96-1287 ,., . � �, 4 •f � '� � �4� �O� CITY OF ST. P�UL CX}UNCIL FILE 1 � ? FINAL ORDER HY , ----- ----- ------ --------- �'II.E NO. 18 VOTING WARD 1 In the Metter of for the c�peration of the Above Standard Street Lighting Sy'tem far the Selby Revitalization No. 1 Area for the month� of January thru DecemDer, 1997. Both aides selby Avenue fram 221 feet east. of Dale 5tr�et to Grotto Street and Both �ide� D�le �treet from 116.38 feet narth af Selby Avenue (ea�t aide} and 110 feet north af selby Avenue (west side} to 214 feet north af Selby Avenu� (west side� to 110 feet �outh of Selby Avenue (we�t �ide) and 17�.5 feet �outh of 3elby Avenue (ea9t 3ide) for the months af Janusry thru December, 1997. � under Preliminary orcier ��=� �_ appraved� � The Cauncil af the City af Saint Paul ha' canducted a public hearinq upon the above improeement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Gharter; and WI�RF.A3, The Counoil haa heard all pereons, objection9 and recommendation� pertaining to said prapased improvement and has fully considered the same; nQw, therefvre, be it RESC�LVED, T2iat t�ie Council af the City af Ssint Peul does hereby arder thst trie above-de�cribed improvement be made, and the praper City afficera are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it P'URTHER RESOLVED, TY�at upon the completiUn of seid ia�prav�n►ent, the proper City officers �hall calculate nll expenae9 inaurred therein and 9ha11 report the �ame to the City Council in sccardsnce with Chapter 429 of Minn�sota State 5tatue. COUNCILFERSONS Adopted by Cauncil: Date Q����� Yea� � Nay� t/slakey Certified Passed by Council secretary ✓��tram �rin �rri� � In Favor By a- . � l�gard �ttman Q Against C �ne Mayor Public Hearin Date - O�tober 9, 1996 RE 8-2-96 Q'�— ��? F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-15-96 Green Sheet Number: 34222 EPARTMENf DIRECfOR COUNCII. ontad Persoa and Phone N r: ..... ,�"°" ATTORNEY CLERK Roxanna Flink-� 266�gg59 � ��.D�.j.OR .�MGT.SVC.D1R. YOR(OR ASSISTANI� 1 UNCII,RFSEARCH ust be on Council A enda b : 8-21-96 Must be in Council Research Office b noon on FYida 8-9-96 TAL/OF SIGNATURE PAGES_j_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: etting date of public hearing pproving estimated operating costs for the Concord Phase I Area Above Standard Street Lighting Project or 1997. File No.18550 OMMENDATIONS:APPROVE(�OR REJECP(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the persodtirm ever worked under a contract for tltis department? I'FS NO PLANNOVG COMMISSION A STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII.SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this person/firm possess a skill not nom�ally possessed by any YES NO c�co�m�e current City employeeT lain all YES answers on a se te sLeet and attsch. RTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 Nei hborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� 2 DISTRICT PLANNIIVG COUNCIL � TIIVG PROBLEM,ISSIJE,OPPORTIJNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why?): public hearing was held for each of the above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from arious neighborhood district councils,business associations,property owners and staff,the Council approved oth the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required hat a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated operating costs and then the actual operating osts. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems hav 'ncreased at a rate of about 2 s stems er ear since then. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: his has become an annual budget procedure. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting arties to a for the additional o eratin costs and rovide for uniform maintenance of the s stem. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: COLICIC�J ,��� Ce�tK • . one � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City as a whole,would bear the added ezpense to operate these systems instead of the direct_��fitting arties that re uested them. .-�--° TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: � �, 3 q9 Do COSf/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE O1V� YES NO nvc souxcE: Assessments Only AcTTVi��Ex: ANCIAL IIVFORMATION:(E77�PLAII� 16 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.