 ; GARY TOURNIER 'GREEN & WHITE YES YES 1993 GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE iYES YES � 1993 GARY TOURNIER ;GREEN & WHITE YES YES 1993 GHOLAM SHAHROKHI MN TAXI YES �YES 1992 GHOLAM SHAHROKHI MN TAXI 'YES 'YES 1993 ROBERT Q STONE RS TRANSPORTATION ;YES � 'YES I 1992 � ROBERT Q STONE RS TRANSPORTATION ;YES jYES 1991 ROBERT Q STONE � RS TRANSPORTATION ;YES �YES ' 1993 ROBERT Q STONE �RS TRANSPORTATION �YES �YES 1991 ROBERT Q STONE ,RS TRANSPORTATION ;YES YES 1992 ROBERT Q STONE ,RS TRANSPORTATION iYES YES 1993 ROBERT Q STONE RS TRANSPORTATION '�YES �YES 1991 NOT RECOMMENDED DBA ;COMPLETED VEHICLE 'AGE OF ( FOR APPROVAL 'APPLICATION �INSPECTED ;VEHICLE ' DITH BERGER GREEN & WHITE J U `��:::»;:::<::::<:;:::>::::::>:::::::::::<::«<:::>::::>::::>:::;>:::;> .................................................... ; _ <;::::::::::::::::::::>::::::::::>:�::::>::::::>::::::::»::::>::::::::;:::<:::: DALE MORAN DIAMON D CAB ;�C3:.:.;�.;:.;:.>:.;:.;:.:�;:.;:.;:.::.;::.;:.;;:<.;;:.;:;:.:;.;: :...:....................................._.... RAYMOND PLUMBO DIAMOND CAB �:�C�:::>::::::>::>::;:::<:::;:::::::>:<:::>::::>::;::::_�:<:::::::::<:::` ................................................... ,.:,..:::::::<:>::::::»;::::`:::::<::::;:::::>:�:�::>:;:::.;:::;::;::::<:::::<: JOSEPH PLUMBO GREEN 8� WHITE f��.:::::.::::::::::: ..................................::..:.....:.:: . GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE !YES i�Q`::::;:::;::.:::.:<::�.::::;::>:`:':<:`:>:::�:<:. GARY TOU R N I E R G R E E N & WH ITE YES �:;:»:::;:;::::�;::;:>�:€;:`::;::::;:�'::: .......................................... GARY TOURNIER GREEN 8� WHITE YES �3::>:<::�:�;:::�::��:::::>:::::::;>:::::>::;::»::::: ......................................... GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE �YES �q`':::�:::;>::�::<:::<::;r;::�;``:::;:::::;>:: ......................................... GARY TOURNIER GREEN & WHITE 'YES �q':;::;:<:>:='::':�`::<:::';:::��:::`:<;>::::: ........................................ GARY TOU R N I E R G R E E N &WH ITE `YES �:„�<�;:�::`;:;:;::;;:::;:;::;:�:=<::;::::;<:<: DANIEL BRECKMAN ;YELLOW CAB ;YES #�:�;:<:;:':::::;::;:::;::;:;:`;:';'::;;::;`;`::::; .......................................... ANDREA WILLIAMS ,RAINBOW TAXI 'YES �:::::':;`:::�::;;::;::::::::;::>:::;:`:::::;:::;;: � 'ANDREA WILLIAMS ;RAINBOW TAXI YES �Q;::;:::>;:;:::;:;:::;�:::;:;`:;;:;;;<:::;::; ANDREA WILLIAMS ;RAINBOW TAXI 'YES �? ANDREA WILLIAMS RAINBOW TAXI YES �d;:::::_;><::::::�>;:::::::�:<'>::::::::>>::::: ...... . .. .. .. . .. . . ROBERT ZIMMERMAN AIRPORT/AIRLINE TAXI YES �fl:`:�:>:>;::�<:�::<:�<:>:::>�<�:��:�:�>�?:::: ......................................... ...... ............. . . ... ROBERT ZIMMERMAN 'AIRPORT/AIRLINE TAXI'YES �::>:;::'::::;>;;::<::�::;�:::�:::`>::>:`:::;;: ROBERT ZIMMERMAN AIRPORT/AIRLINE TAXI YES �:::::::::::�:::;»��;:::;:::<;`;::;;:::::;:::' ROBERT ZIMMERMAN AIRPORT/AIRLINE TAXI YES ���:�":`�`�_}���«������:�':=��`<������������: PEGGY KATCH UNITED CAB YES �::;<;:::>::�<<:<��>::�>:>::��.::::<::>�>: .......................................... ... ....... .... .. ..... ... MICHAEL KATCH UNfTED CAB YES �':::::::::::::`:;::�:`;:<:::::;:>;":�«;:�::`: :::;:::;7�:::;i:��t�::r:' 'CADILLAC INVESTMENTS �DIAMOND CAB YES YES -«��::,.,,4;<;:�:8$�[: ~CADILLAC INVESTMENTS DIAMOND CAB YES YES »;`:;;:>::;�:��.8�`:: 'CADILLAC INVESTMENTS 'DIAMOND CAB YES YES �``�"�`'�:�`';���r��::�:'�`�8�. ;P.A. BURKET-JONES �CITY WIDE CAB YES YES ;<<;:;<;.::::k�€{;:;;;;���:� P.A. BURKET-JONES ':CITY WIDE CAB YES YES >:;:�:��:�::�:..��.