96-1302 R1` � �f � � . . � �� � 1 ` � � � ��6 ; 6.,� . �� City of -St. Faul ,� FI NO "" �� � � RESOLUTIt7TT RATIFYING ASSESSI�NT B� gi`l�Np- ZB92�-1935 Rssessment Na. 0199 Voting Wsrd In the metter af the e.s�esement af benefits, cost gnd �xpenses for 2 The Seventh Plece Mall operation and Maintenance Costs for 19�5. Freliminery Order 95-545 spproved Mt�y 24, 1995 P'inel Order 95-Bd9 spproved July 19, 1995 A public hearinq having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and �aid a„ea�ment havinq bsen further con'idered by the Cauncil, and having been considered finslly setisfactory, therefare, b� it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in a21 respects ratified. RESOLVED FtAtT�R, Thet the seid assessment be and it is hereby d�tera►ined to be payable in Qne_equal installments by regiatered bill. �=T,pF_ggpq� Rdapted by the C�uncil: Dete�_�� 1 t� Yeas Naya g� �i8key Certifi�d Fasses by Counc:il S�ar�tary Vt3astrQm �erin �Y a- �rri� � In Favor !�'gard • �Rettman � Again�t Mayc;r �ne Gt �, -1'3oa- Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE 9-19-96 DER4RTMENTAFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED 3 9 4�c Finance De artment/Real Estate 9-18-96 G R E E N SH E ET CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUOATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Roxanna Flink 266-8859 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOE BY(DATE) O— — ROUTING �BUD(iET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MQT.SERVICE3 DIR. FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON 10-9-96 ORDER �MAYOR(ORA3313TANn Cl] Council Research TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Set hearing date for ratification of assessments Ratify assessments for Seventh Place Mall Operation and Maintenance Costs for 1995. File 18428-95. RECOMMENDATIONe;Approve(A)or Rejed(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING GUESTION8: _PLANNINO COMMI$$IQN _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS310N 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO .�STAFF _ 2• Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? _DISTRiCT(9D� Councj,L 17 YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? 3UPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OB,IECTIVE? Ward 2 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on ssparats shest and ettach to yroen sheet Lease A reement INITIATINCi PROBLEM,IS3UE,OPP�RTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): One property owner abutting Seventh Place Mall requested that the City of Saint Paul assess their property for the operations and maintenance expense involved in its up-keep- originated in 1986. AOVANTAOES IF APPR01/ED: Assessments payable via Registered Bill � �:;���:��;r.��� ''' CiOt.!!�C� t`,.�.�..�:r�..t� 0y:�:i'�;;;�' SEP 19 `I��6 DISADVANTAOES IF APPHOVED: None Known D13ADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVEO: None Known TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S ��8�O.44 COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO B111 FUNOIWG SOURCE ASS2SSm2rit collected by Registered pCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORIl6ATION:(EXPLAIN) 1 property owner will receive notice of the public hearing and charge. City of St. Paul R�al E3tat� �ivi�it�r� Dapt. af Fir►aaca & Manage�►ent Serv. COUN�IL F'ILE NO. ` `" � I�O� REPdRT OF O�LETI�i OF ASSE881+�NT File Na. 1842$-1995 Asseesment No. 01�9 Voting YJard Ixx tt�e metter of thE assessment c+f ber�efits, cast �iiid Exper�ses far 2 The Seventh Place Mall operatian ai�d Msintenanae Casts far 19y5. �reliminary Urder 95-545 approved May 29, 1595 Final Urder 95-809 appraved July I5, 1595 To the Cvur�cil af tr�e City af St. Feul The ValuatiUn and A�se��ment EY1CjlY"1EeY h�re�y zE�vrt� tr� tr�e Coui�c:il tr�e f��llowing aa a statement �f t2x� er.penditure� neces�arily incurred fc�r and in cannection with the making of the abave improvement, viz: Tatal coiistructioxx casts $7, 424.94 Engineerinq and Insgectic�n $ Valuatian gnd Assessment Services $ 495.5U Administratian t"harqe - Fublic Healtti $ Re-Check Charge - Fublic Health $ Abatem�nt �ervice �:harqe $ TC�TAL EKPENDITURES $7, �37Q.49 Char�e To $ $ N�t A�ses�ment $7, $70.44 Said Valuatian and Asaes�ment Enqineer further report9 that he ha� aaae�sed and levied the total amount as abave ascertained, ta-wit: the sum of 57, 87U.44 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the �aid impravement, ar�d in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accardance with the benefits conferrec� therean; that the �a.id a3�e��ment ha' been completed, and tha.t hereta attached, identified by the signature c�f th� said Valuation anc3 A�se�sment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the �aid aa�e99ment a' com�leted by him, and which i9 herewith �ubmitted tc the Couricil for such action therec�n as may b� CUY151C��Y�� proper, n�t�a 9- I�' 9� � uation snd �ssessment Engineer ORIGI �I �� � J3°�" AL City of St. Faul �'I � " � RESOLUTION APPROVING A38ESS1�NT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING TFIEREON F' � Nc+ 16428-1��5 Ass�ssmEr�t N�. 0199 Vating �� In tt�e matter �f t��E esses�sment of L�enefit�s, cast and exper,seg far � The 5�venth Flace Mall C�peration and Maintenance Costs for ].995. Freliminary Order 95-595 appraved May �4, 1�y5 Final Urder 95-809 appr�ved July 19, 1995 The a'3e��ment c�f benefits, co�t and expen�ea for and in connectian with. the abave improv�ment havir�g been submitted td the Caur�cil, ar�d the Cauncil having con3idered same and found the said assesament 'ati�fact�ry, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th�t the �aid a9se�sment be and th6 same is hereby in all re�peot9 eppY�ved. RESOLVED F[]RTI�R, That a public r�earing be h�id an said assessmerlt an tt�e 9th day of October. 1996. at the hour of Four thirty �'clock P.M. , in the C:ouncil G'hamber of the C�urt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Faul; that the Valuatian and As�es�ment Engineer give notice of said meetinga, as r6quired by the �harter, stating in said notice the time and plac� af h�aring, th� nature af the improvement, and the amount asseesed eyair�st the lat or lats af the particular ov,mer to whom the notice i9 directed. COUNCILPERSON AdoptEd by the Council: Dete� � � ���{� Yea� Nay' � Blakey Certified Fsssed by Council 5ecretary fB�etram- ��cr.�- ✓Guerin BY a- �Ht�rri� ,�In Favor � ,./�e�ar� Rettman °�b'�rAqainat Mayor �hune � (�bS e r�-