96-1298 M . � •i ( � ' T city of st. �aul eo�nvc�L � � rrof � � - � ��� �� �� �� RESt3LUTI�i R7ITIFYING ASSESSi�+�NT F3y ` ° F'il� Na. 1$796 Ass�ssment No. �151 Vvting Ward In th� m�tter af the aseessment c�f ben�fitg, cagt gnd expenses for 3 Operation and maintenance cQSts for the Immaculate xeart of Mary parking lat from January 1, to I3ecember 31, 1997. Preliminary C�rder x�s agprc+ved x�s Final arder �.�s. approved as�: A public hearing having been had u�4n the a�aeaament f�r the above improvement, and said sssessment 2�aving b�en further considered by the Gauncil, and having been con�idered finally 9teti9factary, therefare, be it R=90LVSD, That the 3aid aaae��ment be and the �ame ia hereby in all reapect� ratified. 1RSSOLVED �Tt3i:R, That the �aid assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �_equal in�tallmenta. ��_� Adapted by the Cvuncil: D�te �,�_ q , � �� � Yea� s� Neys vBlakey Certified Pa�ae� Yy Council 9ecretary �stram �erin gy � , �rris � In Favor i���6� vM'�gard [�ettman � Ag$inst �yQr �ne Public Hearin Date- October 9, 1g96 RE 8-2-96 �'(o, F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-30-96 Green Sheet Number: 34163 EPARTMENT DIRECTOR TTY COUNCIL o�tact Perwe ond Phone Nmnber. .� �� � 1TY ATTORNEY 1TY CLERK Peter White 266-8850 °"� UDGET DIRECTOR .g MGT.3VC.DIR � YOR(OR A33I3TANT) 1 CIL RESEARCH ust be on Co�ncil A enda b : 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 8-9-9 OTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE CTION REQUESTED: •t date of public hearinq for the ratification of the operation and intenanae ao�t for the I8M Parkinq Lot from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997. ile No. 18746 Assessment No. 0151 OHIIISENDATION3:APPROVE(A)OR RETECT(R) ERfiONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . H�a fhe pe�on/�rm ever worked mider a contract for this depwrdnentY YES NO r[,n[+x�NC co�uissiox A srnrr . Has thia person/Hrm ever been a City em�oyee? YES NO crvu,sexvtca co�ox . Does fhis person/Srm po�ss a sldD not�wrmaHY P�bY�Y YES NO CB COMMIT[EE �����? E lein a!1 YES answeri on a se ebeet and atfach UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCII,OBJEGTIVEY N�� hborhoods COUNCII,WARD(S7 � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � IATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNTTY(Whq W�t,Whay When,Why?): evenue is needed to operate and maintain the lot. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Counc�! R���&�� �ter same as above. �u�, 05 1J96 ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: enefitted property owners Nill have assessments payable_vi.�,._pr.agert'�""""�'axes. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: arkinq lot could not be operated or maintaine8. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � �D�.S�Q COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONL� YES NO ING���: Assessments ACTIVITYNUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� ��� 7 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. G�t� �f s�. Paul � � - 1 a 9� Re�il Estat� Diviaion Dept. of Fil1E1ACe & Mailllgemetit Sa3�. CvJNtjIL FILE i30. REPORT OF C�t�+LETI�I OF ASSESSMENT File No. 1$7 9 6 Assessa►�nt Na. 01�1 Vating WAr`d I21 the m�itter af th� ass�ssa�ent af benefits, cast and expenses far 3 t7peration and maintenance costs for th� Imtnaculate Heart of Mary parking lot from January l, to December 31, 1997. Preliminary Order xx approved Ax Final order xx apprQVed �x To the C;ouncil of the C:ity of �t. Paul Th� Valuati�n and A�ae�ament Enqineer hereb_y reF�art� to the Gauncil the fc�llawing �s � stetEment of the expenditures necesserily ir�curred for end in connection with the mr�king of the nbove improvement, viz: T�tal constru�tion cc,,t� $10,500 Enyineering and Inspectic,n $ Vuluation rxnd As�e�ament Service� $ Administration Charge - Pub2ic Health $ Re-Gheck Charge - Public HEalth $ At+atemEnt Servic� C•harge $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $10�5Q0 Charge To $ $ Net A�,�e9�ment $10,500 Said Valuation and A��e�ament Engineer further reports that he ha� a9ses9ed and levied the tctal r�mount s� abave asc�rtair��d, to-wit: ttie sum c�f �10,500 upon each and every lot, part or percel of lend d�emed benefited by the ssid imprGVement, and in the case of each lat, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefita conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the �iqnature of the said Valuation and Aa'eaament Enqineer, and made s part hereof, is the se�id assessm�nt as campleted by him, snd which is rierewith �ubmitted ta the Cauncil fr,r �uch act' n thereon as may be con�idered proper. Dated Valuation and A� e��ment Engineer � E��� lCI �!fi ��_ � � - ia�� C��y �f 5t. Fa�l C� ^ L i�' LE O. , � RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND gy �� FIXING TII� OF F�A,RING TF�RE�1 File Na. 18796 Assessment No. 0151 Voting — Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ccst and expenses far 3 Operation and maintenance cost9 for the Immaculate Heert of Mary parkinq lot from January 1, to December 31, 1997. Preliminary C7rder xx approved xx Final Order xx agpraved xx The ess�ssment c,f bEnefits, cost and ex�enses for and ir� connectian with the uhove improvement h�ving been 'ubmitted to the Council, �nd the C�un�il having considered same and found the said ass�ssment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED SVRTHER, That a public hearinq be had on �nid a��e�gment on the 9 Yh` day of October, 1996, at the hour of Four thirty o'clock P.M. , in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou�e and Gity Hall Buildinq, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in 9aid notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice i� directed. '���=L��� Adopted by the Council: Date� `�� (� Yeas Nays �akey Certified Pas�ed by Louncil Secretary �strom �erin gY � �rris �In Favor vM�gard �ttman �Against Mayor �une � GITY �� � • . �� s Saint Paul City Council Y� �-�-� �� i�' ',- �� tt[I�[EIfI1 � Public Hearing Notice � ;w �ict �tr,r � � r �� a+ hc � .� ` t85. Parking Lot Operation and Maintenance Charges PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER OR TAXPAYER � �580:GRA�D AYE ;,:.:; : ,. ,.: , .:.> FILE # �81��::;?.;;<;:};»';:}.:.<;�;'.: PARCEL ID ............................__ PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � ; � �a� �^..���, �`; '��:'�3�tt� i+�1,,. �'> �, ;� J� ..r^-::➢Vµ�� PURPOSE To consider approval of the service charges for the operating expenses for the parking lot at: IHM PARISH - FROM JANUARY 1, 1997 TO DECEMBER 31, 1997. THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1996.AT 4:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING PLACE: City Council Chambers� 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House. Written or oral statements by any owner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. SERYICE CHARGE The proposed service charge for the above property is $ INFORMATION Your final service charge will be the amount approved by the City Council at the public hearing. The amount specified on this notice is the amount that is being recommended to the City Council for approval. The proposed service charge roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Dept.� Room 140� City Hall. . NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL YOU WILL RECEIYE AN INYOICE AFTER 7HE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS SERVICE CHARGE. � CONTINUED ON REYERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE pg�1p�g6