�fl:: P.A. BURKET-JONES CITY WIDE CAB YES YES >:::>::»>:�`�`: . •. OFFICE OF LICENSE,INSPECTIONS AND �� �^ � � " � ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECT[ON Robert Kessler,Direc�or CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOWRYPROFESS/ONAL BU/LDING Telephone:6l2-266-9090 Norm Coleman,Mayor Suite 300 Facsimile: 6/2-266-9099 350 S�.Peter Street 612-266-9124 Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102-IS10 � September 11, 1996 To: Taxicab License Applicants and License Holders Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director �� Troy Gilbertson, License Enforcement Auditor(part time Taxicab Inspector) Re: Recommendations For New Licenses The Office of LIEP received forty six (46)taxicab license applications in response to our July 31, 1996, solicitation. Of the 46 applications received, we are recommending City Council approval of nineteen(19) applications. These 191icenses include the seven(7) licenses declared available by the City Council this past summer, eight(8) licenses voluntarily relinquished by other license holders, and a request for four(4) additional or"new"licenses. We aze asking the City Council to approve the additional licenses because it would be difficult to eliminate 4 of the 19 recommended applications based on the criteria contained in Legislative Code Chapter 376, paragraphs 08 through 10. All 19 are excellent applications and vehicles. If our recommendation is approved by the City Council,the new total license cap would be one- hundred twenty-four(124) licenses. All of these should be active, and LIEP will continue to monitor trip sheets to verify activity. Selecting the best applications is a difficult, and time consuming process. LIEP staff cazefully evaluated each submittal against the criteria specified in Chapter 376. We have attached a chart showing how each applicant was evaluated and where eliminations were made. We have not discussed our evaluation process, nor the details of the applications received,with the Business Review Council or any other group. The salient criteria is the condition and age of the vehicles proposed to be licensed as determined by inspection by the City's Equipment Services Gazage. We stand ready to answer your questions about the process and our recommendations. Recommendations for taxicab license approvals are as follows: ■ Michael Breckman, Yellow Cab-(1 license) ■ Gary Tounier, Green& White-(7licenses) ■ Gholam Shahrokhi, Minnesota Taxi-(2licenses) ■ Robert Stone, RS Transportation-(7 licenses) ■ Pat Burket-Jones, City Wide Taxi-(2licenses) � � � �'� - ��� � As a final note,we expect that at least four more licenses wi116ecome available in the near future. We will therefore, once again, announce a deadline for accepting applications for those four licenses and any others that become available in the interim through our regular enforcement efforts. The four licenses in question are currently in litigation and we have no way of knowing for sure when they will become available. Our best estimate is sometime before the end of November, 1996. Again, Please let us know of any questions or concerns. I am asking that this matter be placed on the City Council agenda for September 25, 1996,but you should check the City Council agenda to make sure that the date is confirmed. The agenda for the 25`''will be published on September 18`h. . c: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers Ginger Palmer,Assistant City Attorney Business Review Council Members LIEP Staff _ 3c� - �� � Z . � o �-. o � ' � ' � � � i ► �� o _ � ' ' ' � aa � � j ; ; o � � V ; I � I � H � O W v� v�i�n v� v� v� v�;v��v� v�I v�' Q O � a � ��� � � �����i� � � w = z '; � o °z � A � � u.. W I O cri d W � � , � � U p�7., I O _ Qp�+ 0 �n �Wn�vW� v� �Wn vW� v� v� vW� v��1 ��nt Uj Q Q U � ?��?� � ?� ?� ?� �I?� ?� ?� � J O � wwww Wwww�w ww � Z (..� ..� ..a � � a a ..a,.�;.� ...� .� w o � Q�¢ � � � �jQ'iQ � � Q ° _ ° q � W W UUUU UUU!U;U UU J � � � W W �.-. .. ..-, � �. � :�i.� ..a ..a ..� .��.:.�!i i i �. 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